EPA 550/9-82-331H Field Test of a Quieted International Harvester F-4370 Heavy-Duty Diesel Truck Environmental Protection Agency December 1981 DISCLAIMER CLAUSE This report has been approved for general availability. The contents of this report reflect the views of the Contractor, who is reponsible for the facts and accuracy of the data presented herein. This report does not necessarily reflect the official views or policy of EPA. This report does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation. This is one in a series ot seven technical reports and a program summary prepared for the Environmental Protection Agency's Demonstration Track Program. The reports in this series are listed below. Report N_or Title D_O 1. Program Summary, Truck Noise Reduction December 1981 (BBNReport No. 4839). 2. Noise Reduction TechnologY and Costs for Oclober 1981 a Ford CLT9000 Heavy.Duty Diesel Truck (BBNReport No, 4379), 3. Noise Reduction Technology and Costs for October 1981 a General Motors Brigadier Heavy.Duty Diesel Truck (BBN Report No. 4507), 4. Noise Reduction Technology and Costs for October 1981 an International Harvester F.4370 Heavy- Duty Diesel Truck (BBNReport No. 4667), 5, Noise Reduction Technology and Costs for December 1981 a Mack R686 Heavy-Duty Diesel Truck (BBN Report No, 4795). 6, Field Tesl of a Quieted Ford CLT 9000 October 1981 Heavy-Duty Diesel Truck (BBNRepori No. 4700) 7. Field Test of a Quieted General Motors December 1981 Brigadier Heavy.Duty Diesel Truck (BBN Report No. 4796). 8. Field Test ot a Quieted International December 1981 Harvester F.4370 Heavy-Duty Diesel Truck (BBNReport No. 4797). "/d-O/ TECHNICAL REPORT DATA I/Vcoscte_d ]l_unlc tloiJs on II1¢,rcl('t_v bcji_r¢,l ompl* tpl_') EPA 550/9-82-331H O, 12. 4, TITLE ANC] SUBTI'rLE 15 flEPQRT DATE December 1981 Field Test of a Quieted Internatlonal llarvester F-4370 lleavy-Duty Diesel Truck ) B. PE RFQRMING ORGANIZATION REPORT N(_, E.K. Bender and J.A. Kane BBN Report No, 4797 IZATICN NAME AND ADDRESE Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc. I0 Houlton Street II CONTBACTJ(_N_,NT_O. Cambridge, Hassaehusetts 02238 68-01-4998 12, GENCY NAME AND ADDRESS 13. TYPE OF REPCRT ANO PERIOD COVEREO U.S. Envlrunmental Protectlon Agency Flnal Office of Noise Abatement and Control 401 M Street, SW I Washington. DC 2O_D 1_, SUPPLEMENTARy NOTES 16, ABSTRACT This report describes the field test and operational performance evaluatlon of a quieted International Ilarves_er F-4370 heavy-duty diesel truck. The noise of the truck had been reduced from 81.1 d]IA to 72.7 dBA. _le truck accumulated 36,000 miles in 5 months of service. The treatments were effective and durable, and the noise level of the truck dld not increase. The treatments did not have an adverse impact on vehicle operations and there was no evidence that the welght of the treatments displaced payload. The treatments did not have a measurable effect on fuel consumption. The treatments had a minlmal impact on maintenance time. 117, KEY WORDS AND DOCUMENT ANALYSIS I DE,BCRIPTORS b. JDENTIF_ERS/OPEN ENDED TERMS I¢. COSATI _:JCi_/GIoup Frucks, truck tractors, diesel engines, Truck noise control ]3F kolse reduction, engine noise, exhaust 20A _ystems, cost engineering, cost analysis, 14A _ost: estimates 1B, DISTRII_UTION STATEMENT 19. _< (Thj.,l<¢po_.tj 20, SECURITY CLASS {ThizpagC/ 22, PRICE EPA Form 2220,t (I.7:1) Report No. 4797 PIELD TEST OF A QUIETED INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER F-4370 HEAVY-DUTY DIESEL TRUCK Erich E, Bender James A, Kane December 1981 Prepared by: Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc. 10 Noolton Street. Cambridge, Massachusetts 02238 Prepared for: gnvironmental Protection A_l.ency Office of Noise Abatement and Control 401 M Street, SW Uashlngton, DC 20460 Report No. 4797 Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc. PREFACE This report deals with the field testing by Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc. (BBN) of a quieted International Harvester F-4370 heavy-duty diesel truck, one of the heavy-duty diesel trucks in the Environmental Protection Agency's Demonstration Truck Pro- gram. The objective of this program, begun in 1979, was to demonstrate noise reduction technology for heavy-duty diesel trucks. The program included four trucks, each with a different engine. The original program plan called for each vehicle to receive noise reduction treatments and then to enter fleet ser- vice for a year of field testing. Each of the four vehicles successfully completed the noise reduction part of the program. The duration of the program was shortened from the original plan, preventing all four vehicles from completing a full year of fleet service. The International Harvester truck completed five months of field service before the end of the program in late 1981. Seven final technical reports and a program summary were prepared by BBN for the Demonstration Truck Program. Their titles are listed on the inside cover of this report. Each report is intended to be internally complete; therefore some redundancy occurs between the technology and cost reports and the field test reports. For example, a reader who has read the tech- nology and cost report for a particular truck will find that he can pass over Sec. 2 of the companion field test report for that vehicle. The authors are grateful to the many governmental and indus- trial organizations and personnel who have contributed to the development of this truck. The program has been sponsored by the Environmental Protection Agency's office of Noise Abatement and Control. The International Harvester Company provided technical information on the truck. The Cummins Engine Company performed iii Report No, 4797 Bolt Deranek and Newman Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS page PREFACE ....................................................... iii LIST OF FIGURES ............................................... vi LIST OF TABLES ............................................... viii SECTION I. INTRODUCTION ...................................... 1 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE QUIETED iNTERNATIONAL HARVESTER F-4370 .................................. 3 2.1 Description o_ the Truck ..................... 3 2.2 Description of Noise Control Treatments ...... 6 3. FIELD TEST OPERATIONS ................ J ........... i0 3.1 Administration of the Field Test ............ 10 3.2 Field Test Operations, Mileage and Payload..i5 4, TREATMENT EVALUATION ............................. 21 4.1 Noise Level Cl]anges. ............... ......... 21 4.2 Component Durability ........................ 21 5. FUEL ECONOMY .................................... .27 5.1 Anticipated Treatment Effects ............... 27 5.2 Field Data Analysis ......................... 29 6. MAINTENANCE ...................................... 32 6.1 TreatMent Effects ........................... 32 6.2 Vehicle Maintenance Costs ................... 34 7. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS .......................... 40 REFERENCES .............................................. ..R-I ICOii ECTI ONZ THEPREVIOUSDOCUMENT(S) MAYHAVEBEENFILMED INCORRECTLY.., RESitOOTFOLLOWS! B&B_ormatio&nImageManagement 300P_ceGeorgeBo's ulevard UppeMarr lboro,M_d 20772 (sol)u9.ollo Report No. 4797 Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc. cooling tests at its facility in Columbus, Indiana. The Donaldson Company supplied the exhaust silencing system, and Tech Weld fabricated many of the engine enclosure components. Noise test- ing was done at Hanscom Field with the cooperation of the Charles Stark Draper Laboratories and the Massachusetts Port Authority. The Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Northampton, Massachusetts operated the truck in its fleet and supplied much of the opera- tional information provided in this report. iv Report NO. 4797 Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS page PREFACE ............ ,.......................................... iii LIST OF FIGURES ............................................... vi LIST OF T6BLES ............................................ ,,.viii SECTION i. INTRODUCTION ...................................... 1 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE _UIETED _NTERNATIONAL HARVESTER F-4370 .................................. 3 2.1 [escription of the Truck ..................... 3 2.2 _scription of Noise Control TreatjileDts ...... 6 3. FIELD TEST OPERATIONS ............................ 10 3.1 Administration of the Field Test .... ........ 10 3.2 Field Test operations, Mileage and Payload.,15 4. TREATMENT EVALUATION ............................. 21 4.1 Noise Level Changes..., ..................... 21 4.2 Component Durability ........................ 21 5. FUEL ECONOMY ....................... .............. 27 5.1 Anticipated Treat_nent Effects ............... 27 5.2 Field Data Analysis ......................... 29 6. MAINTENANCE .................................. ,...32 6.1 Treatlnent Effects... ........................ 32 6.2 Vehicle Maintenance Costs.. ................. 34 7. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS .......................... 40 REFERENCES ................................................ R-I Report No. 4797 Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc. LIST OF FIGURES page Figure i. Baseline configuration of the International Harvester F-4370 ................................... 3 2. Overview of major noise source levels and goals .... 5 3. Noise control treatments installed on International Harvester F-4370 ................................... 7 4. Two-stage engine mount ............................. 9 5. Nightly route for quiet F-4370 .................... 12 6. Weekly operations summary sheet ................... 13 7. SPA truck maintenance information summary sheet...14 8. Shop ticket addendum .... ......................... 16 9. Comparative
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