SECTION ONE SECTION ONE VOLUME LXV, NO. 21. RED BANK, N, J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1942. PAGES 1 TO 14 Fort Monmouth Atlantic Highlands Second Salvage "Tire. Registration 129 From hlonmouth Symphony Group Here Begins Today For Red Bank Firemen Registration of tire numbers Become New Citizens Welcomes Home Hero To Give Concert In Rod Bank will tako place to- day, tomorrow and Saturday at the -senior high schoo), Ulyer Symphonic Society street junior high'school and Capt. Posten Given Greatest Borough-Wide Collection To Mechanic and Oakland street Sworn In At Freehold This Week—• Sponsoring EvenV.at grammar schools. ', Be Made AH Day Saturday The. echools will be open from 21 From Red Bank Are Admitted Reception In Borough's History Rumson November 18 3:30 to 7 p. m. today and to- The second salvage drive ln~the Red Bank wa collected on IKo first morrow and from 10 a.- m. to Ona hundred and twenty-nine per- Poland; Atlantic Highlands staged an "all-members, first aid squad and happy 3 4 p. m. Saturday. out" welcome home Sunday to their boys and glrlB having the time of The Rumaon Symphonic - society borough of Red Bank Is scheduled drivo for the'.U. S. O.,- and the fire- sons, most of them of Italian extrac-. Wash I n Bo^Rs will present the Port Monmouth for this Saturjray, November 14, andmen- look forward to a neat sum as Anpthor-reglstratlbn day will tlon, were admitted to American .cit- Thelma Hewlt- 21-year-old beloved war" hero, Cap- their yonng lives. • ' be held at the schools Saturday, tain John Herbert Poston, son of Mr. The parade disbanded at the Pus-symphony orchestra In a concert at the' proceeds from, the sale of the the result of this second drive. It, izenship at hearings before Judge son, 1310 Eighth avenue, British Rumson high school auditorium scrap to be collected will be turned •is : also understood that a' betted November-21, from 10 a. m. Jo and Mrs. Harry Posten. ten home, where Captain Posten told 4 p, m. Owners of tires; are re- [John C. Giordano at Freehold Mon- West Indies; Elsie Turchyn, 879 the throng how great It was to be Wednesday night of next week at 8 over to the Red Bank Volunteer nre price will be secured for'this ma- day and Tuesday.. West Bangs avenue, Poland. Sharing In Sunday's reception and o'clock, Tho concert Jfi free and all department. :> terial than that obtained by the U, quired to register the serial parade and a dinner Monday night home and how happy they had made number.of all five tires, The class, largest in several years, Brlelle—Victor Kchevarrla, First him feel. Ho expressed his thanks residents .of this vicinity, Interested A mooting of the salvago commit- S. O: for,'thc salvage material which was presented by William H. Cal-street, Spain, • ' • " , at the Homestead hotel, which'cli- tee was held'Monday night In the they receiy.ed through the flrst tlrive. maxed a two-day celebration, was for the wonderful welcome In behalf In music are invited to attend. lahan,*naturalization clerk, who waa Union Beach—Theresa Panek, of himself and his wife whom ho In- office of Myron V. Brown on Wharf It is also proposed to sort the sal- commended ' by Judge .Giordano for Harris avenue, Czechoslovakia. the captain's bride, Miss- Margaret avenue, a member Qf 'the committee, vage material so that better "prices Christian, whom ho married Wednes- troduced. He was reluctant to speak the( manner- In which he "handle'd Keansburg—Mary Kowal, 46 Wood of his honors received in tho battle and final plans wef(f~decldcd upon can bo obtained rather than 6eII.it New YMCA Group day of laBt' week at her home In as ono general lot. ..--... these people, most of wh.om arc from street, Poland; James Frank Merrt- areas, but expressed his opinion that for this one-day collection. Co-oper- countries now at war with the United Montgomcv. during a brief stop-off ating, with the salvage • committee gan, 3 Depot street, Ireland, on his homeward trip. t)ie Americans wore doing a good Job Circulars printed at The .Register States.". ' . ' Middletown—Ruth Maria Kristitu over there. are Borough Engineer Enelqy M. office' this week are being, distributed Organized For Hundreds of men, women and chil- Write, Fire Chief Ralph Jobea and .throughout town . in tho interest of J The court, passed favorably on 49 Johnson, Blossom Cove road,' Swe- dren gathered in front of the high The hero's parent*, who had gone candidates Monday and four repatri- den; Lina Engesser, Main street, to Newark to meet their son and Freeholder Joseph C. Irwln.... the' Red Bank lire department bene- school building to greet with pride An extra effort on the part of fit. •""" " ~ Three Boroughs ation cases and 80 more the second Port Monroouth, Switzerland. friend ''Herb" back home after meri- wife, missed the couple and did not day of naturalization court. An "TEatbhtowh-^-Ahh Solok Swltek,-lll arrlvo "back homo until tho parade householders In Red Bank la urged The heap of- ecrap wbJcV was de- torious service with the Army Air for them to make. a thbrougri can- posited on the Thomas Jlrving. Brown American flag was presented to caeh Bclshaw avenuo, Poland. Forces In tho Philippines -arid Aus- was over. Tho train on which they Rumson, Fair Haven new citizen on behalf of the county Bradley Boach—Karln' Tercsla had come up from Raleigh, North vass of their . premls&a and _to_ put lot on Monmouth street during the tralia. • • ; • every bit of scrap material, wlth'the first drive has b^een practically re- and Judge 'Giordano shook hands Peterson, 513 McCabe avenue, Swe- Carolina, aft6r a short stop-off to Sea^Bright Unit— with the men and women. Ido Shortly after 1 o'clock tha appear-.j see his brother James and some of exception of paper, .which they can moved, _and-ls. well on, its way . into anco of two state troopers from Key- handle themselves on the curb early war materials. Mr. Brown ha» pTfered Those, admitted to citizenship and Farmlngdale—Anna Obsatz, Po- his friends at the State college, . Other Y Activities the lands1 they renounced were'1. port barracks signaled tho approach where he waa a student,-was Into at Saturday morning. Residents having the use of this Monmouth street lot land. of-the hero. The parade formed 1 scrap., or salvage material which again for depositing* the material Monday's Class. Matawan—Marie Dery, Canada. Newark. Seeing a waiting train for 1 quickly with tho high school band in Red Bunk they boarded it and taxied they cannot handle In this manner which will be collected Saturday; The newly-organized, Rumson-Fair Asbury, Park—Alanozjo Lopes, 200 Keyport—Margaret Bennett, Wall- the lead playing a victory iimrcli. from Red Bank to the home of his should telephone Red Bank 3100, tell- Those attending Monday night's Haven-Sea Bright .Young Men's Elizabeth street, Portugal;. Isabella ing terrace, Scotland; Margaret Des- Captain Fosten with his bride and grandmother, Mrs. Catherine Posten ing what they have to move, giving meeting, .in addition to Myron V. Christian association will file its ap- Pullman Ma.rr, 1305-i Comstock mond, 279 Washington street, Ire- Mayor Thomas C. McVey rode In an of Naveslnk, They were called for the location of Game, and it will be' Brown," were William Lcddy, Jr., | plication for membership In tho street, Scotland; John Konrad Jans- land, ... open decorated _car through First there and taken to the reception. called for In due time. chairman of tho general committee; | Monmouth Federation of YMCA's"at son, 1315 Fourth, avenue, Finland; Atlantic Highlands—Richard Hen- avenue, up Ocean boulevard and It Is estimated that only abput Charles;B. Gallagher, Ge'orgo Hatha-1 the nioetin(r of the Executive, corn- In the mcatlme a delegation which Helen Ostrosky, 1210 Asbury avehue| ry Sycr, 7 Naveslnk avenuo, Eng- through Third avenue to the parents' .one-half of th« salvage material in way, Jr., and Thomas IVvlng Brown, mittee of the Federation...to be held land. homo on Memorial parkway. Tho had met at Keyport to meet, accord- LoHvIa;-.Mar.y Altschulor, 118 Lang- at the Red Bank. YMCA building to- ford street, Poland; John Van Der Sea Bright—Bridle Lovgren, S shrieking of ftro truck sirens, blow- Ing to plans, the., hero and his wife night. * , Ing of car horns and the hearty yells with hla parents, receiving word of Hook, 002 Comstock street, Nether- Beach street, Ireland. the change, hastened back to Atlan- Meeting- in the superintendent's lands. Deal—Martha Brahseh, 278 Nor- of hundreds of school children wav- otlicc at Riimson high school Friday tic Highlands behind two state po- Long Branch—ITinnie Waldman, wood avenue,,,t Norway; Slguard ing flags made a tumultuous wel- 'Air'#edCf6sS; Work evening-, the "Trl-Boro" YMCA come, tfi'o like of which was never lice. Crowds of tho highways be- 1 225 Westwood avenue, Poland; Max Bransen, 276 Norwood avenue, Nor- tween Keansburg- and Leonardo board, ' considered a recently' com- Rand, 25 Second avenue, Poland; way, - . seen or heard In the history of this, pleted survey of the extra-curricular bayshore town. yelled their greetings, thinking the Ada Brickmnn, S Cooper ayenue, Manasquan—Frank "Victor Judge, flier was passing by, A fire truck Done By Volunteers interests of the student body of Rum- 42". North Main street, Canada.- ~T. FHANK CAPELLI son. high school and voted to mobil- Russia; Fannie Silver, 5;TFourth a.ve- "Welcome -Home Captain John and several cars joined the others at nlio, Russia; John Palaj Soltes, 205 Bolmar—Ann.-lisa LIndstrom, 1112 Herbert Posten" signs appeared on Bolford and- participated in the ize the YMCA-groups to provide ade- quate activity to occupy tho leisure Ludlow avenue, Ccechoslovakla.—~— F street, ' Sweden; Annie Robblns, the school building and on many parade.
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