'7 i:' potrrrcAL AND tNFORMATtVE.REVIEW / TIR The editoriol ollice of the review uAlbonio Todoyo is publishing in the presenf issue o porl ol the documents ol the volumes 20, 2l ond 22 of the works of co- mrode tllYER H0XHA, which include speeches, tolks ond writings ol the yeor-lobour 196t, yeor of the ever greoter intensilicolion of the slruggle ol the Dorty ol of Albonio ogoinst the revisionist leodership of the Soviet Porty ord Stote which, througt most vicious meon3, tried to force the PLA ond the Albonion pcople to theil knees. Ihis issue includes: I The open politicol ond economic prersure ol lhe Soviet revisionisls will foi! in the loce of the delerminotion ond iron will ol the Albonion people ond communists I Slonders ond pressures do nol lrighten us- lUe do not loll on our knees I lUe must give the open ollocks of the Soviet revisionists lhe reply they deserye I The dictotorship ol the proletoriot in Albonio is olive, vigilont ond octive I An oct ol unprecedented hostility ogoinst the PRA ond lhe Albonion people I Speeches, reports ond olher writings. IINVER T-IOXI{A EI ffiTffiffip I CIP ffiffi Tll ffi HffiST TffiE $OY Recently the 21st and 22nd volumes ol the works oJ comrade Enver Hoxho catne oJt the press in Albania. These two ttolunr,es as well as yolume 20 wh,ich cawle o;t'f the press at thebeginning of February, include speeches, talks and writings ol coru,rade En",ter Hoxha of the year 7951. 7961 wastLte year oJ a tierce struggle inthe ranlcs of tlte international communist movement. The modern reyisionists, witlt the Khrushcheyite reyisionists at the head, aJter having been badty exposed at th,e Moscow Meeting, intensiJied their disruptive actitity, pressures and blackmail aga- inst the parties which were opposed to reyisionism and particularly against th,e Party oJ Labour of Albania. ln tltese conditions, tLte Party of Labour ol Al,bania considered it as a duty of Jirst-rate importance to vigitantly deJend and consistently continue its correct revo'l,tttionary line. A maior contribution in this d"irection was t'he lV Congress of tl'te PLA which was held Jrom February the 13th to the 20th 1961. Tl,r,is congress tttas another powerfut, blow against tlne anti-Marxist ttiews and h,ostile actiuity and ctims of tlte modern reyisionists. (Jnaniruously approving tlte historic report de- livererlby comrarle Enyer Hoxha as weLL as the activity of the delegation o.f the pLA at the Moscotu Meeting of the 87 contmunist and workers' parties, the lV Congress of th,e PLA demonstrat- ed the steel-Like unity ol the Party oJ Labour oJ Atbania, the maturity, courage, ualiance, the li1ht- in,g spirit and. firru determination to always adyance on th,e correct Marxist-Leninist course. The Soviet Leaclership with Khrushchey at the head, was in.t'uriated by the clear-cut, prin- ci.pted, Marxist-Leninist stand oJ the PLA, and consistent om its anti-Marxist and anti-Al,banian co- uise, suspended, atl the agreements concl,ucied and prepared the econontic, political and mil,itary blockade against social,ist Albania. lt accompanied tLtis btockade witl't secret and open activity wLtich reached its peak at the XXll Comsress of tlxe Communist Party oJ the Soviet Union. From the tribune of this congress Kh.rushchev publ,icly attacked the PLA and made open counterrevolu- tionary cal,Ls to strangl,e socialist Al,bania ancl. to bring dowm its Marxist-Leninist Leadership. ln December 1961 Kh,rushchey wenl even Jurther; he went as Jar as to sever diplomatic relations with Al,bania. During this period the Party o! Labour of Albania maintained a cautioLLs but resolute and eonsistent stanrl. This is clearly seen in atl, the writings, tullcs and speeches of comratle Enver H oxha, PKT E rE sT rffi E BTA IET RE I$X fi$tr$ He wiscLy c:tarificcl th,e cornmunists and. al,L tl'tc utorldng messes ideol,ctgicall,y anrl pctl,lti,cal,Ly, he mobilised them to oyercome wi,th success the ncany dilf icul,ties and obstacles wh,ich ltad been and tt,ould be created f or tltem and at the same tiru,e he def ended witlt, courage th,e principles oJ Mar- x[,sm - Leni,nism. exposing with arguments aLL the anti - Marxist actions of the Khrushchevite l,eadership of the Soviet Union and its satellites. Comrade Enyer Hoxha made a profou.nd scientific analysis on a sound Marxist - Leninist brzsis of th.e most acute international problems in general and the Albanian - Soviet relations in particular inhis speech deliyered on Noyember 7,1961, on the occasion ol the 20th, anmiversary oJ the founding of the PLA. Tluougl,t tl"tis historic speecLr,he publicly exposedtltebetrayal of the Soyietleaders vtith N.I{Ltrushch,ey at the'ltead, their rettisionist and capitulationist Line which, had brougltt about the disruption of the social,ist cam,p and the international communist and workers' movement, as wel,L as the ruin of the Sottiet - Albanian rel,ations, Althouglt 75 years h,ave gone by since the ttme wh,enthe documents of these yolumeshavebeen written, they are of maior current im,portance f or the corntnunists and aLL the genuirrc reyolutionaries as th,ey shed light on tlte traitorous, anti - Marxist and counterreyolutionary collrse wlticLt, the Kh,ru- shchevite clique of the Soyiet Union had taken as early as then. At tLte same time they show the high maturity in the ivnp:Lernentation oJ the Marxtst-Leninist principles and the consistency of the correct revolutionary l,ine foll,owed unwayerimgly, even at the most diflicult moments, by the Party oJ Labour of Albania and cctnrade Enyer Hoxha, thetr profound loyalty towards the peo- ple, the homeland and socialism, the determinatiton not to bow before any enenly and situation, before any presstue, blackade or blackmail, but to f orge ahead witlx Marxist-Leninist val,iance ond courage. Taking into accouttt tlte n+any d.emands it has receiyed, the editorial board ol the rettiew uAlbaniaToday,ispublisltinginthe Ttresentissue apart of the materials ol the volumes 20, 21 and22of comradeEnyerHoxha'sworks,tuitlt th.e conyinction that th,ey witl help ttte readers be- come better aware oJ who the revision,ist Leaders of tl,te Soyiet Union aye and what base means and m,ethods they have used and still use to realise th,eir base airns and to stiJle tl'te yoice ol the trutlt. THE OPEil POTITIE&T AI{D EEOHOM;C PRESSIIRE OF THE SOYIET MEYISIOHISTS WII"I. FAII. IH T}IE FACE OT TIIE E}ETERhIIT{ATHSffi AruE} EROru WITL OF THE AI.BAilIAru PEOPIE AHD COMMUNISTS Letter sent to the Ce of the e PSU January 14, l96l TO THE CENTBAL COMMITTEE OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE SOVIET UNION Moscow By means of a note of the Soviet embassy in Tirana, on of the Soviet Union on the basis of this crcdit, was signed January 6,7967, the Central Committee of the Party of Labour in Tiana on July 3,7959. Likewise, in response to the request of Albania was informed of the reply of the Covernment of of the Central Committee of the Party of Labour of Albania, the Soviet Union concerning the conclusion of the clearing on April 30,1960, for a special credit for agricultural machi- agreement between the People's Republic of Albania and the nery and chemical fertilisers, the Central Committee of the USSR for the period 796L-7965, and the signing of the agree- Communist Party of the Soviet Union agreed to accord the ment on the credit accorded to the People's Republic of Alba- People's Republic of Aibania another cr.edit for this purpose nia by the Soviet Union for the mechanisation of agriculture. and on Joly 25,7960 the Soviet government presented the Alba- In its reply the Soviet govemment, after announcing that it nian government the relevant draft-agreement for signature. does not accept the proposal of the Albanian government to As to exchanges on a clearing basis for the period 7961-1,965 send a deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers to Mos- after the talks held for this lurp,cse, the relevant protocol has cow for this purpose once again ,,reaffirms that the economic been signed by the government delegations of our two coun- issues, which, as is known, are directly linked with the nor- tlies, since April 3,7959. malisation of relations, can be discussed in the existing condi- In such conditions, considering all these issues decided at tions, only at the highest 1eve1 of the parties and govern- the highest level of the parties and govelnrnents of the two mentsr. countries and properly concluded, the Albanian government, Such an attitude on the part of the Soviet government proposed that the agreemert on clearing for 1,967-7965 and does not seem to us just, in conformity with the very ques- the one presented by the Soviet government on the creclit for tion under discussion, and even less in conformity with the the mechanisation of agriculture should be signed by the de- character of relations among the member countries of the puty chairman of the Councii of Ministers and chairman of socialist camp. the State Planning Commission of the eeople's Republic of The Soviet Union has helped the Aibanian people and the Albania. It is clear that no question had remained unsettled, People's Republic of Albania in their efforts to eliminate the except some changes of objects sought by the Albanian go- centuries-old bakwardness as quickly as possible and to build vernment through the note of the Albanian embassy in Mos- socialism.
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