T^*y'^v \'T;-:-^'ir^;fi'tTi»»>*i*i.iiiitifi?L;' ;'vr-:f,vf. Po|) Pur^ Hit Motion City Soimdtractc sells out at the Docks "U'WyCR COLLEGE HUMBER ET Ce October 13,2005 http://etcetera.hiimberc.on.ca V. 36 * 4 William Ardell, chair of Humber Board of Directors; John Tory, provincial Tory leader; Robert Gordon, Humber president; Drew Brown, Orangeville mayor and Linda Jeffrey, MPP Brampton Centre, at Monday's announcement of the new Orangeville campus. New college site to open winter 2007 by veiTHMi wlllMon There are 15,000 full-time stu- ours," he said. the campus can welcome its liret Gordon said the college is NEWS REPORTER dents and 55,000 part-time stu- Orangeville's Chief Administ- students for the winter 2007 uncertain of the programs the new dents currently enrolled at num- rative Officer Rick Schwarzer said semester. campus will olTer but tourism and Humber College will build a ber's North and Lakeshore Orangeville donated an 11.33 Orangeville Mayor Drew travel, general business and health in Orangeville to new campus Campuses. hecteire (27 acres) tract of land to Brown said he's looking forward to for homecare workers are being the growing student accommodate Gordon said several sites, build the campus in the hope of the completion of the campus. considered because of the pro- population, it was announced this including Mississauga and Bramp- spurring economic development in "The sooner the better." Brown grams' high success rates at finding week. ton, were considered for the the open area along the east side said. jobs for graduates. "1 don't think we can continue expemsion. of Veteran's Way, one kilometre Gordon said Humber has a $10 "We have to match what we to at the North and grow "We didn't want to do this in an north of Broadway in Orangeville. million budget for the project. otTer witli the demand and out- seri- Lakeshore Campuses without area that would cannibalize what "Having a facility like Humber Expected to open in the winter come Uiat leads to companies hir- ously eroding services," Humber we are currently doing. We get a College in our town seemed like a 2007 semester, the lirst building ing someone." Gordon .said. College president, Robert Gordon, lot of students from Mississauga, wise thing to do," Schwarzer said. will house 600 students, with the said in an interview before WHfi files fnxn iason bowser and Jenna and if we build a campus there it Construction is expected to campus growing to house about lesman Monday's announcement in would take away enrollment at start early next spring, with hopes 2,000. Orangeville. Federal government matches Canadians' donations to earthquake relief by puja Delta West Airport Hotel on clearly we will match them." dle community ct)ncems. should have done." uppal Tuesday, Prime Minister Paul He also announced the immi- Mohamed Hamc(!duddin, an I le added he was on the phone NEWS Martin said there will be no limit gi-iition process will speed up and editor from Aioas, a local Urdu with Pakistani Prime Minister REPORTER on how much Ottawa plans to wave fees for affected families. newspaper, said he's not happy Shaukat A/iz within two hours heljiing Pakistan and the Martin said officials would be with tlie government's $20 million after he heard about the ciuake. r, very spend on into disaster-struck areas donation. 'Looking at the di.saster, "What we did immediately was doll a r surrounding areas hit by a 7.6 sent the Canadians magnitude earthquake last to a.s.sess damage and if the it's nothing." he said. lay down a marker," Martin said. no a.s.sessment. donate to Satutxlay. Disaster .Assistance Response Although the government has 'We had We knew faced SOUK' backlash from were going to he doing the relief Ottawa has already increased Team (DART) should be sent. mem- what we bers of the Pakistani community, was putting up much larger effort in its aid of $300,000 to $20 mil- Canada has already sent planes of sums '"""''' Pakistan, lion. Martin hopes donations will blankets and food and will lend Martin em|)hasized Canada's con- of money but we said it's impor- deliver tribution. "Canada has in fact tant to put down a marker... to the federal government will match add to the government's amount. helicopters to supi)lies. thanked Missi.ssauga- reacted very, very quickly, and show that Canadians were very, for the next two weeks. "We're not capping these Martin "1 matching funds," Martin said. "If Streetsville MP Wajid Khan for indeed we should," he .said. While speaking to Pakistani More quake coverage the matching funds excet^d ($20 reaching out to the commimity. think Canadians should be proud members of the community at the > News p.3 million) in the next two weeks then Martin appointed Khan to han- of the fact that we did what we U] (iell phone security) p. 8 liiil Soybean ga^, p. IQ October 13, 2005 news ® A Belgian man who had a metal plate Inserted In his neck years ago, experienced cold-like symptoms and swelling. Doctors discovered a screw loose - Reuters. Cops offer rewards for guns by nick kyonka NEWS REPORTER -t -.l li Toronto atizcns didn't alieady have enough moti- vation to help get giins ofl the streets, a cash reward will help them do so A progi~iUii highlighted by tlie Toronto Police, in partnership with Crime Stop|jers, will give ntizens the chance to eani up to S3(X) lor any tip that leads to tile sei/iire of an illegal handgun in the city T'lpstei-s rernain anonymous .All reward money is lunded to Crime Stoppers through jJiivatc ilonations, lundraismg events and court-ordered community lines. At a press coni'crence last Thursday, Police Quel Bill Blair stud the comnuini- ties mo.st allcded hv gun Molcnce this year have been cfKjperative m comuig t'or- waitJ witli mlbmiatjon, but tlus initiau\'c may help to bnng in even more tips "lliere has been a significant inacase in tlie inlbrmation comijig in from tlie community," Blair said. "I believe tJie people of Toronto are ready to come fonvaid and I believe tins Clime Stoppers initiati\'e gives people tlie o|5poi-tuiiity to supply October 13, 2005 ® news Do you hold an accounting degree? Are you familiar with the inner worltings of the European Union? You can become a shepherd in southern Hungary - Reuters. Agencies rush to aid Asia Algonquin by ainll angilah the attention it deserves," I'he Pakistani government NEWSREPORrtR Miller expects the HSF will accepted condolences and non- student donate admittance fees from niilitaiy aid from India Govemmciils and aid agen- one of its upcoming events to Mark Fried, communications cies are racing to assist in rescue relief agencies. coordinator for Oxfam Canada president and relief upeiations in South A statement released Oct. 8 said "light now our main focus is Asia after a massive earthquake by Prime Miraster Paul Martin providing shelter relief We've devastated the region Saturday extended condolences to the flown in water engineers to help morning countries and peojjle alfected prevent disease ftom breaking quits CSA 1 he 76 magnitude quake "Our thoughts are with the out" hrouglit down liuildings, trig- many citizens who have lost f-ried said the public may be gered landslides and tluttened loved ones, homes and posses- facing donor faugue, having con- by Jwma rosman sions," said in tributed villages. he the statement. to two major cfisaster SENIOR REPORTER The worst-allected area was "Canada stands ready to provide relief requests this year - the Pakistani-conl rolled Kashmir, further a.ssistance depending on December 2004 tsunami and " The president of the College Students U)() kilometres northeast of the needs identified 1 lurricane Katnna. .•\lliance (CS.^) board of directors has Islamabad Estimates at press After cnlinsm of tlio govern- "We're certainly tired," I'ried stepped down. |)ut the of at ment's initi:il pledge, said. lime number dead $300,000 "We're currently respond- Michael Banctt president of the than Pakistan Martin committed million ing to 14 more 30,000 in S2() emergencies around Algonciuin Students' Assoaatioii, also alone. and \m1I matdi pulilic donations. the We'll see wi'ek if world m a witlidrew that college's CSA member- cunently has no additioniil $1 million goes to public IS The HSF An the fatigued" ship in his Oct. 3 letter of resignation concrete fundraisjng initiatives tlie Canadian Red (toss. b'.MlCFF is asking for S20 "Students are paymg a lot of money planneti for disaster relief but 'I'he announced Tuesday million for the relief effort. UN to be a p;irt of tJiis oi-ganization," he saitl |)rogramming director a million appeal from the .Mmo.st one eveiy fiw peo[)le HSF $272 m Prime IVIinister Paul Martin "lb see blijis on tlie radar and have no Aaron Miller, said he expects international body to help 111 the alfected zone is a child and MPP Mississauga- idea what is happening on a day-to-day something will be done Pakistan cope with the disa.ster under the age of live, and near- Streetsville Wajid Khan. basis and no idea of what outcomes are "HSF definitely plans to do over the next six months, saying ly half are younger than 18, a being adiieved - there is no real tangi- .some kind of liiiidraising," Miller four million peoiile are potential- UNICEF statement said. Canadian Red Cross, World ble benefit for students." Vision said "With so many causes, it's ly homeless and one million aie Donations to help in the Canada, Oxfam Canada Daniella Cross, VP of Administration in of assistance.
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