LrtiMSWrfU^&ito . r w|«feI^wIabve!iliibraryA;iS5KS& Kettle VaUey Orchardist FOURTEENTH YEAR—^o. 25 GRAND FORKS, B. C, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1915 $1.00 PER'YEAR \ who wished to see an honest govern­ right hack-to you, .arid" effects your ment in British Columbia. He economic progress, although you •would'not be the representative of ERALELECTION never tnought of it. GHTFURNACEStN any particular section of the con­ '''6. All persons having interests stituency, but of all sections. He in fruit of any kind observing care­ was more of a resident of Grand RUBLE IN JUNE less violation of the above rules will BUST AT GRANBY Forks than his opponent, because co.ifer a favor upon the company as he owned property-here,.and he was as well as the public by, taking such The Liberal' convention hf'ld'in": also'ihe' owner of property in other A Toronto dispatch,' dated April notes as-will enable the officials of • The full battery of eight furnaces M this' city on , Wednesday night was sections of the district. He would 20, to the Nelson News says: "The the company to trace- the -violation- are now in commission at the Granby the {.largest and most enthusiastic work for no particular class, but for Toronto World, publisher by W. F. to the guilty party, smelter in this city. The seventh gathering 6f Liberals ever witnessed all -classes. The business man, the Maclean, M.P.j says today: • Tues •'All such notes should be ad­ was blown in last Monday, and the at a convention ofthe party in this workingman, the capitalist, the day, June 8, has been set tentatively dressed to the division superintend­ eighth, after being repaired, com­ city. .The'large opera house hall farmer and the miner would receive as the datef or the federal election, ent respective of the place of occur­ menced operations yesterday morn­ was filled with delegates from this equal consideration at his hands; according to a- persistent report rence where records are kept and ing. city, Phoenix, Cascade, Carson, Ban­ He would not only be • he represent­ around the city yesterday. A" prom­ employees scored by their efficiency." A rumor has been in circulation nock City and Christina Lake. The ative of the-Liberals, but also of the inent Toronto Conservative is given during the past week that the Gran­ greatest optimitm. regarding thePUC- Conservatives. At some future date, as authority for the statement. More Poultry Needed- by company has taken over the • . cess of.the party at polls prevailed, he said, he would address the citi­ - A June election is the favorite Mother Lode mine at Greenwood, Canada is short fifteen hundred jand harmony was the mpst distin­ zens of Grand Forks. on the issues guess of- politicians in Ottawa, al- and that work will shortly be re­ thusand hens, averaging one hun­ guishing feature of the convention. involved in.the preseut campaign. tnough the possibility of there be­ sumed at that property. dred eggs per year. Canada in 1914 .Sixteen autbs were required to con­ :,Neil'McCallum,".who"'followed Mr. ing no contest until September is imported two . hundred ihou6and vey the Phoenix delegates and the Thompson, also made" a sphndid admitted. dollars' worth more poultry than District Liberal Association .'friends of the successful noorinea to speech. He thanked the delegates The printing of voters' lists is well she exported and imported eggs to At.the close of the Liberal conven this city. The splendid turn out by who ,na"d proposed his name, but at under way. The revision is made the enormous amount in value of tion in the opera house on Wednes­ the Liberals of that acted as an in­ the same time'be thought the conven­ annually by provincial or major 82,500,000 in excess of her .'ship­ day night the District Liberal asso­ spiration of hope to ,the delegates tion had, made a wise.choice, and municipal authorities and sent to ments abroad. These are the some­ ciation of Grand Forks riding was • from the other sections of the con­ he paid an eloquent tribute to the Ottawa. • The federal lists are. there- what surprising, if not alurming, reorganized'. Neil McCallum was stituency.- integrity and sterling "qualities of fore, an annual reprint of local lists. - statements' made by the poultry di unanimously chosen president, and E. C. Henniger called the con­ ihe nominee'. Too much power, he The presenf government's ' term vision of the Dominion department E. C. Henniger was elected vice vention to order shortly after 8 continued, would corrupt and cause expires in October, 191fi. A term of agriculture, from which also ema president. The association will con­ o'clock. On motion of a Phoenix the downfall of any government. lasts for fiye years from the date nates the important announcement sist of two members from each local delegate, he was chesen -permanent That the Conservative party of Brit­ upon which writs are returnable. that Britain. .took from Belgium, association. These members have chairman. Mr.Henniger thanked the ish .Columbia .nad-- become corrupt In 1911 election dissolution occurred France, Russia, • Germany and not yet been selected. convention for the honor conferred was evidenced by the fact that such July 29, polling on September 21, Austria Hungary in the available on" him by being'selected to preside a staunch Tory as David Whiteside while the writs were, returnable Oc­ months of • 1914 three million dol over the largest Liberal convention had forsaken the party and thrown tober 7. Parliament, of necessity, Encouraging Outlook lars' worth of poultry and 136,000,- ever held in the riding. After a brief in ^his lot- with the Liberals. The would'have to dissolve on or before An encouraging note is struck in 000 dozen, or sixteen hundred and •" speech,-in- which he'.predicted suc­ fit October 7 of 1616, but the election this issue of Telephone Talk, the McBride government would have to thirty-two million eggs—sufficient cess for the local candidate and for could be held at a subsequent dale. magazine published by the British go at the coming election, and to give 2,235,616'people two eggs the party throughout the province, The franking privilege on parlia­ Columbia Telephone company. It Grand Forks riding would help lo aoiece for every day in the year. he announced that the time had ar- mentary documents expired Wed­ points out that net increases in the oust it. This constituency would Such 'facts must surely convey a • rived for placing nominees before nesday nigut, and literally tons are number of subscribers took place in line up with the majority, and Mr. world of meaning to .poultry breud the convention. being sent out from Ottawa as cam March, as compared with Febru­ Thompson would report for duty nrs in Canada. These facts are paign literature. ary, in Vancouver and Victoria, as B. Lequime nominated Neil Mc immediately after the election. » further emphasized by the state This fact alone, with journeys to well as in several of the smaller ex­ Galium, of this city. The nomina­ Mr. Bolier, of Phoenix, was glad rnent that the average egg yield per Ottawa of. outside politicians, nomin­ changes of the company. A net tion was seconded by K. Campbell, that the delegates presented as solid hen in this country is but 80 eggs ating conventions and similar ac­ gain is also noted for the province who, in a short speech, recounted a front to the enemy a?y the allies per year, which we are further as­ tivities, are all condueive to the be­ as a whole. This would indicate the high qualifications ot Mr. Mc­ did in Europe. The McBride gov­ sured by experts could^ by careful lief that an early election is ex­ that the provinco has resumed its Callum to represent the constituency ernment did pretty well up to 1911 selection, feeding and housing i •• pected. forward march ..That steady ex­ at Victoria, — as long as the Laurier government increased to 1^0; eggs per hen per pansion is expected is further shown B,. A. Brown's name' was pro was in power at Ottawa. He com­ year. As.the head of the division Care in Handling Fruit by the announcement that the tele: posed by two of his Grand Forks pared the federal government to the at Ottawa' remarks, "It would be a phone company has in hand sst'« friends, but Mr. Brown refused to main line of a railway system, and The fruitgrowers of Critish Col profitable. thing to strive for." mates of $32,796 in Vancouver, entertain the nomination, and with­ the provincial governments to its •umbia have petitioned the express Pamphlets particularly bearing on $1790 in North Vancouver, 822,145 drew his name. branch lines. Too much credit companies, through the secretary of the subject which can be had free in Victoria, and $5750 in Nanaim", Wm. Bonthron placed the name could not be given to Parker Wil- the British .Columbia Fruit Growers' on addressing the publications as well as improvements in hand at of J. E. Thompson, of Phoenix, he- iams tor the good work he had done association to issue the following branch, department of agriculture, Courtenay and Ladysmith. During fore the convention, and the nomin- as . leader of the opposition in the notice and cause it to be conspicu Ottawa, are: No. 1, "Winter Egg the past few months the British Col­ tioa was seconded by' a delegate legislature. Had it not been-for his ously posted on the inside of the Production," by W. A.
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