B U D D H I S T C H U R C H O F O A K L A N D BUSSHIN OCTOBER 2009 VOLUME 52 NUMBER 10 Significant Events IN THIS ISSUE BY REVEREND HARRY GYOKYO BRIDGE eflecting back on my life, I find Hongwanji in Kyoto. Over the next Minister’s Message 1 that I have been very fortunate. several years, my interest blossomed, R President’s Message 2 For instance, I was able to encounter and I eventually moved out to Buddhism at a time in my life when I Berkeley to attend IBS. Temple Tid-bits 2 was ready for it. During college, I Fast forward to September 1, 2009. came out to California fro m T h i rteen years after I moved to In Memoriam 2 Massachusetts to visit a high school Berkeley, and three years since I start- friend who was Japanese-American. ed my career as a BCA minister. I am Farewell to a Dear Friend 2 During the visit, his mom asked me if now the emcee for the 60th anniver- Keirokai 3 I would like to go to a memorial serv- sary celebration of the Institute of ice for his grandfather. Inside my head Buddhist Studies! The ceremony was Japanese Heritage Speakers 3 I said no, but to be polite I said “yes.” very nice – Socho Koshin Ogui offici- I had no knowledge of Buddhism, and ated, and Mr. Hiroshi Kariya w a s Jr YBA News 3 no interest either, but that was about awarded an honorary doctoral degree. Momiji Kai 4 to change. In addition, Rev. Yamaoka gave a nice capsule history of the IBS, reminding Although I don’t remember the con- Dharma School News 4 tents, I do remember that the Dharma us of the profound impact and role the Talk really fascinated me. What was IBS has played, not only for the Sister City High School Exchange 5 this guy talking about?!!! I had never Buddhist Churches of America, but heard anything like it, but it seemed to also for Buddhism in America. Escrip 5 make sense; in fact, it really resonated Campaign BCA – the 21st Century Dharma School Contest 6 with stuff that I had been thinking is not only supposed to pay for the about. I was a sophomore in college, Jodo Shinshu Center, but also to sup- BCO Annual Golf Tournament 8 living away from home for the first port programs to foster the health and time, and thinking about the world survival of BCA, as well as the spread Shotsuki Memorial Service 9 and life from a different perspective. of Jodo Shinshu. Contributing to the After the talk, I told my friend’s mom Campaign is one way to participate in Calendar that the talk was really interesting and this mission – participating in the var- that I wanted to learn more. She gave ious programs is another. Maybe you make programs available to aid the me some books, as well as some have had a significant event in your spread of the Dharma. Despite some copies of Pacific World, the journal of life where Buddhism guided you and setbacks, we really have made great the Institute of Buddhist Studies (IBS). nourished you, and you want to make strides for Buddhism in America – let’s This event was really the beginning that kind of opportunity available for take advantage of this momentum and of my interest and study of Buddhism. others. I don’t mean to influence your continue our efforts forward! I went on to study for a semester in decision, but your support is what Japan and take an introductory course makes it possible for the IBS and In gassho, in Buddhism, as well as visit Nishi Center for Buddhist Education to Rev. Harry Gyokyo Bridge BUSSHIN OCTOBER 2009 BCO Bids Farewell tinue to be financially sound and able TEMPLE TID-BITS to meet all of our obligations for BCO Golf Tournament to a Dear Friend everyday operating expenses of the At the recent BCO Golf he church members express our church. We are benefited by revenue Tournament, the winners were the deepest condolences to the fam- sources that include our parking lot foursome of Harry Bergland, T ily and friends of Ken Jones, retired and apartment building; and through Lawrence Park, Peter Nakaso, and generous donations by members of Bruce Hironaka. Harry, 61, and USAF, who died August 31, 2009. Mr. the Sangha. In the future, BCA will be Lawrence, 61 (his birthday was Jones provided security for BCO that day) both shot 61! church services and events for many evaluating its dues assessments to the years. He was a professional with an local churches and temples to cover Cisco’s Remarkable Journey additional BCA obligations requested For over 7 years, J o y c e ever observing eye, highly organized, by the National Board and the Yokomizo and her cat, Cisco, rent- quiet demeanor, and great strength of ed a house from Al Kanzaki in character. Family was very important National Council such as the Center Piedmont. Early this year she to him, and he enjoyed bringing his for Buddhist Education (CBE). If in moved to Oakland about 2.5 miles granddaughter to our cultural events. the future, increasing BCA dues away. While she was visiting her We will miss his presence in our impact our operating income, the daughter in Hawaii over Labor community. Board will again reevaluate this issue, Day, and he having tired of the but until then, we will continue to c o n s t ruction going on, her cat maintain our current gojihi: a relative decided to go visit Al and showed President’s Musings bargain when compared with other up at his doorstep! Cisco had to BY STEVE TERUSAKI BCA churches and temples in informal cross several busy streets to get there. Amazing instinctual gps! t this writing, I’ve just realized, surveys that I have conducted. A“It’s FALL!” Schools are back in In last month’s article I wrote the Classified Ad Section session; Family Dharma Services and impact of the Relocation on students We are planning to have a D h a rma School are again every at the University of California and CLASSIFIED ADS section in the Sunday; the Board is in its monthly Judy Sakaki’s efforts within UC to Busshin. Let us know if you have meetings after a summer recess; and a w a rd honorary degrees to these something you’d like to advertise. all the organizations of the Church are a ffected students, many of whom Be sure to give a detailed descrip- in full swing –Youth Club, Japanese never completed their undergraduate tion, photo if possible, price, and a School, Momijikai, Ikebana, Line studies at UC. As I wrote last month, contact. Email to: joyce@yokomi- please convey to Judy, or the Church zo.com or mail to the Buddhist Dancing, Karaoke, etc. Writing these office anyone that you know that may Church of Oakland, 825 Jackson articles has been a bit disorienting for be eligible for this award; even St., Oakland CA 94607. me: although it is still early in September this article is to be forward posthumously. looking to life in October. In last Another significant impact of the In Memoriam month’s article I missed the opportu- Relocation was the disruption of nity to welcome everybody back from Nikkei life in the Oakland Chinatown The Buddhist Church of summer vacation, so welcome back! c o m m u n i t y. Records show that Oakland extends its deepest sym- In September’s Board meeting, one O a k l a n d ’s Chinatown was as signifi- pathies to the families of the fol- of the items of discussion was an cant a “Japantown” as it was a lowing who have returned to the “Chinatown.” Japanese-American realm of Wisdom & Compassion: analysis of our current gojihi as the dues assessments from BCA continue businesses in the Oakland Chinatown Patricia Ono Yokomizo to increase, albeit in very small annual c o m m e rcial district in 1940 are docu- August 26, 2009 increments. Our current gojihi was mented and can be viewed at the May the family members find last increased in 2000. The analysis, website Japantownatlas.com at solace and comfort in the prepared by our adept treasurer, Harry h t t p : / / j a p a n t o w n a t l a s . c o m / m a p - o a k- Nembutsu, NamuAmidaButsu. Bergland, demonstrated that we con- land2.html. One of the eff o rts cur- •2• BUSSHIN OCTOBER 2009 rently underway in the Oakland Keirokai, Honoring Jr. YBA News Chinatown community is the BY LYNNE TAKAGAKI Oakland Chinatown Oral History Our Seniors P roject documenting stories told by uring the last month of the sum- lease inform the office of mem- members of the Oakland Chinatown Dm e r, the Jr. YBA didn’t have quite bers who will be 75 years old c o m m u n i t y. Curre n t l y, the oral history P as many events; however we still man- this year, January to December. p roject is severely lacking in its com- aged to stay busy and active. For the first There will be a party for them on plement of Japanese-American histo- weekend of the month, the YBA helped October 18, 2009, at the KEIROKAI. ry. It is important that the oral history out at Oakland’s annual obon odori.
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