Jutlander Bank Arena · 4. marts 2021 · 18:45 CET vs Aalborg Håndbold RK Celje Pivovarna Lasko WE ARE A TEAM FOR EUROPE Nord Stream 2 is a European project that Opdateret 19.11.19 contributes to a secure energy supply for all European countries. Our excellence is the result of effi cient cooperation among a large team of experts from more than 20 countries. Respect for the environment and team spirit are at the core of our values, therefore we are a proud partner of this sport and sponsorship. Offi cial Partner of the EHF Champions League Men ©EHF www.nord-stream2.com Bjerringbro-Silkeborg Foreword EHF President NR. NAVN: Dear handball friends, 1 Kasper Larsen It gives me great pleasure to welcome you back for the resumption of the EHF Champions League Men. In the two months since our last action, the handball 2elite haveAugust been competing Pedersen in the World Championship in Egypt and those on duty for their national teams now return to focus on Europe’s top-flight. 4 Klaus Thomsen The performances in Egypt once again reminded us just how 7strong EuropeanNikolaj teams Øris are onNielsen the world stage and my congratulations go to champions Denmark on securing back-to-back titles. Together with runners-up Sweden and Spain, who finished in third, there9 wereJacob 27 players Lassen at EHF Champions League clubs who medalled in Egypt whose aim now is to make it a year to remember by finishing with an EHF Champions League medal. 10 Johan Hansen From the first ball, group A has been dominated by two 11sides whoSebastian are only separated Skube by goal difference at the top. Łomża Vive Kielce and SG Flensburg-Handewitt have enjoyed a fine campaign to date and are closing in on a place in the quarter-finals, having won six of their eight matches so far. With Paris Saint-Germain, who finished third at the VELUX15 EHF FINAL4Mads 2020 Kjeldgaard in December, alsoAndersen fighting for a place in the next phase, this group promises to have plenty of twists and turns before its conclusion. 16 Aljosa Rezar In group B, Barça have blown away all before them, winning18 all eightJesper of their matches Nøddesbo to sit pretty at the top on 16 points. Telekom Veszprém have kept with up with Catalan club, sitting three points behind having won six of their eight matches. The Hungarian22 side haveNikolaj a one-point Markussen advantage over Motor as the second half of the season begins, while Aalborg Håndbold, who saw six players win medals at the World Championship, lie in fourth on 10 points.55 Thrainn Orri Jonsson With every team’s goal to reach Cologne, it would be remiss77 of me Michaelnot to highlight Knudsen another team in group B: THW Kiel. Although their results in the 2020/21 season have been mixed, the German outfit were crowned winners of the 2020 season in a memorable VELUX EHF FINAL4 2020 in December. Filip Jicha’s side were the toast of Europe after two epic performances in Cologne and my congratulations go to all concerned at the Wunderino Arena. Of course, it was both unfortunate and sad that such an achievement was not witnessed by spectators inside a full LANXESS arena but, in these uncertain times, it was uplifting to see so many supporters across the world tuning into watch each match. In these Covid-19 dominated days, we have done our utmost to ensure the welfare of the teams with the implementation of a strict and detailed hygiene concept. It has helped us ensure a safe the return of top-flight handball to arenas across Europe and hopefully soon we will be able to see the return of Observatør:you, the fans, Bjarne who are Munk the heartbeat Jensen of handball. Dommere: Henrik Mortensen & Jesper Kirkholm Madsen So, as the pace on the road to Cologne and the EHF FINAL4 on 12/13 June 2021 increases, I wish all teams a safe and happy return to action and wish you all the very best of luck on your EHF Champions League Men journey. Michael Wiederer EHF President Partners Suppliers Gruppespillet skal afsluttes med manér Torsdag aften spiller vi vores sidste kamp i En god holdpræstation er også en nødven- EHF Champions League gruppespillet, når dighed for vores videre bestræbelser i turne- slovenske RK Celje Pivovarna Lasko kommer ringen. I første omgang gør det sig gældende på besøg i Jutlander Bank Arena. mod Celje, der allerede inden de afgørende gruppekampe er sikre på at ende på gruppens Inden sidste kamp er intet afgjort, og der er syvendeplads. De har dog leveret flotte præ- fortsat meget på spil. Vi ligger på en delt tred- stationer undervejs, bl.a. i sidste uge, hvor de jeplads i et tæt felt med THW Kiel og HC Mo- var tæt på at sikre sig point mod FC Barcelona tor, og sidste gruppespils-runde kommer til som det første hold i år. at afgøre, hvorvidt vi ender som nummer 3, 4 eller 5 i Gruppe B. I det omvendte opgør i Slovenien hev vi en tomåls-sejr i land, og jeg forventer en ny tæt Placeringen afgør, hvilken modstander vi skal kamp i Aalborg torsdag aften. Men sigtekor- møde i 1/8-finalen, og ender vi i top-4 bety- net er rettet mod en sejr, og vi vil kæmpe for der det også hjemmebane i anden kamp. Med at slutte gruppespillet med manér og give os en sejr kan vi som minimum sikre os en plads selv det bedst mulige udgangspunkt, inden i top-4, mens det samtidigt kan være nok til at en ny spændende fase af turneringen starter. slutte som 3er i puljen. Det er altid specielt med disse europæiske Vi har leveret et flot gruppespil indtil nu, hvor kampe, og vi glæder os til endnu engang at drengene har ydet flere store præstationer. I høre CL-hymnen i Jutlander Bank Arenas høj- alt har vi skrabet 14 point sammen i de første talere. Jeg håber, I sidder klar foran skærmen 13 gruppekampe, og en sejr mod Celje vil give til at støtte drengene endnu engang. os vores hidtidige største pointhøst nogensin- de i et EHF Champions League gruppespil. Rigtig god kamp! Kendetegnet for vores præstationer har været et godt kollektiv, hvor mange spille- re har budt sig til. Det er bl.a. symboliseret ved, at hele otte af vores spillere har scoret mere end 30 mål i gruppespillet indtil nu. 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Official match ball of the EHF Champions League. select-sport.com AALBORG HÅNDBOLD DANMARK 1 Simon Gade 2 Benjamin Jakobsen 3 Jonas Samuelsson 6 Sebastian Barthold 7 Felix Claar 11 Lukas Sandell 13 Nikolaj Læsø 14 Magnus Saugstrup 15 Andreas Holst 16 Mikael Aggefors 19 Mark Strandgaard 20 Mads Christiansen 21 Henrik Møllgaard 22 René Antonsen Træner: Stefan Madsen 23 Buster Juul Ass. træner Arnor Atlason RK Celje Pivovarna Lasko SLOVENIEN 1 Filip Ivic 27 Kristjan Horzen 3 Domen Knez 28 Jan Grebenc 4 Tobias Cvetko 33 Tadej Kljun 6 Tadej Mazej 57 Patrik Leban 8 Arsenije Dragasevic 77 Domen Novak 9 David Razgor 90 Veron Nacinovic 10 Tim Cokan 99 Gal Gabersek 11 Gal Marguc 13 Josip Sarac 14 Matic Groselj 15 Vid Poteko 16 Miljan Vujovic 18 Mitja Janc 20 Nik Cirovic 22 Radojica Cepic Træner: Tomaz Ocvirk 25 Tilen Kodrin Ass. træner: Klemen Luzar I ÅR ER DET 50 ÅR SIDEN JKE BLEV GRUNDLAGT Vi skaber køkkener i nordisk design og skræddersyer stadig hvert eneste på fabrikken i Jylland. 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