Sancton Parish Council Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 21 st June 2021 at 7.00pm In Sancton Methodist Chapel, Rispin Hill, Sancton _______________________________________________________________________________________ Present Cllr Derek Cary (Chairman) Cllr Anita Liley Cllr Pat Parvin Cllr Chris Shepherd Cllr Marilyn Wintersgill Ward Cllr David Rudd 210621/1 Apologies Cllr Sally Wightman. 210621/2 Declarations of Interest a) No declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items. b) No dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items. 210621/3 Minutes of Previous Meeting The minutes of the meeting held on the 17th May 2021 were approved by members and signed by the Chairman. Proposed: Cllr Shepherd, seconded: Cllr Wintersgill. 210621/4 Public Participation None present. 210621/5 Reports from Ward Councillor(s) Ward Cllr Rudd updated the Parish Council on activities within East Riding of Yorkshire Council: • COVID-19 vaccinations – all adults have been offered the jab. As of 14 th June 2021, over 60M adults had received at least one dose with 91% of over 50s receiving two doses. Hospitals are working through the backlog of appointments that have been delayed. 98% of care home workers and care home residents in Hull and East Riding have received doses. • East Riding Health and Wellbeing bus will be in the Minster Ward on Tuesday 22 nd June offering COVID-19 vaccinations to those that have difficulty in accessing vaccination centres. • Draft Local Plan is out for consultation and will cover the period up to 2039. 1,100 new homes are planned per year for East Riding with 20,900 to be built by 2039. These new homes will also include those that are classed as affordable. There is likely to be minimal development in Sancton. Draft Local Plan Update Consultation (eastriding.gov.uk) • East Riding councillors have been meeting at the Spa, Bridlington as they can be well distanced at this venue and there are currently 66 councillors. Meetings can be watched via YouTube as there is insufficient space for the public to be present in person. All councillors are regularly tested for COVID-19. • Cllr Liley highlighted the lack of public transport options in Sancton. The now defunct route from Brough to York used to be popular. Cllr Rudd commented that routes such as these would have to be heavily subsidised by ERYC as private bus companies would not want to run services that are used by so few. Community Signature___________________ Date_________________ Sancton Parish Council transport is an option, but they are always struggling to recruit volunteer drivers. Another alternative would be car-sharing, but this would require administration by somebody local. Cllr Rudd will ask about the possibility of a bus route through the village. 210621/6 Highways/Footpaths • Yorkshire Water has undertaken work at Goldie Bank to repair the slump, however, a water leak remains. It was queried as to whether it could be a natural spring. Clerk will contact Ward Cllr Hammond who has been liaising with Yorkshire Water. • Rabbit damage on bridleway near the Gravel Pits – ERYC have advised they are not the owner of the land. Consent of the landowner/s to manage the rabbit population would be required. It may be that the route has riparian ownership by the landowner/s of the adjacent fields. • Cllr Shepherd has contacted ERYC regarding the gullies that were missed off the Streetscene schedule. • An overgrown verge is causing a hazard to those exiting the nursery and coming down into the village towards the village hall. 210621/7 Police Matters/Crime/Neighbourhood Watch • Neighbourhood Watch is quiet with the focus now on scams. Various vans have been damaged in Market Weighton and there has also been theft of dogs. • PCSO surgeries have restarted at Market Weighton Town Council offices, but the new PC Abigail Davis is working out of Pocklington. 210621/8 Planning a) No applications made to East Riding of Yorkshire Council. b) No decisions made by East Riding of Yorkshire Council. c) No planning applications received after the agenda had been posted. d) Consideration of other planning matters – an area of land by the chapel on Low Street has been fenced off by the landowner Mr Bramley and it is unclear as to what his intentions are. 210621/9 Play Area • Next annual inspection is due September 2021. Clerk will arrange next month. • Cllr Parvin advised of pigeon deterrent plastic spikes that can be purchased from Amazon and put on the top of play equipment. 210621/10 Grounds Maintenance Contracts/Open Space Management a) Action regarding the village field – two areas have been left uncut/re-wilded. A little ragwort present and a few rabbit holes. b) Action regarding the cemeteries, closed churchyard and Catholic cemetery including the management of flower waste using a composter: • The Clerk has contacted the family regarding the leaning Gospel memorial in the closed churchyard and has been advised that they will employ a Memorial Mason to carry out the remedial work. Cllr Cary advised that there are another two memorials that are hazardous. The memorial of William Celder (died 25.11.1893 aged 90 in Market Weighton) and a memorial that is largely illegible. Warning tape has been put around the them. Clerk will try to contact the other two families. Clerk advised that she will be doing Cemetery Management training this week and will ask if memorials can be repaired by the PC at their expense and at what degree of leaning are they considered dangerous. Signature___________________ Date_________________ Sancton Parish Council • Regarding the maintenance of the Catholic Cemetery, Cllr Liley advised that there is a ‘Green Team’ of volunteers that work out of Goole who undertake gardening projects such as these. • It was agreed that a composter for cemetery flowers would be difficult to manage as members have experienced a lack of compliance from people in the use of those open to the general public i.e. non-compostable items such as chicken carcasses and metal have been known to be deposited. • Public footpath up to the cemetery from Low Street is overgrown. Clerk to contact resident that owns the land. • A new floor mounted 1M x 1M noticeboard is needed for the cemetery. Clerk to obtain a quotation from MD Signs. It was agreed to apply to the Sancton Hill Windfarm Fund for the cost. c) Action regarding Gravel Pits – none. d) Action regarding the pond area including the water pump – Clerk awaiting contact from Mr Turton regarding a specification for the work to the water pump. Members thanked Cllr Parvin for organising and planting the two new tubs next to the water pump. e) Action with other open space management issues: • Cllr Liley suggested applying to the Heywood Tree Fund for a commemorative Holly tree for Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh following his recent death. Clerk will obtain quotation from Henley’s with a budget of £150-200 and members will think about a potential location. • Cllr Liley would like to plant a tree for the Queen’s Jubilee in 2022 and it was agreed that the PC would apply to the Heywood Tree Fund for monies next year. • Cllr Liley acquired wildflower seeds 4 years ago and is mindful that they will be going out of date soon. It was agreed that it would be a good idea to scatter on Goldie Bank. 210621/11 Accounts The May/June 2021 accounts for payment and bank statements (see also Financial Reports) were approved and signed by the Chairman. 31 st May Cllr Pat Tubs, plants & compost – village planting. £130.87 2021 Parvin Proposed: Cllr Liley, seconded: Cllr Wintersgill 210621/12 Community Recovery Grant Awaiting specification to enable contract tenders to be obtained. 210621/13 Village Car Park Warcup have had their excavator break down. Hopefully work will begin again on the 23 rd June 2021, although the fencing has yet to go up. 210621/14 Policies & Procedures The adoption of the following was agreed: a) Community Emergency Plan – Clerk to contact the vicar of All Saints Church to ascertain who the new nominated keyholder is. Proposed: Cllr Liley, seconded: Cllr Parvin. b) COVID-19 meeting risk assessment. Proposed: Cllr Parvin, seconded: Cllr Liley. c) Asset checklist. Cllr Cary will perform an inspection in July 2021. Signature___________________ Date_________________ Sancton Parish Council 210621/15 Correspondence Correspondence received, noted and action resolved: i. Stephen Hunt, Head of Planning and Development Management – letter to Town and Parish Councils. ii. Vision ICT - Website Analytics Report. iii. NALC newsletter. iv. Pocklington Police Station newsletter. v. ERNLLCA - Securing a Ballot MP: Calls to Action Content - Local Electricity Bill, Tks. vi. Police Surgery dates at Market Weighton. vii. Cllr Hammond - Fast Track East Riding Community Recovery Grant. viii. OPCC 'Take 5’, 'Say No To Fraud Campaign’ Launched 20th May 2021. ix. ERNLLCA May 2021 newsletter. x. ERYC - Draft Local Plan Update Consultation. xi. ERYC - Update on Meetings / Request for Clerk. xii. ERNLLCA meetings. xiii. ERYC Democratic Services - JLAF AGM and Scheduled meeting Wednesday 16 June 2021. xiv. ERYC - Do it For East Yorkshire Community Grant. xv. ERYC - Sancton Bridleway and Footpath No.4. xvi. NALC Chief Executive’s bulletin. xvii. ERYC - Briefing for Parish Councils - Local Implications of ‘Bus Back Better’ - the new National Bus Strategy for England. xviii. ERNLLCA - Finance training - new dates including evenings. 210621/16 Minor Items a) Correspondence received following publication of the agenda: Heywoods Tree Fund, 2022 Queen’s Birthday Honours, Police and Crime Commissioner Consultation Plan, NALC Chief Executive’s Bulletin and NALC events. b) Points from Councillors, questions and items of interest to note: i.
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