4275 say, " the London and South-Western Railway Act, otherwise Ruspar, Rudgwick otherwise Ridgwick, 1834," "the London and South-Western Railway Warnham, Roughey otherwise Roughey Street, Kings- Deviations Act, 1837," "the Portsmouth Branch fold, Roughbrook otherwise Roughook otherwise Row- Railway Act, 1839," "the London and South- hook, Shortsneld, Horsham, Southwater, Sullington, western Railway Company's Amendment Act, 1841," Slinfold otherwise Slingfold otherwise Slindfold, Saint " the London and South-Western Railway Company's Leonard's, Itchjngneld otherwise Ichingfield, Shipley, Wandsworth Water Act, 1841," "the Salisbury Branch Nuthurst, Nutfield, Broadwater, Loxwood, Billing- Railway Act, 1844," "the London and South-Western hurst otherwise Billingshurst, Advershane otherwise Railway Company's Amendment Act, 1846," " the Lon- Adversane otherwise Hertfordsherne otherwise Had- don and South-Western Railway Metropolitan Exten- fortsherne, West Grinstead otherwise West Grinsted, sion Act, 1845," " the London and South-Western Cowfold, Shcrmanbury, Henfeld, Ashington Buncton Railway Company's Amendment Act, 1846," " the otherwise Buncton Chapel, Ashurst otherwise Ashurst London and South-Western Railway Chertsey and near Steyning, Woodmancote, Blackstone, Seeding, Egham Branch Act, 1846," " the London and South- Upper Breeding otherwise Seale Beeding otherwise Western Farnham and Alton Branch Act, 1846," Seele Beeding otherwise Seale otherwise Seele, Lower " the London and South Western Railway Hamp- Beeding otherwise Seale Beeding otherwise Seele ton Court Branch Act, 1846," "the London and Beeding otherwise Seale otherwise beele, Findon, Wig- South Western Railway Company's London Bridge ton, Steyning, Bramber, Annington, Edburton other- Extension Act, 1846," " the London and South- wise Edgburton otherwise Egburton, Bottolphs other- western Railway Company's Basingstoke and Salis- wise Botolphs otherwise Buttolphs otherwise Butolphs- bury Extension Act, 1846," and "the Southampton otherwise Saint Botolphs, Erringham, Coombes other- and Dorchester Railway Act, 1845." wise Coombs otherwise Combes otherwise Combs, i And notice is hereby further given, that powers will be Sompting, Lancing, North Lancing, South Lancing, inserted in the said Bill to enable the London and Broadwater, Worthing, West Tarring, Heene, Shore- South-Western Railway Company, or some other ham, Old Shoreham, New Shoreham, Kingston other- company to be incorporated by the same Bill, to make wise Kingston by Sea otherwise Kingston Bowsey and maintain a railway, with all proper and necessary otherwise Kingston Bucey otherwise Kingston Busey roads, approaches, stations, works, and conveniences Southwick, Portslacle, Hangleton, Aldrington other- connected therewith, commencing at and proceeding wise Atherington, Blatchington otherwise Bletchington from the London and South-Western Railway, in a otherwise West Blatchington otherwise West Bletch- field in the parish of Merton, in the county of Surrey, ington, Preston otherwise Bishop's Preston, Hove, occupied by Edward Whitbourn, near the place where Brighthelmstone otherwise Brightnelmston otherwise the said last-mentioned railway crosses the public Brighton, or some of them, in the county of Sussex. road called Coombe Lane, and terminating by a junc- And it is also intended to apply for powers to make- tion with the London, Brighton, and South Coast lateral deviations from the line of the said railway and- Railway at the Shoreham Station thereof, in the works to the extent or within the limits denned upon- parish of New Shoreham, in the said county of the plans hereinafter mentioned, and also to cross, Sussex, and which said railway and works, and con- divert, alter, or stop up, whether temporarily or per- veniences, are intended to be made in and to pass manently, all such turnpike-roads, parish roads, streets, from, through, or into the several parishes, town- and other highways, streams, canals, sewers, pipes, ships, and extra-parochial and other places, of Wimble- navigations, bridges, railways, and tramroads within don, Merton, Mitcham, Kingston otherwise Kingston- the said parishes, townships, extra-parochial and other on-Thames, Surbiton, Norbiton, Hook, Maiden, Mai- places aforesaid, or some of them, as it may be neces- don otherwise Maldon Rushot, Long Ditton, Ches- sary to divert, alter, or stop up for the purposes of the sington otherwise Chessingdon, Talworth otherwise said railway and works. Tolworth, the royalty or liberty of Great Nonsuch And notice is hereby further given, that a plan of Park otherwise Worcester Park, Cuddington, Cheam, the said proposed railway and other works, and also a Mordon otherwise Morden otherwise Moredon, Horton, duplicate of such plan, and a section and duplicate Ewell, Epsom otherwise Ebbisham, Ashtead otherwise thereof, together with books of reference thereto, and Ashted otherwise Ashstead otherwise Ashsted, Wood- also a published map with the line of Railway deli- cot otherwise Woodcote, Leatherhead otherwise Lea- neated thereon, will be deposited for public inspection therhed, Fetcham, Great Bookham, Little Bookham, with the clerk of the peace for the said county of Sur- Effingham, Stoke De Abomon otherwise Stoke D'Aber- rey, at his office in North-street, Lambeth, in the same non otherwise Stoke De Alborne otherwise Stoke D'Al- county, and with the clerk of the peace for the said borne, Headley otherwise Hedley, Mickleham other- county of Sussex, at his office at Lewes, in the said wise LittleburghjWest-hmnble otherwise Wisthumble, county, on or before the thirtieth day of November, Burford Bridge, Giles's Green, Bradley, Denbies, Dor- one thousand eight hundred and forty-six ; and on or king otherwise Darking, The Holmwood, Ewhurst, before the same day a copy of so much of each sucli Abinger, Westcot otherwise Westcott otherwise West- plan and section as relates to each parish in or through cote otherwise West Gate, Milton, Wotton otherwise which the said proposed railway and other works are Wotten otherwise Wootton otherwise Wootten, Leigh intended to be made, together with a book of reference otherwise Lye otherwise Lei, Buckland, Betchworth thereto, will be deposited with the parish clerk of each otherwise Beachworth otherwise Bechworth otherwise such parish, at his place of abode. Beech worth, West Betchworth otherwise West Beach- And notice is hereby further given, that powers are worth otherwise West Bechworth otherwise West intended to be taken in and by the said Bill for the Beech worth, East Betch worth otherwise East Beach- compulsory purchase of lands and houses, and to vary worth otherwise East Bechworth otherwise East Beech- or extinguish all rights and privileges in every man- worth, Brockham, Newdigate otherwise Nudigate ner connected with such lands and houses, and to levy otherwise Nudgate, Charlwood Park, Hurst, Park rates, tolls, and duties upon or in respect of the said Hatch, Park Gate, the Chapelry of Oakwood other- proposed railway and other works, and to alter existing wise Okewood otherwise Oakwood Hill otherwise Oke- tolls, rates, and duties, and to confer, vary, or extin- wood Hill, Ockley otherwise Oakley otherwise Stone guish exemptions from the payment of tolls, rates, and Street, Capel otherwise Capell otherwise Caple, or some duties, and other rights and privileges. of them, in the said county of Surrey; and Rusper And it is also proposed in and by the said Bill, in.
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