1370 AGE POST OFFICE LONDON AGE Agents-Reversionary. t*O§!Bnllard, King & Co.14 St. Mary beE C Hughes, Trelea.ven & Oo. •tPower .John F. Ltd. 6 Brndforfi 11venne EC Ashplant & Oo. 20HighHolborn WC -TA" Baronet, Led, London"; T N's 6032 16 Mark lane £ C PUTHET (MAJSON)-A. NUNZI, 6 Jewin Oritchett & Tristrnm, 146 Wool Exchange, (2 lines), 1670 & 3743 London Wall. tiMMEDIATE TRANSPORTATION CO. street E C Ooleman street E C Bee" CoNVEYANCE DIRECTORY" LTD. shipping, forwarding, insurance & Rea Transport Co. Ltd. 101 Leadenhall st E C Foster (H. E.) & Ornnfleld, 6 Poultry E C Oaldwell & Toiler, 11 Chapel st. Milton st E C packing agents,l66 & 167 Palmerston l.ouse, Reid,Rigg & Thue Ltd. Bury street chambers. GtmernlPurchaseCo.Ltd.7Gt. Winchester st E C Oameron-Smith & Marriott Ltd. ll7 St. Mar- Bishopsgate E C & Old Broad street E C­ Bury street E C Grant & Oo. 222 to 225 Strand WC tin's lane WC T A" Immtracom"; T N 3659 LondonWall Rhine & Sea Tmnilport Co.Ltrl. New Hiberni& Blade & Butler, 90 & 91 Queen street E C Canary Islands&Ma.deira Agcy.ll Adam stWC Inman A.lfred, 34 Ely place, Holborn E C chambers, 4 Borough High street SE & 11) V agg Edwin Henry, 11 'Pan eras lane, Queen ll"tChapman Thos.& Son,62CrutchedfriarsE C Innes W. G. & Co. Ltcl.. 3 Orosby square E C & 20 Water lane, Great Tower street E C street E C-Telephone No. 9650 City Olaridge, Holt & Co. Ltd.86 Leaden hall st E e International Transport Oo. Ltd. 91 & 93 Richa.rdson P. Wi~rham & Co. Ltd. 8ii Grace- church street E C Weatherall & Green, 22 Chancery lane WC Oohen Samuel Elias, 10 Fore street E C Bishopsgate E C Oollins & Co. 70 Gracechurch street E C JacobAen Jacob Ghristian,66 Fenchurch st E C Ridgway A. & Co. 75, 76 & 77 Oornhill E e Commonwealth & Dominion Line Ltd. 9 & 11 Jobson Wm. Prowse & Co. 7 Camomile st E C Ridgway John E. Ltd. 125 Strand WC Fenchurch a venue E C Johnson Hy., Sons & Oo. Ltd.l8 Byward st E C tRobinson (A. G.), Roberts&Co.64Mark la E (! Agents-Ribbon. &t Agtnti-Silk. ttOook Thomas & Son, Ludgate circus E C ; t*Jones Geo. Son & Oo. 40Trinity square E C Roland Transport Co. Ltd. 21 Upper East. 99 Gracechurch street E C ; 99 Leaden hall Jones W. W., Dooly & Oo. 9.'i Leadenhall st E C Smithfield E Agents-Salvage. street E C : 81 Oheapside £ C ; 122 High Kaltenbach & Schmitz, 46 New Broad st E C Roll Eyvind & Oo. 136 Fenchurch street E C Holborn WC ; Forecourt, Oharing cross t§Keller, Bryant & Co. 2 King William street Rosenberg, Loewe & Co. Successors Ltd. Hewitt James & Co. 50 & 51 Lime street E C ; station WC ; 378 Strand WC ; 38 & 39 E C & 26 & 27 Oockspur street SW 109 Fenchurch street E C for branches see" Commercial" entry Piccadilly W ; 125 Pall mall SW ; 21 Keville Wm. Edwin & Co. 68 Cheapside E C Rosenway Hy.& Oo. 44 to 46 Leadenhall st E C Liverpool Salvage Association, 27 CornhillE C Kensington High street W : 86 --9xford II~Keymer, Son & Oo.l Whitefriars street E C tRoyle (Alfred) & Willan, 73 Queen Victoria Lyon Robert & Oo. 1 Lombard court E C street W; 117 High street, Whit~chapel E •Ke.vmer Wm. J. & Oo. 80 Fenchurch st E C street E C Morice, Tozer &Beck Ltd. 27 Clemen ts la E C & front of St. Pa.ncras station, Euston rdNW fKillick, Martin & Co. 7 Fen court E C Riidenburg Eugen, 14 St. Mary A.xe E C l'hillips Bros. 124 Southwark street SE Oordess George & Co. 72 Mark lane E C King Charles Hy. & Oo. 95 Lea.denhall st E C tRyley & Co. 33, 34 & 35 Orosby buildings. Scrutton, Sons & Oo. 16 Fenchurch aven E C ~t•§Ootts (Mitchell) & Oo. 4 London wall Kuhner, Henderson & Oo. 626 to 630 & 632 6 Orosby square E C Sta.nton David & SonB (dlrs.), 5 Durward st E buildings, Blomfield street E C Salisbury house, Finsbury circus E C Saldji Geo. Antoine, 15 Great St. Helen 's E C !Coverley & Westray, 1 Crutchedfriars E C ; t*II§Lamb & Scudamore, Monument cham· §Schenker & Co. 91 & 93 Bishopsgate E C steamship owners, steamship agents & hers, King William street E C Schepens Frans, 9 & 10 Fenchurch street E C Agents-School. See Agtnts-Medical .tc. commission merchants Langford BullerEdwn.4,5&6 Gt.St.Helen's E C Scheuer Bros. 13 St. Mary Axe E C Cox's Shipping Agency Ltd. 16 Charing cross Lawther Marmaduke,ll Great St. Helen's E e t•IIScotney & Earnshaw, 9 Water lane, Great. SW & 13 Coach & Horses yard, Old Bur­ t•Leete Joseph & Sons Ltd. 23 to 26 St. Tower street E C Agents-Seed. Set &ed Factol"l. lington street W Dunstan's hill E C t*ll §Sewell & Orowther, 87 Bishopsgate E C Ourtiss & Sons Ltd. 28 Farringdon street E C Lewis J. H. & Oo. 102 Fenchurch street E C & 11 On slow place SW t Da vies Herbert &Oo.68 & 70Finsbnry pa.v E C lliLitchfield & Soundy Ltd. 5 & 8 Water lane, t•tBHELDON G. W. c'!i: eo. 38 Leadenhall Agents-Sewing Machine. t•lltDavies, Turner & Oo. Ltd. 52 Lime st E C ; Great Tower street E C streetE C (T N's 3088,3089 & 6031i Avenue); 35 Warwick st. & 5 Regent pL Regent st W tLivingston,Briggs&Co.l6&17Gt.St.Heln'sE C freight contractors & passage brokers, &t &wing Machine .Agents. fDel Soto Brothers, 15 St. Mary Axe E C t•Lloyd B. S. & Co. 40 King st. Oheapside E C motor car packers & groupage services ; •tDickeson & Stewart,94 Queen Victoria st E C Lowe Charles & Partners Ltd. 6 East India. agents in all parts of the world; rates ~Dott James Forfar, 22 Billiter street E C avenue E C quoted to Consignl'eS' warehouse including Agents-Sha.wl. Downings' American Despatch, 95 Upper Lunha.m & Moore, 3 Great St. Helen's E C all char~res of every kind Su Shaul Manufacturtrl .t Warthouiemtn. Thames street E C t'l't 11 McDougall & Bonthron Ltd.64Mark la E C Shyvers William & Co. 25 St. M~ry Axe E C t£Drolenvaux & Bremner,36 Gt. Tower stE C Macgregor, Caldbeck & Oo. 1 Rangoon st E C tSimpROn John, 2 East India avenue E C t lltDrummond R.E.& Co.21 Gt.St.Helen's E C t!McGregor, Gow, Norris & Joyner Ltd. 4 Smith(Howard Smith Co.Ltd.),33 Corn hill E (! Agents-Ship & Shipping. Dunlop George & Co. 32 Gt. St. Helen's E C Fenchurch avenue E C Smith William & Co. 86 Leaden hall st E C See al10 .Agent•-Oustom Hou.e; B1'0lcf!rl-ln- Ellis, Kislingbury & Co. 4 St. Mary Axe E C tMacGregor Wm. G. & Co. 18 Ooleman st E C II§Smith's Shipping AgencyLtd.l8 Eldon stE (! mrance; al1o Brolct!1•1-Ship .t Inru1"anct. t Empire Booking Office Ltd.210 Church street, Mclntyre (Malcolm) & Co. Ltd. 23 Leadenhall tSparrow W. A. & Oo. 14 St. Mary Axe E C Marked thus tare Insurance Agents. Kensington W street E C & Lloyd's E C Spicer Grorge, 15 Red Lion square WC Marked thus *are Custom House Agents. European & General Express Oo. 15 Poland Maclaine H. & Co. 22 Great St. Helen's E C t•Stah!Rchmidt F. & Co. 10 Hart street, Mark Marked thus 11 are Commission Agents. ~treet W-T A •· Genexpress, Reg"; T N's McMicken Hamilton Gra.nt,64 HaymarketSW lane E C Marked thus ~ are General Agents. 4920 & 4921 Regent MeN abb, Rougier & Co. 49 St. Mary Axe E C •sta.rbuck & Starbuck, 20 & 21 Bread street Marked thus :j: are Steam Ship Agents. ~Everett H. C. & Co. 84Leadenhallstreet E C Mant Herbert Edward, 10 Fore street E C hill E C & 208 Upper Thames street E C !tA.bba.ti 0. & Co. 14 St. Mary Axe E C •Fa.irclough T. M. & Sons, 29 Trinity sq EC Marder Wm. Joseph, Billiter sq. bldgs E C Sta.rbuck (Wm.), Pring & Co. 21 Cousin la E C t~A.okerley Benjn. & Son, 18 & 19 Great St. Falck Rud, 49 Leadenhall street E C & 21 tc;tMeadows Thomas & Co. 3() Milk street E C t•§Sta.veley & Co. 14 Golden lane E C Helen'sE C; also at Liverpool, Manchester & Oockspur street SW (T N 3220 City [4 lines]) ; 15 Bunhill row t~ll § tStockwell&Co.Ld.l6, 18,13& 15 I<' ins bury Bradford Fitzmaurice Rt. Bruce, 3 East India a ven E C E C (T N 945 London Wall) & 6A, Great St. street E C & 8 & 10 Beak street, Reg~nt st W Adair, Wighton&Oo.60,61 & 62 Bunhill rw E C Foley R. & Co. 110 Cannon street E C Thomas Apostle E C Stone E. & Co. 2 Upper J ames st. Golden sq W Adams Express Co. 25 Oockspur street SW Ford Ltd. 23 Paternoster sq E C; 8 Milk st E C; Medwin Sidney Alfred, 5 & 7 St. Mary Axe E C Struss & Yogel, 8 union court E C (Telegraphic Address " Adexpress, West­ 5 & 7 Wenlock rdN & Ewerst.SouthwarkS E t•ii§:tMertens & Oo. 3 Cross lane E C Such William Henry, 2 New London st E C rand" : T N's 6125 Gerrard, 3679 City & Forwood Stanley, Williams & Co. 96 to 98 Messageries .Anglo-Suisses, 16, 18, 13 & 15 tSutcliffe John & Son,91 & 93 Bishopsgate E C 2708 Regent) & 76 Newgate street E e­ Leadenha.ll street E C Finsbury street E C & 8 & 10 Beak street W t•tTallack F.
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