BRIEF REVIEW www.jasn.org Role of Mast Cells in Progressive Renal Diseases Stephen R. Holdsworth and Shaun A. Summers Centre for Inflammatory Diseases, Department of Medicine, Monash Medical Center, Melbourne, Australia ABSTRACT Advances in understanding mast cell biology reveal their diverse functional capac- nerves in connective tissues, allowing ity well beyond already established roles in host defense against parasites and their participation in homeostatic func- allergic disease. Mast cells can initiate, amplify, and direct innate and adaptive tions as well as being strategic sentinels at immune responses. They also modulate inflammation and regulate immunity. Mast primary immune barriers where their cells potentially induce tissue repair and direct fibrosis; however, they also play density is increased. Their anatomic dis- other roles in tissue remodeling and repair. Various activation and differentiating tribution and structural relationships al- signals result in a diverse range of functional phenotypes called “mast cell heter- low mast cells to modulate innate im- ogeneity.” Mast cells are significant participants in chronic progressive kidney mune and adaptive effector responses; disease, and their presence is associated with function loss and fibrosis. This however, this role requires mast cell acti- suggests a potential role in the fibrotic process, which may involve mast cell vation to stimulate cell degranulation to- activation of local renin-angiotensin systems. Experimental animal studies suggest, gether with synthetic molecule release. however, they do not directly cause renal fibrosis but rather spark inflammation. The best known, classical pathway of Evidence for both pro- and anti-inflammatory roles in nephritis is emerging. mast cell activation is through IgE-Fc cross-linking.5 The role mast cells serve J Am Soc Nephrol 19: 2254–2261, 2008. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2008010015 in expulsion of parasites from their host is well known.2 More recent studies rec- ognized additional, alternative, activat- The mast cell, originally named “fattened inflammation and autoimmunity. Their ing pathways including complement and or well-fed cell” (Mastzellen) by Ehr- participation in a diverse range of human signaling through microbial pattern rec- lich,1 is a sentinel for host defense.2 After kidney diseases is also now clear, and their ognition receptors, toll-like receptors recent discoveries demonstrated an ex- phenotypic characterization; mechanism (TLR). This work has expanded our un- panded role for mast cells in both sys- of recruitment and proliferation; and pos- derstanding of a role for mast cells in host temic and local host immune responses, sible roles in inflammation, fibrosis, re- defense in other diseases. Galli3 suggested the name “master” cell modeling, and repair are now open to ex- In animal models of bacterial infec- would be more appropriate. Mast cells ploration. This review focuses on the tion, including bacterial peritonitis, mast are present in low numbers in all vascular biology of mast cells, mast cells in fibrosis, cells are required for optimal innate im- organs, including the kidney. In chronic the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) in mune responses conferring survival ben- progressive kidney diseases, mast cell mast cell fibrosis, and the role of mast cells efit.6,7 Complement also activates mast proliferation in tubulointerstitial injury in autoimmune kidney diseases. cells, and complement-dependant mi- is prominent regardless of the initiating crobial killing is at least partially depen- disease and correlates with progressive dent on mast cell function for full expres- loss of function and poor outcome. MAST CELL BIOLOGY sion.8 The pattern recognition receptors, Outside the kidney, mast cell biology TLR, serve as an important link between is a rapidly advancing field. Mast cells Mast cells derive from hematopoietic have diverse functional capacities well progenitor cells. They migrate through Published online ahead of print. Publication date beyond those associated with allergy and vascularized tissue to complete their available at www.jasn.org. IgE. Rodents genetically deficient in mast maturation.4 Mast cells are tissue-spe- Correspondence: Prof. Stephen R. Holdsworth, cells have been extensively studied to de- cific multifunctional cells, with diverse Monash Medical Centre, Monash University, Level 5/Block E, 246 Clayton Road, Clayton, Victoria, 3168, termine whether these cells play a role in phenotypes in different anatomic sites in Australia. Phone: 61-3-9594-5525; Fax: 61-3-9594-6437; models of human disease, and, as it turns various species, collectively referred to as E-mail: [email protected] 2,4 out, mast cells have functional roles in “mast cell heterogeneity.” They locate Copyright ᮊ 2008 by the American Society of vivo in chronic diseases associated with close to blood vessels, epithelia, and Nephrology 2254 ISSN : 1046-6673/1912-2254 J Am Soc Nephrol 19: 2254–2261, 2008 www.jasn.org BRIEF REVIEW innate and adaptive immunity. Both MAST CELLS IN RENAL Early events in this process involve leu- mouse9,10 and human mast cells11 express INFLAMMATION AND FIBROSIS kocyte (including mast cell) recruitment TLR. In animal models, the important syn- and epithelial-mesenchymal transition ergistic interaction between TLR in mast Although mast cells are found infre- forming fibroblasts. Profibrotic stimuli cells demonstrates upregulated cytokine quently in normal kidney tissue, their include key growth factors, TGF-45 and production12 and increased survival from numbers increase significantly in the set- fibroblast growth factor, as well as inflam- bacterial infection.13 In addition to com- ting of renal disease. Mast cells are prom- matory cytokines and chemokines facili- plement and TLR activation, stress hor- inent in tubulointerstitial nephritis asso- tating leukocyte recruitment and activa- mones, in particular corticotrophin-re- ciated with progressive fibrosis and renal tion. Tubular epithelial cells play an leasing hormone, enhances mast cell failure. These include almost all of the important role in these processes, and the activation and degranulation, facilitating primary and secondary forms of glomer- release of proteolytic enzymes, including further mediator release.14 ulonephritis,19–30 diabetic nephropa- matrix metalloproteases (MMP), mediates As well as these novel pathways, sev- thy,31,32 and allograft rejection,33–38 as fibrogenic injury. The balance of overall eral other molecules can initiate mast cell well as amyloid,39 renovascular isch- activators and inhibitors is altered in a activation. These include growth factors emia,40 reflux nephropathy,41 polycystic manner favoring net matrix deposition such as stem cell factor, co-stimulatory kidney disease,42 and drug-induced ne- and scarification. molecules CD28 (and ligands CD80/86), phropathy.19 Mast cell presence is corre- Mast cells have the potential to sup- the integrins, and CCR1.15 The close lated semiquantitatively with fibrosis, port this process actively. They elaborate proximity of mast cells to neurons facili- progressive decline in glomerular filtra- cytokines,46 chemokines,47 and leukotri- tates neuropeptide activation of mast tion, and poor outcome.20–22,24,25,27,29 enes48 recruiting and activating leuko- cells.16 Mast cells are also important in The intensity and extent of tubulointer- cytes. They also indirectly support leuko- chronic inflammation with the capacity stitial damage is one of the strongest de- cyte recruitment by affecting vascular to produce a range of bioactive amines, terminants of progressive functional de- endothelial expression of selectins and proteoglycans, growth hormones, che- cline.43,44 adhesion molecules.49,50 Mast cell de- mokines, and cytokines, which mediate a Interstitial inflammation and fibrosis granulation leads to the release of hista- diverse range of mast cell function (Fig- involve a common sequence of events re- mine, heparin, and cytokines, in particu- ure 1). This breadth of activity has been quiring the interaction of tubular and in- lar IL-451 and TNF-␣,52 which can reviewed extensively.2,17,18 terstitial cells with infiltrating leukocytes. influence fibroblast function. Further- more, the release of TGF-,53 MMP-9,54 and a variety of proteases, principally MEDIATOR RELEASE AND PHYSIOLOGICAL tryptase and chymase, contributes to REACTIONS OF MAST CELL DEGRANULATION progressive fibrogenesis.55,56 In addition to direct injury, some proteases are capa- Mast cell ble of activating latent MMP and other proteases. They also serve as chemoat- Growth factors Cytokines and tractants and mitogens for fibroblasts. • Stem cell factor chemokines • Granulocyte macrophage • Interferon γ Growth factors are mediators of mast • Colony stimulating factor • Tumour necrosis factor cell–associated histologic and functional • Gonadotrophin • Macrophage inhibitory factor kidney injury,57 although their mecha- releasing hormone • Transforming growth factor • Fibroblast growth factor • Interleukin 1, 3-6, 9, 10, 13, 16 nism of action is complex. • Vascular endothelial • CCL 2-5 growth factor Proteases Leukotrienes • CXCL ligand 8-11 • Nerve growth factor • Tryptase • LeukotrieneC4 Action • Chymase • LeukotrieneB4 • Pro and anti-inflammatory RAS IN MAST CELL–INDUCED • Carboxypeptidase • Platelet activating factor responses FIBROSIS • Histamine • Prostaglandin D2 • Immune regulation • Proteoglycan (heparin) • Prostaglandin E2 Action Action Current understanding of the
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