Complete List by Historical Period

Complete List by Historical Period

COMPLETE LIST BY HISTORICAL PERIOD New Vanguard (NVG) £8.99 Ancient world 1 84176 605 4 NVG 78 Greek and Roman Siege Machinery Duncan B 399 BC–AD 363 Campbell General (individually priced) 1 84176 634 8 NVG 89 Greek and Roman Artillery Duncan B 1 85532 792 9 Alexander the Great £14.99 N Sekunda, 399 BC–AD 363 Campbell J Warry 1 84176 045 5 Barbarians Against Rome £14.99 R Treviño Men-at-Arms (MAA) £8.99 Martinez, 0 85045 528 6 MAA 46 The Roman Army from Michael Simkins P Wilcox Caesar to Trajan 1 84176 044 7 Caesar's Legions £14.99 S Northwood, 0 85045 271 6 MAA 69 The Greek and Persian Wars Jack Cassin-Scott N Sekunda, 500–323 BC M Simkins 0 85045 333 X MAA 93 The Roman Army from Michael Simkins 1 85532 870 4 Hannibal's War With Rome M Healy,T Wise Hadrian to Constantine £14.99 0 85045 384 4 MAA 109 Ancient Armies of the Middle East Terence Wise 0 85045 430 1 MAA 121 Armies of the Carthaginian Wars Terence Wise Essential Histories (ESS) £9.99 265–146 BC (Essential Histories Specials individually priced) 0 85045 473 5 MAA 129 Rome's Enemies (1) Peter Wilcox 1 84176 856 1 ESSPE 5 The Greeks at War – P de Souza, Germanics and Dacians From Athens to Alexander W Heckel 0 85045 478 6 MAA 137 The Scythians 700–300 BC E.V Cernenko £16.99 (08/04) 0 85045 539 1 MAA 148 The Army of Alexander the Great Nicholas Sekunda 1 84176 355 1 ESS 16 The Punic Wars 264–146 BC Nigel Bagnall 1 84176 359 4 ESS 21 Rome at War AD 293–696 Michael Whitby 0 85045 606 1 MAA 158 Rome's Enemies (2) Peter Wilcox 1 84176 473 6 ESS 26 The Wars of Alexander the Great Waldemar Gallic and British Celts 336–323 BC Heckel 0 85045 688 6 MAA 175 Rome's Enemies (3) Peter Wilcox 1 84176 357 8 ESS 27 The Peloponnesian War Philip de Souza Parthians and Sassanid Persians 431–404 BC 0 85045 701 7 MAA 180 Rome's Enemies (4) Spanish Armies Rafael Treviño 1 84176 358 6 ESS 36 The Greek and Persian Wars Philip de Souza Martinez 499–386 BC 0 85045 942 7 MAA 218 Ancient Chinese Armies CJ Peers 1 84176 392 6 ESS 42 Caesar's Civil War 49–44 BC Adrian 1500–200 BC Goldsworthy 1 85532 166 1 MAA 243 Rome's Enemies (5) David Nicolle 1 84176 305 5 ESS 43 Caesar's Gallic Wars 58–50 BC Kate Gilliver The Desert Frontier 1 85532 224 2 MAA 247 Romano-Byzantine Armies David Nicolle Fortress (FOR) £10.99 4th–9th Centuries 1 84176 430 2 FOR 2 Hadrian’s Wall AD 122–410 Nic Fields 1 85532 513 6 MAA 283 Early Roman Armies N Sekunda, 1 84176 703 4 FOR 17 Troy c.1700–1250 BC Nic Fields S Northwood 1 84176 762 X FOR 22 Mycenaean Citadels Nic Fields 1 85532 598 5 MAA 291 Republican Roman Army Nicholas Sekunda c. 1350–1200 BC (07/04) 200–104 BC 1 84176 329 2 MAA 360 The Thracians 700 BC–AD 46 Christopher Campaign (CAM) £12.99 Webber 1 85532 110 6 CAM 7 Alexander 334–323 BC John Warry 1 84176 485 X MAA 373 The Sarmatians 600 BC–AD 450 R Brzezinski, 1 85532 300 1 CAM 22 Qadesh 1300 BC Mark Healy M Mielczarek 1 85532 470 9 CAM 36 Cannae 216 BC Mark Healy 1 84176 487 6 MAA 374 Roman Military Clothing (1) Graham Sumner 1 84176 147 8 CAM 84 Adrianople AD 378 Simon 100 BC–AD 200 MacDowall 1 84176 559 7 MAA 390 Roman Military Clothing (2) Graham Sumner 1 84176 000 5 CAM 108 Marathon 490 BC Nicholas Sekunda AD 200–400 Elite (ELI) £10.99 0 85045 686 X ELI 7 The Ancient Greeks Nicholas Sekunda 1 85532 163 7 ELI 39 The Ancient Assyrians Mark Healy 1 85532 208 0 ELI 40 New Kingdom Egypt Mark Healy Medieval world 1 85532 250 1 ELI 42 The Persian Army 560–330 BC Nicholas Sekunda General (individually priced) 1 85532 361 3 ELI 50 The Praetorian Guard Boris Rankov 1 85532 659 0 ELI 66 The Spartan Army Nicholas Sekunda 1 84176 244 X The Norman Conquest £5.99 Christopher 1 84176 809 X ELI 120 Mounted Archers of the Steppe Antony Karasulas Gravett 600 BC–AD 1300 (09/04) Essential Histories (ESS) £9.99 Warrior (WAR) £10.99 1 84176 179 6 ESS 1 The Crusades David Nicolle 1 85532 867 4 WAR 27 Greek Hoplite 480–323 BC Nicholas Sekunda 1 84176 228 8 ESS 12 Campaigns of the Matthew Bennett 1 84176 143 5 WAR 30 Celtic Warrior 300 BC–AD 100 Stephen Allen Norman Conquest 1 84176 299 7 WAR 39 Gladiators 100 BC–AD 200 Stephen Wisdom 1 84176 269 5 ESS 19 The Hundred Years’War 1337–1453 Anne Curry 1 84176 346 2 WAR 50 Pictish Warrior AD 297–841 P Wagner, A Konstam 1 84176 360 8 ESS 33 Byzantium at War AD 600–1453 John Haldon 1 84176 600 3 WAR 71 Roman Legionary 58 BC–AD 69 Ross Cowan 1 84176 491 4 ESS 54 The Wars of the Roses 1455–1485 Michael Hicks 1 84176 601 1 WAR 72 Imperial Roman Legionary Ross Cowan 1 84176 523 6 ESS 57 Genghis Khan & the Stephen Turnbull AD 161–284 Mongol Conquests 1190–1400 OSP Page 21 Fortress (FOR) £10.99 1 85532 586 1 WAR 17 Germanic Warrior AD 236–568 Simon 1 84176 557 0 FOR 11 Crusader Castles of the Teutonic Stephen Turnbull MacDowall Knights (1) The red-brick castles 1 85532 555 1 WAR 18 Knight of Outremer AD 1187–1344 David Nicolle of Prussia 1230–1466 1 85532 826 7 WAR 25 Italian Militiaman 1260–1392 David Nicolle 1 84176 602 X FOR 13 Norman Stone Castles (1) Christopher 1 84176 149 4 WAR 29 Ashigaru 1467–1649 Stephen Turnbull The British Isles 1066–1216 Gravett 1 84176 214 8 WAR 33 Knight Hospitaller (1) 1100–1306 David Nicolle 1 84176 639 9 FOR 14 Fortifications in Wessex c. 800–1066 Ryan Lavelle 1 84176 146 X WAR 35 English Medieval Knight 1400–1500 Christopher 1 84176 603 8 FOR 18 Norman Stone Castles (2) Christopher Gravett Europe 950–1204 Gravett 1 84176 215 6 WAR 41 Knight Hospitaller (2) 1306–1565 David Nicolle 1 84176 712 3 FOR 19 Crusader Castles of the Teutonic Stephen Turnbull 1 84176 144 3 WAR 48 English Medieval Knight 1200–1300 Christopher Knights (2) The stone castles Gravett of Latvia and Estonia 1185–1560 1 84176 243 1 WAR 49 Landsknecht Soldier 1486–1560 John Richards 1 84176 715 8 FOR 21 Crusader Castles in the Holy Land David Nicolle 1 84176 145 1 WAR 58 English Medieval Knight 1300–1400 Christopher 1097–1192 (07/04) Gravett 1 84176 759 X FOR 25 The Walls of Constantinople Stephen Turnbull 1 84176 573 2 WAR 70 Japanese Warrior Monks Stephen Turnbull AD 413–1453 (10/04) AD 949–1603 1 84176 583 X WAR 84 Mongol Warrior 1200–1350 Stephen Turnbull Campaign (CAM) £12.99 1 84176 670 4 WAR 91 Knight Templar 1120–1312 (10/04) Helen Nicholson 1 85532 132 7 CAM 9 Agincourt 1415 Matthew Bennett 1 84176 133 8 CAM 13 Hastings 1066 (Revised Edition) Christopher New Vanguard (NVG) £8.99 Gravett 1 84176 339 X NVG 43 Siege Weapons of the Far East (1) Stephen Turnbull 1 85532 284 6 CAM 19 Hattin 1187 David Nicolle AD 612–1300 1 85532 414 8 CAM 31 Yarmuk AD 636 David Nicolle 1 84176 340 3 NVG 44 Siege Weapons of the Far East (2) Stephen Turnbull 1 85532 522 5 CAM 43 Fornovo 1495 David Nicolle AD 960–1644 1 85532 553 5 CAM 46 Lake Peipus 1242 David Nicolle 1 84176 349 7 NVG 47 Viking Longship Keith Durham 1 85532 740 6 CAM 53 Granada 1492 David Nicolle 1 84176 235 0 NVG 58 Medieval Siege Weapons (1) David Nicolle 1 85532 918 2 CAM 64 Nicopolis 1396 David Nicolle Western Europe AD 585–1385 1 85532 863 1 CAM 66 Bosworth 1485 Christopher 1 84176 386 1 NVG 61 Fighting Ships of the Far East (1) Stephen Turnbull Gravett China and Southeast Asia 1 85532 966 2 CAM 71 Crécy 1346 David Nicolle 202 BC–AD 1419 1 84176 091 9 CAM 78 Constantinople 1453 David Nicolle 1 84176 459 0 NVG 69 Medieval Siege Weapons (2) David Nicolle 1 84176 232 6 CAM 94 Orléans 1429 David Nicolle Byzantium, the Islamic World & India 1 84176 233 4 CAM 98 Kalka River 1223 D Nicolle, AD 476–1526 V Shpakovsky 1 85532 609 4 CAM 102 Bannockburn 1314 Peter Armstrong Men-at-Arms (MAA) £8.99 1 84176 510 4 CAM 117 Stirling Bridge and Falkirk 1297–98 Peter Armstrong 0 85045 245 7 MAA 50 Medieval European Armies Terence Wise 1 84176 513 9 CAM 120 Towton 1461 Christopher 0 85045 125 6 MAA 75 Armies of the Crusades Terence Wise Gravett 0 85045 301 1 MAA 85 Saxon,Viking and Norman Terence Wise 1 84176 561 9 CAM 122 Tannenberg 1410 Stephen Turnbull 0 85045 306 2 MAA 89 Byzantine Armies 886–1118 Ian Heath 1 84176 562 7 CAM 130 Kawanakajima 1553–64 Stephen Turnbull 0 85045 334 8 MAA 94 The Swiss at War 1300–1500 D Miller, 1 84176 514 7 CAM 131 Tewkesbury 1471 Christopher G Embleton Gravett 0 85045 348 8 MAA 99 Medieval Heraldry Terence Wise 1 84176 515 5 CAM 132 The First Crusade 1096–99 David Nicolle 0 85045 372 0 MAA 105 The Mongols Stephen Turnbull 1 84176 516 3 CAM 138 Poitiers 1356 David Nicolle 0 85045 393 3 MAA 111 The Armies of Crécy and Poitiers Christopher Rothero Elite (ELI) £10.99 0 85045 394 1 MAA 113 The Armies of Agincourt Christopher 0 85045 565 0 ELI 3 The Vikings Ian Heath Rothero 0 85045 729 7 ELI 9 The Normans David Nicolle 0 85045 448 4 MAA 125 The Armies of Islam David Nicolle 0 85045 836 6 ELI 17 Knights at Tournament Christopher 7th–11th Centuries Gravett 0 85045 477 8 MAA 136 Italian Medieval Armies 1300–1500 David Nicolle 0 85045 854 4 ELI 19 The Crusades David Nicolle 0 85045 511 1 MAA 140 Armies of the Ottoman Turks David Nicolle 0 85045 897 8 ELI 23 The Samurai Anthony J Bryant 1300–1774 0 85045 947 8 ELI 28 Medieval Siege Warfare Christopher 0 85045 518 9 MAA 144 Armies of Medieval Burgundy Nicholas Michael Gravett 1364–1477 0 85045 996 6 ELI 30 Attila and the Nomad Hordes David Nicolle 0 85045 520 0 MAA 145 The Wars of the Roses Terence Wise 1 85532 131 9 ELI 35 Early Samurai AD 200–1500 Anthony J Bryant 0 85045 042 X MAA 150 The Age of Charlemagne David Nicolle 1 85532 413 X ELI 58 The Janissaries David Nicolle 0 85045 542 1 MAA 151 The Scottish and Welsh Wars Christopher 1250–1400 Rothero Warrior (WAR) £10.99 0 85045 548 0 MAA 154 Arthur and the Anglo-Saxon Wars David Nicolle 1 85532 287 0 WAR 1 Norman Knight AD 950–1204

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