*~VolTlXII. 1g^rg?.gSS;fta.”"^| ELLSWORTH, MAINE, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 27,1916. !"//SSiLSS”.C££.V,S“ acDrmstmrnts. LOCAL AFFAIRS. Paul, tor England. After a abort stay In London, be will proceed to Petrograd, Russia, wbiob will be his headquarters as NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THIS WEEK foreign representative of the Guaranty The Davis Theatre Trust Co., of New York. Hancock County Nureerv Co Bucksport National Bank statement Miss Ethel Hodgkins, formerly ot Ells- Burrill National Bank statemant. worth, now of Seattle, Wash., is spending Haucock Co Barings bank—Special meeting ber old home in Admr notice—Martha P Harding two weeks’ vacation at Union Trust Co. Exec notice—Cora W Peabody Lamoine. Miaa Hodgkins was sten- For sale—One player piano ** Mains —Roan mare ographer in the law offices of Hale A Ham- Kllsworth, There is no I CP Burrill A Son Insurance I lin for several years. This Is her first Safer Place a J A Haynes—Groceries visit East In four years. Capital .... *100,000 Mrs. Herman who baa been -’i»- Surplus and Profits 128,000 for valuables than the modern Safe De- SCHEDULE OF MAILS Austin, I Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Roval, was Assets 1,780,000 AT auvobti rosromci. itlng Vault—the where called to ber home in Isle Satur- | posit place neither I In effect June 96, 1916. Presque DIRECTORS day by tbe illness of ber sister. l fire nor burglars can penetrate. WillUftn F. Campbell, Cherryficld L. Elrie Holmes, Northeast Harbor * Mr. whose office at § MA1LI nncniTBD. Austin, printing Fred A. Chandler, Addison Ro ert B. Holmes, Ellsworth Week Daye. Presque Isle was burned some months ago, Henry W. Cushman, Bangor J. R. Holmes, Eastport a Safe Box in our Alfred B. Hancock Arno W. Ellsworth Rent Deposit Fire and baa returned and resumed business. Crabtree, King, Kj From West—AM, 11.11 am (exceptMonday), Lucilius A. Emery, Ellsworth Frank C. Nash, Cherryfield Edward M. A. 1 Proof Vault—the cost is U 4.11 (except Sanday), 4.18 p m. Misses Gertrude Dorgtn and Graham, Bangor John Peters, Ellsworth Burglar only Dorothy Henry H. Gray, Milbridge Bion M. Pike, Lubec From East—18.28 (except Sanday), 6A8, 10.87 Coughlin pleasantly entertained a group Eugene Hale, Ellsworth Hennr W. Sargent, Sanrentville B. West Sullivan O. Vv. and p m. 110.87 mail not distributed until fol- of at “Tbe Barney Havey, Tapley, Ellsworth $3 up per year young people Birches’’, Bay- Henry H. Higgins, Ellsworth John O. Whitney, Ellsworth lowing morning.) ■idd, last Friday evening. About thirty Frank L. Hodgkins, Lamoine MAILS CLOSB AT FOSTOFF1CR were present. Refreshments were served, OFFICERS I | i ; | Week Daye. after which a corn roast was enjoyed. John A. Petrus, President Omar W. Tapley, Vice President Going West—11 Aft, s m; 8.4ft, 6 and 0 pm. Mies Ethel Brown and Miss Helen Neal- I Henry II. Higgins, Treasurer Monroe Y. McGown, Asst. Treas. | SSmnitmcntg. Going East—0.26 s m: 3.46, 6.60 p m. ley were chaperones. The patrons of this hank are assured of absolute perfect convenience, and Sundays. New honors bave come to Bingen, the safety, prompt service in all matters intrusted to us, and the splendid growth which the bank has Arrive from the west si 6.66, 11.16 s m, 6.40 great stallion owned as a colt by E. H. had to its present proportions indicates the endorsement which has been given it by our customers and lriends. p m. Close for west 8.46, 6,0 p m. Qreely, of Ellsworth. Bingen, 2.08%, is credited with being the only sire of a t vo- We Invite Your BueMieee Registered mail should be at poetofflce half mlnute trotter (Uhlan, 1.58) and the sire an hour before mail oloaea. —. 1 — of tbe dam of a two-minute trotter, the ..——r~'~" dam of Lee Axwortby, 2, being by Bingen CONDENSED TIME TABLE. Mrs. Msry B. Davis, of Wayne, Pa., The Cheat” WttI DAYS. i Wednesday, S«pL27- GayaST" corresponding secretary of the Woman’s Pitfall” 4 Trains arrive at Ellsworth from the west at National Alliance, and Mrs. Alvah Roy RESPONSIBILITY Thursday,StptM--‘‘The JglllJgsr 6Aft, 7.18,11.16 and 11.68 a. m., 4.21 and 6.18 p. m. Scott, of Bsngor, will address the a--Eternal Trains leave Ellsworth for the west at 7.87 a Do you ever think what a responsibility rests Friday, Sept Sapho” m., 13.28, 4.11, ft Aft, 10.21 and 10A7 p. m. Woman’s Alliance of the Ellsworth Uni- upon you as the bread-winner of your family? SUNDAYS. tarian church at the vestry parlors to- Saturday, Sapt M- -‘'Reform Candidate” Paramount , Arrive from west at 9.11 and Look ahead—give prudent management to PMlttrtBf Macyu A buckle. Pal la* Drama. 6.6ft, 7.18, 11.16 morrow afternoon at 2.30. It la hoped a. in., 6 40 p. m. Leave for the west at 6A9 a. be your financial interests. m.. 4.11, ft Aft, 10.21 and 16.87 p. m. there will a full attendance of members. Munday,0ct2--‘‘The Iron Claw” P,the j,ewt Start an account with us. Tbe twin-screw gasoline yacht Jemima for Remembrance” WKATHKK IN ELLSWORTH. F. owned Morrill Tuesday,Oct3--‘‘Rosemary 3d, by Goddard, of New Hanoock Bank Fmtttin.s M-irgiwIta 8oow, Mftro Drum*. York, a summer resident of Brooklin, has County Savings For WeeR at Maine Ending Midnight Tuesday, been hauled out at the yards of tbe Ells- Ellsworth, Wednesday,0ct4--‘‘The Immigrant” aept. 26,1916. worth Foundry A Machine Works for the From observations taken at | the power ____L_ winter. over .. station of the Bar Harbor A Union Rivei The yacht is 135 feet all, __ _»____... : Power Co., in Ellsworth. Precipitation is and 21 feet beam, and is said to be tbe Hatinee Price to given in inches for the twenty four hours FATAIi ACCIDENT. Stillwater Mill Burned. at largest pleasure craft that ever came Children, 5c ending midnight.) The mw end planing mill at Stillwater, Weather Precip- up Union river. and In- Temperature condition* ttation Bride of Four Days Shot owned by John Casaidy, ot Bangor, was The insurance business of C. C. Burrill stantly Killed at Eastbrook. burned last evening. The loss is esti- 4 a in 12m Toreuoou afternoon anfcrrttsnrmta. A Son, established in 1867 by the late C. C. Libble B. Wilbur, married but four days mated at insured. Wed 40- 44 fair clear f60,000; Burrill, will be continued under the same before to Macs J. of Bar Thura IS6— 40— clear clear Huntley, Harbor, name. Charles R. who was as- was killed tbe accidental dis- Frl 44— 47— fair clear Burrill, Instantly by There will be a demonstration of White sociated with bis father in this a small at Eastbrook last Sat 44— <1— cloudy cloudy.rala .16 business, charge of rifle, House coffee at the store of Austin H. Joy Sun 4o— 46— fair fair and who has given moat of his time the Wednesday afternoon. I Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Ellsworth Mon 40— OS— fair clear past few years to the management of the With her husband, she was spending a lovers ol Rood coffee are invited to call.—Advt. Tuea 86— 06— fair fair Kebo Spring Water Co., will now devote few days at the home of her father, Moses bis entire time to the Ellsworth office. Wilbur. Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Hunt- aajMCTttrswsu* of area in Ella- Mrs. Mrs. Joseph Conary, Bluehill, Charles C. Yonng, of Trenton, while on ley, with Huntley’s sister, worth went Friday. a bosiness trip to British Columbia, met Mahlon Wilbur, and two children, down into the with them NOTICE Bayaide grange will have a fair and with an accident about two weeks ago, pasture, taking NOTICE 22-calibre rifle. plowing contest Tuesday, Oct. 30. which bas laid him up with a broken a to a rail fence, Mr. Huntley Fred K. Cooke has returned from a bual- arm. Mr. Young was at a small mining Coming fence on the in British when he was leaned the rifle against the neee trip to Quit ford and MMo. hotel Columbia, tbe women attacked a at the head of a farther side, and was assisting Former Chief-Justice Emery baa re- by dog stairway. A reward of $10 will be paid over wnen Mrs. Wilbur’s little turned to hie Ellsworth home tor the fall. In fighting off the attack of the dog, son, aged five crawled the infor- which jumped at his throat, he uncon- about years, through to any person giving Alton f. Royal haa pnrchaeed the Albert sciously backed into the and fence and started to pick up the rifle. It M. hoeae on State which stairway Hopbine street, was the bullet mation to the arrest fell to the bottom, breaking one arm in discharged, entering fust leading he haa been lor some time. occupying above Mrs. and kill- The Bar Harbor & Union River Power Co. de- two places. Huntley’s right eye and conviction of Mies Helen Perry, of Boston, wbo for ing her instantly. any person Next Sunday morning at the Baptist the peat few weeks baa been visiting Mrs. Mrs. Huntley was about twenty-six sires to call the attention of Ellsworth Water Takers church the junior congregation will be or damaging Pails Eva Sellers, has gone to Sedgwick for • of She was well known in Ells- stealing organized. The vested choir will sing, years age. to visit. worth, where she was employed for some to the 8.
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