' ‘ UTTEBA. y VOLUME 11 NUMBER 33 Washington, Friday, February 15, 1946 The President utmost of his ability in support of this CONTENTS indispensable humanitarian cause. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have THE PRESIDENT PROCLAMATION 2679 hereunto set my hand and caused the Proclamation : Page seal of the United States of America to Red Cross Month, 1946_______ 1667 Red Cross Month, 1946 be affixed. DONE at the City of Washington this REGULATIONS AND NOTICES BY THE PRESIDENT OP THE UNITED STATES fourteenth day of February, in the year Agriculture Department : OF AMERICA of our Lord nineteen hundred Apples (WFO 143, Am. 3)______ 1668 A PROCLAMATION [ seal] and forty-six, and of the Inde­ Milk, handling in New York pendence of the United States WHEREAS the American National of America the one hundred and seven­ metropolitan area_______ 1672 Red Cross, under the provisions of its tieth. Potatoes, Irish; public meeting Congressional charter, continues to fulfill relative to issuance of per­ Harry S. Truman missive U. S. consumer its manifold obligations to extend cheer By the President: and aid to our servicemen in distant standards_______________ 1672 areas overseas, to provide servicemen and J ames F. Byrnes, Tea, designation of qualified veterans, and wounded and sick in hos­ Secretary of State. distributors_____________ 1667 pitals, with solace and a link with home, Alien Property Custodian, Office [F. R. Doc. 46-2536; Filed, Feb. 14, 1946; of: and to maintain its traditional services 11:55 a. m.] of aiding victims of catastrophe, and of Vesting orders: training men and women of our nation Frenkel, Hermann___ ___ 1676 to combat sickness and accident and thus Regulations Kaiio, Inc________________ 1675 to reduce suffering and death; and Kreuzer, Mathias__________ 1674 WHEREAS new obligations have Lieberknecht, Karl, Inc_____ 1676 arisen to assist veterans and their fami­ TITLE 7—AGRICULTURE Mori, Teizo, and Manako Sato______ 1674 lies in the many difficult problems of re­ Chapter XI—Production and Marketing turn to civilian life and resumption of Riesenberg, Adolph________ 1677 long-interrupted normal peacetime rela­ Administration (War Food Distribution Rudolph, Ida___ ___________ 1677 tions, and to contribute to the care of Orders) Weyer, Margaret A________ 1677 peoples in areas devastated by military Tea Coast Guard: operations, whose distress appeals with DESIGNATION OF QUALIFIED DISTRIBUTORS Approval of equipment_______ 1690 utmost urgency to every source of help F ederal Power Commission: for months ahead; and The designation of qualified distribu­ Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line WHEREAS at this time when the tors of tea pursuant to War Food Order Co., hearing_____________ 1672 No. 21, as amended F.R. 2077; 9 FE. foundations of peace are being estab­ (8 I nterstate Commerce Commission: lished, the American National Red Cross 15, 1084, 4321, 4319, 9584; 10 F.R. 103, by its very nature and purpose, and by 10419), issued by the Director of Food Automobile parts at St. Louis, its long record of humanitarian service, Distribution on February 5, 144 (9 F.R. Mo., unloading__________ 1673 stands both as symbol and as tangible 1561), as amended, is further amended Office: of Price Administration: expression of the spirit of universal good by deleting therefrom the name “Joseph Adjustments and pricing orders: will, recognizing no barriers in the unity S. Toledano & J. M. Pinto, 90 Broad Aggressive Mfg. Co___ ____ 1687 of human welfare; and Street, New York, New York”, and insert­ Anderson, Elmer.__________ 1687 WHEREAS this organization, which ing, in lieu thereof, the following: Avon Sole Co. (2 documents) _ 1681, represents the solicitude of our people Tao Tea Company, Inc.; 271 Church Street, 1682 for the care of its servicemen and its New York 13, New York. Barnes, Henry S., & Son____ 1679 lofty ideals for the prevention of suffer­ Borgerud Refrigerator Co___ 1685 ing, and which is entirely dependent on (E.O. 9280, 7 F.R. 10179; E.O. 9577, 10 F.R. 8087; WFO 21, 8 FE. 2077; 9 FJt. Bradley Coal Co. et al_______ 1682 voluntary contributions to carry out its Carbonic Gas Equipment Co_1686 purposes, is issuing its nation-wide ap­ 150, 1084, 4321, 4319, 9584; 10 F.R. 103, 10419) Chicago Electric Mfg. Co___ 1688 peal for the contribution of a minimum Chrysler Corp_____________ 1689 fund of $100,000,000; Issued this 13th day of February 1946. NOW, THEREFORE, I, HARRY S. Durite Products Co., Inc____ 1689 TRUMAN, President of the United [seal] ,C. W. Kitchen, Edwards and Co___________ 1688 States of America, and President of the Assistant Administrator, Empire Brush Works_______ 1680 American National Red Cross, do hereby Production and Marketing Firestone Industrial Products designate the month of March 1946 as ' Administration. Co___________________ 1685 Red Cross Month, and urge every citi­ [F. R. Doc. 46-2515; Filed, Feb. 14, 1946; Freezit Co______________ 1687 zen of this country to respond to the 11:16 a. m.] Frozen-Do Products Co_____ 1678 1667 1668 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, February 15, 1946 JS'0NAL«'lfc, CONTENTS—Continued 2. By deleting the provisions of § 1405.58 (c) and inserting, in lieu Office of Price Administration— thereof, the following: Continued. Page FEDERAiffîREGISTER Milk, turning evaporated (MPR .(c) Credits. In the event a handler \„ÜNITtO ,93*<ír ’ 586, Am. 1 to Supp. Storage sells to a governmental agency a quantity Reg. 4)________________ 1671 of apples of the fancy grade, or higher Paper«, kraft wrapping and bag, grades, of the Winesap or Newtown vari­ Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, and certain bags (MPR 182, eties, of sizes other than those required and days following legal holidays, by the to be set aside by the provisions of this Division of the Federal Register, the National Am. 13) __________y_____ 1670 Archives, pursuant to the authority contained Regional and district office or­ order, he may, pursuant hereto, obtain in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, ders: credit for such quantity against his re­ 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Cream, fluid; Greater Boston spective set-aside quantity of apples of ch. 8B), under regulations prescribed by the area_________________ 1689 the Winesap or Newtown variety. The Administrative Committee, approved by the Fluid milk, Oelwein, Iowa___ 1690 credit provided for by the preceding sen­ President. Distribution is made only by the T reasury D epartment: tence may be obtained by such handler, Superintendent of Documents, Government subject to verification by the Deputy Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Treasury bonds, call for redemp­ The regulatory material appearing herein is tion: Order Administrator for the district keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, 3%, 1946-48 _____ 1671 (Wenatchee-Okanogan or Yakima-Hood which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant 3y8%, 1946-49____________ 1672 River, as the case may be) where such to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as War D epartment: apples were grown, by giving written no­ amended June 19, 1937. Recruiting and induction for tice to such Deputy Order Administrator The F ederal R egister will be furnished by of the date of the shipment, the purchase mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Army of U. S.; enlistments order number, the car initials and num­ per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ and reenlistments_______ 1668 ber, or other shipment identification ac­ vance. The charge for individual copies War Shipping Administration: ceptable to such Deputy Order Adminis­ (minimum 15tf) varies in proportion to the Contracts with vessel owners trator, ahd the number of the boxes of size of the issue. Remit check or money and rates of compensation; order, made payable to the Superintendent values and rates of charter each variety. of Documents, directly to the Government hire, dry cargo vessels_____ 1671 It is hereby further ordered that all Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. apples of the Delicious variety which There are no restrictions on the republica­ CODIFICATION GUIDE tion of material appearing in the F ederal have been set aside-pursuant to the pro­ R egister. A numerical list of the parts of the Code visions of the said War Food Order No. of Federal Regulations affected by docu­ 143, as amended, but not sold or con­ ments published in this issue. Documents tracted to ’ be sold to a governmental NOTICE carried in the Cumulative Supplement by agency (as defined in the said order), uncodified tabulation only are not included at the effective time of this amendment The 1944 Supplement to the Code within the purview of this list. are released from all restrictions of the of the Federal Regulations may be said War Food Order No. 143, as Title 3—The P resident : Page amended. obtained from the Superintendent Chapter I—Proclamations: The provisions of this amendment of Documents, Government Print­ 2679____________________ 1667 shall be effective as of 12:01 a. m., p. s. t., ing Office, at $3 per book. Title 10—Army: War D epartment: February 15, 1946. With respect to vio­ Chapter VII—Personnel: lations, rights accrued, liabilities in­ Book 1: Titles 1-10, including Part 701—Recruiting and in­ curred, or appeals taken under the said Presidential documents in full text. duction for Army of U. S- 1668 War Food Order No. 143, as amended, Book 2: Titles 11-32. T itle 46—Shipping: prior to the effective time of this amend­ Book 3: Titles 33-50, including a Chapter III—War Shipping Ad­ ment, all provisions of the said War Food ministration: general index and ancillary tables. Order No. 143, as amended, in effect Part 302—Contracts with ves­ prior to the effective time of the pro­ sel owners and rates of visions of this amendment shall be compensation relating deemed to continue in full force and ef­ CONTENTS—Continued thereto___________ ___ 1671 fect for the purpose of sustaining any proper suit, action, or other proceeding Office of P rice Administration— Pa§e with regard to any such violation, right, Continued.
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