THE CLASSICAL REVIEW Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 04 Oct 2021 at 10:37:04, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0009840X00031899 •> , c ?*•- - THE CLASSICA* L REVIEW. VOLUME XI. PAVID NUTT, 270 AND 271 STKAND, ^ X897. Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 04 Oct 2021 at 10:37:04, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0009840X00031899 RICHABD CLAY AND SONS, LIMITED, LONDON AND BUNG AY. Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 04 Oct 2021 at 10:37:04, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0009840X00031899 ~ •*••« '••« TABLE OF CONTENTS. No. 1. PAGE PAOE R. M. BURROWS. Pylos and Sphacteria 1 Grenfell's Edition of The Revenue E. W. MACAN. The Date of Tyrtaeus . 10 Laws of Ptolemy Philadelphia. E. W. FAY. Contested Etymologies . 12 W. WYSE . 47 W. G. RUTHERFORD. Conjectures in Blaydes' Adversaria in Aeschylum. the Text of the Gomid Graeci ... 16 W. HEADLAM 56 H. RICHARDS. Critical Notes on the Christ's Edition of Pindar. E. Y. Minor Works of Xenophon (Hiero, TYRRELL 59 Hipparchicus, De Re Equest.) [Con- Hirtzel's Ber Bialog. E. D. HICKS . 61 tinued from Vol. X., p. 294] .... 17 Von Arnim on the Date of Plato's J. P. POSTGATE. On some Passages in Dialogues. L. CAMPBELL .... 63 Xenophon's Oeconomicus and Hel- Shuckburgh's Suetonii Augustus and lenics 21 Smilda's Suetonii Claudius. F. T. M. L. EARLE. Critical Notes on Cicero RICHARDS 63 - Be Oratore I. 22 Cohn's Edition of Philo, Vol. I. F. > P. H. DAMSTE. Note on Curtius vi. 4, C. CONYBEABE 66 7 ' 20 Egbert's Introduction to the Study W. W. MERRY. Note on Juvenal x., of Latin Inscriptions. F. HAVER- 82 ........ 26 FIELD. 67 J. STANLEY. Note on Lucret. v., 436 . 27 De Nino's Archeologia Leggendaria. E. Y. TYRRELL and T. L. AGAR. On a R. S. CONWAY 69 Question of Homeric Metrical Eule . 28 A. PLATT. Greek Elegiacs .... 70 A. SOXTTEB. Greek Metrical Inscrip- Archaeology. tions from Phrygia. {Continued Collignon's Histoire de la Sculpture from Vol. X., p. 420) 31 grecque.' PERCY GARDNER „ . 70 %_ GRANGER and W. WARDE FOWLER. Thomas' Borne et VEmpire. Louis ~'OB Burial Customs of Early Eome . 33 DYER 72 Se^ews. C. TOER. Memphis and Mycenae (a Fr&ncken's Edition of Lucan.' W. Reply) 74 E. HEITLAND . 35 Monthly Record 82 Treatises on Statius by Lafaye and Summaries of Periodicals 83 by Klotz. ROBINSON ELLIS ... 43 Bibliography 85 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 04 Oct 2021 at 10:37:04, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0009840X00031899 IV THE CLASSICAL REVIEW. No. 2. PAOE PAOE E. W. FAT. Contested Etymologies . 89 Van Oordt on Plato and his Times. A. PLATT. Agamemnonea 94 R. D. HICKS 116 F. HAVERFIELD. Notes on Aesch. Prom. Wessely's Corpus Papyrorum Rameri, 358 98 Vol. I. H 118 E. C. MARCHANT. Notes on Thucydides, Horton-Smith's Sophocles and Shake- Book VI 98 spewre. LEWIS CAMPBELL . .119 ROBINSON ELLIS. On an epigram of Haftman's Epistola Gritica. T. L. Leonidas of Tarentum 100 AGAR 120 T. L. AGAR. Note on Iliad xx. 18 . 101 Archaeology. A. E. HOUSMAN. Critical Notes on Hitzig-Bliimner's Edition of Paus- Ovid's Hermdes 102 anias. E. GARDNER i 123 J. H. GEAY. Note on Plaut. Epid. 19, Bornecque's Edition of Cicero Be 625 106 Signis. E. SELLERS . ., 124 ST. GEORGE STOCK. On Alcestis 320- Schneider's Das Alte Rom. W. C. F. 322 107 ANDERSON 126 ANDREW LANG. On the Magical Papyri 107 Marriott on the Masons' Marks at R. H. GBETTON. On Cic. ad Fam. i. Pompeii. W. C. F. ANDERSON . 126 2,2 108 Boissier's A/rique Romaine. "W. C. C. D. CHAMBERS. On the construction F. ANDEKSON 127 oiov^ 109 Translation of Boissier's NouveUes G. E. MAEINDIN. On the meaning of Promenades. W. C. F. ANDERSON. 127 ad in ad Opis and similar expres- J. MTRES. Torr's Memphis and My- sions Ill cenae 128 Reviews. Summaries of Periodicals 130 Jebb's Ajax. A. S. 113 Bibliography 131 No. 3. H. RICHARDS. Critical Notes on the H. A. STRONG. Notes on Ter. Ad. 415 Minor Works of Xenophon vi. and and Plaut. Most. 805 159 vii. {The Constitutions) 133 Reviews. A. SOUTER. Greek Metrical Inscrip- Brenous' HelUnismes dams la Syntaxe tions from Phrygia. (Continued) . .136 latine. F. D. ALLEN 160 M. "W. HUMPHREYS. Notes on Greek Recent Editions of Hippocrates. T. Grammar 138 C. ALLBUTT 162 E. H. MILES. Notes on the Dative of Ludwich's Edition of the Batracho- the Possessor 142 machia. T. W. ALLEN 165 E. W. FAY. Contested Etymologies . 143 Postgate's Edition of Lucan, Book K. LAKE. Notes on Didache 1, 2, and vii. S. G. OWEN 167 Acts 15, 20, 29 147 Hauvette on the Epigrams of Simon- E. B. LEASE. On Instances of Diaeresis ides.' H. STUART JONES 170 at every foot in Latin Metres . .148 Archaeology. C. M. MULVANY, R. C. SEATON, and A. Babelon's Les Origines de la Mon- •___' PLATT. On the Fourth Thesis of the nave. PERCY GARDNER 172 Homeric Hexameter 151 Monthly Record 173 G. B. GBUNDY. On Pylos and Sphac- Summaries of Periodicals .174 teria 155 Bibliography 175 M. L. EARLE. Note on Plato, Symp. 179 C 159 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 04 Oct 2021 at 10:37:04, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0009840X00031899 ; TABLE OF CONTENTS. No. 4. PAGE PAGS W. M. LINDSAY. Discovery of a Colla- W. E. HEITLAND. Note on Lucan viii. tion of the lost ' Codex Turnebi' of 7 206 Plautus 177 Reviews. C. M. FRANCKEN. On the Text of Krumbacher's Byzantine Literature. Francken's Edition of Lucan . .180 J. B. BURY 207 A. W. VEKBALL. On the Date of Bruhn's Edition of the Iphigenia in Tyrtaeus 185 Tauris. A. T. MUBRAY 212 C. D. BUCK. On the Genitives T\d<riafo Greenidge's Greek Constitutional and nacriaSd/o 190 History. E. M. WALKER . .216 R. C. CHBISTIE. The Earliest Appear- McCosh's Edition of the Bacchides. ance in Print of the First Idyll of J. H. GBAY 219 Moschus 191 Zuretti's Editions of the Iliad and E. POSTE. Notes on Jebb's Edition of Odyssey. C. M. MULVANY .... 220 Sophocles 192 Archaeology. H. W. GREENE. Notes on the Oedipus Die Marcussaule. PERCY GABDNER . 221 Tyrannus 199 Gardner's Handbook of Greek Sculp- A. E. HOUSMAN. Critical Notes on ture. II. G. F. HILL ..... 223 Ovid's Heroides . 200 C. TOBB. Torr's Memphis and My- ROBINSON ELLIS. Emendations of Lu- cenae 224 cretius 204 Monthly Record 226 JOHN E. B. MAYOB. Three New Frag- Summaries of Periodicals 227 ments of Cicero 206 Bibliography . 228- No. 5. H. RICHARDS. Critical Notes on the E. C. MABCHANT. Note on Ausonius, Minor Works of Xenophon (continued Id. 13 260 from p. 136) 229 H. A. STRONG. Notes on Ausonius . .260 A. E. HOUSMAN. Critical Notes on W. M. RAMSAY. A Question in Ac- Ovid's Heroides 238 centuation . 261 M. L. EARLE. Notes on II. i. 418 and " Correction to the Note on p. 206 . .261 Od. xix. 234 242 Reviews. C. M. MULYANY. Note on Od. iv. De Ridder's L'Idee de la Mort en 544-7 243 Orece. A. W. VERRALL ..... 262 J. S. REID. Note on Cicero, Ad. Farm. Hunziker on Hyperbole in Virgil. 1, 2, 2, and 1, 1, 2 244 E. B. KOSTEB 266 W. M. LINDSAY. On the Discovery of Cartault on Virgil's Bucolics. F. a Collation of the 'Codex Turnebi' HAVEBFIELD 269 of Plautus: II. • . .246 Ridley's Translation of the Pharsalia B. W. HENDEBSON. On the Grant of of Lucan. J. P. P. .270 Immunitas to Brundisium 251 Molhuysen on MSS. of the Odyssey. A. PLATT. On Homeric Genitives . 255 C. M. MULVANY 273 W. E. HEITLAND. On Francken's Edi- Franklin's Traces of Epic Influence ': tkm of Lucan 257 in Aeschylus. H. W. HAYLEY . .275 R. M. BUBROWS. Aristides and the Archaeology. Battle of Salamis .- 258 Head's Catalogue of Greek Coins in JOHN E. B. MAYOB. Horret Imper- the British Museum. PEBCY sonal . 259 GARDNER 275 F. D. ALLEN. Note on Soph., Track. Monthly Record .......... 276 781, 782 259 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 04 Oct 2021 at 10:37:04, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0009840X00031899 vi THE CLASSICAL REVIEW. No. 6. PAGE PAGE J. B. BUBY. The European Expedi- H. W. HAYLEY. Miscellanea .... 304 tion of Darius 277 L. C. PUBSEB. Note on Cicero ad. Att., C. C. J. WEBB. Catulus of Parma . 282 V. 19. 2 .' 305 W. LUTOSLAWSKI. On Stylometry, C. C. J. WEBB. Fronto and Plutarch . 305 V (Abstract of a Paper read at the Oxford E. W. WATSON. On Notae Tironianae Philological Society.) 284 attributed to St.
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