ENTERTAINMENTpage 17 Technique • Friday, March 30, 2007 • 17 NEW GROUP TAKES A HIKE BASEBALL BEATS DUKE GT Trailbrazers hiked along the Appala- Baseball won two out of three games ENTERTAINMENT cian trail during a service trip to promote over the weekend in Durham. Th ey are Technique • Friday, March 30, 2007 environmental awareness. Page 12 now second in their division. Page 25 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles return to big screen By Joseph Caubo sacrifi cing the family that he loved plotlines remind the audience of Although Leonardo and Raphael your youthful days when you used to Contributing Writer so dearly and turning them to stone, an important theme to the TMNT were very well-developed, the rest of watch the original Teenage Mutant which plays a huge role in the plot franchise: strong bonds of respect, the characters were fl at in compari- Ninja Turtles. It has been a long time since of the movie. love, and trust are essential to the son. With the absence of screen time Th e fi lm aims towards bridging we’ve seen our favorite half-shelled After, the fi lm exhibits what unity of a family. of Donatello and Michelangelo, the the nostalgia of our generation with heroes. After failed attempts to has become of the Th roughout most of the fi lm all movie did not have the same comedic our favorite sewer-dwelling superhe- bring the Turtles Turtles since the of the Turtles play their part, but relief that we came to expect from roes and the introduction of a mythos to a newer gen- end of Teenage Mu- the movie focuses on the confl ict the original series. to a much younger generation. eration with a live tant Ninja Turtles between Leonardo and Raphael. Th e Also, April O’Neil mastering If you go in expecting to see a more action show and III: Splinter sends highlight of the movie does not come martial arts and Casey Jones los- grown-up version of the Turtles, this a cartoon series, Leonardo away on at the end, but at the fi ght scene before ing some of his edginess leave huge movie is sure to disappoint you. Th e Warner Brothers sabbatical to learn the fi nal showdown that breaks out holes that are in desperate need of best thing you can do is keep an open decided to display TMNT how to become a between these two brothers. attention. mind and immerse yourself into them on a medium better leader; Mi- If you’ve been a huge fan of the When going to see this the heyday of the Teenage Mutant that brought about Rating: PG chelangelo works Turtles, you would agree that fi lm, I suggest that you try Ninja Turtles. their original suc- Running Time: children’s parties; this showdown has been in to fi nd your Besides, I can’t wait until the cess: the silver 1 hour, 27 min Donatello works the works for quite a long time inner 10- hinted next installment screen. as an IT support and the wizards at Imagi year-old and of the saga, which TMNT, di- Stars: Your favorite guru; and Raphael Animation Studios paid relive foreshadowed the re- rected by Kevin teenage turtles spends his nights as special attention to this turn of some of Munroe, brings a vigilante protect- scene. the older foes. about the next in- ing the streets of Cowabunga! stallment of a generation classic in New York. We also see appearances CGI form. Stylistically drawing of April O’Neil and Casey Jones, from the dark nature of the original who have taken up the treasure comics, Imagi Animation Studios hunting business together. really captured the essence of the Th e rest of the movie is spent Turtles while giving it a great, fresh developing two main plotlines: spin. the immortal King hiring It wouldn’t be much of a stretch the Foot to help return to say that the level of detail and look balance to his cursed of this movie rivals the work done by family while the Turtles Square Enix on their Final Fantasy try to reunite after the CGI fi lms. return of Leonardo. Th e movie begins with a narra- While the plot be- tion explaining the myth of a King comes cheesier as the cursed with immortality while movie progresses, both Jamie Foxx visits Lovable blue hedgehog now on Wii Compound today By Nathan Garcia seven World Rings and bring them Staff Writer to him before the arrow extinguishes Th e offi cial Jamie Foxx Concert or Sonic will die. After party will be taking place Sega’s mascot, Sonic the Hedge- Th is Sonic game controls diff er- this Friday at Compound Night hog,hog, seemsseems toto havehave fallenfallen onon hhardard ently from past games. Sonic acceler- Club. Th e event, hosted by Foxx, times.times. EverEver sincesince thethe DreamcastDreamcast ates automatically down a set path will open at 10pm and dress days,days, Sonic’sSonic’s gamesgames sseemeem toto bebe while the player steers Sonic by tilting code will be strictly enforced changingchanging tootoo much,much, andand notnot inin the Wii Remote. Jumping involves (no timberlands, no white tees, a goodgood wway.ay. AAddingdding ssuperfluperfl uousuous holding down and releasing a button, no tennis shoes and no striped characterscharacters andand insipidinsipid storiesstories whilewhile and holding the button down longer polos). ignoringignoring whatwhat mademade thethe gamesgames en-en- makes Sonic jump higher. Pushing joyablejoyable inin thethe fi rstrst place,place, developersdevelopers the Remote forward quickly in the SonicSonic TeamTeam havehave failedfailed toto impressimpress air makes Sonic dash, which homes Ted Leo to play withwith theirtheir recentrecent ooffff erings.erings. SonicSonic in on locked enemies and targets. RidersRiders waswas mediocremediocre atat bestbest andand Collecting rings allows Sonic to Variety Playhouse ShadowShadow thethe HedgehogHedgehog and the new take hits without dying, and he only SonicSonic gamegame forfor thethe XboxXbox 360360 andand loses 20 rings when hit. Collecting Ted Leo and Th e Pharmacists, will thethe PS3PS3 areare abysmallyabysmally bad.bad. StrangelyStrangely pearls allows Sonic to perform Speed be at Variety Playhouse Saturday. enough,enough, thethe betterbetter ggamesames wwereere fforor and Time Breaks, which give him Th e concert is in support of his thethe handhelds,handhelds, whichwhich werewere alsoalso inin a boost of speed or slow down time new album, Living with the Living. thethe moremore traditionaltraditional 2-D2-D format.format. respectively. Some RPG elements Doors open at 8:30 and tickets However,However, therethere aarere ssignsigns ooff ppromiseromise are also added to the game. Clear- are $15. More information is inin thethe newnew game,game, Sonic and the Secret ing stages awards experience points at www.variety-playhouse.com. RingsRings for the Wii. which unlocks additional abilities Th e story starts out with a genie that Sonic can use. namednamed ShahraShahra comingcoming toto SonicSonic toto Th e controls sound like fun at Great American savesave herher world,world, whichwhich residesresides inin thethe fi rst, but controlling Sonic is more 10011001 ArabianArabian Nights.Nights. SheShe eexplainsxplains awkward than it should be. Sonic Trailer Park Musical thatthat thethe ErazorErazor DjinnDjinn isis destroyingdestroying accelerates slowly and controls slug- thethe worldworld oneone pagepage atat a timetime andand gishly without using unlockable Actor’s Express will be performing onceonce hehe hashas succeededsucceeded inin doingdoing so,so, abilities, which creates unnecessary the Great American Trailer Park hehe willwill bebe ableable toto taketake overover thethe realreal diffi culty. Also, the fact that Sonic Musical, directed by Freddie Ashley. worldworld asas well.well. SonicSonic agreesagrees toto helphelp slows down after jumping breaks Th e setting is Armadillo Acres, out,out, butbut soonsoon aafterfter eenteringntering thethe the fl ow of the game. which claims to be Florida’s most book,book, ttheyhey encounterencounter tthehe ErazorErazor Each stage is one massive level exclusive trailer park. Shows will Djinn.Djinn. HeHe shootsshoots anan arrowarrow ofof fi rere that gets divided into smaller parts continue through April 2, and tickets thatthat lingerslingers aboveabove Sonic’sSonic’s chest,chest, are $21.50-$27. More information commandingcommanding himhim toto collectcollect thethe See Sonic, page 23 is at www.actors-express.com. 18 • Friday, March 30, 2007 • Technique ENTERTAINMENT Not for Tourists Guide revises Atlanta edition Band releases live Atlanta album By Kenneth Baskett to get around and what to do on the By Jonathan Saethang conducted over two nights at Tree Perhaps the most impressive thing Senior Staff Writer weekends. Staff Writer Room Studios. about the track was the balance each Th eNFT Guide to Atlanta, now in Th e recording session, which took of the elements had—the variance Like many of us here at Tech, I’m a its second edition, weighs in at over It is typically very diffi cult for a place during September 2006, was an in pitch between the three electric Georgia native. But I can sympathize 350 pages of maps and information “has-been” to make a comeback into invite-only event for 150 Flickerstick guitars, the low strumming of the with the huge population of students about the city. Although it won’t the mainstream (Come on, just take a fans from across the nation. bass, and the passionate vocals all here who know nothing of Atlanta fi t in a jeans pocket, it is defi nitely look at the shameless plugs in VH1’s But interestingly enough, the blended together very nicely. beyond the boundaries of I-75, Tenth small enough for a briefcase, purse Th e Surreal Life). Many artists take album is not just a “greatest hits” “Whatever Gets You Off ” sound- St, Marietta St or backpack.
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