U - MANCHESTER HERALD, Tuesday. Oct. 4, 1988 Debate Pasta passion One pitch CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 Candidates clash There are lots of reasons Mets come back JAMMED IHDMES over health care /3 for the popularity of pasta /.13 to beat Dodgers/18 FDR SALE FDR SALE D r. Crane’s Answers 1' M ElPW M inO M E irW M TH I HELP WANTED HELP WANTED W ANTED. Loving 8< car­ HOUSE for sale by COVENTRY. Ju n ip e r PRINTING Firm looking Quiz on page 8 ing babysitter In my for mature person In o owner. Our loss Is your Drive. 3 bedroom NUCMNING home. 7:30om-6pm. AIDES tost paced envlorn- ' gain on this profession­ Ranch. Oil heat, hard­ 1. Stethoscope Weekdays. Call 645- ally landscaped. Im­ wood floors, new kit­ 2. Vision (About 65 percent) Am I N m g AMe ment for order taking OPENINGS 1476 after 6.___________ and customer contact. maculate, 1900 souore chen, garage. Easy Agpllcairts feet, 3 bedroom, 2 both. 3. FLA (Florida) NOW Hiring. New whole­ Typing ability needed. Hartford commute. 4. Show Me (MO) C N C Lathe set up and Fall and Part Tima Ranch with stone fire- $117,000. Rich Realty, sale company hiring Apply In person at 5. Debut operate on Aircraft 5-10 hardworking Indi­ We offer the areas hi­ Marpet Printers, Ver­ placed living room, 2 423-6335.______________ cor garage, pool and 6. (a) Philip — Lover of horses (y) Forginga and bar work viduals In Manager ghest staff to patient non Circle, 871-1421. 291 Porter Street. 7 room using FANUC Con­ trainee program to finished walkout fam­ (b) George — Farmer (v) ily room. Available for Colonial. Full of trols. learn all aspects of (c) Daniel — Judge (w) LABORER. Heavy con­ Immediate occupancy. charm, new furnace, wholesale warehous­ Scheduling new energy saving win­ (d) David — Beloved (z) T ube-bender-assem- ing Industries from In­ • Complete Health struction. Apply In per­ Appraised value, $2 0 5 ,0 0 0 . Asking dows, modern kitchen, (e) Richard — Powerful (x) bler needed for hand ventory administra­ Inaurance son; The Andrew 2 full baths, patio and 3 Ansaldl Building Com­ $195,000. Coll 649-0593. ilanrijpalpr Mpralb fitting of aircraft com­ tion to management. "Including Dental" bedrooms. Must be For Interview, phone pany, 186 Bldwell MANCHESTER. One seen to be appreciated. ponents. Experience • Uniform Street, Manchester. owner. Maintained 6 HOMES I CONDOMINIUMS Sandy at, 289-1382. Allowance Please call 643-9233 af­ with brazing and RECEPTIONIST for room Cope. Great ter 6:00pm. Principals FOR SALE I FOR SALE layout a plus. Apply In • Bonus Hours Manchester Account­ value. $139,900. Nice only. ing firm. 40 hour week. lot, neighborhood, Wednesday, Oct. 5,1988 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm 30 Cents person to the • Free Meals M A N C H ES TE R . Wendel E X E C U T IV E Colonial lo­ MALLARD View. Dis­ T R E E Care Sales Repre­ For more Information 646-2465.______________ vinyl siding, oak floors cated In a very desira­ tinctive Duplexes. Lo­ and fireplace. Peter­ Reed brick Ranch with E. A. PATTEN Co. sentative. The Bartlett please call G R ILL person wanted. central air. 3 bed­ ble neighborhood of cated on a private Tree Expert Company Full time position man Real Estate, 649- 303 Wetherell St. CRESTDELD rooms, V/7 baths, 1st Manchester. Some of permanent cul-de-sac Is looking for moti­ available. Paid vaca­ 9404.__________________ the features are: 4 Is this new subdivision Manchester CONVALESCENT floor family room and vated tree care special­ tion 8i holidays. Great VERNON. Daryl Drive. 7 laundry. Well lands­ bedrooms and 2'/2 of quality 3 bedroom ist for the Central Con- HOME for mothers who follow room Raised Ronch, 3 caped treed yard. baths, large living duplexes await your Ellen Morse nectlcut area. MANCHESTER, CT. Manchester school ca­ bedrooms, V h baths, 2 room with bay window, Inspection. Kitchens Panel sets M IC H A E LS Jewelers has $219,900. D.W. Fish Knowledge of the tree lender. kCall tor Inter­ fireplaces, beautiful Reolty, 643-1591.0 beautiful formal dining have oak cabinets, o full time service soles care or green Industry 6 4 3 -5 1 5 1 view between 9 am-1 heated Inground pool room, 1st floor family range oven, dis­ position open. Retail necessary. Sales expe­ plus whirlpool. Re­ MANCHESTER. Seven A UT^Medumlc^MusT pm. East Catholic High room home on a cul-de- room with fireplace, hwasher, refrigerator exposure a plus. Great rience helpful. We School, 646-5271. cently redecorated private master bed­ and built In microwave Is teacher have own tools. Uni­ sac near school. 4 bed­ benefits package. offer excellent earn­ with ceramic tile and room with large bath, Apply In person, form, paid vacations, WANTED. Experienced rooms, V/2 baths In­ oven. Fireplaced living ings and benefits. For fine carpeting. large country kitchen, rooms, I'A bath with Tuesdov-Soturday, further Information etc. Coll 633-3669. machinist or tool cluded In brand new maker. Minimum 5 ye­ $209,900. Golden Oaks dinette area with slid­ full vanities, separate lOom-Spm of 958 Main and appointment, call F U L L time retail sales­ 2nd floor addition. Plus its criteria Realty, 646-5099 or call ers to deck, natural Street, Manchester. ars experience. Excel­ 16x46 pool and cabana full basements, 2 zoned of the year 649-8150. person. Jewelery com- lent benefits, paid va­ Joello, 872-8170. woodwork throughout, baseboard heating sys­ 643-2741. panv In malor on park-llke grounds. cation and holiday. MANCHESTER. Spring $217,500 D.W. Fish closets and storage ga­ tems, Andersen perma- department store seek­ Street. Spacious Colon­ lore, 2 car garage, shleld thermopane D E N T A L Assistant for Medical 8< maternity. Realty, 643-1591.0 By Andrew J. Davis ing enthusiastic and Life Insurance. Please ial on lovely lands­ private large back­ windows. Luxurious Orthodontic office. Ex­ INSPECTORS reliable full time sales yard. All this and more Manchester Herald call to set up an ap­ caped corner lot. 7 MANCHESTER. Dellght- wall to wall carpeting perience preferred. person. Retail expe­ rooms, 3 bedrooms, 2 (o r only $237,900. and attached garage. P.O. Box 2356, Vernon, First piece and In pointment between 7- ful six room brick and rience helpful. Good 5:30, days, 742-9600. baths. 2 fireplaces, 2 Realty World, Benoit, Phase I nearing com­ for manager Ellen Morse, an eighth-grade history teacher at wood Cape In move-ln Connecticut, 06066. process of aircraft salary and benefits, car garage, large pri­ Frechette Associates, pletion. See their Bennet Junior High School, was named today as GOVERNMENT Jobs! flexible hours, bright condition. Large front machine details using vate screened porch. to bock living room 646-7709.O_____________ owner occupied and Manchester teacher of the year. $18,037 to $69,405. Im­ future. Call Liberty Na­ TELLERS Immaculately main­ rental townhouses to­ layout tools. Familiar tional, 568-1115. with fireplace, three MANCHESTER. This 4 "She is the definition of the professional teacher,” mediate Hiring 1 Your Full time. Savings Bank tained. $225,000. room plus 2 attic room day I Blanchard 8i Ros­ area. Coll (Refunda­ with SPC a plus. Apply HAIRDRESSER. Small of Manchester. Experi­ nice size bedrooms and By Andrew Yurkovsky tradition,” he said. said School Superintendent James P. Kennedy, who Golden Oaks Realty, beautiful pork like ranch may be lust whot setto Realtors," We're ble) 1-518-459-3611 Ext. In person to; busy salon full or part enced or will train. Good 646-5099 or call Tom , Selling Houses" 646- Manchester Herald Cassano said that the new announced the selection at a news conference at his wages, good benefits. grounds. This Is the you ore looking fori F508A for Federal List, time. 55 percent com­ 649-9664. Nice size pantry. Car­ 2482.0________________ manager should have at least five office. 24 Hours._____________ E. A. PATTEN Co. Apply; 923 Main St.. perfect starter or re­ mission, 8i paid vaca­ tirement home. Priced peted. Located on a LOVELY! 5'/2 room, 3 years’ experience. And If the " I ’m delighted,” said Morse. 303 Wetherell St. tion. Roller setting Manchester, CT. MANCHESTER. Spa- A background in finance and a CUSTOMER Service po­ EOE clous 3 bedroom home right. Call David Mur­ corner lot convenient bedroom Condo with Board of Directors decides that a Morse, the seventh teacher to win the award, said sition. Full time In o needed. 649-7879 or 649- lot of experience are two qualifi­ Manchester which must be seen to dock at Sentry tor to shopping and 1-384. V/2 baths, appliances, 2 finance background is important, she received a large round of applause from teachers fast paced envlorn- 8568.__________________ Some owner financing air conditioners, full cations that a new town manager appreciate Its roomi­ more Intorma- a salary of at least $70,000 would and students after her selection was announced at the ment. Prefer mature INVENTORY Control tion.$149,500. Sentry available. $117,900 basement. Nice area of ought to have, members of a EXPERIENCED Carpen­ ness. V h baths, fire­ school. "A fter my class had done its hooting and person with typing and Coordinator. Large Real Estate, 643-4060.O Realty World, Benoit, Manchester. Asking manager search committee be in order, he said. ter for commercial place, eat-ln kitchen organizational ability. wholesale nursery MEDICAL Secretary and formal dining Frechette Associates, $132,900 Strano Real agree. Weiss' current salary is $68,000.
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