E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 106 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 146 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 2000 No. 50 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 2, 2000, at 12:30 p.m. Senate THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 2000 The Senate met at 9:32 a.m. and was RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME little bit about the education bill we called to order by the President pro The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. will be taking up tomorrow. tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. BROWNBACK). Under the previous order, That was our intention. leadership time is reserved. Mr. REID. Mr. President, the leader PRAYER not being here, I certainly agree to ex- f The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John tend whatever time Senator GORTON Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: MORNING BUSINESS and Senator DEWINE desire. I want to Lord God of hope, help us to make The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under claim a few minutes of leader time. this a day for optimism and courage. the previous order, there will now be a Mr. DEWINE. I have no objection if Set us free from any negative thinking period for the transaction of morning my colleague wants to speak. or attitudes. There is enough time business not to extend beyond the hour The PRESIDING OFFICER. If there today to accomplish what You have of 12 noon with Senators permitted to is no objection, if the Senator from Ne- planned. We affirm that we are here by speak therein for up to 5 minutes each. vada wishes to speak, the Senator from Your divine appointment. We also Under the previous order, the time Nevada is recognized. know from experience that it's possible until 10 a.m. is under the control of the Mr. REID. I thank the Chair. to limit Your best for our Nation. majority leader or his designee. f Without Your help, we can hit wide of Mr. REID. Mr. President, I claim the mark, but with Your guidance and some leader time at this time. MARRIAGE PENALTY power, we cannot fail. You have The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Mr. REID. Mr. President, the reason I brought our Nation to this place of objection? want to talk today is I think it is im- prosperity and blessing. You are able Under the previous order, the time portant for the minority to have its to bless us now in this pressured day of until 10 a.m. is under the control of the voice heard around here. The first of business if we trust You and work to- leader or his designee. May is approaching, and we are again gether as fellow patriots. Fill this Is there objection? If not, the Sen- being called on to vote on the so-called Chamber with Your presence, invade ator from Nevada is recognized. marriage penalty bill. The majority the mind and heart of each Senator, Mr. REID. Mr. President, I under- will argue that if you support the mar- and give this Senate a day of efficiency stand my friend from Ohio wants to riage penalty, you must vote for clo- and excellence for Your glory. We read the morning script. I was told ture. That certainly is transparently thank You in advance for a truly great that. I have something I wish to say. I false. Here is why. day, for You are our Lord and will show want to use leader time. But I was told This procedural vote has nothing to the way! Amen. by the staff that there was something do with limiting the marriage penalty, f he wants to outline for today's activity which the Democrats support certainly of the Senate. just as strongly as the Republicans. In PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- fact, the vote is another attempt by The Honorable SAM BROWNBACK, a ator from Ohio. Republicans to shield their deeply Senator from the State of Kansas, led Mr. DEWINE. Mr. President, before flawed tax bill from scrutiny by the the Senate in the Pledge of Allegiance, my colleague speaks, it is our inten- Senate and by the public. In effect, we as follows: tion at this point to not only read are being gagged. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the some comments of the majority leader Republicans don't want to debate United States of America, and to the Repub- but also to begin some discussion today this bill because they don't want any- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, under the leader's half hour of time. one to know what is really in it. In indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Senator GORTON and I want to talk a truth, it is marriage penalty relief in ∑ This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S2949 . S2950 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE April 27, 2000 name only. Sixty percent of the meas- drug benefits for senior citizens, who ing business until 12 noon. At noon, the ure on which we are going to vote simply are desperate for some relief. Senate will proceed with a cloture vote today is for matters that have nothing The average senior citizen gets 18 drug on the pending amendment to the mar- to do with the marriage penalty. Sixty prescriptions filled a year with no ben- riage tax penalty bill. As a reminder, percent of the $248 billion proposal goes efit at all from Medicare, and we need second-degree amendments to the sub- to people who do not face a marriage to get that benefit to them. That is stitute amendment must be filed at the penalty. what we are trying to do. desk by 11 a.m. today. If cloture is in- The majority likes to talk about rel- The majority, once again, is afraid, voked, the Senate will begin debate on evance. I know a little bit about rel- despite having the majority. They have the bill. If cloture is not invoked, the evance, as I think most people do. a 10-Member majority in the Senate Senate will resume debate on the mo- Sixty percent of this bill is irrelevant and they are afraid to cast votes on our tion to proceed to the victims' rights to the marriage penalty. amendments. That goes to other issues, constitutional amendment in anticipa- The majority is seeking to cut off de- too, not only marriage tax penalty. tion of proceeding to that resolution bate on this bill before it is even begun. The majority never tire of using proce- today. Invoking cloture would also block dural maneuvers to block or delay on Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- Democratic amendments that propose the issues the American people care sent the time that had been allotted to better ways to eliminate the marriage about most. the leader, or his designee, be extended penalty and to address other urgent The majority today is out of step to 10:15 today. priorities such as prescription drug with the American people on issue The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without benefits for seniors. after issue, so this majority spends objection, it is so ordered. Democratic amendments say, yes, most of its energy plotting ways to dis- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- let's fix the marriage penalty for peo- guise its own extreme agenda, scur- ator from Ohio. ple who actually pay it. In fact, one of rying to avoid responsibility for its Mr. DEWINE. Mr. President, I yield the amendments proposed by Senators continuing failure to take up the prob- myself 15 minutes. MOYNIHAN and BAUCUS, the lead Demo- lems the voters sent us to address. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- crats in the Finance Committee, says: That is why the majority constantly ator from Ohio is recognized. There are 65 marriage penalty provi- resorts to procedural devices such as f sions in the Tax Code with one sen- cloture, or another favorite, the con- EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES ACT tence; let's eliminate all of them. That ference committee ``deep freeze,'' like is one of the things we are being pre- they have done on the conference re- Mr. DEWINE. Mr. President, next vented from bringing forward. port on bankruptcy. We have been pre- week we begin the debate on the Edu- We want to move forward and start vented from going forward with the Ex- cation Opportunities Act. I had the op- legislating the way this Senate has de- port Administration Act, which the portunity yesterday to come to the bated for over 200 years. We have high-tech community is very desirous Senate floor and talk about one aspect agreed to say, OK, we are not going to of moving forward. Why? Because cer- of that bill. That had to do with the go along with what the Senate has tain members of the majority think we whole issue of supporting our teachers, done for 200 years. We will play the are still in the cold war and we cannot attracting the best teachers to edu- game of the majority in an effort to go forward with bringing high-tech in- cation. Today I would like to talk allow our voices to be heard just a lit- dustry into the modern world. That about a second component of that bill tle bit. also takes into consideration our in- having to do with safer schools. Good Even though the Standing Rules of ability to go forward on the Juvenile teachers, safe schools: It is really get- the Senate don't require it, we have Justice Act, which deals with gun safe- ting back to basics.
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