Reba Leiding Mobbing in the library workplace What it is and how to prevent it ost of us would like to associate the in the United States this term is connected Mterm mobbing in the library with with civil rights law, and denotes harmful crowds of people coming to use our col- behavior toward persons who have a pro- lections and services. Unfortunately, there is tected status, such as race, religion, gender, a darker definition of mobbing: a type of or national origin. workplace pathology in which employees One of the earliest researchers on the sub- target a co-worker and engage in an ongoing ject, Swedish psychologist Heinz Leymann, campaign of disrespectful, and even hostile, studied this type of workplace harassment behavior. Typically, mobbing behaviors are and gave it the term mobbing—derived from covert and insidious; the mobbing victim is observations in animal psychology of smaller excluded from normal workplace activities animals ganging up on and overpowering and communications, with the ultimate goal a larger one. As a result of Leymann’s and of forcing the victim out of the organization. others’ research, the concept of workplace Mobbing is highly stressful because the tar- mobbing is more well-known in Sweden and geted individual’s social support system is Germany. Much of Leymann’s research has undermined. not been translated into English, as Thomas Managers may be tacit or active partici- Hecker, a German studies librarian, notes in pants in the process. The perpetrated injus- his article “Workplace Mobbing: A Discussion tices are unfair but usually legal, and may fall for Librarians.” A concise source of informa- within areas that are considered management tion on mobbing in English is Noa Daven- prerogatives, such as eliminating an indi- port’s book Mobbing: Emotional Abuse in the vidual from meeting rosters, limiting access to Workplace.1 Kenneth Westhues, a Canadian resources or technical support, or altering job researcher, has written several books about responsibilities. Often, mobbing victims are mobbing in academe. Much of the literature made to appear as though they are at fault, or on mobbing focuses on case studies, which are viewed as “crazy” or incompetent. When are fascinating reading but of relatively lim- forced from the work group, their departure ited value since each workplace is unique is depicted as their choice. and work group interactions are dynamic. The concept of mobbing is not well- Still, some behavior patterns emerge. recognized in the United States. In English- Research by Leymann and Kenneth Wes- speaking countries, research has focused on thues shows that mobbing is more likely to the concept of bullying behavior between occur in professional settings, where the work individuals, often when a person in a more is complex, organizational goals may be am- powerful position is abusive toward a sub- ordinate or less assertive person. Mobbing, with its overlay of group dynamics, is a more Reba Leiding is assistant to the dean at James Madison University Libraries and Educational Technologies, sophisticated and complex set of behaviors. e-mail: [email protected] Mobbing is clearly a form of harassment, but © 2010 Reba Leiding C&RL News July/August 2010 364 july10b.indd 364 6/23/2010 10:45:49 AM biguous, critical thinking is encouraged, and shown that co-workers who witness work- workers have relative autonomy. Academic place mobbing but are not the direct victims libraries share some or all of these characteris- can also exhibit symptoms of psychological tics, and in fact libraries can be prime settings distress. for workplace mobbing. Librarians often have Particular workplace dynamics contribute a strong sense of service and loyalty to their to a situation where mobbing can occur: library; they may gain positive rewards from Dysfunctional organizations: Mobbing working with their user communities and occurs in both hierarchical and flat organiza- may be unwilling to risk these benefits by tions. The type of organizational structure protesting against workplace abuse. Libraries in itself is not a factor; however, lack of as an institution are undergoing stresses from communication, unclear lines of authority, a more competitive information environment. ambiguous job descriptions, and laissez-faire In response, libraries may feel pressure management provide opportunities for mob- to change their mission and values, revise bing behaviors. Organizations that tolerate their organizational structures, and add or mobbing are dysfunctional by definition, eliminate services. The introduction of new since workplace mobbing leads to worker technologies can alter workers’ roles, provide turnover, declines in productivity, and costs a sense of depersonalization, and increase from severance and early retirement pay- workloads. Organizational change prompted ments. If mobbing is tolerated once, instiga- by stress can provide an opportunity for em- tors see they can get away with aggressive ployment inequities, especially when lines of behaviors, and mobbing becomes a part of communication or authority are unclear. And, the organization’s culture. It is important to of course, economic constraints can limit the resolve the interpersonal conflict early in the library resources and threaten job security, process, to prevent the triggering event from preventing employees from speaking out. becoming a justification for an aggression. Leymann and Davenport outline these Active, involved management is crucial phases in the mobbing process: in controlling the mobbing dynamic. Many • A triggering incident or conflict between library managers have limited management the individual who comes to lead the mob- training, and may not have awareness of the bing attack, and the victim, and is unresolved. concept of mobbing or experience with re- • Continuing, sporadic, psychological solving conflict. Managers are often promoted assaults, or other forms of aggression, on for their technical expertise, rather than their the victim. skill in handling interpersonal matters. Mack- • Management involvement (if they are enzie and Smith, in their study of manage- not already participating). Managers have the ment education for library directors, found opportunity to rectify the situation, but if they that most graduate library degree programs are in denial or complicit in the process, at require only one management course, which this stage they may act to further isolate or may cover the gamut of management topics.2 expel the victim. Only seven management course syllabi in • Expulsion from the organization. At this their study of 48 programs covered conflict, point, the employee, if he or she does not organization change, and development; fur- make a face- or career-saving move, may ther, only two syllabi covered ethics. experience psychological or physical distress Mobbers: There are numerous reasons and post-traumatic stress-like symptoms, as why an individual would instigate mobbing well as a ruined career. behavior, including psychological pathol- Leymann and others have focused on ogy, jealousy, greed, or desperation. The the psychological and physical symptoms organization may provide a sense of scarce of mobbing victims, which include anxiety, resources where employees feel they have depression, and even suicide. Research has to fight for perquisites and promotions. A July/August 2010 365 C&RL News july10b.indd 365 6/23/2010 10:45:49 AM weak, poorly managed organization may • Provide training in ethics and “people provide the aggressor with opportunities to skills,” such as negotiation, conflict resolution, target an individual. But why would normal, and workplace civility. Make these important usually well-meaning people, join in with a values for all employees throughout the or- mobbing instigator? One explanation is the ganization, and required skills for managers. element of groupthink: people want to feel a • Institute mentoring programs to foster sense of group solidarity and inclusion. Poor knowledge transfer and professional support. communication lines or loose organizational • Develop or improve internal commu- structure may allow people to ignore ag- nication channels so that all employees are gressive incidents or deny that they have aware of library activities and initiatives. This occurred. Lastly, fear can be a major factor: helps promote a sense of ownership in the co-workers who witness the humiliating, organization. demoralizing treatment the mobbing victim The most important step an organization undergoes may feel that going along is the can take to prevent mobbing is to put in place only way to avoid becoming a target as well. mechanisms for resolving conflict. Provide The mobbing victim: Research has and encourage opportunities for dealing with indicated that no single personality type is interpersonal problems as they occur. These a typical mobbing target. Victims may be may be as simple as a supervisor with an less assertive, or less inclined to be part of open-door policy or as formalized as official a group (and so more vulnerable to a group conflict resolution or grievance procedures. attack). They may have some characteristic Mobbing is an opportunistic behavior, but that singles them out, such as a disability, or it’s not inevitable. Mobbing can be curtailed being the only man in a female-dominated if workplaces support mechanisms that give group, or vice versa. Often, however, mob- targeted victims a chance to be heard, and bing targets are strong contributors to the more generally,
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