16 17 Berreman, Gerald D. 1962. Behind many Masks: Ethnography and Impression TOPICAL REPORT Management in a Himalayan Village. Monograph of the Society of Applied Anthropology; NoA. Also published in Berreman 1992. Nepalese Political Parties: 1987a. "Pahari Polyandry: A Comparison." In: M.K . Raha (ed.), Polyandry in India: Demographic. Economic. Social, Religious and Psychological Developments since the 1991 Elections Concomitants of Plural Marriages in Women. Delhi: Gian Publishing House, pp. 155-178. John Wbelpton 1987b. "HimaJayan Polyandry and the Domestic Cycle." In: M.K. Raha (ed.). Polyandry in India ( ... ), pp. 179-197. Based on a 'computer file updated regularly since 1990, this survey does not 1992. Hindus of the Himalayas: Ethnography and Change. Delhi, etc. : claim to be analytical but simply records some of the main developments in Oxford University Press. intra· and inter·party politics up to the recent (November 1994) general Bhall, O.S. and Jain, S.O. 1987. "Women's Role in a Polyandrous Cis-Hima1ayan election.! Infonnation has been drawn principally from the Nepal Press Digest, Society: An Overview." In: M.K. Raha (ed.). Polyandry in In dia ( ... ), pp. also from "Saptahik Bimarsha", Spotlight and other publications and from 405-421. interviews conducted in Kathmandu. Only brief mention has been made of the Brown. Charles W. and loshi, Maheshwar P. 1990. "Caste Dynamics and pre·1991 history of each party, including its role in the Movement for the Fluidity in the Historical Anthropology of Kumaon." In: M.P. loshi, A.C. Restoration of Democracy, and fuller details will be found in Whclplon 1993 and Fanger and C.W. Brown (eds.). Himafaya: Past and Present. Almora: Shree in POLSAN 1992: 9-53; the latter also provides details of party organisation and Almora Book Depot, pp. 245-266. altitudes of activists and parlamentarians. Popular perceptions of the parties and Fanger. Alien C. 1992. "Caste and Economic Exchange in a Traditional their support among different sections of the population are discussed using Himalayan Village (1992)." In: Joshi, Fanger and Brown (eds.). Himalaya: opinion survey data in Borre et al. 1994 and in lIDS 1993. while the issue of Pl!st and Present. Vol. Il Almora: Shree Almora Book Depot, pp.271-290. malpractice in the 1992 local elections is examined in DREFDEN 1992. Useful Gaboneau, Marc. 1975. "La transe rituelle dans I'Himalaya Central: Folie. analysis of trends since the 1991 general election will be provided by the forth· avatar, meditation." Puru$iirtha 2: pp. 147· 172. coming CNAS publication of the proceedings of a lune 1994 seminar on "State. Galey, Jean-Claude. 1986. "Totalite et hierarchie dans les sanctuaires royaux du Leadership and Politics in Nepal". Tehri Garhwal." Puru$artha 10, pp. 55-95. Leavitt, John. 1985. The Language of the Gods: Discourse and Experience in a A. PARTIES REPRESENTED IN PARLIAMENT NOW AND/OR IN 1991 -94 Central Himalayan Ritual. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Chicago. 1986. "Oracular Therapy in the Kumaon HiUs: A Question of Rationality." The underlined parties have held seats in the House of Representatives Indian Anthropologist 6.1, pp. 71-80. (Pratinidhi Sabha) under their own name. Percentages are of the 7,291,084 total Linkenbach, Antje. 1992. Ecological Crisis and Social Movements in the Indian votes cast in 1991 and 7.625.348 in the 1994 election;2 in 1991 the turnout was .Himalayas. E~ropean Bulletin of Himalayan Research 4, pp. 1· 14. 65.15% and the number of valid votes 6.969,061. and the 1994 figures were Pflelderer, Beatnx and Lutze, Lothar. 1979. "Jagar: Therapeutic Vigil in 62% and 7,384,277. Parties receiving less than 3% of the popular vote are nOl Kumau." South Asian Digest 0/ Regional Writing 8, pp. 70·98. officially recognised as national parties and are not automatically entitled to Rawat, Ajay S. 1989. History o/Garhwal /358-1947. An Erstwhile Kingdom in exclusive use of the election symbol they were originally allotted. Where a the Himalayas. New Delhi: India Pub!. Comp. party's number of seats changed between the two general elections, the new Sanwal, R.D. 1976. Social Stratification in Rural KUJ1l(Jon (with a foreword by figure has been shown in brackets after the original one. Twelve minor groups M.N. Srinivas). Delhi, etc.: Oxford University Press, pp. V-XII. contested the 1991 election without winning any seat, securing only 1.18% of Sax, W.S. 1994. "Gender and Politics in Garhwal." In: Nita Kumar (ed.). valid votes between them. and 19 similar groups obtained 4.03% in 1994. Women as Subject: South Asian Histories. New Delhi: Shree. pp. 172-210. Independent candidates attracted 4.17% of the vote in 1991, and three were Traill, G .. W. (1928) 1992. "Statistical Sketch of Kumaon."(reprinted) In: M.P. elected, all of whom subsequently joined Congress. In 1994 the independents' losh!, A. C. Fanger and Ch.W. Brown (eds.). Himalaya: Past and Present. share was 6.18% and seven of them gained seats. Vol.li. Almora: Shree Almora Book Depot, pp. 1-97. Zoller, ~ I aus Peter. 1994. "Saying Good-Bye the Himalayan Way," In: Dilip NEPAL! CONGRESS PARTY Chltre et al. (eds.). Tender Ironies: A Tribute to Lethar Lutze. New Delhi: (1991 : 110 (114)3 seats - 37.75%; 1994: 83 seats· 33.38%) Manohars Pub!' Founded in India as the Nepali Nalional Congress in 1947. Congress is the oldest party and, although now out of power, still the one with the largest share of the popular vote. It reta ins some prestige from its central role in the ovenhrow of the Rana regime. its victory in the 1959 election and its struggle 18 19 aga inst the panchayat regime. The party's president, Krishna Prasad Bhallarai, party leadership, initially held the ring between them, but in the autumn he became prime minister in the 1990-91 interim government, which had three accused Koirala of appointing too many Brahmans to high positions and of other Congress members: Yogprasad Upadhyaya O-l ome and Communications), disregarding the wishes of the party organisation. Marshal Julum Shakya (Supply, Constru ction and Transport) and Mahendra At the end of 1991, Koirala dropped six of his original ministers and Narayan Nidhi (Water Resources and Local Development). This domination of brought in 13 new ones. Those dismissed, who included Sheikh Idris, veteran of the pre-election government meant that Congress took lIle major blame for the 1959 parliament, and the party's Assistant General Secretary, Basudev Risa!. failure to meet the high expectations of April 1990. Although obtaining a clear Both Ganesh Man Singh and Krishna Prasad Bhatlarai expressed unhappiness majority of the 205 sealS in May 1991. its prestige was dented by its losing to the over the reshuffle and the prime minister's failure to consult with them Nepal Communist Party (Unified Marxisl-Leninist. abbreviated 10 beforehand; a major reason for the dismissals was in fact that Koirala believed UML) in 4 of the 5 Katbmandu constiruencies. including Bhallarai's own defeat lhese ministers had been taking instructions from Ganesh Man Singh. lU-feeling by the UML's General Secretary. Marshal Julum Shakya was defeated in was heightened because the ministers were not infonned of their dismissal before Patan-2, and Mahendra Narayan Nidhi (a veteran of the 1959-60 parliamenl) was it was publicly announced. The new Council of Ministers consisted of: the only Congress member of the interim administrat ion to win a seat. Other defeated candidates included the wife and son of Ganesh Man Singh. Prime Minster Girija Prasad KOIRALA Palace Affairs, Defence, Bhatlarai resigned the premiership shonly after the results were announced Foreign Affairs and the party General Secretary, Girija Prasad Koirala, became leader of the Ministers Bal Bahadur RAl Housing and Physical parliamentary board and prime minister. The brother of former prime ministers Planning B.P. and M.P. Koirala, Girija Prasad had successfully contested the Tarai seats Jagan Nath ACHARYA land Reform and of Sunsari-I and Morang-1. After the election he resigned from the Sunsari seat Management and also from the post of General Secretary. The new, all-Nepali Congress Ram Hari JOSHI Tourism cabinet was as follows (asterisks denote those who had also been members of lhe Shailaja ACHARYA Agriculture 1959-60 parliament): Sher Bahadur DEUPA Home Affairs Ram Chandra PAUDYAL Local Development Girija Prasad KOlRALA Prime Minister, Defence, Foreign, Finance, Maheshwar Prasad SlNGH General Administration, Health, Palace Affairs Law & Justice, Basudev RlSAL Water Resources, Communications Parliamentary Affairs *Bal Bahadur RAt Housing and Physical Planning Khum Bahadur KHADKA Works and Transport *J agan Nath ACHARY A Land Reform Govind Raj JOSHI Education, Culture, Social *Sheikh IDRIS Labour, Co-operatives, Social Welfare Welfare Ram Hari JOSHl Education and Culture, Tourism Shailaja ACHARYA Forest, Soil Conservation, Agriculture Ministers of State Dr. Ram Daran Yadav Health Sher Bahadur DEUPA Home Affairs Mahesh Acharya Finance Ram Chandra PAUDYAL Local Development Aishwarya LaI Pradhananga Commerce and Supply Dhundi Raj SHASTRI Indu stry Ramkrishna Tamrakar Industry and Labour Maheshwar Prasad SINGH General Administration Bir Mani Dhakal Forest and Environment Chiranjibi WAGLE Supply Bijaya Kumar Gachhedar Communications Tara Nath BHAT Law, Justice, Parliamentary Affairs Laxman Prasad Ghimire Water resources Khum Bahadur KHADKA Works and Transport Gopal Man SHRESTHA Commerce Assistant Ministers Siddha Raj Ojha land Reform and Managemem Ram Baran Yadav (Dhanusha-5) and Mahesh ACharya (Congress nominee in Dinabandhu Aryal General Administration, the Upper House) were appointed for Health and Finance respectively in July. Law and Justice, A strong anti-communist, Koirala took a firm line against a civil service Parliamentary Affairs agitation over pay just after his government came into oflice, and a number of Shiva Raj Joshi Works and Transport employees linked to the UML, which had sympathised with the agitation, lost Surendra Prasad Chaudhari Commerce and Supply their jobs.
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