Dl{Elica] [ Report N945

Dl{Elica] [ Report N945

DL{ELICA][ REPORTN945 Plbli3hed by th€ Dkector ol Fi3heri€3and \l/llcllile. Perth. under lhe aulhorily ol rhe Hon. Minister tor Fisheri* dnd Witdtite The ShortTerm Effects of BrushHarvesting on the KwonganVegetation at Eneabba" WesternAustralia BY E. A. GRIFFIN AND A. J. M. HOPKINS 1981 '9909 'V { 'oo-rouueM 'o'd 'e.r1ueJ T9 xog qc.reesau alTTpTT!4 ueTTe.rlsnv urelseMz '6T09'vlrt'q6noroq.recs'4aa.r1sAarpug L?- T8 6T 'w'.c 'v pue 'v's zsNrxdoll rNr.il.ilru9 trs vrrvuilsnv taE&ssu'vggEgt{g TV NOI,IVTS9flA X\I9NOIDI ffi,r tto 9f,rrseautr ssnus Jo s,rJtrJsfl r{uE,r &uoEs trEf, 'oN 9t ,f,uodsu H,lusaI ace.rta,tr,apreTapv I0T afTTpTTl4 pue seT.raqsT,{ Jo ?uaurfredeq T ,XICNTIdiIV 6Z sgeNsus,{su IIIA 6Z s,rNsr{secsTl,loNxJV IIA az sNor$vqNsnwoJsuqNv sNorsnaSNoc IA zz NOrSSnCSrq A oz aurl6ag 6uT11nc eq,I 'a tr. sarcedg TenpTATpuI uo slceJJg .V ZI tr11unuuro3 uo slca;Jg sfransgu AI TT SqOHfE}'l III OT SUJIS ICNIS TI 6 NOITCOqOU,INT r ,rcYtl'rsgv a 6ed S.INS.INOC I FIG URES Page 1. Brush Harvesting Study Sites: Location Map. I TABLES 1. Details of Stualy Sites. 1t Numbers of species recorded. in each quadrat and at each study site. 13 J. Average number of species per cover-abunclance cl-ass per quaalrat, cut versus uncut treatments, together with average percent bare ground recordings for each study site. 13 List of species recordecl only in quadrats of one l. ra^ f m6n + +r'h6 If, Species and. numbers of pfants recordecl dead in the 13 quadrats of each treatment t!,pe. Ib 6. tist of species with percent relative frequency (t RF) outside the range 76-124*. I8 1 List of species with cover-abundance values reduced by harvesting. l9 8. Seedlings recorded in quadrats of each treatment type at each stucly site. 2T q Observations of fruit bearing habits and regeneration strategies of bradysporous species in the study area. z5 APPENDIX 1 - TABLES 1. Species and numbers of individuals recordeCl in sample quadrats in the Al-lied Eneabba ttd. 78D topsoil, mulch and seeding trial in October 1979. JO z. Numbers of species of each seed storage mode recorded for each of the two rehabilitation treatments . 5t ve '6u11no:dse: q6no:q1 ITuTeur uo11e:aua6er ,6uTlsearer{ TeTlue1sqns 6uTlaoqs relJe sr{fuour tT ,6L6f treW ur eerp € paTfTv u1 uo11ela6el lsal.req_lsod ?e 's1ue6:aure Teuorseoco qATr uc 09 lnoqe g:o 1q61eq e6e:ane up qlTl^ uoTlEle6e^ qleaq-pesoTc ltol 1ec1d^1 ar{? FuTraoqs s peTTTv 1r uoTlen4Ts lse^req-a.rd gt . pelleltrqsnJq aq 01 eo.re up o? uo re?sa^JeH e6exo.{ eql uoJJ pappoTrm 6u1aq 1e1.:e1eu pelsea.rpg '6u1u;rtI LL :o1:d z(lelraTpounlT peAoure: 11osdo1 or5l (c ,d1:1s_oq , pelselrEq qsnrq e {q uoTle?e6aa ry4e5q peqrn1sTprm eq? (e : saT4TATlce burugure:d Jo ecuenbes 'uoTlP?TTTqeqar ZE roJ ilrel€TpauDrT pasn ro asn .re?ET roJ pa11d:1co1s .rerl+Ta sT pelcaTToc os .6ugu1u- 11osdo6, o4 :o1.zd :ede:cs 6uTle eTe ue riq uc gT Jo qldep e6e:eae ue o1 11osdo1 Jo Teloue.r luenbesqng . ZE eare T,tr u:ta1sald erll uo.rJ uoT?e?a6a^ lsea:eq o? pasn 6uTaq rolsalreH a6e.rog spupTss€re .TpTrl 6uTpaes pue qcTnur 'TTosdo? qgz eqqeaug paTTTV eql J:o ee.re pe??pur -qsn:q e uT uoT?eraue6e: 6uTTpeeS . SCSI<ISLINOUJ e6e4 ss,rwd - ,:i 9q i"i FRONTISPIECE. Seedling regeneration in a brushmatted area of the Aflied Eneabba 78D topsoil, mulch and seeding trial. l 'papuewuoJeraJe seJpn?s raq+JnJ auosi 'uoTle?TTFqeqar JOJ VsnJq eql Jo enTel eq+ 01 uolfnqlrluoJ luelroqwT ue eJo?s paas sJtrI 'nof se ecua1slqap petreTapqT7n se)pul 'sprerlJe?Je saJcads Jo paas Jo erols eql uoos peAowal eq ol iJ 11osdo1 uaqrt t{1uo arqerfsap llqeqotd sJ aj11ci.rd igqS' :6uylqnc no7 lq pesBarruJ se,r 6uJSsaa-req eqt 'uoyyetaualar roJ pateadde Jo lJedwT ?seq'e?fns uwn+ny lTtee - Jeu,u/nseleT u! s?saiJeH slq? uI pepnTJU! eraa paes woJJ pelereue1et ttluo qcJr;,r salcads esor/l 'pe!Jlluap! sea 6u!11n3 01 eA!4lsues ?souJeq o? paJeplsuoJ saJcads a?Jns 'sleJpenD pe?se^Jeqrsuros 'u! Jo V 'suPOJo 1u-aulwoJdosle era,l sduglpaa5 punot6-to7e-q u! .ro sure?s palewep uJ spnq worJ du'gynotdsat fq paletaua6et saycads lueyl 'urJa?-?Joqsaql uT ?seef ?e '6uJlsaareq Jo ?fnser e se safoeds Jo ssof e sea eraql 'peJnseaw self.uo7le 7 aO e,t 'psssasse ?ncun u! pees Jo eJo?s e./l araa sPaJe ueatleq pue slerpenb uaeri7aq seJUaJaJJJp fPJn?onJ?s pue 'saJJepunog JJlsJJofJ ?ncun/lnJ ssoJJe palTed slerpenb 6uJsn peTdwes erea seJro?sJq ?se^req luereJJTp tllTA seeJe eaJql' 'peleqllu1 se OuJ?se^reqaLll Jo s?JaJJ€ eql lpnls e 'ueOuotA4 eqqeeu3 eql Jo e3uelJoowT Jo '6uguyw TecTuefoqeql Jo asneoeg relJe uo!7e+_!t!qeqer roJ r.rsnrq apytotd 01 pelsa^Jeq 6uyeq iTlueJJnJ eJB eqqeaui Jo t/?nos uoylelaOarr ue6uott4 eq? Jo seery tSvatsev '9909 'V'M 'oo.reuuel4 'Tg xog 'O'd 'a.r1ual qc.reesau elTTpTTl{ ueTTP.rlsnv uJelsaMz '6T09 'v'14 'q6no.roq.reJS '1ae.r1s , e-rpuv Lt -r 'lit'f'v pue uTJlr.ro asulldou f vrTlruf sov lnErsSM 'vEgvgNg .f,V I{OI,f,VJfl9TIA [{\T|9NOTDI gEfi NO SI{I,ISAAUEH ES0US iIO S&JEI{dS N&I.I ,IUOES SHT 'gC-T'Tg6t'S?'oN'?daU'lsnv'lseli'TpTllt'tlsTJ'lde? --r 6 '(6urqcTnur) uoTtcaTToc 11osdo1 Jo eulTl eqf 1e lrosdol aq1 oluT peurnl s1 uo11e1a6e^ eq1 a:aq! ?ueurleall e uo.rJ sTql qirnour+srp oi pue aceJ:ns rTos eql uo pTer uo1?e1a6en palsaa:eq aqT:csap o1 a:aq pesn sT 6uTlfeurqsn:q ur:a1 eq,l+ qsn.rq pesrueqcau 'lualJnc aq1 JO Sl CeclurT luJal-lJOI{S eql Jo luaulssesse ue seATo^uT eraq pa1:oda: trPn1s aq; 'uoTlPleba^ aATleu aq1 uo 6urlserr.req qsn.rq fo lcedurr aq1 Jo e6pelruou>1 Jo 1q6TT aql ur epeu eq pTnoqs sa^TleufalTe aseqf uaai faq acroqc IuV 'q1ed 6u1u1u aql apTslno seeJe alrsualxe uro:J qsn:q '6'e) lseAJpq 01 ro (sfeer{ E-t d:aaa sauTf Tef,eAas sea'rP- JeqlTa 01 aAeI{ ,{aq1 'enbruqcal sTql qlTA peeco'rd ?nce.r 111n 'luluoo 's:ad '{oous 'u) o1 seruedubc aq? Jod '(826T T:e .f,1a1eur1xo:dde sr palfeurqsn.rq 1eql o? qsn:q .roJ pelsalJeq 'suoTlTpuoJ ee.re Jo oTler eq1 6u11e:ado luasa:d 'rapun '1eqf sT eqqPaug 1P qsn.rq Jo asn eq1 qfT^r uralqo:d :o[eur V 'arnlnJ uT pasn X1ap1n arou 3q o1 ,{1a111 sr ?nq efep '(916-T o? eqqPeug lP pasn aTl1TT uaaq seq enbruqcaf aqJ| 'gL6I '6'a) lqcadg' 'ite:t sprar I ,talaag s{oo:g salcads alrJeu' ;o seln6edo:d 3:o ac:nos e se pue TTos _eq4 esrTTqels o1 *6ullleuqsn.rq Jo dlddns e se uorlela6an pelsalJeq fo esn aq? saAToAuT eTTeJfsnv fo ?seoc lsEe aqf uo .f,1ea1sua1xa pasn uaaq spq qcTqA anbluqcel uoTlElTTTqeqar auo 'uor1e1e6aa alrJeu Jo f,aloc aTqPls e aqf s1 6ur1e:ado ,(11uesa:d salueduoc oA1 aq1 Jo-3o lueualarqce 'sea're saurure-:6brd uoTlef TTTqeqa.r eql Jo aa11caIqo au'tr poqJnlsTp pue peuru Jo uoTlelTTTqeqa-r o{el-rapun 01 pa-rTnDa'r a:e sarueduroJ aql (gL6T 1cV luauree:6v (urnTuefT'tr ulalsaM) 'sL6T spues TerauTW lcv luaurae:6v (eqqeeug peTTTV) spues 's1cv 1e:au1w) luauaa:69 lueaaleJ aq1 Jo suJef aql -rapun '11 a:n6T.l) lsea aql 01 uorlecoT pefaqunuun ue pue g€z0T uorfecoT eT.rolcTA :pueT rrAo.rc luece^ Jo slcoTq oA1 Jo suo1l:od pue '(988zzc pue oeoTtc) eqqeaug l:o qlnos so^]esau a.rnlpN oAl aqf 3:o suo11:od ssedurocue sluauaual 6urulur eql' 'saseaT unruelrJ, ulalselq pue eqqeaug paTTTv eqf Jo '('p?T 'I1aI eq? ol Pa.re aq1 6ur:aaoc suTeTo 6u1u1ur seq 1sa^r 'plT 'duedu:oc elTueurTl IT.rauuoJ ) spues ueTTe.rlsaM prTqf v 'T a:n6rg uo lrrtroqs sr suo11e:ado .rreq1 Jo 1ua1xe aq; '( 'p1T urnTuefTf urelsaM X1:au.ro;: ) pelPpTTosuo3 sTe-reuTt{ paleTcossv pue ''p1T eqqeaus paTTTV :€a]P sTql ur buTurlu '1ele:6 .[11uasa:d e.re selueduroc or'r,tr ]:o uorlcerfxa aq1 roJ sarlT.roqlnP lueuru.:ano6 1eco1 pue a1€1S dq pa:ea1c aq 'TTeuIS 'sarueduroc osTe TTT& seaJe TeuoT?rppe 6ulurur pues ,{aeaq suorle]ado aq1 6ur:np paq:n?sTp asTAJoqfo Te.reuru 3o 'eqqeaug .ro peuTur aq 01 sr eq 000 z fnoqe Jo Telof e 'uo1?efa6ea Jo qfnos (gL6I preag uleldpues .ro pu€Tqn.rqs sno11trqdo:a1cs1 ue6uo.rr>J Jo ee.re earsualxe aq1 uTq4TA4 NOITJOqOUINI i i I harvesting practice on the native vegetation- Effects of cutting i"a patterns of regeneration were examined in relation to species biology and for three regimes of harves t ing . II STT'DY SITES - At the time of the field work for this study (26.10.78 2.LL.78) three areas ahead of Lhe mining paths totalling ca. 7 ha hail been harvested for brush. AIl three areas w6re studiecl. Detail-s of the harvesting regimes are shown in Table 1; locations of stuily sites are shown in Figure l. AfI three study sites were located within areas already described in clelail by Lamont (1976') , Hnatiuk c tiopkins (in press ) and Hopkins & Hnatiuk (1981 )- The land surface iloper gently wittr a westerly aspect from lateritic hills easl of the mining tenements to aeolean dunes adjacent to the railway 1ine. The soils were predominantly grey sanils overlying mottled, deep, yellow sandy-clay anal -.with tateritic gravel variously disposed throughout the profile.

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