Glossary of Medical Neuroscience Terms Daniel Roe, PhD Medical terms are commonly assembled from some combination of prefixes, roots, and suffixes. For example, we can assemble word parts to form the word neuritis from the root “neuro,” which means nerve, and the suffix “itis,” which means inflammation. Neuritis therefore means “nerve inflammation.” Adding or dropping a letter or two (in this case “o”) is common, so don’t let it confuse you. The following list gives many (though not all) of the terms we will encounter when studying medical neuroscience. You should familiarize yourself in general with how medical terms are constructed. It is my hope that you will find this list to be a helpful reference as you come across unfamiliar terms throughout the course of your studies. a-, an-: no; not; without ab-: away from -ad, ad-: toward -algia: denoting pain -amine: nitrogen compound ante-: before anti-: against anxio-: uneasy; anxious auto-: self bi-: two -blast: embryonic; immature cell -blastoma: immature tumor cell brachia-: arm brady-: slow bronchio-: bronchial tube bucco-: cheek calco-, calcio-: calcium, bony capno-, -capnia: carbon dioxide caudo-: tail; lower body part cephalo: head cervico: neck; cervix (neck of uterus) chemo: drug; chemical chondro: cartilage choreo: dance chromo: color chrono: time -cide, -cidal: killing or pertaining to killing cis-: same; on the same side -clast: to break con-: together contra-: opposite; against corporo, corpora: body cortico: cortex, outer part (e.g., bark) cryo-: cold cyto-, cyte: cell or cellular de-: lack of; decrease; removal of denti: tooth derma, dermato: skin dia-: complete; through dis-: apart; to separate dorsi-: back duro: durable; dura mater -dynia: pain dys-: bad; difficult; painful; abnormal -eal: pertaining to ecto-: outside of -ectomy: removal of; excision; cutting out; resection -edema: swelling electro-: electricity em-, -en, end-, endo-: in -ema: condition -emesis: vomiting encephalo-: brain epi-: above; upon; on epithelio-: skin equi-: equal; equality ergo-: work -esis: condition of eso-: inward -esthesia, esthesio: nervous sensation estro: female etio: cause eu-: good; normal -eurysm: widening ex-, exo-: out; away from (e.g., exit) extra-: outside facio-: face fascio-: fascia (the membrane that covers muscles) febri: fever feto: fetus fibro-: fiber -fication: making (e.g., ossification) -fida: split fili, filo, filamento: thread-like folliculo: follicle; small sac fore-: before; in front -form: similar in shape; in the shape of foveo: small pit or depression frig, frigo, frigid: cold -fusion: to come together galacto: milk ganglio: ganglion; a collection of nerve cells bodies gastro-: stomach -gen, -genesis, -genic: production; formation genio-: chin genito-: reproduction geo: Earth gero, geronto: old age gesto: pregnancy (e.g., gestation) giganto: large size (e.g., gigantic) gingivo: gums (e.g., gingivitis) glauco: gray -globin, -globulin: protein glomerulo, glomerulus: a cluster of nerve cell endings glosso: tongue gluco-, glyco-: sugar (e.g., glucose) glycogen: animal starch (a carbohydrate consisting of a large number of glucose units) gnoso-, gnosis: knowledge gonado: sex glands -grade: to go (e.g., retrograde, to go backwards) -gram: record; measure granulo: granule -graph: an instrument for recording -graph: writing -graphy: recording gyneco: woman; female gyro: circle hallucino-: hallucination; hallucinogenic hemo-: blood hemi-: half hepato-: liver heredo-: hereditary hexia: habit histo-, histio-: tissue hydro-: water hyper-: above; excessive hypno-: sleep hypo-: below; deficient hypophyso: pituitary gland (hypophysis) hypothalmo: hypothalamus hystero-: uterus; womb -ia: contition -iac, ic, ical: pertaining to -iasis: abnormal condition -ician: specialist ideo-: idea; mental idio-: unknown; distinct; individual immuno-: immune; safe in-: in; into; not -ine: substance; chemical infra-: below; beneath inter-: between intra-: within -ion: process ipsi-: same ir-: in iso: same; equal -ism: process; condition -ist: specialist -itis: inflammation -ium: structure; tissue juxta-: near jaundo-: yellow karyo: nucleus kineso, kinesio, -kinesis: movement kypho: humped back -labile: unstable; perishable labio-: lip lacrimo: tear duct lacto-: milk -lalia, lalo: speech; babble lamino: lamina; layer -lapse: to fall; sag latero: side -lemma: sheath; covering -lepsy, -leptic: seizure; to seize as in to take hold of letho-: death leuko-: white levo-: left lexo-, -lexia: word; phrase linguo: tongue lipo: fat -lipsis: omit; fail litho: stone; calculus -lithotomy: removal of a stone lobo: lobe -logist: a specialist -logo: study lordo: curve; sway back -lucent: to shine lumbo-: lower back -lysis, -lystic: break down; destroy; reduce macro: large mal: bad -mania: obsession; obsessive preoccupation medio: middle medico: to heal; healing mega: large -megaly: enlargement melano: black meningo: meninx, meninges (membranes covering the brain and spinal cord) mento: mind; chin meso: middle meta: beyond; change -meter: measure methodo: procedure; technique -metry: process of measuring micro: small -mimesis, -mimetic: imitation; simulation; copy -mission: to send -mnesia: memory mono: single morpho: shape; form morto, -mortem: death -motor: movement multi: many muta, mutageno: genetic change myel-, myelo-; the myelin sheath of nerve fibers; of the spinal cord or medulla oblongata; of the bone marrow. myo-, myos-: muscle myocardium: heart muscle narco-: numbness; stupor; sleep naso: nose nati-: birth necro-: death neo: new neuro-: nerves, nervous system neutro: neither; neutral noci-: harmful; injurious; painful nocto-: night -noia: mind; will nomen: name (e.g., nomenclature) normo: rule; order noso: disease nucleo: nucleus; nucleic nulli-: none nutrio, nutrito: nutritious; nourishing nycto: night obstetro: pregnancy; birth oculo-: eye odonto: tooth odyno: pain -oid: resembling; derived from -ole: small one: mono; uni -opaque: obscure ophthalamo: eye -opia, -opsia: visual condition -opsy: view of opto, optic: eye; vision -or: one who oro: mouth -orexia: appetite -organo: organ ortho: straight -ose: full of; sugar -osis: condition; abnormal -osmia: smell ossiculo: small bone (e.g., ossicle) osteo: bone oto: ear -otia: ear condition -ous: pertaining to oxo, -oxia: oxygen oxysmo: sudden palato: roof of mouth paleo: old pali: recur; repeat palliato: to soothe; relieve (e.g., palliative care) palpebro: eyelid palpo, palpato: to touch gently (e.g., palpate) palsy: paralysis (often with involuntary tremors) par-: abnormal; other than para-: beside; along the side of; abnormal parasito: parasite -paresis: weakness patho: disease -pathy: disease; emotion peri-: surrounding petro: stone; petrous (e.g., the petrous portion of the temporal bone) -pexy: fixation; put in place phago, phage: eat; swallow phagia: eating; swallowing pharmaco, pharmaceuto: drug pharyngo: throat phaso, -phasia: speech -pheresis: removal phil, philo-, -philia: like; love; attraction to phlebo-: vein phobo, phobia: fear phono, phonia: sound -phoresis: carry; transmit -phoria: to carry; a feeling (as in a mental state) photo: light phreno, phrenia: diaphragm; mind -phthisis: wasting away -phylaxis: protection phylo: race; species; type physio: nature; function physico: natural; physical -physis: to grow pinealo: pineal gland pituitaro: pituitary gland plas, plaso, plasia, plasm: formation; development; structure -plastic: pertaining to formation; moldable -plasty: surgical repair or remodeling pleo-: many -plegia, -plegic: paralysis; palsy plexo, plexic: plexus (of nerves) -pnea: breathing -poiesis: formation polo: extreme polio-: gray matter of brain or spinal cord poly: many ponto: pons (a structure of the brain stem) -posia: drinking post-, postero-: after; behind praxia, praxis: performing an action pre-: before primi-: first (e.g., primitive) pro-, proso-: before proto-: first proteo-: protein proximo-: near (e.g., proximal) pseudo-: false psycho-: mind -ptosis: droop; sag; prolapse pyro-, pyreto-, pyrexo-: fever; fire qual-: quality; characteristic quant-: quantity; number quasi-: as if rachio: spinal column; vertebrae radicule, radiculo-: nerve root (or plant root) re-: back; do again; reticulo-: network retino-: retina retro-: backward; behind rhino-: nose rhizo-: root -rrhage, -rrhagia: bursting forth (e.g., hemorrhage, a bursting forth of blood) saccharo: sugar sacro: sacral; sacrum salpingo: fallopian tube; auditory tube (Eustachian tube) sangui: blood (e.g., sanguineous) sanita: health; healthy (e.g., sanitary) -schisis, schisto, schizo: split scirrho: hard sclero: sclera (white part of the eye) sclerosis: hardening scolio: crooked; bent -scope: instrument for visual examination -scopy: visual examination scoto: darkness (e.g., scotoma) secto: to cut (e.g., to section) semi: half -sepsis: putrefaction; decay sepso-: infection septo: partition (e.g., septum) sero: serum; serous sialo: saliva sialadeno: salivary gland sinistro: left sinuso: sinus -sis: state of; condition skeleto: skeleton -sol: solution somato, -some: body somno, -somnia: sleep -spasm: sudden contraction of muscles spectro: image; spectrum; (e.g., spectroscopy) spheno: wedge; sphenoid bone sphero: globe shaped; round sphygmo, -sphyxia: pulse splanchno: viscera (internal organs) spino: spine spiro: to breath spondylo: spine; backbone; vertebra squamo: scale -stabile: stable; fixed in place -stalsis: contraction stapedo: stapes (of middle ear) -stasis: to stop; fixed in place -stat: a device (or instrument) for keeping something stationary (e.g.,
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