Rose List 2020

Rose List 2020

Seventeenth Annual Rose Festival Saturday, June 20th, 2020 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Ciscoe Morris & John Christianson at 3pm other guest speakers throughout the day Rose Display ~ Rose Demonstration ~ Ice Cream Social 15806 Best Road, Mount Vernon, WA 98273 360-466-3821 Variety ROSES 2020 (followed by type, color, and other All of our roses are growing in large 5-gallon containers characteristics - see legend) Modern Roses Chihuly (FL) Ob Forever Rose (FL) W - Double Knock Out (SH) R * + $29.98 each Chinook Sunrise (SH) Ab + Forever Yours (HT) R - Pink Knock Out (SH) P * + About Face (GR) Ob Chris Evert (HT) Ob Fragrant Cloud (HT) Ob vf * - Pink Double Knock Out (SH) P * + Alfred Sisley (SH) O/Y Chrysler Imperial (HT) R vf Fragrant Plum (GR) M vf - Rainbow Knock Out (SH) Pb + All Dressed Up (GR) P Country Dancer (SH) P * + Francis Meilland (HT) P vf - Sunny Knock Out (SH) Y + All My Loving (HT) P Crazy Love (GR) Y + K Frida Kahlo (FL) R/Yb + - White Knock Out (SH) W * + All the Rage (SH) Ab * + Cream Veranda (FL) A + K Gemini (HT) Pb * Koko Loko (FL) Mb Anastasia (HT) W Crimson Bouquet (GR) R K George Burns (FL) Y/Rb Kosmos Fairy Tale (FL) W K Angel Face (FL) M vf Dainty Bess (HT) P * + Gilded Sun (FL) Y + La Perla (HT) Y K Anisley Dickson (FL) Ob * Dancing in the Dark (FL) R Gold Medal (GR) Y * Lagerfeld (GR) M vf Anna’s Promise (GR) Ob Dark Desire (HT) Rb vf K Golden Wings (SH) Y * Lasting Love (HT) R vf Anthony Meilland (FL) Y + Dark Knight (HT) Rb Good as Gold (HT) O Lasting Peace (GR) O Apricot Candy (HT) Ab + Day Breaker (FL) Ab * Granada (HT) Rb vf Lava Flow (FL) R * K Apricots n’ Cream (HT) Ab + Dee-lish (HT) P vf Grande Amore (HT) R + K Lavender Veranda (FL) M + K Arctic Blue (FL) M Delany Sisters (GR) P/W vf Grande Dame (HT) P vf Le Petit Prince (FL) Mb vf At Last (FL) A * + Desmond Tutu (FL) R + K Gypsy Soul (SH) R + K Lemon Fizz (SH) Y + K Barbra Streisand (HT) M vf Dick Clark (GR) Pb Heirloom (HT) M vf Leonardo da Vinci (FL) P Baronne de Rothschild (HT) P vf * Distant Drums (SH) Pb * Helmut Schmidt (HT) Y K Let Freedom Ring (HT) R * Beautiful Day (HT) A K Doris Day (FL) Y vf Henry Fonda (HT) Y Life of the Party (FL) Yb vf Best Kept Secret (HT) Pb vf + Double Delight (HT) Rb vf * High Voltage (SH) Y * + Little Mischief (SH) P + Betty White (HT) Pb Dream Come True (GR) Yb Honey Dijon (GR) Y Liv Tyler (HT) P vf * + Beverly (HT) P vf K Drop Dead Red (FL) R Honey Perfume (FL) Y vf Livin’ Easy (FL) O * + Bewitched (HT) P + Earth Angel (FL) Pb vf + K Honor (HT) W Love (GR) Rb Big Momma (HT) P vf Easter Basket (FL) Yb + Hot Cocoa (FL) Rb * Love at First Sight (HT) Rb Bill Reid (SH) Y + Easy Does It (FL) Ab Iceberg (FL) W * + K Love & Peace (HT) Pb vf + Black Baccara (HT) R Easy Going (FL) Y * Icecap (SH) W * + Love’s Magic (HT) R * K Bliss (FL) Pb + K Easy on the Eyes (SH) Mb + In Your Eyes (SH) P/Y + Love’s Promise (HT) R vf Blue Girl (HT) M K Easy Spirit (FL) W Ingrid Bergman (HT) R * Macy’s Pride (SH) W * + Bolero (FL) W vf + Ebb Tide (FL) M vf Intrigue (FL) Mb Madame Anisette (GR) Ab vf K Bonica (SH) P * + Elle (HT) Pb John F. Kennedy (HT) W Mango Veranda (FL) O + K Bordeaux (SH) R K Elmshorn (SH) P * K Judy Garland (FL) Y Marc Chagall (FL) P/Y Brandy (HT) Ab Emily Carr (SH) R + Julia Child (FL) Y vf * + Mardi Gras (FL) Ob Bright and Shiny (FL) Ab + Eternal Flame (HT) Y vf + Julie Andrews (HT) P vf Margaret Merril (FL) W vf * Brilliant Pink Iceberg (FL) P + Eyeconic Mango Lemonade (SH) Ab + Jump for Joy (FL) A Marilyn Monroe (HT) Ab * Bull’s Eye (SH) Wb + Eyeconic Plum Lemonade (SH) Mb + Just Joey (HT) Ob vf * Marmalade Skies (FL) O * Burst of Joy (FL) O/Y Falling in Love (HT) Pb vf Kardinal (SH) R * + K Maurice Utrillo (HT) R/Y Calypso (SH) Ab + Fiji (HT) P + K Kashmir (SH) R + Melody Parfumee (GR) M vf Camille Pissarro (FL) R/Y Fire Opal (FL) W K Keepsake (HT) Pb K Memorial Day (HT) M vf Campfire (SH) Yb + Firecracker (SH) Ob + K Ketchup & Mustard (FL) O/R Midas Touch (HT) Y Celestial Night (FL) M Fired Up (FL) Y/Ob + Kiss Me (GR) Pb vf + Miranda Lambert (HT) P vf Champagne Wishes (SH) W + Firefighter (HT) R vf Knock Out (SH) R * + Miss Congeniality (GR) Wb Ch-Ching (GR) Y vf First Crush (FL) P K - Blushing Knock Out (SH) P + Mister Lincoln (HT) R vf * Chicago Peace (HT) Pb Folklore (HT) Ob vf * K - Coral Knock Out (SH) O * + Moondance (FL) W Moonlight in Paris (FL) Pb vf Sedona (HT) Ob vf Falstaff R + Eden P * + Moonlight Romantica (HT) Yb vf + Sevillana (SH) R + Gentle Hermione P vf + Florentina R * + K Moonstone (HT) Wb * Sexy Rexy (FL) P * Gertrude Jekyll P vf + Fourth of July R/W * Mrs. Oakley Fisher (HT) Y * Sheila’s Perfume (HT) Yb vf * Golden Celebration Y vf * + Frances E. Lester W vf * + M.S. Hershey (HT) R Shirley’s Bouquet (HT) W vf Grace A * Fruity Petals Pb + Neil Diamond (HT) R/W vf Sierra Lady (FL) A + K Graham Thomas Y * + Galway Bay P * Neptune (HT) M vf Singin’ in the Rain (FL) Ab Harlow Carr P vf Garden Sun Ab + Nevada (SH) W * + Smokin’ Hot (HT) Ob Heathcliff R Ghislaine de Feligonde Y Never Alone (SH) Rb Sonnenwelt (SH) A vf K Heritage P vf * Golden Showers Y New Zealand (HT) P vf South Africa (GR) O * + K Imogen Y + Good Day Sunshine Y Nicole (FL) Rb K Souvenir de Baden Baden (HT) Pb vf * K James L. Austin P + Handel Rb * + Nicole Carol Miller (GR) Mb vf Sparkle & Shine (FL) Y + Jubilee Celebration P vf * Hella W K Octoberfest (GR) Ob Stainless Steel (HT) M vf Jude the Obscure Yb vf * Henry Kelsey R * + Oh Happy Day (HT) Ab + K State of Grace (GR) Ab Lady Emma Hamilton Yb vf * Highwire Flyer P Oh My! (SH) R Sterling Silver (HT) M vf Lady of Shalott Ob + Honeymoon Ab K Olympiad (HT) R * St. Tropez (FL) Ab L.D.Braithwaite R vf + Iceberg W * + Opening Night (HT) R Stephens’ Big Purple (HT) M Lichfield Angel W + Ilse Krohn Superior W Oranges ‘N’ Lemons (SH) O/Y Stiletto (HT) M vf + Lillian Austin Ab vf * + James Galway (EC) P * 34.98 Orchid Romance (FL) Mb vf Strike it Rich (GR) Yb vf Mary Rose P vf * + Jasmina P vf K Oscar Peterson (SH) W Sugar Moon (HT) W vf Molineux Y * + Jeanne La Joie P * + Oso Easy (SH) Summer Romance (FL) P vf + K Munstead Wood R vf * + John Cabot P vf * + - Cherry Pie (SH) R + Summer Sun (FL) Ob K Olivia Rose Austin P * + Joseph’s Coat Rb - Pink Cupcake (SH) P + Sunbeam Veranda (FL) Y + K Othello R Kiss Me Kate P vf * + K - Italian Ice (SH) Pb + Sun Flare (FL) Y * Port Sunlight Ab Kordes Moonlight Yb K - Lemon Zest (SH) Y + Suñorita (SH) Yb + Princess Alexandra of Kent P vf * + Lady Banks - White W vf * + $17.98 - 1gal Our Anniversary (FL) M Sunset Celebration (HT) A * Princess Anne P vf * + Lady Banks - Yellow Y vf * + $17.98 - 1gal Outta the Blue (SH) Mb vf * + Sunsprite (FL) Y vf * K Queen of Sweden P * + Lady in Red R * Over the Moon (HT) A Super Hero (FL) R * + Roald Dahl Ab Laguna P vf + K Paint the Town (SH) R * + Sweet Fragrance (GR) A vf * + Rose Marie W * Lavender Crush M vf Papa Meilland (HT) R vf Sweet Jane (FL) Yb K Royal Jubilee P vf + Leontine Gervais (RA) Ab * Parade Day (GR) Pb vf Sweet Mademoiselle (HT) Pb vf + Scepter’d Isle P vf * + Louis Jolliet P vf Pascali (HT) W Sweet Spirit (GR) R vf + Sophy’s Rose P Maigold Y vf + K Peace (HT) Yb * Tahitian Sunset (HT) Ab St. Swithin P vf + New Dawn P vf * + Peach Swirl (HT) Ab vf Tequila Gold (FL) Y + Strawberry Hill P vf Pearly Gates P vf Perfect Moment (HT) R/Y * K The McCartney Rose (HT) P vf * Teasing Georgia Yb vf + Perfume Breeze P vf Perfume Delight (HT) P vf Tiffany (HT) Pb vf * Tess of the D’Urbervilles R * Polka Ab * Peter Mayle (HT) P vf * + Top Gun (SH) R + The Lady Gardener A + Pretty in Pink Eden P * + Pillowfight (SH) W * + Touch of Class (HT) Pb * The Lark Ascending A Purple Splash Mb + Pink Brick House (FL) P + Toulouse Lautrec (HT) Y vf The Pilgrim Y + Quicksilver Mb * + K Pinkerbelle (HT) Pb vf + Tournament of Roses (HT) P * The Poet’s Wife Y vf + Raspberry Cream P/W * + Playboy (FL) Rb * Tropicana (HT) O vf Thomas à Beckett R Red Eden R * Plum Perfect (FL) Mb * + K Trumpeter (FL) O/R * Tranquillity W + Royal Sunset Ab vf * + $19.98 - 1 gal Polar Express (FL) W + K Twilight Zone (GR) M vf Vanessa Bell Y vf Sky’s the Limit Y Polynesian Punch (FL) Ob + Vavoom (FL) O William Morris Ab Tangerine Skies O * + K Pope John Paul II (HT) W Veteran’s Honor (HT) R * Winchester Cathedral W + The Albrighton Rambler (ERA) P 34.98 Poseidon (FL) M K Violet’s Pride (FL) Mb vf Windermere Wb vf The Generous Gardener (EC) Pb vf 34.98 Pretty Lady Rose (HT) P * Voodoo (HT) Ob vf Wisley 2008 P The Lady of the Lake (ERA) P 34.98 Pretty Polly Lavender (PO) M + Watercolors Home Run (SH) Pb + Wollerton Old Hall Ab vf The Wedgewood Rose (EC) P 34.98 Pretty Polly Pink (PO) P + Wedding Bells (HT) P * K Young Lycidas Pb vf Top of the World O/Y + Pretty Polly White (PO) W + White Licorice (FL) W vf Tropical Lightning Ob Princesse Charlene de Monaco (HT) A vf * + White Veranda (FL) W + K Climbing Roses Valentine’s Day R + Pumpkin Patch (FL) O Wild Blue Yonder (GR) M vf $29.98 each Westerland Ob vf K Queen Elizabeth (GR) P * Winter Sun (HT) Y + K (unless otherwise noted) White Dawn W vf Queen Mary II (HT) W + Above All Ob + White Eden W * Queen of Elegance (FL) P vf English Roses Alchymist Ab K Wichurana W Radiant Perfume (GR) Y vf $34.98 each Altissimo R * Zéphirine Drouhin P vf Rainbow Sorbet (FL) Y/P * Abraham Darby Ab vf * + America Ob vf * Raspberry Kiss (SH) Pb Ambridge Rose Ab vf * Autumn Sunset Ab vf * Old Fashioned Roses Ring of Fire (HT) Ob Benjamin Britten Rb + Awakening P * + $32.98 each Rio Samba (HT) Ob Boscobel P vf + Bajazzo P + K (unless otherwise noted) Rock & Roll (GR) R/W vf Brother

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