Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools Bulletin nº 251 - 2007 44th General Chapter Rome, 30th April - 2nd June, 2007 The Logo for the 44th General Chapter has been designed by Brother Felipe de Jesús Ocádiz Luna from Cristóbal Colón School, Mexico City, Mexico. District of South Mexico. “1. The lines that form the star are of varying degrees of thickness to signify the diversity of identities within the Lasallian Family: Brothers, Sisters, members of the Signum Fidei Fraternity, Catechists, teachers, partners, volunteers, students, former students, parents, affiliated members, benefactors, all those associated with us in various ways...The thick- nesses are different, but all the lines are white, all the lines converge, they are all united by the same charism to build God's Kingdom together. 2. The star that is formed is not a perfect one. It is true that God has chosen us as a Lasal- lian Family to carry out one mission. In fact, the project, the "horizon" for this mission does form one, perfect star and we are trying to reach that star despite our faults. It is up to each of us (whom Capitulants will represent and then from the Horizons and the Lines of action coming from the Chapter itself) to adjust, re-direct, and adapt our commitment to achieve that per- fect star. The logo, therefore, is not finished; it is in process just as we are in our fulfilling the mission entrusted to us by the Church. 3. The meaning of the four colors in the background: green stands for Ordinary Time, the time of the Spirit, a time of hope, we go forward together in and with hope. The blue color stands for the sea, the wide-ranging sea in which we exercise the Lasallian mission. In this sea we raise sails, the logo itself is a bit curved to give the idea of a boat's sail filled by the wind, and we launch ourselves out to sea, “so that one commitment led us into the next one without having foreseen this in the beginning”. The two green colors and the two blue colors show that the Capitulants come from the four cardinal points around the world 4. Above the sail propelled by the wind of the Spirit is the Lasallian star which also recalls Stella Maris...Mary always present in life and in the progress of the Lasallian vessel. "Associated to build the Kingdom of God, jour- neying together in hope.” November 2007 Brothers of the Christian Schools Generalate Via Aurelia 476 00165 Rome, Italy General Coordinator: Lorenzo González Kipper, fsc Writing Team: Translators: Jesús Rubio Názer, fsc Coordinator: Leonardo Tejeiro Duque, fsc Bernardo Montes, fsc Alain Houry, fsc Spanish version Agustín Ranchal, fsc José Martínez, fsc Lay out and infographic: French version José A. Warletta, fsc Antoine Salinas, fsc Non credited photos: English version Roch Dufresne, fsc John Blease, fsc José A. Warletta, fsc Aidan Marron, fsc Paul Wolfing Peter Gildfedder, fsc George Van Grieken, fsc James Joost, fsc Some articles of this Bulletin were already translated by the SECOLI and Districts traslators team during the General Chapter. Publications Archives 2 BULLETIN FSC, No. 251 - 2007 Introduction The 44th General Chapter was a deeply moving expe- Brothers and communities. Following this, there is a lis- rience of God within the structure of the Institute. The ting of the persons who were involved in the Chapter: enormous richness of this experience cannot be expres- the Capitulants, the officers elected by the Chapter and sed only in the documents approved by the Assembly the support personnel. This is followed by a section and reviewed by the General Council which will consti- entitled “Behind the Scenes of the General Chapter” tute Circular 455. We wanted to share, as far as possible, which provided useful and interesting information. A the richness of the process itself, which could be overlo- description of the central part of the General Chapter oked much like one may see only the tip of an iceberg then follows: the opening addresses, the Chapter pro- and miss what is actually beneath: the quality of the cess phase by phase, the chronicle of the Chapter, Chapter preparation, the persons involved, the ideas Chapter outcomes, and an overview of the experience that echoed, the tensions and conflicts, details small but of the 44th General Chapter. The section on the Chapter beautiful, joy and sadness of our gathering. process includes the work that was done during the first phase; texts, abstracts, or outlines of the conferen- Keeping in mind the enormous richness of thought, fee- ces given during the second phase; the guidelines lings, and experience, it was difficult to decide what given for the period of discernment during the third should be included in this Bulletin. Those ideas that had phase; and finally the priority themes, elections, and a major impact in the Chapter process and that were other decisions during the fourth phase. The chronicle expressed in the documents are what were included. An of the Chapter completes the vision of the Chapter effort was made to show the human reality of the Chap- experience from a more anecdotal perspective. The ter process, highlighting personal and community expe- documents drawn up by the Chapter are presented in riences that showed through in a special way in the sen- summary form since the texts in their entirety will be sitivity of the capitulants. In the process of integrating found in Circular 455. The final section of this Bulletin and drafting this Bulletin, we tried to make its reading includes the words of thanks to the outgoing General enjoyable and we hope to capture the interest of the Council, the farewell message and the words of com- readers. missioning by Brother Superior and the Prayer of the Thanks to technology and by means of the Institute Chapter. web site, many Lasallians throughout the world were Rekindling the dream of Saint John Baptist de La Salle, able to follow the development of the Chapter. It would being witnesses of hope, living passionately for Christ be impossible to place here all the materials in terms of and for humanity, committing ourselves more deeply to photographs, documents, chronicles, video, and news the educational mission shared by Brothers, Associates, that appeared on the web site. Nevertheless, we did and partners was the grace that we sought for this want to offer to the public in general an idea of what General Chapter. May the Lord grant now to all Lasa- took place; to try to present those documents from the llians his Spirit of wisdom and strength, of boldness and Institute web site to those who were not able to view fidelity, to make real that which our Brother Capitulants them; to read, reflect, and to make practical the final have so carefully and enthusiastically envisioned and texts presented in Circular 455 available also on the Ins- which they now propose to us. titute web site. Fraternally, This Bulletin begins with a description of the prepara- tion of the Chapter: the Preparatory Commission, the Brother Lorenzo González Kipper preparatory documents and the contributions of the Secretary General BULLETIN FSC, No. 251 - 2007 3 General Chapter Preparation – from its announcement to its conclusion 1. The Preparatory Commission Appointment of the Preparatory 1. Generate in interactive preparatory process for the Chapter (Recommendation 37 from the 43rd General Commission Chapter). In Circular 453, “Announcement of the 44th General 2. Propose an alternative Chapter model. Chapter” dated June 24, 2006, Brother Superior appointed the Preparatory Commission to insure the 3. Choose a model of listening and dialogue, both with preparation of the Chapter as indicated in the Rule, the Brother Superior and his Council and with the 105a. various areas and Brothers of the Institute. The members of the Commission were named: By consensus, Brother Carlos Gómez was chosen as the – Brother Stefano Agostini, District of Italy Coordinator of the Commission and Brother Lorenzo – Brother Francis Carr, District of the Midwest González was selected as secretary. – Brother Carlos Gómez, District of Bogota Discussion of the Commission during its first – Brother Lorenzo González Kipper, Secretary General meeting. – Brother Peter Iorlano, District of Long Island-New The basic questions were: England – What processes have emerged to determine funda- – Brother Armin Luistro, District of the Philippines mental needs and themes? – Brother Jean-François Morlier, District of France – What are the most urgent themes and the greatest – Brother Edgar Nicodem, District of Porto Alegre challenges that the Institute must face today? – Brother Pierre Ouattara, District of West Africa The main ideas that emerged were: – Brother Luis Timón, District of Madrid – The identity of the Brother today. The first task that was given to the Preparatory Com- – Emphasis on the Gospel dimension, the Gospel mission was to “pay special attention to the face of our lives. numerous documents that, as – The quality of our community available resources, Districts or life. Regions have sent or will send to Rome.” – Formation and accompaniment of young Brothers. 1st Meeting of the – The basic guideline of “Together Preparatory Commission and By Association” in and for the educational service of the poor. A for the General Chapter. fresh look at the urgent needs of September 12 - 23, 2005 children and the young. The Preparatory Commission discussed, at – Restructuring the Regions of the Insti- its first meeting, how to: tute, management on different Institute levels. 4 BULLETIN FSC, No. 251 - 2007 – Responding to a reality and an experience of an Insti- tute that is aging. – The Exodus approach, as a trait of our processes and our decisions. The process envisaged: – A central focus that would look upon Gospel discern- ment that goes beyond a strategy for decision making.
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