** THE EVENING STAR. Washington, D. C. i ital was denied. | while they were In Moscow H girls tell me about some flip- ¦'North gtws the latter section a .said. • I their doors to Negroes moving III.IX : top A-16 , FRIIMV. FFKRt’ARY *l. | That move came after the together. boxes?” serious race situation. He then said many people i into their neighborhoods, the prosecution completed its case. The prosecution has contend - Methodist Bishop Marshall R. "Detroit in recent years has i were not yet ready for inter- picture is generally that these It has accused Sergt. Rhodes ; ed that, on at least two occa- Reed of Detroit told the ( had a 639.000 increase in > racial churches. churches tend to become almost of becoming involved with Rus- ¦ sions, once after Mrs. Rhodes gathering the movement of population, of which over 400.- “While many ‘white’ churches i totally Negro after a few years,” Closing Arguments Due sian women and vodka and with i reached the Soviet capital, her Negroes from the South to the ¦ 000 was colored.” Bishop Reed I ’in northern cities have opened I Bishop Reed added .accepting rubles from Russian i husband went on drinking par- i agents while on duty as head of ties with Russians and wound Spy Case the motor pool at the American i up with Russian women. In Rhodes Embassy in Moscow from 1951 The- charges against Sergt. <GEORGE WASHINGTON BIRTHDAY SALE By JOHN A. GILES to 1953. Rhodes grew out of the evi- Star Staff Writer Col. Hummel called it a , dence introduced last October 10-officer Port court-martial today began de- of Col. A McNair "rather fascinating and fabol- in the New York trial 1j j»HIlif*1UiM 29.95 super ricohflex 120, F3.5, case 17.95 liberating the fate of M Sergt Roy A. Rhodes, charged with Rudolph I. Abel, who was con- 79.95 ricoh of it told ¦MnWfmvnynstffnHiMHiH 500. F 2 $, case 52.50 conspiring to peddle information to the Russians in Moscow. ous story.” most by victed of spying for the Soviet ¦iIRIIIHMMiH ALSO LOW PRICES ON OLYMPUS, MINOLATA, Closing arguments by opposing counsel and instructions to turncoat Russian Agent Feino i-Union and sentenced to 30 YASCHICA AND AIRES CAMERAS the court by Lt. Col. James F. Healey, Jr.. the law officer, were Hayhanen. years in prison. 127.50 REVERE 777, >-mia. PROJECTOR, 750 completed today. iVo go meets .tr ava eiaTn The then put Sergt. Rhodes testified in WATT, CASE, !95> MODEL ever defense 36- 83.33 ’• The defense rested yesterday without putting on the that trial that he received'as WOLLENSAK 43, 8-mm. CASE 95.00 , year-old Mrs. Rhodes the 99.50 MOVIE CAMERA. I ”0.00 CONTAFLIX 11, sergeant as a witness in his own on '•*9 * "" CASE 110.00 1 much as $3,000 for information THREE 1 LLENSES ON TUTURRETtT» FILTERS SO nervous, av.so ASK FOR OUR EXTRA ON CONTAFLEX 111 *IV behalf. His chief counsel, Lt. explained stand. Pale and she he gave to the “ LOW PRICES have been to him 1 Russians while KODAK RETINA REFLEX, 2, CASE Col. John F. Hummel, told the and he chooses to remain si- told of her life with the in Moscow. If convicted, he 336.50 F 155.00 ser- Bmm Projector* with Reverse. Variable Speed 146.50 KODAK RETINA F2.E, CASE court: lent." geant and how he home could receive life imprisonment. lie. 94 JO came 139.00 KODAK SHOWTIME, NEWEST MODEL, CASE 119.50 KODAK RETINA lllc. 2, CASE "The rights of the accused A defense motion for acquit- to lunch and dinner every day 94.35 F 119.*50 149.50 KEYSTONE KlO5, 750-w.tt, CASE 94.35 1“ 99.50 KEYSTONE KIOOM, CASE ... 69.50 SINGLE LENS REFLEX 120, SOLIGOR 66, CASE P , LIST $112.00 ‘SALE $69.50 Impact of City 124.50 REVERE PSSD, 500-WATT. CASE 77.50 | TELEPHOTO LENS. 150m*. F 4, PRE-SET FOPSOLIGOR 750-watt, CASE 182.50 REVERE 16-mm. PROJ. 114.95 .... 224.50 REVERE 16-mm. 3 LENS TURRET 1.9, 100' 49 ,5 *OOA,( *>NY US OUTFIT, CAMERA, CASE AIR 149.50 " ROOM F 198.00 CINE-KODAK ROYAL MAG. 1.9 ? H by Bishop 99.50 ~A bM 29.50 Cited r— ——\ 39.50 KALART Bmm EDITOR COMPLETE 25.97 By CASPAR NANNES B&H 70DR 16-mm. COMPLETE WITH 3 B&H LENSES WITH $628.00. Btar Staff Writer CASE. LIST LATEST MODEL 374.50 4 »M>T J MM BOLEX 16-mm. STEREO OUTFIT FOR CAMERA AND CONDITIONERS Methodist Bishop G. Brom- * /4 *4/# SUPER D EKTAR 4.5 152 i PROJECTOR. LIST GRAFLEX. mm $359.50 97 50 ley Oxnam of Washington de- LENS, LIKE NEW 99 Kft clared yesterday the “American IVaaSVt WATSON PRESS, F4.5 29 50 mind is in large measure de- SLIDE PROJECTORS 4,5 GRAFLEX, ZEISS TESSAR F 4.5 49 50 termined by the American city.” 79.50 ARGUS 500 AUTO, CASE 54.50 ZEISS SUPER IKONTA 8, P2.S, WITH FLASH AND . "It is here that the great 62.50 ARGUS 300 AUTO, CASE 42.35 CASE 39 50 (Carrier ) periodicals and the books 64.50 KODAK 300 READYMATIC 44.50 NIKON CAMERA. F 2 NIKKOR, CASE 79 50 HAND NEW WITS are 74.50 KODAK 300 BANTAM SPECIAL, 828, 200 published, the radio and tele- AIREQUIPT 52.50 F2, CASE 44 50 4,300 w, CAMERA, . vision programs developed," 79.50 B&H MODEL CASE 54.50 ALPA REFLEX 35mm F2.8, CASE 79 50 108.80 LaBELLE 55, w, CASE CANON CAMERA, F 1.9, Bishop Oxnam pointed out. 500 69.50 35mm CASE 59 50 85 00 KODASLIDE SIGNET, 12.8, LEICA G, SUMMAR, CASE fogQ 3 "It is in the city that the 500 w 58.50 F 2 7.5 Amps., 7500 BJ.U.’s, 115 Volts governmental decisions are 144.50 REVERE 888, 500w, 7 TRAYS, CASE .. 96.50 OMEGA 120, F3.5, ALMOST NEW (LIST, 258.50 1 150 00 /4 159.50 REVERE D, w, 7 TRAYS, CASE . _ H.P 888 500 made and the financial 107.95 and LEICA lllf, F 2 SUMMITAR. CASE 117 50 FLUSN MOUNTS, EXHAUSTS, VENTILATES, economic courses determined. 9.95 WALZ EXPOSURE METER. CASE AND CHAIN 6.86 LATEST MODEL MINOX lilt, CASE fr CHAIN 75 00 *4 Qc The impact of the American 16.95 POCKET-SIZE TRIPOD, GEARED ELEVATOR. HEILAND STROB V ELECTRONIC FLASH |9 95 POWER COOLING; THE UNIT THE city immediate. 9-SECTION, 3-WAY TILT HEAD, CASE 9.95 HEILAND EXTENSION FOR STROB V 995 QUIETEST ON is Witness LENS, pony-tail hair-do’s in Tokyo. 24.95 PERRIN ALL-LEATHER GADGET BAG 12.45 GRAFLEX TELE-OPTAR 15" F 5.6 ALMOST 4-LITE MOVIE BAR, CASE, BULBS NEW (LIST 195.00) .. MARKET. IVV The kimono has gone and in- 6.49 59 50 _ . , , . „ KODAK EKTAR 7", F 2.5 „ 29 50 stead we see slacks and shorts.” Hrand-Vew Leira Bargain*. Leltz (.aaraatee UETZ ELMAR 90mm, F 4 29 95 The Methodist prelate spoke 354.30 LEICA Ills WITH F 2 SUMMICRON. CASE 250.00 LEITZ HEKTOR 135mm, F4.5 34 50 230 VOLTS S 95 to the concluding session of the 472.50 LEICA M-3, 12 RIGID SUMMICRON, CASE 350.00 ZEISS SONNAR FOR CONTAX. 85mm, F 2 57*50 114 I! D OAQ- church’s second annual convo- SILETTE, 12.8, 1/2 13,000 B.T.U.’s LrTU cation on Urban Life in Amer- 142.00 AGFA AMBI CASE 85.00 MANY MORI VALUES5 NOT ADVERTISEDADVtRTISID ll.r. ica at the Willard Hotel. More TELEPHOTO & WIDE-ANGLE LENSES. 30% OFF than 1,000 delegates attended All other sizes, 'j HP., 1 H.P, 2 H P., at tremendous savings. Models the three-day meeting. are on display and can be tested. Bishop Oxnam also took a 170.00 VOIGHTLANDER VITESSA E, «2. CASE 110.00 > crack at car manufacturers and 166.00 voightlander vitessa t, i2.8, case 105.00 \ & OFF p COMPARE These Wonderful New Carrier Models With Any Other television advertisements. TELEPHOTO WIDE-ANGLE LENSES. 40% 943 O . Are. N.W. Makes for Appearance, Quietness, Cooling Capacity, Etc.! “Who are the madmen who ‘‘Famoux tor Values" build cars so long they can- Maa^MHßaMaHßMMaaami^HßaaßMiiMaHaa^HaaaaM^Maaa LOOK nside Them and See How They Are Built to Last! not be parked and are hard to turn at corners, vehicles with Also, Hundreds of Used Units, in Excellent Shape, $49.50, $75 and Up hideous tail fins, full of gadgets and covered with chrome, so low that an average human be- ing has to crawl in the doors and so powerful that no man Saturday Only—9 A.M. ta 6 P.M. dare use the horsepower avail- able?” he asked. "I rejoice in the achieve- ments of American television and the occasional great pro- (FE. 3-6100) grams in the bringing of na- BISHOP EQUIP. tional and world CO. events into our 1 omes,” he continued. "But 1258 Wisconsin Ave. I resent the brain-washing N.W. techniques to sell cigarettes. Why should we have pretty mi tM Hi ¦fl all w 4 * ‘ Open TODAY 2 le '' 11 P.M. '-’F;.4 mr M AND CONTINUING DAILY THRU TUESDAY, FEB. 25 Everybody has a wonderful chance to win SI .000 00 i'sJapjP every day during the Home and Furniture Show in the l | A POT O' GOLD SWEEPSTAKES Nothing to do v.
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