TNPSC mid WEEKLY Test QUESTIONS: 200 TEST CODE: mo3 DURATIONS: 180 MINS 1. Which one is known as father of periodic table a) Lavoisier b) Rutherford c) Mandeleev d) Bohr ,tw;wpy; ahh; jdpk ml;ltizapd; je;ij vd;wiof;fg;gLgth; ahh;? a) ytha;rpah; b) &jh;Nghh;l; c) nkz;nlyPt; d) Nghh; 2. Halogens belong to the a) s-block b) p-block c) d-block d) f-block `hy[d; ,tw;wpy; ve;j njhFjpia rhh;e;jJ? a) s-njhFjp b) p-njhFjp c) d-njhFjp d) f-njhFjp 3. pH value of human blood is a) 8.25 – 8.35 b) 7.35 – 7.45 c) 4.0 – 4.5 d) 6.45 – 6.55 kdpj ,uj;jj;jpd; pH msT _______ a) 8.25 – 8.35 b) 7.35 – 7.45 c) 4.0 – 4.5 d) 6.45 – 6.55 4. Match List I and List II (National Park and State) List I List II A) Nanda devi National Park 1. West Bengal B) Kaibul Lamjao 2. Uttarakhand C) Sunderbans 3. Arunachal Pradesh D) Namdapha National Park 4. Manipur A B C D a) 3 1 4 2 b) 2 4 1 3 c) 1 3 2 4 d) 2 3 1 4 gl;bay; I kw;Wk; II I nghUj;Jf. (Njrpa G+q;fh kw;wk; khepyk;) gl;bay; I gl;bay; II 1 A) ee;jh Njtp Njrpa G+q;fh 1. Nkw;F tq;fhsk; B) nfa;Gy; yhk;[h 2. cj;jufhz;l; C) Re;jutdk; 3. mUzhr;ryg;gpuNjrk; D) ek;jgh Njrpa G+q;fh 4. kzpg;G+h; A B C D a) 3 1 4 2 b) 2 4 1 3 c) 1 3 2 4 d) 2 3 1 4 5. Dhuvaran power station is located on which state? a) Bihar b) Odisha c) Gujarat d) Madhya Pradesh Jhthud; kpd; epiyak; ve;j khepyj;jpy; mike;Js;sJ? a) gPfhh; b) xbrh c) F[uhj; d) kj;jpa gpuNjrk; 6. The study of the Moon is called a) Helioseismology b) Selenology c) Geology d) Cosmology epyitg; gw;wp gbf;Fk; gbg;gpd; ngah; a) `PypNahnra;rkhy[p b) nrypdhy[p c) [pahy[p d) fh];khy[p 7. Absolute zero = a) 100°C b) 273°C c) -273°C d) 0°C jdpr;Rop ntg;gepiy = a) 100°C b) 273°C c) -273°C d) 0°C 8. Which one of the following is scalar quantity? a) Mass b) Velocity c) Acceleration d) Weight gpd;tUtdtw;wpy; vJ ];Nfyhh; msTfs; a) epiw b) jpirNtfk; c) KLf;fk; d) vil 9. What is the unit of surface tension? a) newton b) laplace c) Pascal d) newton m-1 gug;G ,Otpirapd; myF vd;d? a) epA+l;ld; b) yhg;y]; c) gh];fy; d) epA+l;ld; kP-1 10. Match List – I with List – II List – I List – II (Social Reformer) (Birth Name) A. Vallalar - 1) Mool Shankar 2 B. Vivekananda - 2) Mudichoodum Perumal C. Dayanand Saraswathi - 3) Ramalingam D. Vaikunda Swamigal - 4) Ramasamy - 5) Narendranath Dutta A B C D a) 4 5 1 3 b) 3 5 1 4 c) 3 1 5 2 d) 3 5 1 2 gl;bay; - I> gl;bay; - II cld; nghUj;Jf. gl;bay; - I gl;bay; - II (r%f rPh;jpUj;j thjpfs;) (,aw;ngah;) A. ts;syhh; - 1) %y; rq;fh; B. tpNtfhde;jh; - 2) Kb#Lk; ngUkhs; C. jahde;j ru];tjp - 3) ,uhkypq;fk; D. itFz;l Rthkpfs; - 4) ,uhkrhkp - 5) eNue;jpuehj; jj;jh A B C D a) 4 5 1 3 b) 3 5 1 4 c) 3 1 5 2 d) 3 5 1 2 11. Find out the incorrectly matched pair. (Books) (Author) a) Satyartha Prakash - Dayanand Saraswathi b) Akilattirattu Ammani - Vaikunda Swamigal c) Manumurai Kanda Vasagam - Vallalar d) Arya Mayai - Periyar jtwhf nghUe;jpAs;s ,iziaf; fz;lwpf (E}y;fs;) (Mrphpah;) a) rj;ahh;j;j gpufh\; - jahde;j ru];tjp b) mfpyj;jpul;L mk;khid - itFe;j Rthkpfs; c) kDKiw fz;l thrfk; - ts;syhh; d) Mhpa khia - nghpahH 12. Match the following: A. 1336 1. Origin of Bahmani Kingdom B. 1347 2. Battle of Thalaikotta C. 1565 3. Downfall of VIjayanagar D. 1614 4. Origin of VIjayanagar 3 A B C D a) 4 1 2 3 b) 2 3 1 4 c) 3 1 4 2 d) 1 3 2 4 nghUj;Jf: A. 1336 1. ghkpdpg; NguuR Njhw;wk; B. 1347 2. jiyf;Nfhl;ilg; Nghh; C. 1565 3. tp[aefug; NguuR tPo;r;rp D. 1614 4. tp[aefug; NguuR Njhw;wk; A B C D a) 4 1 2 3 b) 2 3 1 4 c) 3 1 4 2 d) 1 3 2 4 13. Asvamedha yaga means a) Elephant Sacrifice b) Human Sacrifice c) Horse Sacrifice d) Lion Sacrifice m];tNkj ahfk; vd;gJ a) ahid gypapLjy; b) eugypapLjy; c) Fjpiuia gypapLjy; d) rpq;fj;ij gypapLjy; 14. Kalinga war of Asoka and the propagation of Buddhism was mentioned in Asoka’s inscription in a) 6th Rock Edict b) 13th Rock Edict c) 8th Rock Edict d) Bhabru Rock Edict mNrhfuJ fypq;fg;Nghh; gw;wpAk; mtu; Gj;jkjj;ij gug;g Nkw;nfhz;l nray;fs; gw;wpAk; Fwpg;gpLk; fy;ntl;L a) 6tJ ghiwf; fy;ntl;L b) 13tJ ghiwf; fy;ntl;L c) 8tJ ghiwf; fy;ntl;L d) ghGU ghiwf; fy;ntl;L 15. Which of the following Article and Part grants Special Status to Jammu and Kashmir? a) Article – 370 and Part – XX b) Article – 370 and Part – XXI c) Article – 371 and Part – XX d) Article – 371 and Part – XX1 [k;K fh\;kPh; khepyj;Jf;F rpwg;G mq;fPfhuk; mspf;Fk; ,e;jpa murpayikg;Gr; rl;lj;jpd; ruj;J kw;Wk; rl;lg; gFjp vit? a) ruj;J – 370 kw;Wk; gFjp – XX b) ruj;J – 370 kw;Wk; gFjp – XXI c) ruj;J – 371 kw;Wk; gFjp – XX d) ruj;J – 371 kw;Wk; gFjp – XX1 16. Sarkaria Commission was Constituted in 1983, which gave it’s recommendation in 4 1988, regarding _____ a) Judicial Reforms b) Development of Local Self government c) Internal security d) Central – State relations 1983y; mikf;fg;gl;l rh;f;fhhpah Mizak;> 1988y; vjd; njhlh;ghf jdJ ghpe;Jiufis toq;fpaJ? a) ePjpj;Jiw rPh;jpUj;jk; b) cs;shl;rp mikg;Gfs; Nkk;ghL c) cs;ehl;L ghJfhg;G d) kj;jpa khepy muR cwTfs; 17. Which among the following is the oldest federation in the world? a) USA b) Canada c) Switzerland d) Russia fPo;f;fz;ltw;Ws; cyfpd; kpfg; gioikahd $l;lhl;rp Kiw ve;j ehl;by; nray; gl;L tUfpwJ? a) mnkhpf;fh b) fdlh c) Rtpl;rh;yhe;J d) u\;ah 18. Which among the following Amendment Act substituted the word Armed rebellion for Internal disturbances? a) 38th Amendment Act – 1975 b) 42nd Amendment Act – 1976 c) 44th Amendment Act – 1978 d) None of the above fPo;f;fz;ltw;Ws; ve;j murpayikg;Gr; rl;lj; jpUj;jj;jpd; fPo; cs;ehl;Lf; fyfk; vd;w nrhy; MAjNke;jpaf; fpsh;r;rp vd;W jpUj;jg;gl;lJ? a) 38tJ murpayikg;Gr; rPh;jpUj;jr; rl;lk; - 1975 c) 42tJ murpayikg;Gr; rPh;jpUj;jr; rl;lk; - 1976 c) 44tJ murpayikg;Gr; rPh;jpUj;jr; rl;lk; - 1978 d) ,tw;wpy; VJk; ,y;iy 19. Which of the following constitutional Amendment gave the rights to parliament to Amend any part of the constitution even Fundamental rights? a) First Constitutional Amendment Act b) 24th Constitutional Amendment Act c) 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act d) 44th Constitutional Amendment Act fPo;f;fz;l ve;j murpayikg;G rl;lj; jpUj;jk; %yk; ehlhSkd;wkhdJ mbg;gil chpikfs; cl;gl murpayikg;gpd; ve;j gFjpiaAk; jpUj;jk; nra;a ,aYk; vd;w mjpfhuj;ijg; ngw;wJ? a) KjyhtJ murpayikg;G rl;lj; jpUj;jk; b) 24tJ murpayikg;G rl;lj; jpUj;jk; c) 42tJ murpayikg;G rl;lj; jpUj;jk; d) 44tJ murpayikg;G rl;lj; jpUj;jk; 20. Arrange the evolution of Panchayati Raj Committees in Chronological order: I. Ashok Mehta Committee II. L.M. Singhvi Committee III. Gadgil Committee 5 IV. G.V.K. Rao Committee a) I, II, IV, III b) I, III, II, IV c) I, IV, II, III d) II, III, I, IV fhy thpirapy; gQ;rhaj;J uh[; mikg;G njhlh;ghd ghpe;Jiuf; FOf;fis thpirg;gLj;jTk; I. mNrhf; Nkj;jh FO II. vy;.vk;.rpq;tp FO III. fhl;fpy; FO IV. [P.tp.Nf uht; FO a) I, II, IV, III b) I, III, II, IV c) I, IV, II, III d) II, III, I, IV 21. Consider the statements: a) Sterility is caused by the deficiency of Vitamin K. b) Night blindness is caused by the deficiency of Vitamin D. a) Both a and b are false b) a is false and b is true c) a is true and b is false d) Both a and b are true fPo;f;fz;l $w;Wfis ftdp: a) ,dg;ngUf;fr; nray; FiwghL (kyl;Lj; jd;ik) itl;lkpd; K Fiwtpdhy; Vw;gLfpwJ. b) khiyf;fz; Neha; itl;lkpd; D Fiwtpdhy; Vw;gLfpwJ. a) a kw;Wk; b jtwhdit b) a jtW kw;Wk; b rhp c) a rhp kw;Wk; b jtW d) a kw;Wk; b rhpahdit 22. The valve which regulates the blood flow from ventricle to the pulmonary artery a) Semi-lunar valve b) Auriculo-ventricular valve c) Bi Cuspid valve d) Tri Cuspid valve tyJ ntz;l;hpf;fspypUe;J (,jafPoiw) EiuaPuy; jkdpf;F ,uj;jk; nry;tij xOq;Fgj;Jk; thy;tpd; (milg;ghd;) ngah; a) gpiw re;jputhy;T b)Mhpf;FNyh ntd;l;hpf;Fyhh; thy;T c) <hpjo; thy;T d) %tpjo;T thy;T 23.
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