WOODBRIDGE AH-AMERICA dlTV WOODBRIDGE EDISON^FORDS BIACON Woodbridge, Avenel, Colonia, Fords, Hopdawa, foelin, Kea*bey, Port Reading, Scwaren and Edison PuMUhed W*ekly On Thd Woodbridge, N J, Thursday^ July 9, 1964 Intend u 2nd ctoM Kali PRICE TUN At P.O.. WoodbHOfi, M J. rlUCtt iBPI Averill to Leave Position As Local Administrator COUNTY AID SOUGHT: Resigm Expect ; .• Fence Between Merrill Alloway Park and RR Requested In Post Action is Prompted WOODBRIDGE - Heman B, Averill officially tendered hi] By Tragic July 4th Cof C Budget resignation as Business Admin- Accidfytt otl Track* istrator yesterday noon to Mayor Walter Zirpolo. effective August WOODBRIDGE - Construe! ion1 11, for personal and family re* of a fence.bttween Merrill Park; Tobe«50,000 l\(. 1>AV: At tselin .luninr High HavRrounil. In center is Joseph Zimitdl, No. I leader. Standing behind him Is sons." and the Pennsylvania Railroad' Rolf, Sri. I loader. The men arc diqlrihutini; insurimrr forms; "Itinlindirs", ranis listing all Summer activities, and WOODBRIDGK - A proposed , Although me mayor said yes- was called for today by Mayor liinviluir terday that four or ive wndt> waiter Zirpolo and Councilman first year budget, of $50,000 for (dates are being considered, K Thomas J, Costello, Fourth Ward the new Woodbndge Area Cham- 'has been bruHed about that : The action was prompted by ihe ber of Commerce, was announced James A. Alloway is resigning tragic accident on .July 4 which today by the organization chair- as business administrator ht h Season To Be Inaugurated took the lives of two people when: Elizabeth to take the Woodbfttgf man, 'Edward Trio, plant man they were a passing train post. It is said he kt**» to re- as they the bordering ager of Heyden-Newpori Chemi- port here on July 27, * tracks for a cut.homr. ] cal Co,, Fords, Mr. AveriU's sabrV^K? beet The ma; a letter $16,000 a year as oomj* -Hi wltt" \- Local Shakespeare Festival Mr. Trio said the organization Thomas H. he sent to committee's subcommittee on fi- $14,800 now being paid , Mr. iH.t; - Tim N(!\i Lee which lows; I Alloway in Elizabeth. nance, has indicated its desire to ••••l*air Festival ol "As you ivfl read, an la his letter of resigns* DB to aise this money on mi assessment nil inuguiale il.s accident aft of July! the mayor, Mr. Averill wr »: here on .Inly 23, Mundy to Go Ahead celebration 'ark took basis. Although the formula "It is with regret that for per* • ilh ^iyhl " Additional the lives of 'hen they hasn't been released to date, as- sonal and family reasons I here. imi ol the Shakespeare were struck train a? DR, ANTOINE ATTALLA sessments will undoubtedly be v;ith tender my resignation at -. Ni'duled l(ir July '14, they tried to Pennsyl- HONORARY CONSUL: Dr. An- based on the size of a business, Business Administrator effective August 11, 1964, , ii j'i The Woodbridge With Appeal Confab vania Railroad Mine T. Attalla, director of th« industry or profession. H .ii sdioot campus on St. "I believe t lentially Division o[ Health, has been Mr. Trio also announced that a "I shall miss the many friends \.'!iiic .wiU'again b* the WooDKKIDCK — A]lhough the mimstrative remedies at the dangerous situat in the appointed honorary consul of decision was made by members and acquaintances who have been lwal lev ] IT in*1 mitipor festival .•e.-i(jn;itii)n m Clifford J. Hander- e - area and this si magni- Lebanon for the State of New of the sub-committee on bylaws so helpful during my stay in herefore M r Woodbridge, :. .it ft :«i p.m. liiin as a H,,.ird member "ha. re-' "' ! *'*"• L - Mundy jfied by the fact ppark is Jerseyy byy General Fouad Cttt- to have the new Chambpr incor- I, , •,..., stated, "to state for the record i heavily used bv • link.'. I'ljCjgtield, a *nd chil- bab, president o( L«banoa. Dr. porated. "I am proud to have had a m"ral lli" Inal» nhJcrt'u« t0 that research relating to the ap-!dren. < Continued on Page 8) in, in the festival, head* Attalla succeeds MB father, the The organization chairman a.i ap|KM, tikd by Hoy J. Mundy peal revealed that'our own by-[ (Continued on -. -• Twelfth Night" as ther stated thai tentative plans 1 late Tnflc Attalla, in the post. .iii.i- Cfsario. This will \ith tho i miimissinner of Educa- laws . state: "The Board shall call for the appointment of sub- &•*:. not Local Man Has .inn, the i.ilter told the Board of consider the application for, ,T * committees responsible for re- tn Shakespeflrtan rule •»• it CM.) is theatrical exptri- cruiting members in the retail, Role in Boat iiielu'i^ appearances with Kdu^tiun .a. night that h, e, .t^tr?person wh o i« a £&member io fs thie Interference professional and industrial fields. .ends- to his case bef,ore-Board or „ jmember o[ ^ .}„. PG|T jREAfUNG - Arthur Mrfdi Plains PUiVcrg r. 1 Members of the organization .Ijie ' F«T**, 7$ SdMi*-Jwenw, er today al aw)^ family «f the ftoart)'." committee for the Woodbridge ^cherMed conference. $ A ^ of tnat portion of thej Dept listed m one of the heron i Ik'arli Haven'* Kwflight My appeal, in general . Mr.| . ^ni WDODBjilDGE - It Area Chamber of Commerce in- JAMBS A. MJLOWAY bv laOT snowed lhat H hag clude in addition to Mr. Trio, rescued six persons aboard • in "Kis»- *Mc Kate.") Mundy sai.1. "objects to a Board,„„ ^ , , ^ p ^ , Mtani-i-,-. _, ^ ma';;'!»"" and other mu.si-' the since lm no r0 er he n Fred P. Buntenbach, vice presi- fool cabin cruiser which expl member w „ has been appointed, j^, ,,•// Bids Rejected, Town i dimmer .stock. CATHY CLAKKr. Mun(J d h h fe rf+ wilh dent of the First Bank and Trust Sunday in Tuckerton Creek. 1 $23,700 Bid 'Luke haK worlwcl in con- an assistant .secretary being per ^ of tll/by_,aws is clearly {the Police Department, Council j .Save* Over $15,000\&>™my. N.A., Jack Roth, treas- to perforr the lces Mr, Ferrante succeeded in res- Ty "indicated and "applies to the ap- \ President Robert E. Jacks told urer of Ronson Corporation; W.'— ^^ I *mm\ Bernstein, and '• Q' _ I \ -_,_ !—-_-., full-time employee. m ; WOODBRIDGE - Councilman cuing a Yonkers father and son, ' pointment of an assistant secre- R. Richard Krauss, a former C. Short, vice president of Radio|f1Q|" ^JH6 ..pppured on television Y l6l I ml 1101/ itention is that as long as he is a Robert Smitn 1 Chartes and Ronald Altman who tary, I therefore strongly urge Township Committeeman, who rot* Tuesday that Corporation of America; Harold • recordings. She has _^ _ . Board member he can only :; jw% t 'Ii 111 ' , I iL ''^I'll 1 f the Board to rescind the original Tuesday night urged the, appoint- the municipality has saved more were taken to Atlantic «Hy Ruuert Shaw Chorale, fj s\ for slitute for the secretary. Mr. Gast vice president of Hess Oil WOODBRIDGE - In a spirited Hospital. wl IWI11 resolution, and since Mr, Hander- ment of a civilian board and an than $15,000 b> rejecting bids on Co.; Harold Zimbler, director of Society and othe,(hm-r npro*« W ' l'\* 'Iw l ' *"' Handerhan's resignation as a bidding for a 1.6 acre plot on At the time of the explosion, a ts no lunger a board mem- inquiry to delve into "#orics he.thc construction of sidewalks S. Klein Department Store; Carl i tior.il groups in NeV WMDBHIDGK - Over the op- Hoard member has removed the JJ J, H4C l"n*lrt ' I Waring Avenue, Fords, near the Pl a new resolution can be has read. Fleming, president of Fireside Mr. Ferrante was working at hit •Si • i* married tn Gontan;|*Litton of <'•ouflt'ilnian ISalph '. main objection which motivated and sewers in various sections of New Jersey Turnjike, Harry Fish- ,. ., passed covering his employment "Politics," Mr. Jacks said, "has Realty, Iselin; Clair Steimling, 14-foot outboard art across liarmie. thi- Municipal Couicil'my appeal lowev the es 11 ... ., ... i , ,.,,,im •„„,.„ ,„ , . •• ,, ".'' !' if the Board so desires." ino place in the Police Depart-1'he Township. manager 0/ the Port Reading;™ representing Stern and Dra- from the cruiser. He heard tin r r i g / g; IIi> appliances with tlie lueulay nave preliminaiy ;ip- iilmion authorizing his employ- ment . The patrolma• n recently j After re-advertising the Coun- ' a local real estate firm, explosion, tumd and saw mate ir 'kc Festival will he made proval to Wtiodhridge Colmiial . t as a full time employee wa*.-N(l, flion was taken on Mr- terminal of the Reading Bailroad;^sel, mt n suspended was suspended due tojcil awarded the contract for and debris on the opposite shore. 1'rawfnrd. Josoph Pa- Huim's. Inc. lor Use nnHruetiim while he was still a Mun(iy's suggestion. Nicholas Vepeziap , 'attorney forlemwgcd the victor with a final ot 23 700 He and others made their way tfi negligence and wilfullyJdisobeying! sanitary sewers to the low bid- Englehard Industries i offer * - . at a meeting of F Uimaidl and Jack ol 2:«^ > onc-iamilliyl horneh t on a :1.V'" 44 Hiiin-d member, and since this Superintendent of Schools re-. Englehard Industries a direct order. We 'too would der, Central Construction Co., across the creek where Mr. fa> Mi Ciawford is the ucre trad in Port Keudm•;• be t | is a main feature of the np ported on the Summer Schools The entire organization com- ac like to resolve any problems, but Clark, at $41,306, saving $10,000 Otliei bidders were Sheldon Sniff- ,_ .
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