Thursday, August 14, 1958 TORRANCE PRESS Automobiles for Sal* 200 *or *•'• Autom»bflet for Sale 300 for SaU 200/^utomebil«i for Sal* 201 y^utomobiUs for Salo 200 ^utomobilt* for SB!B 200 ^utomobiUs for Salo 200 ^utomobilos for Salo 200 WHY FOLLOW If UNLESS ITS H l I N SALES! be best. You can beat these prices THE LEADER We offer proof positive! Our deals must we suggest you go into the WHY BUY? Now largest volume dealer in So. Calif. UNLESS ITS USED CAR BUSINESS THE BEST USED CARS * * * PLYMOUTHS Try These Quality Cars for You're the Salesman New Car Order Form Yes, you can now make out your own "New Car Order Form" be your to the purchaser. The New Car Order Form Is the result of the analysis v L'56 FORD ..... $1395 WHY PAY? Looks Mechanical A-l own salesman - at MERMAN MILLER PLYMOUTH. In keeplna with of hundreds of sales from our operation and Is deslined to increase oor \ V4l/ ul««<»!» Bxtto , heater,ttmiimr. allml\ white.Ibtllfo Automatic.AlltMM*tl£. our Volume Operation Methods every ettort Is made to reduce ,1he time seles and your SAVINOS. It will require Ins than five minutes for yaw to UNLESS ITS and overhead on each transaction without sacrificing attention and service complete this form. The directions are easy to follow. UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY SERIES I. I Wont to Buy a New 1958 Plymouth '56 MERCURY . '. $1495 THE LEAST 1. Business Coupe ................... ,«631 II 1957 Pontiac Safari Station Wagon V-8 2. Club Sedan ...................... $2754.21 »9M5.32 W004.W Montclelr 4-<loor hardtop. Radio, heater, automatic, pewe/ staer- fr Select the model of Plymouth that you would like to purchase. WHEN Pull power, hydramatlc, radio, heater, whit? walK. <r Plymouth builds three series of cars differing In trim and finish. 3. 4 Door Sedan ...................... SJ777.M tavir.M *305'J2 Ing «. brake*. AM white. £ 6 cylinders $111.65 less than listed models. 4. Sport Coupe ....................... SM42.M S3074.U «. Sport Sedan ....................... SMU.23 Like New, $2495 6. Convertible ........................ S3279.ll 7. Pury ............................... S3599.M FRED GLEDHILL 2. These Are the Accessories I Desire '55 MERCURY .... $1095 1957 Mercury Monterey Coupe Power Pak, Turnpike apolne,, ??0790 ho, automatic,«u radio, heater, W/W, fr Check the accessory you want with your Plymouth and add their STATION WAGONS Radio, heater, automatic, power steering, brakes, window* ft. Mat. THE LEADER amounts. I tone white over perslrf./'w. * MONTCLAIR CONVERTIBLE SUBURBANS GIVES YOU Powerflite ........................................................ 1179.55 Deluxe 2 Door 6 Passenger......................................... S904A.2] $1995 Radio ............................................................ 83.00 Deluxe 4 Door « Passenger ...........................................S3101SS Hester ............'................................,........... 79.40 Custom J Door 6 Passenger ............................M.......... 13174.5S Sotcx Glass . ........... .....................'...........,,....... 31.05 Custom 4 Door « Passenger ..........................................S323B.tt White Wall Tires ................................................... 33.35 Custom 4 Door 9 Passenger ......................................... S337S.55 '55 CHEVROLET .... $ 895 THE BEST 1957 Plymouth Savoy Sport Coupe V-8 Power Steerlna ........... i.......................................!.. 74.SO Power Brakes ...................................................... 37.50 VI Bel Air J-door sedan. Red*, neater, automatic. FOR Pull power. Push Button drlv, radio, hr*at»r, 2 ton* white & yellow. Real Sharp, $1995 SPORT SUBURBAN 3. I Want $ for My Car * 4 Door 6 Passenger THE LEAST (Amount Desired) *See Used Car Code 4 Door 9 Passenger S353i.l '53PONTIAC .... $495 1956 Plymouth V-8 Club Sedan | Custom Otallna Coup*. Radio, heater, hydramatle. '55Plym. $1199 Push Button drive, radio, heater, real sharp ? tone white It green. Make Year Condition of Cor Is Convertible, aowerfllte, radio & Only $1195 -Excellent -Average heater, white side wall tires, Corttl- FILL BLANKS FULLY AND CHICK CONDITION OF YOUR CAR nentel kit. A rael buy. -Good -Pear * IMPORTS * 1956 Crown Victoria Coupe V-8 *Used Car Code '55Chev. $999 Pull power, redlo, heater, Pord-o-matlc, W/W, 2 tone white aver blue. Our Tremendous Volume Mokes These 4 door ter'an, where wlca Is the mo»t Important Item. $1495 Allowances Possible This is Your "Herman Miller" Volume CHEVROLET PLYMOUTH FORD Figured by You '57 SIMCA ARONDE . $1195 'SO Deal smo.oo S1140.00 'SO $1130.00 4-door Mdan. H«*far, white walls. 1210.00 'SI 1175.00 '51 1160.00 1955 Ford V-8 Ranch Wagon 52 '52 53'Chev. $699 1275.00 1250.00 1300.00 Overdrive, radio, heater, one tone oreon. Great economy car special at 1575.00 '53 1425.00 'S3 Bel-Air, «4oor. Madia, Mater I '54 1550.00 New Car Prtet O) .......................................B- Power CMIde. 175000 170000 '54 1700.00 3175.00 '$5 3100.00 '« 315000 $1095 345000 '54 3375.00 '54 Add: Accessories (J) ...................»................$. '37 3400.00 "56RENAULT .... $995 3750.00 2*50.00 '57 3825.00 4-door sedan. Heater. fth«n». '56' Karman 1956 Chevrolet V-8 Bel Air Coupe Total Cost $- PONTIAC DODGE MERCURY PowerglMa, radio, heater, white walls, 2 tone red & white. Real sharp '50 81125.00 SO 81115.00 '50 81125.00 car. '51 1160.00 *51 1140.00 51 1140.00 Ghia. ..$1999 'S3 '52 '52 1210.00 1175.00 1150.00 Lets: Used car Allowance fc Cash Deposit (3) ..........l- Coupe. Radio, heater, low mileage. Only $1595 'S3 1500 00 S3 1375.00 '53 uoooo '55 TRIUMPH .... $1695 Mech. soimri. This ta that hard to '54 1700.00 54 1750.00 '54 1775.00 find model. '85 2075.00 '55 3125.00 '55 2125.00 Subtraet from Total Cost ........................t- TR-J roadster. Sharp. 'M 537500 '54 3325.00 '56 237J.OO 57 3935.00 'S7 3925.00 '37 3075.00 1954 Chevrolet Del Roy Club Coupe Balance $ '49Plym. $299 Powergllde, radio, heater, W'S/w, white ovrr sky blue. All leather seats. * pass. Sub. This Is the best trans­ BUICK DE SOTO NASH portation ear In the entire harbor Only $795 '50 81110.00 '50 81100.00 '30 81110.00 '53 SUNBEAM TALBOT $ 695 '51 1125.00 '51 1125.00 'II 1150 M If yod owe money on vour present car, add that to the balance. If not. leave BLANK ......................8- Convertible. Radio, heater. 1340.00 S3 123000 1200.00 1575.00 '53 1400.00 1375.00 1900.00 '54 1953 Ford V-8 Country Sedan 1723.00 1675.00 8- '58 Chev.. $2699 7150.00 '35 2335.00 190000 Finance Balance 4-Door o passenger. Pord-o-matlc, radio, heater. A really sharp good 3425.00 '56 (See Finance Chart) Bel Air 4-door sedan, ffxecuftve running car. 3373.00 3300.00 3075.00 37 3175.00 3333.00 car. Fully equipped. Only $795 OLDSMOBILE CHRYSLER STUDEBAKER What Will My Payments B«? '55 Chev.. $2199 81150.00 '50 81100.00 '50 81085.00 1175.00 1140.00 '51 1115.00 Corvette. Large radio A heater. 1953 Ford Custom Club Coupe 133000 1335.M '52 All white In color. 1200.00 ftralght tick, radio, heater. A really sharp car. 1675.00 1400.00 1525.00 36 month TaMe 1825.00 1*40.00 1733.00 FINANCE CHART 227J.OO 231100 3000.00 Only $495 3335.00 347300 3300.00 . Balance Paymt. (Aporox.) eief Pavm. (Approsc.) '57 Chev.. $1599 3235.00 333100 2375.00 $1001-1100 $34.37 S3 181 -MOO ».! 4-door sedan, radio a\ heater, etan- 1101-1JO« 37.11 7701-1300 75 (O dard transmission, excellent buy. 1201-1300 41.M 1301-5400 la.W 1951 Studeboker Club Coupe until approximately Aug. 31, 1958 1301-1400 44.4* 54*1 .fsOO «.5d Overdrive, radio, heater, one owner ear. Ronl sharp in and out. 1401-1500 41.12 15014640 ».«4 DIVISION until approximately July 31, 1958 1501 1*00 51.56 l.3t '56 Chev.. $1399 1601-1700 45.06 2701-2800 «.f> A Buy, $195 1701-1100 58.44 5WI-JWO 6.5 V4 4 door. Stand, trans., heater, This Is a cross sectional pulde. Judge vour ear carefulty- 1IOM«00 61.M 2W-SOOO 505 Pacific Coast Hwy. w/w fire*, ant owner. It may Da worth considerably more than specified ltOI-2000 45.11 S001-J100 2001-»100 M.ft Hermosa Beach FR 4-0921 Are you having car payment probltmi? Are your pay- menti too high? Did you get in over your head? Coma Remember! '53 Pontiac $499 In and MO ui today. We can relieve the pressure. You Open Eves. & Sunday 4 doer laden. Hydramatlc, MAM. real buy I can trade down to a ear that suits you payment wise. We We at Herman Miller Plymouth & Triumph TR-3 are not only proud of our ability to sell automobiles in VOLUME and will buy your car outright, or show you how you can thereby save you money, but realizing the importance of SERVICE after sale, we strive to maintain only the fineit of VEL'S Ouch! TRUCKS lower your present ear payments. See us today. service. Executive Car The reduction of price on ft 40 Miles Per Gallon ft 78 Miles Per Hour SALE this car hurts us more than '57 Chev. $1399 fr Roominess $1699 TRIUMPH $1699 ft Handling Ease Biggesf saving* ever of­ you! Come on in NOW. Vi-ton Pick-up. Sold I serlveed by You cfln't get hurt, just us since new. FAMILY FUN SEDAN fered on executive can. trade money for this qual­ 1958 FORD ity automobile! '57 Chev.. $1399 V-l (Thunder Bird engine) Pelrlene Two Giant Locations Vi-ton panel. Sold 1 serviced by "500," 4-door, FoM-o-Maflc, radio '57 FORD us. Must see and drive ta appreci­ & heater, power steering, brakes 4 ate. loaded with extras. Thli Is an ex­ t ecutive car (never told). Wat *3OO. CUSTOM-RANCHERO USED CARS IN TORRANCE NEW CARS NOW $2750 SAVE $700 Radio, heater, Ford-o-mat- ic, white wall tires, low mile­ '48 Willys $599 ' 1958 FORD V-8 4-wheel drive, Vi-ton pick ytv Nadlo 1600 Cabrillo Ave.
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