DOCUMENT RESUME ED 276 665 SO 017 688 AUTHOR Parker, Franklin; Parker, Betty June TITLE Education in the People's Republic of China, Past and Present: An Annotated Bibliography. PUB-DATE 86 NOTE 854p. AVAILABLE FROMGarland Publishing, Inc., 126 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016 ($90.00). PUB TYPE ReLerence Materials - Bibliographies (131) -- Books (010) EDRS-PRICE- MF05 Plus Postage. PC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS Abstracts; Annotated Bibliographies; Asian Studies; Chinese; *Chinese Culture; *Education; Educational Development; *Educational History; Research Tools IDENTIFIERS *China ABSTRACT Designed to provide a resource to scholars, students, and other professionals needing to understand_the role of_education in the People's Republic of_China_this work begins_withan extended 126 pagesi essay_about China's_educational enterprisez its history, development, prospects, and problems. An annotated bibliography comprised of over 3,050 entries divided into 71 subject categories follows the essay. ERIC accession numbers are cited when available. Detailed author and subject indexes to all entriesare provided. The entries consist of "the most u:eful and easily located books, monographs, pamphlets, regularly and occasionally issued serials, scholarly papers, and selected major_newspaper accounts dealing ina significant way with public and private education in the People's Republic of China before and since 1949." (TRS) *********************************************************************** * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * * from the original document. * *********************************************************************** !PERMISSION TOREPRODUCEIHIS ( MATERIAL -INMICROFICHE ONLY HAS SEEN GRANTED BY FrnytK Pa r-fCtr - TO THE EDUCATIONALRESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." U.SDENUITNIENT Olt EDUCATION Office atEducetionew_NeesoNOTanciimoroveneent EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES _INFORMATION CENTER (ERic) 1,Thes_doctierienthate_been repoetkoced AN received from the person orOr91InizabOn copulating ei __ _ D OeCinouchang-eilifsie boon midi hi emprOve reproduction-quality Points-0f~ mow cto not necessiday represent official CERI position or policy EDUCATION IN THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA, PAST AND PRESENT REFERENCE BOOKS IN INTERNATIONALEDUCATION (Oeneral Editor: Edward R Beauchamp) Vol2 GARLAND REFERENCE LIBRARY OF SOCIAL SCIENCE Vol. 281 EDUCATION IN THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA, PAST AND PRESENT An Annotated Bibliography Franklin Parker Betty June Parker GARLAND PUBLISHING, INC. NEW YORK & LONIM 1986 C--1986 Franklin Parker and lkit June Patket All rightS teSerVed Abrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Parker. Franklin.- Education in the People's Republic of China. tRefcrence bookstn interna(ional education oI2) ((;arland reference library of social sciencevol. 281) Includes_ indexes., L _EducationChinaIlistoryBibliography. L Parker. Betty June:IL Title.'IL Series. IV Series: Garland reference library of social science v. 281. Z5815.(:54P37--1986I 1.A11311 016.37095 84=48394 ISBN (824()=8797=6 (alk. paper) Mated on acid-free. 250-year7life paper NIanufactured in the United States of America DEDICATED TO Francis Stephenson HutchinsL and Louise Frances Gilman Hutchins for their contributions to China and to Berea College, Kentucky CONTENTS ENTRIES PAGE FOREWORD xiii PREFACE xv INTRODUCTION: China and Its Schools xix RESEARCH LIBRARIES xlv BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Adult Education: Spare-time Education, Recurring Education, Life-long Education, Mass Education (1-23) . Agriculture Education (24-40) 7 3. Anthropology and Ethnology (41-4.5) 11 Archaeology (46-49) 13 5. Bibliographies and Indexes (50-170) 15 6. Binraphies (171-296) 41 7.Biology Education (297-303) 71 . Chemistry Education (304-309) 73 Civil Service Examinations (310-356) 75 Communist Ideology and Education (357423) 85 11. Comparative and International Education (424-453) 99 vii CONTENTS 12. Confucianism and Anti-Confucianism 4454-460 107 13. Cultural Revolution: 1966-76 (410-623) 111 14. CulturaL Revolution: May 7th Cadre Schools (624-635) 141 16. Cultural Rev_olution: Red Guards (636-656) 145 16. Dewey, John (1859-3952) and China (657-664) 151 17. Early Childhood Educadon; Preschool: _Day Care, Nurseries, Kindergari ens (665=686) 155 18; Economic Devehpment and Education (687-751) 161 11. Education, General: All Levels (752-968) 177 20. Elementary Education (969-992) 221 21. English as a S,:cond Language (993-1013) 227 22. Geography and Geology Education (1014-1043) 233 23. Higher Education (1044-1252) 241 24. Historiography (Interpreting China's Past): _Historians, History Teaching, History Writing (1253-1399) 283 25- History of Chinese Education and Culture (1340-1526) 303 viii CONTENTS 26. Hu Shih (1891=1962) (1527-1544) 347 27. Intellectuals (1545-1621) 351 28. Japan's Influence; Sino-Japanese Wars (1622-1646) 369 29; Language Reform and Chinese Language Teaching (1647-1681) 375 30. Leader (Cadre ) Education (1682-1696) 383 31. Legal Education (1697=1702) 387 32. Libraries and Library Education (1703-1755) 389 33. Literacy and Illiteracy (1756-1777) 401 34; Literature (1778-1782) 407 35; Mao Tsegung and Maoism in Education (1783-1835) 409 36; Mathematics Education (1836-1854) 421 37. May 4th Movement: 1919 (1855=1872) 425 38. Media and Journalism Education: Books, Journals, Motion Pictures, Newspapers, Posters, Publishing, nadio, Television (1873-1892) 431 39. Medical Education: Barefoot Doctors, Health Care; Health Education, NursingEducation, Pharmacy Education (1893-2077) 437 IX CONTENTS 40. MilitaryEducation_andMilitary Influence on Education (2078-2089) 475 41. Minorities and Minority (2090-2103) 479 Education 42. Mission Education: Protestants (2104-2169) 483 43. Mission Education: Roman CatkIlics (Jesuits) (2170-2177) 499 44; Morals, Ethics, and Values (2178-2186) 501 45; Peking University (2187-2203) 505 46.Performing Arts:_ Music, Operai Puppetry, Theater (2204-2216) 509 47. Philosophy, Philosophers, and Philosophy of Education (2217-2230 513 48. Population Policy: Birth Control, Family Planning, Sex Education (2257-2258) 519 49. Psychology, Educational Psychology, Testing (2259=2297) 525 50; Religion and Religious Education (2298-2308) 535 51. Ricci, Matteo (Jesuit, 1552-1610) (2309-2315) 539 52. Rural Education and Communes (2316-2347) 541 53. Rustication: Resettling Urban Youth in Rural Areas (2348-2373; 549 54. Science and Technology (2374-7,623) 555 CONTENTS 55. Secondary Education (2624-2647) 607 56. Social Sciences (2648-2665) 613 57. Sociology Education (2666-2691) 617 58; Special_ Education: Gifted, Handicapped (Blind) (2692-2704) 623 59; Statistics, Educational (2705-2719) 627 60. Student Movemems and Student-Led Revolts (2720-=2745) 631 61. Study Abroad: Student and Academic Exchanges, Foreign Students in China, Chinese Students Abroad (2746-2808) 637 6: .Teachers and Teacher Educe tion (2809-2828) 653 63. Thought Reform (2829-2848) 659 64. U.S.S.R. Influence (2849-2858) 665 65. Visitor R eports (2859-2934) 669 66. Vocational and Technical Educa tion (2935=2949) 685 67. West, Influence of (2950-2958) 689 68. Women's and Girls' Education (2959-29S 51 691 69. Work-Study Programs (Theory and Practice) (2997-3023) 699 70. Yenching University (3024-3028) 705 CONTENTS 71; Youth: Organizations, Problems, Crime (3029-3053) 707 JOURNALS USED 713 AUTHOR INDEX 739 SUBJECT INDEX 767 xii 12 FOREWORD This series of annotated hibliographies_ of education in selected nations and regions is designed tu provide a resource to scholars, students, and a variety of other professionals needing to understand the place of education in a particular: soeiety. Tht: format of each colume is similar:yet each contributor has:had the freedom to adjust the: common: oudine to reflect tl:e peculiarities of their particukir nation or region. Each _contributor to this serie.- is a scholar who has developed his professional life tothe nationor regiun he has been a.: signed. Without exception they have not only studied thc educatioual system in question, but they have:lived and travelled widely in it: In short, they are exceptionally knowledgeabk: about their subject, Every %Amin: in the series begins with an extended essay about the nation'sieclucational enterpriseits history, development, prob- lems; etc. I:ollowing this essay is an annotated bibliography, broken into major categories, of the_most important and accessible books; articles, dissertations; etc. published in English; _Since this series is designed to be a useful research tool, the editor and contributors welcome suggestions for future volumes as well as wayS in which this series can be improved. Edward-R. Beauchamp l'niversity of Hawaii PREFACE The 3,053 entries in this work comprise the compilers' attempt at a eamprehenSiVe annotated bibliographyof the most useful locatable books, monographs; pamphlets; regularly and occasionally Wiled serials; scholarly papers_when published, and selected major newspaper accounts dealing ina _significant way with formal and inforrna4 public and private education in the People's Republic of China before and since 1949. We used the spellingnf Chinese place and personal names and terms as they appeared in the_sources; mainly the long-used Wade- Giles Chinese standarcl(example: Peking) and the January 1, 1979, government _change to the PINYIN Chinese standard (example: Beijing);_ For users' convenience, the subject index provides selected alternate spellings; ERIC source numbers are listed for entries from that major educational database;_ ERIC,
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