FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION WASHINGTON, 0 C 2MO4r THIS IS THE GIMIc FOF R# DATE FILMED CAMERA NO@ Q'~ER~N_ 0 lrlnrar iFECEIVED r-1, .,4 c.einu i ,,e, T umber1tab ?Vaptist Tl urd . LitII q6nn Western Avenue 88 NOV -2 AM : 26 Knoxville, TN 37921 (615) 584-9129 R. Hershel Chevallier Eugene M Fleming Robert Uhl Lawson Pastor Associate Pastor Minister of Music/Youth October 31, 1988 General Counsel Federal Election Commission -ri 999 E Street N.W. Washington, D.C. 20463 C)r Dear Sir/Madam: My name is Robert Uhl Lawson and I am a minister at Cumberland Baptist Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. Recently we received the enclosed letter from Sevier Heights Baptist Church in Knoxville- Hollie Miller pastor - concerning the upcoming presidential election. I believe this letter is in violation of our constitutional rights concerning the separation of church and state. Please check and advise. Thank you. Sincerely, Robert Uhl Lawson RUL /ab Enclosure Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of 1988. NOTARY PUBLIC My commission expires MyComrnisson Expircs Feb. 25, 1992 *vier Heights* i Baptist Church Knoxvil e HOLI IE MILLER, PASTOR October 26, 1988 Dear Pellow Pastor, Greetings in the wonderful name of our Lord. I'm sure you have received an abundance of material concerning the issues of the Presidential election, November 8th. However, some of the people in our own congregations are still uninformed concerning the critical nature of this election. Enclosed are two documents from Dr. Tim LaHaye: a Pres- idential Position Report and Dr. LaHayels special ex- pose' of the ACLU. Perhaps you will find these docu- ments helpful as you prayerfully and courageously ad- dress the issues in the days to come. May God richly bless you as you stand for righteous- ness. In Christ, Hollie Miller HSM/dec encl. 3706 Sevier Heights Road Knoxville, Tennessee 37920 577-4.222 l -CAPITAL - REPORT SCIUL EDmO4 1988 Presidential Position Report In rder o vote responsibly, you should know where the prientl candid stand on the ime t1 A importat so yo for nce he is in ofte a presiden will had our couefy amorcdig to his philosophy. Tht piloophy is usuaIlly ai in advance by W posions n inp m is mo durng p1-elCd0o campgniq. Moa repomuove only those issues which pertains oecoomicsa d ntional defense. owever. since the entrance in 198Oof evangelical Chiiasamsini e polital prm (lmost 2 of he elelM , *e has developed more imemst in the social and family imes. These an given priority in this report. i s m m en f ro m Every nenpe ha been made in my research so be fw mad objective by quoting specif c stuament o both candidate orc co ts the ctndidats' own literatmue. issue position papers. or fam press interviews and televised debates. If you feet this repon would be of inmerest to your friends ani feliow church members, feel free to reproduce si distribute it. Most of all be sue to vote on November , 19 81- Dr. Tim LaHaye. Author. Minister. Lcturer Gov. MkftWe Dukakie V.P. George Bush SOCIAL-FAMILY ISSUES ABORTION "I support the 1973 Supreme Court decision... I believe in the "Iam opposed to abortion except incases of rape. incest.or Ilten the sanctityofhuman life.' ...I don't know when life begins"' ...The life of the motheris in danger."' "1support aConstifional Amend- only way I believe we can deal with this issue is to pennit a woman ment that would reverse the Supreme Court decision made in 1973. inthe exercise of her own conscience and religious beliefs so make 1also support a Human LfeUAmnenLe" -in addition.l I oppose de that decision"... I believe that women who am poor hould hsve the use of federal funds so pey for abortion except when the life of the right tochooee legal medical procedure s do women who... mother is threatened."' same 4 have a decent income or private health insurance". AIDS -AIDS is the most senous threat g public health we have faced inour "We must do all we can go stop the spread of AIDS... those at high lifetmne ... We need so teach America's childe ahout AIDS risk must be educated on how to avoid contracting the disease. The beginning inthe early ades. I arongly support the efforts ofSenwor only guarmteed way tohaltthe spreadof AIDS. given wtk we know. Teddy Kennedy and Congressman Waman to increase funding for is a change of behavior .... There must be more testing (with con- AIDS research and educmtion to over a billion doifra this year."s fidentiality) ... of military, those with sexually transmited disemes and those who seek nwurriage licenses. We will spend one billion dollars on AIDS next year.'" CHILD CARE Would use his Massachusetts program. which Time magazine calls "Opposes a fedqral child care bureaucracy with a standard setting M country's most comprehensive state-supported day care sys- ...proposes a child care program that permits parents the widest tem" as a model. "Will create a new office of child care in the federal choices possible, including private child care centers. synagoys government to assure -the quality, affordability and availability of or relative and neighbor care ...funded by taxcredits or special child care."" (cost unknown) government assistance for the poor."' CRIME After being criticized nationally for his furlough program which "Fighting crime must be a high priority ....I intend to appoint judges resulted in released prisoners committing additional crimes, he who will crack down on criminals, both to make sure that just stated, "I support the furlough program because it's an important pan punishment is given out to deter future crimes. Let's close loopholes of any modem and effective correctional system."' that let criminals go free to repeat their offenses, I want to stop ha~r~nin n fits-ar I -t,' gtren thenthp iaws In rtrwe- IA -1have always opposed capital punishment and will continue to do .ictim, n'iia .. .. so. My feeling on this issue is based both on my view that capital punishment is not a deterrent to crime and on my personal, moral Favors death penalty for certain violent crimes.' belief that killing for any reason is wrong." "Ihave always opposed capital punishment and will continue to do so.'.O Permission granted to reproduce and distribute freely. 1* - ft. Nkt vf Vi,,. 1111111111111101 ..... WWMWWN 111- w HOMKUAW . .rmetond . .. M .. be ca fa dul oailiy I d't 0Ah Amlso sociesy diouldl ibedW toap do "W* doist prohibit *A placing of "'ilIb in gay and blasba IlJindo't bis iL and Il'm g a oig0posb far it."' bolsebolols and when I wasprsetehg l lin yylghil wueto do thi. I vetoed it."" PORNOGRAPHY Dukais'lmadquris rfuased somake -n official sataemnot an f "We Will v4010011lYeoAoCONaiadomim lawiwem n10 mitmnals& whichads &hdiuma Mi dopia asaeaploilesa of children... MwistclyIrn dofelwfdl-A' cb p s. - iqhy Lid dw a oOf 1011111o0e aervice f~iome puapoes.09 SCHOOL PRAYER Dukakis- headquarters refused to make an ofricia statement on thi "Asa i~ (reionn Team (1969). 1loo-opaouurd *A -pesyur lashool -e-danea-' Ilfavor avoinaary proy naymaholan C unions of uncbing values. I believ domaluden should hav do s4iasdlahy wW foranaanmiury mdoction.amimlonemprayr " ACLU) "I am a card-carrying member of dhe American Civil liberties -... Ilhave neverjond lbiACLU. awdo losveany planaoois do Union."", ACLU.-If ECONOMIC ISSUES THE BUDGET DuAkis headquarters refused to make an official statement on Uds 01mpport a CoAmddoo umbend -aolaclumsdd issue. Isupport allae-iam vow ... we munt a ld ine1aon toxing Md spuaidlwg ' TAXES 'No spaible candidate for preidentcan ruleouaid aisg taxesn"I -n oppoisi tosinius.. I will s ainminsaes. plaled. I a las resoa1L"" ~ ikip10 11sb110111 UMleeap11Oamq... byclaljqpowl a,m" ras.. an" NATIONAL DEFENSE MILITARY PREPAREDNESS "Instead or spending S6 Billion next year for Star Wars and MX. an -As Preidkent I will amt make the mistakeour prodecesora made of $50 Billion over the next IS years form midgehman missile we don't neglecingdefem- e lfavors poducion ofsaraegc weaponssuch need. we should invest in... .strog. moderizdmobile convenional as th B-I1 Bober. and SDLK force that will provide security and deterrence in Euro~pe."15 NICARAGUA ~'Th U.S. must end military support of die Contras and throw its "We nippon freedom (Iteas aibishtishp h -nhgS support behind the Arias plan." establish a free and dIocruic? govommen In Nicaregus-a. 11do figlerselsewh in da.world aoistm Apgol...- SDI "Star Was is an unworkable fazntmy which would noe make our "Successful research on SDI can lead to an effective defense shield nation more secure." Recently agreed to spending $1Billion on SDI one dhat lifts from die shoulders of manikind the fear of owuciw research."" annihilation."" For more detailed information regarding the candidates' positions wuitedthe Presidential Biblical Scoreboard, P.O. Box 10459, Costa-Mewa.CA 92627 or call (714) 545-8905. Gov.Mictads Outahl V.P.Gasep 11=6 1. Town meetuss.Newton. Main. 1977. 1. Coervatie Dieu. Jammy1916. 2. MaineRigSi to Life News. 1987. 2. Bushrespoome go Biblical Sceetmd '97. 3. Des Moine Repsier.Decemnber 9,198s7. 3. Bushpolicy 19Mu.~i. 4. Mesuq to Mactsas Lcgmsae. 4. Bushpolicy awm W IS96. 5. Duhakis Policy Su'nes. 1981. 3. Bush1Policy 111111e1Mi.19111. 6. OqibaWuPolicy Swntnwie. 1911s. 6. Bush11policY VIU11meM1.19111. 7. The Wningion tnes. Mandi22. 19111. 7. PImRobertson. 5. The Wuhintou Tmes. Maids 22.19t111. 95.Los &Ampoks Twmos. imy 24.Mli$WSb197 9. Dukahi Policy Susninsuies.19811. 10.Bsh& policy s 10.Htmm Events.May 14. 19111. Issee 19011. 11. Haune EveausAsiuse 2.1988. 1t. UPL Ja 25. 19111. '2 DuhakiaPolicy Suummaries,198. 12.Bush asewi I soPuideniil B1ial Scorebowd1987.
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