I n t e r n a t I o n a l J o u r n a l o f H I g H - e n e r g y P H y s I c s CERNCOURIER V o l u m e 5 1 N u m b e r 1 J a N u a r y /F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 1 Forty years on: the legacy of the ISR COSMOLOGY CELEBRATION COSMIC Planck satellite François de Rose, reveals a stellar a founding father RAYS first year of CERN, turns 100 New evidence supports origin p14 p44 in remnants of supernovae p21 2011_CC2_219x288_OUT.inddBleed full page template.indt 11 11/01/201111.1.11 10:47 11:49 CERN Courier January/February 2011 Contents Covering current developments in high-energy physics and related fi elds worldwide CERN Courier is distributed to member-state governments, institutes and laboratories affi liated with CERN, and to their personnel. It is published monthly, except for January and August. The views expressed are not necessarily those of the CERN CERNCOURIER management. Editor Christine Sutton V OLUME 5 1 N UMBER 1 J ANUARY /F EBRUARY 2 0 1 1 Editorial assistant Carolyn Lee CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland E-mail [email protected] EWS Fax +41 (0) 22 785 0247 5 N Web cerncourier.com • Council looks forward to new members and new physics • CERN Advisory board Luis Álvarez-Gaumé, James Gillies, Horst Wenninger Courier has a new look • ATLAS observes striking imbalance Laboratory correspondents: of jet energies in heavy ion collisions CMS announces fi rst Argonne National Laboratory (US) Cosmas Zachos • Brookhaven National Laboratory (US) P Yamin results of search for SUSY • Antihydrogen scoops award for Cornell University (US) D G Cassel breakthroughs Italian government approves SuperB DESY Laboratory (Germany) Ilka Flegel, Ute Wilhelmsen • EMFCSC (Italy) Anna Cavallini Enrico Fermi Centre (Italy) Guido Piragino 10 S CIENCEWATCH Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (US) Judy Jackson Forschungszentrum Jülich (Germany) Markus Buescher GSI Darmstadt (Germany) I Peter STROWATCH IHEP, Beijing (China) Tongzhou Xu 11 A IHEP, Serpukhov (Russia) Yu Ryabov INFN (Italy) Romeo Bassoli Jefferson Laboratory (US) Steven Corneliussen 12 A RCHIVE JINR Dubna (Russia) B Starchenko KEK National Laboratory (Japan) Youhei Morita Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (US) Spencer Klein F EATURES Los Alamos National Laboratory (US) Rajan Gupta NCSL (US) Ken Kingery 14 Planck reveals a stellar fi rst year Nikhef (Netherlands) Paul de Jong The fi rst results from Planck are already Novosibirsk Institute (Russia) S Eidelman Orsay Laboratory (France) Anne-Marie Lutz providing new insights into astrophysics. PSI Laboratory (Switzerland) P-R Kettle Saclay Laboratory (France) Elisabeth Locci Science and Technology Facilities Council (UK) Peter Barratt 17 Warwick hosts a feast of fl avour TRIUMF Laboratory (Canada) Marcello Pavan The CKM2010 workshop looked to the future of fl avour physics. Produced for CERN by IOP Publishing Ltd IOP Publishing Ltd, Dirac House, Temple Back, Bristol BS1 6BE, UK 21 The origin of cosmic rays Tel +44 (0)117 929 7481 Fine structure in the energy spectrum provides new clues. Publisher Susan Curtis Production editor Jesse Karjalainen 24 Electronics experts connect in Aachen Technical illustrator Alison Tovey Group advertising manager Ed Jost TWEPP-2010 scrutinizes topics from chip design to power provision. Recruitment advertisement manager Chris Thomas Advertisement production Katie Graham Marketing & Circulation Angela Gage 27 CERN’s ISR: the world’s fi rst hadron collider Head of B2B & Marketing Jo Allen Philip Bryant and Kurt Hübner describe the pioneering ISR. Art director Andrew Giaquinto Advertising 32 Evolution and revolution: detectors at the ISR Tel +44 (0)117 930 1026 (for UK/Europe display advertising) or +44 (0)117 930 1164 (for recruitment advertising); Christian Fabjan looks at the challenges that the experiments faced. E-mail: [email protected]; fax +44 (0)117 930 1178 General distribution Courrier Adressage, CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland. 39 Physics in collision E-mail: [email protected] Michael Albrow’s personal walk through the legacy of the ISR. In certain countries, to request copies or to make address changes, contact: China Keqing Ma, Library, Institute of High Energy Physics, PO Box 918, Beijing 100049, People’s Republic of China. 44 F ACES &P LACES E-mail: [email protected] Germany Veronika Werschner, DESY, Notkestr. 85, 22607 Hamburg, Germany. E-mail: [email protected] 52 R ECRUITMENT Italy Loredana Rum or Anna Pennacchietti, INFN, Casella Postale 56, 00044 Frascati, Rome, Italy. E-mail: [email protected] UK Mark Wells, Science and Technology Facilities Council, Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon, Wiltshire SN2 1SZ. 59 B OOKSHELF E-mail: [email protected] US/Canada Published by Cern Courier, 6N246 Willow Drive, St Charles, IL 60175, US. Periodical postage paid in St Charles, IL, US. Fax 630 377 62 I NSIDE S TORY 1569. E-mail: [email protected] POSTMASTER: send address changes to: Creative Mailing Services, PO Box 1147, I NTERNATIONAL J OURNAL OF H IGH -E NERGY P HYSICS St Charles, IL 60174, US CERNCOURIER V OLUME 5 1 N UMBER 1 J ANUARY /F EBRUARY 2 0 1 1 Published by European Organization for Nuclear Research, CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland. Tel +41 (0) 22 767 61 11 Forty years on: the Telefax +41 (0) 22 767 65 55 legacy of the ISR Printed by Warners (Midlands) plc, Bourne, Lincolnshire, UK © 2011 CERN ISSN 0304-288X On the cover: On 27 January 1971, Kjell Johnsen, who led the team that built the Intersecting Storage Rings, announced that the fi rst ever interactions from colliding COSMOLOGY CELEBRATION COSMIC Plank satellite François de Rose, protons had been recorded. On the left are Franco Bonaudi, who was responsible for reveals a stellar a founding father RAYS first year of CERN, turns 100 New evidence supports origin p14 p55 in remnants of supernovae p21 the civil engineering, and Dirk Neet, who later took charge of ISR operations. 3 CCJanFeb11-Contents.indd 3 11/01/2011 11:09 Cern_Courier_I_Fasz_E_213x282.qxd 29.12.2010 13:54 Uhr Seite 1 A PASSION FOR PERFECTION Fascinating! The fascination of speed. The rotor in a turbopump sets the pace – at 1.4 times the speed of sound. Enabling the very heart of a complex vacuum solution to generate vacuums of up to 10-12 mbar. The same as in outer space! To the delight of scientists and researchers. Because our people’s hearts, commitment and skills go into each and every pump. Pfeiffer Vacuum stands for innovative and custom vacuum solutions worldwide. For German engineering art, competent advice and reliable service. Ever since the invention of the turbopump, we’ve been setting standards in our industry. And this claim to leadership will continue to drive us in the future. Looking for the perfect vacuum solution? Ask us: www.pfeiffer-vacuum.com CERN Courier January/February 2011 News CERN Council looks forward to new members and new physics The opening of CERN to new members ) LHC 2010 RUN (3.5 TeV/beam) was top of the agenda when delegates met –1 in December for the 157th session of the 50 CERN Council. Formal discussions can now preliminary (±10% scale) 40 ATLAS begin with Cyprus, Israel, Serbia, Slovenia CMS/TOTEM and Turkey for accession to membership, 30 LHCb while Brazil’s candidature for associate membership was also warmly received. 20 “It is very pleasing to see the increasing 10 global support for basic science that these applications for CERN membership delivered integrated luminosity (pb 0 100 150 200 250 300 indicate,” said CERN’s director-general, day of the year 2010 Rolf Heuer. “Basic science responds to our quest to understand nature and provides the Left: First proton collisions in the LHC led to smiles in the CERN Control Centre on very foundations of future innovation.” 30 March 2010. Right: By the end of proton running, the integrated luminosity had risen to Established in 1954 by 12 European nearly 50 pb–1, allowing for a range of physics studies in the new energy region. states, CERN had grown to have 20 member states by the end of the 1990s, with many which could lead to CERN welcoming its said Michel Spiro, president of the CERN countries from beyond the European region first associate members as early as later this Council. “This bodes extremely well for the also playing an active role. Discussions on year. Currently, any country may apply for coming years.” opening CERN to membership from outside membership or associate membership of The LHC switched off for 2010 on Europe – while at the same time allowing CERN, and if CERN wishes to participate 6 December. Details of the 2011 LHC run CERN to participate in future projects in projects outside Europe, mechanisms are and plans for 2012 will be set following a beyond Europe – reached a conclusion at the also now in place to make that possible. special workshop to be held in Chamonix on Council’s session in June 2010. The other highlight of the December 24–28 January, while the first beams of 2011 Under the scheme agreed on in June, Council meeting was the success of the LHC are scheduled for mid-February. associate membership is an essential in 2010. The LHC experiments have already prerequisite for membership. Countries may published dozens of scientific papers on the therefore apply for associate membership basis of the data collected during the year. Sommaire en français alone, or associate membership as a route The results not only re-establish the physics Le Conseil du CERN se prépare à accueillir de to membership.
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