♦ ♦ Murthy's Cattage A BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY OF CATS IN LITERATURE - C4&,Vn By HOWARD M. CHAPIN ♦ ♦ 1 MURTHi A Biograp Cats f HO\ Author of " L " How tr By b c MURTHY'S CATTAGE A Biographical Dictionary of Cats in Literature (T^^^^l) By HOWARD M. CHAPIN Author of " Life of Deacon Samuel Chapin' "How to Enamel" (now in presd) Copyright 1911 By HOWARD M. CHAPIN Providence, R. I. Q MURTH THIS work is a brief hi that is of cats mentior historical personages, winning are not considered eli: Aaron. — England. —A dark 1 tabby, male. Brother of R Belonged to Harrison Weir. Abuhareira.—See Meuzza. Agrippina.—United States.—A cat, to whom Agnes Repplier ♦ cated her book, "The Fii £ Sphinx." Belonged to Miss plier. Ajax.—See Banjo. Apollinaris.—TJ. S.—Belonged to Twain. Arreopagite "cadet." — Franc Younger kitten of Manon I.. tioned by Moncrif. Arreopagite "Paine."—Fr.—Eldei ten of Manon I. Moncrif. Atossa.—Eng.—A Persian cat. ( "Toss." Belonged to Matthew nold who wrote a poem about 1 Atossa.—Eng.—Belonged to borne. Winslow. Augustus.—U. S.—Belonged to Mary E. Wilkins. Portrait in B low. 4 Babylon.—U. S.—Maltese cat. *E longed to E. C. Stedman. Po MURTHY * ' in Winslow. Banjo.—U. S.—Chinchilla cat. To whose memory this woii is respectfully of Ajax and Madame Ref. Bel< dedicatee) to Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Portr Winslow. •* ' - I * • Beauty.—U. S.—Belonged to Proctor. Winslow. Beauty Spot.—U. S.—Black ' Daughter of Miss Spot. Belc - to Mrs. Spofford. Belaud.—Fr.—The first cat praisi a French poet. Subject of a by Joachim du Bellay to whor laud belonged. Belinda.—U. S.—Subject of a by Eric Parker. Ben.—U. S—Called Benny. Br of Buff. Mentioned by blood. Bessie.—See Miss Bessie. Betty.—See Lady Betty. \ v MURTHY'S CATTAGk THIS work is a brief biographical dictionary of cats in literature, that is of cats mentioned in literature or owned by literary or historical personages. Cats whose fame rests solely on prize winning are not considered eligible for this volume. Aaron. — England. —A dark brown Big Li 11.—U. S— Male tortoise shell. tabby, male. Brother of Moses. Trueblood. Belonged to Harrison Weir. Black Prince.—U. S— Black cat. Be Abuhareira.—See Meuzza. longed to Mrs. Moulton. Portrait in Agrippina.—United States.—A gray Winslow. cat, to whom Agnes Repplier dedi Blacky.—Eng.—Lost a leg in an acci cated her book, "The Fireside dent. Belonged to Matthew Arnold. Sphinx." Belonged to Miss Rep Blanblanc. — Fr. — "Le grand Blan- plier. blanc." Son of Brinbelle I., by Ajax.—See Banjo. Ratillon. Moncrif. Apollinaris.—U. S.—Belonged to Mark Blanche.—See Moumoutte. Twain. Blatherskite.—U. S. — Belonged to Arreopagite "cadet." — France. — Mark Twain. Younger kitten of Manon I., men Bobinette.—U. S—Called "Bobbie." tioned by Moncrif. Black cat, adopted by Pretty Lady. Arreopagite "Paine."—Fr.—Elder kit Belonged to Winslow. ten of Manon I. Moncrif. Bogey. — Eng. — Belonged to Miss Atossa.—Eng.—A Persian cat. Called Moore. Portrait in Weir. "Toss." Belonged to Matthew Ar Bonesy.—Fr., U. S.—Black cat. Sub nold who wrote a poem about her. ject of story, "Bonesy," by Lloyd M Atossa.—Eng.—Belonged to Swin- Osborne. borne. Winslow. Bonnie.—U. S.—Daughter of Jill. Augustus.—U. S.—Belonged to Miss Trueblood. Mary E. Wilkins. Portrait in Wins Bouhaki. —Egypt.— The first cat low. known to have had a name. Statue extant. Belonged to King Hana of 11th dynasty. Babylon.—U. S.—Maltese cat. Be Bouncer.—U. S.—Maltese cat. Men longed to E. C. Stedman. Portrait tioned by A. W. McCullough in St. in Winslow. Nicholas' Magazine. Banjo.—U. S.—Chinchilla cat. Son Brass.—See Sally. respectfully of Ajax and Madame Ref. Belonged Brassie.—II. S.—Mentioned by True to Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Portrait in blood. Winslow. Brinbelle I.—Turkey, Fr.—Female cat. Beauty.—U. S.—Belonged to Miss Born about 1699 in Constantinople. Proctor. Winslow. Married first to the favorite cat of Beauty Spot.—U. S.—Black cat. the Grand Seigneur of Turkey, sec- Daughter of Miss Spot. Belonged only to Marmotin in France, and _ to Mrs. Spofford. thirdly to Ratillon d'Austrazie. Belaud.—Fr.—The first cat praised by Moncrif. a French poet. Subject of a poem Brinbelle II.—Turkey.—Daughter of by Joachim du Bellay to whom Be Brinbelle I., by the Grand Seigneur's laud belonged. cat. Moncrif. Belinda.—U. S.—Subject of a poem Buff.—U. S—See Ben. by Eric Parker. Buff.—U. S—Maltese. Mentioned bv Ben.—U. S.—Called Benny. Brother A. W. McCullor.gh. of Buff. Mentioned by True- Buffie.—U. S.—Kitten of Lady Betty. blood. Belonged to Winslow. Bessie.—See Miss Bessie. Buttercup.—U. S—A yellow cat. Kit Betty.—See Lady Betty. ten of Dixie. Tappan. Murthy's Cattage Mur Cafar.—Fr.—Deputy for the village Dick.—U. S.—A large tortoise shell Grymalkin.—Hell.—The devil's cats in Moncrif's drama. Belonged cat belonging to the West Medfleld, Also Greymalkin, Grimalkin. to Minimes de Chaillot. Mass., fire station. He slides down lore. Calvin.—U. S.—Belonged to Charles the pole like a fireman. Guadalquiver.—Eng.—A male cat Dudley Warner. Winslow. Dick Whittington's Cat.—Eng.—Help horseflesh and knew days ol Campion.—Eng.—Belonged to Canon ed Whittington, Lord- Mayor of Lon week. Belonged to Weir. Liddon. Repplier. don, to make his fortune. Gyb.—See Gilbert. Carson.—U. S.—A dramatic cat. Men Dixie.—U. S.—A black female cat. Gyb.—Eng.—He killed Phylyp tioned by R. M. Sprague in St. Subject of "Dixie Kitten," by E. M. Sparrow. From the Boke of PI Nicholas' Magazine. Tappan. Sparowe by Skelton. Century Cat.—II. S.—Silver maltese. Dom Gris.—Fr.—Belonged to the Subject of story by M. F. Honey- Duchess de Bethune. Moncrif. Hans.—II. S.—An angora < man in St. Nicholas' Magazine. Dragon.—Eng.—Belonged to Bedford. Hansie. Trueblood. Chanoine.—Fr.—Beautiful and indol Mentioned by Southley. Hinse of Hinsefield.—Eng.—Bel< ent. Belonged to Victor Hugo. Ebene de Meuthon-St. Bernard.—Fr.— to Sir Walter Scott. Charles.—See Sir Charles. Hodge.—Eng.—Belonged to Dr. Chat fin.—Fr.—Le Chat fin fought the Belonged to H. Taine, who dedi son who used to open oyster devil at Sologne and put him to cated a poem to this cat. him. flight. Champfleury. El Gato Moro.—Spain.—The moor-cat Chat Noir.—Fr.—Le Chat Noir I. was of Toledo. Prowled about the cita Ink Spot.—U. S.—Black. Son of born 1725. Received a medal which del in the moonlight. Repplier. Spot. Belonged to Mrs. Spoffc is illustrated in Moncrif. Elurus.—Egypt.—The cat-god. Mon crif. Cheshire Cat.—Eng.—Noted for its Enjolras.—Fr.—Black oat, son of Don grinning. Alice in Wonderland and Jack.—U. S.—Belonged to Mrs. '. Charles Lamb. Pierrot and Seraphita. Belonged to ton. Portrait in Winslow. Childebrand. — Fr. —A tawny cat Gautier. Jacobina.—Eng.—The Corporal's striped with black. Belonged to and Eponine.—Fr.—Black cat, daughter of in "Eugene Aram," by Bu mentioned by Theophile. Gautier. Don Pierrot and Seraphita. Be longed to Gautier. Lytton. Chi Ila.—U. S.—Angora kitten of Lady Jane.—II. S.—Daughter of I Betty. Belonged to Winslow. Erasmus.—See Thomas. Lady. Portrait in Winslow. Chin.—U. S.—Angora kitten of Lady Fatima.—Enj.—Belonged to Walpole. Jenny.—Eng.—Could fortell rain. Betty. Belonged to Winslow. Mentioned by Gray. longed to Weir. Chinoise.—See Moumoutte. Follette.—Fr.—Mentioned in "Artistes Jill.—U. S—Daughter of Malty. Chloe.—Eng.—A long-haired cat. Be in Herbes." blood. longed to Miss Mocre. Portrait in Fritz.—Eng.—Disliked to have his tail Jim.—U. S.—Friend of Jack. Weir. touched. Belonged to Weir. longed to Mrs. Moulton. Win Christobal Colon.—Spain, U. S.—Mas Fromentin.—Fr.—Lived 11 years. Be June.—U. S.—Mentioned by Rep cot of Spanish cruiser of same longed to Paul de Koch. Judy.—U. S.—Belonged to Miss name. Taken aboard U. S. S. Ore kins. Portrait in Winslow. gon at battle of Santiago. Mrs. S. Gale.—See Glen. S. Robinson, in St. Nicholas' Maga Gavroche.—Fr.—Black cat, son of Don Katherine.—U. S.—Common nam zine. Pierrot and Seraphita. Belonged to female cat derived from Kittj Christopher Columbus.—See Lambie. Gautier. Kitten. Claudius Nero.—U. S.—Son of Agrip- Gib.—See Gilbert. Kilkenny Cats.—Ireland.—Noted pina. Belonged to Repplier. Gilbert.—Eng.—Also Gib and Gyb. fighting. Coldie.—U. S.—Daughter of Sally Formerly the common name for a Kitty.—Eng., U. S.—Common nan Brass. Trueblood. male cat as Tom is now. Repplier. female cat derived from Kitte Colon. See Christobal. Ginger.—U. S.—A yellow cat. True Knurremurre.—Norway. — The Colonel.—See The Colonel. blood. of the Cats. Folklore. Columbine.—Eng.—A black cat. Be Glen.—II. S.—Brother of Gale. True longed to Carlisle. blood. Columbus. See Christopher. Goody Two-eyes.—U. S.—Belonged to Crabbedsie.—U. S— Wife of Big Lill. Lady.—See Pretty Lady. Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Had one blue Lady Betty.—II. S.—An angora Trueblood. eye and one topaz eye. Winslow. Curdear.—India.—The cat in the fable Belonged to Miss Winslow. Greymalkin.—See Grymalkin. Lady Malty.—U. S—Belonged to of the Lion and the Cat. Book of Grimalkin.—See Grymalkin. good councils. Bridges. Winslow. Grinagog.—Eng. — The cat's uncle. Lady Vanity, — Eng. — Belongei Folklore. Repplier. Montaign. Repplier. Danny.—IT. S.—A yellow cat. Be Gris.—See Dom Gris. Lambie.—U. S.—A tiger cat. C longed to Miss S. O. Jewett. Wins Grisette.—Fr.—A female cat. Subject Christopher Columbus.
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