■ 1^PWH— 1 — ——■ Minm mi iiiihii. mm mm ■* Joe had know- I • in th; 1919 world series between Sinokey Wood guilty tyrtuly exempt from taxatiufi by the ■aid iamb. ].ai.>ln excluded ip the year authority to perform all the art* and <l<t* l hicagn and Cincinnati. l?dgc of a -fixed” game played be- I Constitution an<l law* of the State of 181* beinir » pro rata timouniin* to tie* of district attorney* tinder thr law of Texas and the on “I could tell a lot if I thought it tween Cleveland and Detroit Septem- EDINBURG INVITES Ordinance* of the City of Twenty Cent* each >100.00 hs**»m-«1 this Mate. and raid uppoiatmen** -hat Rrownavillc, the following tax lu>wit: calculation; those excluded in the year lie for *«h time an lbe district attorne* would do any gubd," the player was ber 25, 1P1«. IS til For tl»e puri*>se of defraying the 1020 t* In* Forty Cent* on each >100.00 shall dorm lost In the enforcement of thr! POKE ac- STAGE has SET quoted iw “In fact. I've told Th commissioner, however, saying. current expense* of the City of Hrowh*- a-s*ea*ed vahmtion ; and those excluded In, law, not t« be less than owe month. Landis in the challenge of l harlie the past of at least Id cepted VALLEY RESIDENTS vii'.e. Texa*. for the Year. 1926. the the year It** t lain* Forty F-iaht Cent* Section 2. The s-si-tunt district ai f one of the White cases where baseball players wer-J (Swede) RUberg, *um of Ninety arid Seventy-Three- Hun- on each 0100,00 n»*. -Oust valuation. torney*. above provided for. when at Sox as a result of the dredths Cent* *0.9073 on each *100.00 III. and *hall lie tin involved much worse than Cobb or ostracized EDINBURG, Texas, Dec. HI Edin- pointed iiualified. aiptbur series who in- *im w-il v aluation. That ail of the said taxes hereby levied, to repn-sent the State in any court or have been. Their case is a 1V1M world furore, has extended an invitation to Speaker FOR burg i Out of and an id on and which shall he luxxpd and rolkctei proceeding ia said district In which mich ST OF 1919 BIG TUT 12 from *0.0073 formed Landis, through the newspa- joke." jail Valby citizens to join with them etirh *10(1.00 iMweaaed valuation, there aforesaid, shall la- paid in lawful mono diatriet attorney ia nr ahali tie authorized | he could tell him some He was asked if he could tell any* pers, that, I in the celebration of the Southern shall be appropriated not exceeding of the I'nited State* uf America. to represent tin* Stale, -irb authority to about crooked baseball. Lan- ; thing about crooked world series things j Pacific Lines entrance into the Low- Twenty Cent* I $0.201 on each $100 a*- IV. he eaerciacd under the direction of said dis wired Risberg, who is operating reued Valuation covered That all taxes hereby levied and which diatriet attorney, and said assistant dis- games. er Itio Grand? Valley in Edinburg <>a by proceeding a farm near Rochester, to fit. to support shall la* a >sensed and collected under and trict attorney shall he authorised to per- “Could I?'* the Tribune Minn., II. A street paragraph *uh-p*ragriph j j reported AT January barbecue, -e BALL virtue of thi* ordman shall become official act or HARLINGEN the SCANDAL Hoard of of the by form any devolving upon and tell what he j City Development him as fellows come to Chicago I now i replying, “if those dance, and general program are flty of Hrow n*ville.f i due and payable on the Iftth day of lie- | authoris'd to l>e performed by said dis- : knows. arc old don't • comber, lt»2G, and /hall be paid on or trict attorney in said district. digging up scores, why ■being arranged for. S‘ For the purpose of paying the 1 these “The earlier, the better,” said the la-fore the 31 *t day of 1927. and ! baseball investigators ask Official* the princi|>al and interns on ail outatand- January, Section 8. Said district attorney shall of- to ! of Southern Pacific ■ Second Ostracized about the 1917 series?" commissioner’s telegram, which Kendrick’s Rangers ing Funding Warrant*. Sewer Warrant*. a penalty of ten i*errent < Id** xhal! ac- be he is | Lin ’s { likewise and her«fcy authorized, and and representatives front Aus- rrue on the entire amount of all tax*** "What do yow know about, that?" fered to pay Risberg's expenses j Stieciai Hoad Warrant*, and all other with the approval of aii*h county cum- Meet tin. Fort Worth. HI Paso, Dallas,* and levied hereund. r ahirlt are not paid on in “fair for his time. Valley Stars; warrant* bonds that may become due mUstonors court of such county, to ap- Player Speaks Up the Tribune asked. \ compensation” tr Iwfor* th« aid reporter Houston, San Antonio and other ard the , 3»*t day'of January, one said he would take advnn- payable during the year 1926. point -preial Investigator for tha he was as an- Risberg 11*27. anil all such taxi-* which arc not to “Knough.” quoted Contest Will Start at prominent cities will lie in Kdinhurg following Amount for the several pur* County of Nueces and one special investi- Meeting ‘Slam’ “And 1 will kige of Landis' offer to hear his on «*r before the xai I .11 »t of swering. tell Landis |h»> e» ahnwn tn-wit: j paid day gator for the county of at a to come here in for t.Se celebration. Hundreds of Cameron, about it if it’s an and Rory. He plans Warrant* *.0076 on January, 1927. shall bear intercut at the op?n bearing - 3 visitors will for Funding of 191G, •alary to he fixed by said commissioner* Diamond Heroes v said. At De- o’Clock be present" rate annum I atn convinced the chiefs “two or three days.” he up-atay> each $100.00 a»*r**ed valuation. of six l*r,i pet*cent per court, not to exceed *2*00 baseball the of the and the I 00 per annum. Joe driving gold spik- rant* on from end after th* lx day of February. are sincere in this business. troit, Cobb, Speaker and Wood, Funding W’at of 1017, $.0217 The salary of such «r«eial investigators, They official arrival of bhc first train 1927, all of which penalty and Interest the men most vitally affected (Special to The Herald.) over) each *100.00 assessed valuation. above provided for. shall he paid by tlie CHICAGO. HI., Dec. ,»1.—UP>—The admitted they had nothing on me, three lx* when the taxes which 1» o. 31.- Some the new line from Falfurrfax. Funding Warrant* of 101*. $.0346 on shall paid upon warrant drawn on the Tribune an- but wouldn’t stand by th? latest charges of baseball HARLINtiKN, Tex.. county by general Chicago today brought they the gaff. • arh $100.00 a**e»*rd the same ahaII have accrued, are paid. to meet in a last minute changes have been made "With the entrance of the valuation. funds thereof, ail itch slant's to he pay. other tit nit at the "What's the use oi dishonesty, planned South-1 V. ghost banquet talking, now, Funding W'arrant* of Hit, $.0145 on able monthly. Said assistant district at- secret cotiferenc with their in the arrangement for the football etn Pacific into the a board with the skeletons of the lPlti if all you get is the raspberries, and general, I Valley long; each $100.00 av *>■**• d i That the Tax Ass.-,nor of the City of fornev* and special inv«wtigator* snail be to re on New ! valuation. game be played h felt need of this section will be of on baseball wak<n, and pick over th? baseball, to save its face, hushes up attorneys. Funding Warrant* 1921. 5.0*07 liiow nsville si.all xoeo, and the Tax Cob! subject to removal at the will of said dis- I Years Day making it the biggest realized. will be* each $100.00 uukkm-iI valuation. lector of aid shall collect all taxes This is nut bones of srar.da). your story?" * transportation | City trict attorney. Artiel* intended PRICES. TOC). GO I’P j contest of the indt pendent season in facilitated by the two great trunk Funding Warrant* of 1923. $.00m; on levied anti a—esgi-d l.y thi* ordinance, to repeal any other law now existing, bit The new spectre at the table was Commissioner Landis was “out" to each xloo.00 a**e*M«Mi valuation. 'the Vail y. lines,” according to Leslie Neal, sec- loir. Iner with all penalties and interest is cumulative ther«s»f. anonymous in the Tribune account, reporters last night, so no comment Stne-t Improvement Warrant*. Serb-* which shall accrue thereon, under and YORK A building The Central Texas who retary of the Booster <Tub which is Section 4. The fact that there is now his NEW 110-story All-Stars, A. 1924. 6.021* on each aaa***ed virtue thereof. but fro.n quoted remarks, appar- Was forthcoming from him on this $1M by no la* authorizing the commissioners isn’t the only thing going up on yesterday afternoon defeated the directing the program for the day. | valuation. VI. ently was one of the flayers banned development in the scandal precipi- court of Cameron and Kimsvi Cunntie* West Forty-second Street.
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