www.ukrweekly.com Ї(ЛР(І СВОБОДА ^SVOBODA З" f" - и. (” fc CD І І З < дз О - о о г о о z PUBLISHED BY THE UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION INC. A FRATERNAL, NON-PROFIT ASSOCIATION Vol. t No. 7 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 14,1982 25 cents Haig outlines tough U.S, stance State Department releases rights report ІП Speech at Madrid meeting Document stresses evenhanded policy MADRID - Declaring that the emergency measures imposed by Gen. WASHINGTON - The Reagan report states that the USSR "domi­ Polish situation has led to "a critical Wojciech Jaruzelski as a flagrant viola­ administration, in its first report on nates, without their consent, not only crossroads in the postwar history of tion of the Helsinki Final Act human rights around the world, said on the non-Russian peoples of the former Europe," Secretary of State Alexander Leonid F. Ilyichev, head of the Soviet February 7 that the United States will czarist empire, but also the nations of Haig told a stormy session of the delegation, fiercely attacked the United continue an evenhanded approach to Eastern Europe." Noting that the Soviet Madrid Conference on security and States, accusing it of trying to turn the the place of human rights in global government is ruled by a small elite that human rights in Europe here on Feb­ proceedings into "a political farce." affairs, and chastised both friendly and believes in "absolute rule," the report ruary 9 that the United States would not The procedural difficulties began antagonistic governments for rights went on to characterize Soviet political continue substantive negotiations on a after several hours of speeches when violations, reported The New York philosophy as a Marxist tradition new cooperation document until martial Polish delegate Josef Wiejacz, who by Times. superimposed "on a heritage of absolute law is lifted in Poland, reported The rotation was the chairman of the ses­ The report itself, based on embassy monarchy." New York Times. sion, tried to adjourn the meeting until and non-governmental agency reports The report also refers to past Soviet The agreement by the Western allies February 12. Nine speakers had been and framed by the State Department's interventions in East Germany, Hun­ not to conclude a new agreement but, at heard, leaving a dozen still waiting to be regional desks and its Bureau of Human gary, Czechoslovakia and Poland, and the same time, not to walk out at the called. His effort to adjourn created a Rights and Humanitarian Affairs head­ the 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanis­ resumption of the 35-nation review long dispute, with Western countries ed by Undersecretary of State Elliot tan, as well as human-rights abuses in meeting of the 1975 Helsinki Accords, challenging his right to stop debate. Abrams, covers 158 countries. Soviet-backed countries such as seemed to avert a split in the alliance The dispute began at 2 p.m. and was The introduction to the State Ethiopia. It scores Soviet use of che­ over tactics. finally ended at 9:20 p.m. when the Department report strives to assuage mical weapons, "trick" explosives and Before adjournment on December allied and neutral delegations issued doubts voiced earlier by human-rights the indiscriminate bombing of civilians 18, shortly after the imposition of one more protest, then gave up their groups which feared that the Reagan in Afghanistan. martial law in Poland on December 13, attempt to have any more speakers that administration's policy would favor The administration report details the conference participants agreed to day, The, Times said. friendly countries while criticizing Soviet activities growing out of what it return in February and put the finishing Mr. Wiejacz, in a news conference, adversaries. It says in part: "We will called the government's "intolerance for touches on a document that would defended his actions, saying that he had accept the fact that bilateral relations activity deemed incompatible with supplement the Helsinki agreement stuck to the letter of the rules, which with a friendly country may be damaged Communist Party control." About promoting security, cooperation and provided for only a morning session. because of our human-rights concern. 100,000 dissidents were in Soviet jails or human rights in Europe. As for the attacks that charged This is the unavoidable price of a labor camps, the report said. During a closed session marked by Poland with violating human rights, the consistent policy." The report also criticizes the Soviets acrimony and procedural gamesman­ Times reported that Mr. Wiejacz said: for pressuring the Polish government ship, NATO representatives assailed the (Continued on page 13) The report also says that "the United into declaring martial law on December States must continue to respond to 13. Since then, the report went on, "the serious human-rights problems in state security organs have undertaken a friendly countries," and the "U.S. far-reaching and concerted campaign of Samvydav documents reveal Badzio human-rights policy will not pursue a harassment and intimidation against policy of selective indignation "because,, major segments of Polish society." staged 3 hunger strikes in 1981 the report continues, "every act of In examining the status of human torture or murder is equally repugnant rights in each country, the State Depart­ NEW YORK - Imprisoned Ukrai­ to the American people no matter who ment report follows a specific check list: nian dissident Yuriy Badzio, who is commits it':" It assesses "respect for the integrity of currently serving the third year of a 12- Although the report saved its harshest the person, including freedom from year labor-camp and exile term for criticism for the Soviet Union, it also torture; cruel, inhuman or degrading "anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda," scored human-rights violations in coun­ treatment or punishment; disappear­ went on three separate, three-day tries allied with the United States such ances; arbitrary arrest and imprison­ hunger strikes during 1981, according as El Salvador, Taiwan and South ment; denial of a fair public trial; and to statements he authored which ap­ Korea. invasion of the home." peared in samvydav and were recently About El Salvador, the report says: It also examines the country's "res­ released by the External Representation "Despite constitutional bans and go­ pect for civil and political freedoms, of the Ukrainian Helsinki Group. vernment policy against using torture, including freedom of speech, freedom Mr. Badzio, who will be 46 in two individual members of the security of the press, religion and assembly; months, was arrested in Kiev on April forces may have been involved in freedom of movement within the coun­ 23,1979, and sentenced in mid-Decem­ unsolved crimes of murder with torture. try, foreign travel, emigration and ber to seven years' imprisonment to be There have been credible accounts of repatriation, and freedom to participate followed by five years' internal exile. torture and abuses at interrogation in the political process." A philologist from the Transcarpa- centers operated by the security forces, thian region of Ukraine, Mr. Badzio especially the treasury police." was active in Ukrainian intellectual and In Taiwan, the report found, there is nationalist circles since the 1960s. In censorship of both domestic and foreign INSIDE: 1963, he joined several Ukrainian publications. Electronic monitoring of intellectuals, among them IvanDzyuba, Yuriy Badzio peoples' homes is "widely believed to in disrupting a film in the Ukraine film exist," it said. The report also referred Ш Ukrainian Independence Day theater to protest the destruction of the Communist Party of the Soviet to the case of a Taiwan-born United celebrations throughout the United Ukrainian culture by the Soviet regime. Union (CPSU), violations of human States resident and professor at Car­ States - pages 4, 5, 6. His book, "The Right to Live," a rights in the USSR and the right to negie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh socio-historical analysis of the right of national sovereignty" for non-Russian who was found dead on July 3 in Ш Letters to the editor - page 7. Ukrainian nationhood, led to bis arrest nations. Taiwan. The hunger strike was called, Mr. The report was also critical of South Ш Sounds and views by Roman and subsequent imprisonment Sawycky — page 8. The first statement from the Mor- Badzio said, to coincide with the 26th Korean laws sharply limiting political davian labor camp where he is serving Congress of the CPSU. organizing and campaigning, and which Ш Panorama by Helen Perozak his sentence is dated February 22,1981, In his statement, Mr. Badzio accuses put strict control on the press, public Smindak - page 9. and in it Mr. Badzio announces a three- the Soviet regime of "falsifying Ukrai- demonstrations and labor groups. day fast to protest "the dictatorship of (Conf inued oo page IS) In criticizing the Soviet Union, the No. 7 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1982 CSCE reports Helsinki Commission members nominate Czech clergyman on Soviet arrests Walesa, Orlov, Havel for Nobel sentenced to jail ORANGE, Calif. - The Rev. Fran- WASHINGTON - Soviet authori­ WASHINGTON - Congressional man; Sens. Claiborne Pell (D-R.I.), ties arrested 399 human-rights activists members of the Commission on Secu­ Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), Orrin G. Hatch tisek Lizna, a 40-year-old Czech priest in 1980 and 1981, reported the U.S. rity and Cooperation in Europe, known (R-Utah), John Heinz (R-Pa.), and with links to that country's under­ Commission on Security and Coopera­ as the Helsinki Commission, announced Alfonse M. D'Amato (R-N.V.); and ground religious press, was sentenced in tion in Europe in the most recent issue their nomination of three leaders of the Reps. Sidney R. Yates (D-Ill.), Jona­ Prague to seven months' imprisonment of its CSCE Digest.
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