E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 112 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 158 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JULY 10, 2012 No. 102 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was Again, I’m coming to the floor of the reerists, Afghanistan kleptocrats and the op- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- House and reporting on a book I’m portunistic Taliban. The result? U.S. tax- pore (Mr. PALAZZO). reading. It’s called ‘‘Funding the payers have been footing the bill for both sides of a disastrous Afghanistan war. f Enemy: How U.S. Taxpayers Bankroll the Taliban.’’ That’s the whole issue. Mr. Speaker, this past weekend, we DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO We have defeated bin Laden. He is had eight Americans killed—eight TEMPORE dead. Al Qaeda has been dispersed all Americans killed. I write families. I The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- around the world, but we continue to have signed over 10,740-some letters to fore the House the following commu- fund a corrupt leader who will not sur- families across this Nation because I nication from the Speaker: vive in the long term. We all know bought the lie by the previous adminis- WASHINGTON, DC, that, but yet we’re playing this little tration that said Saddam has weapons July 10, 2012. game of spend the American taxpayers’ of mass destruction, which he never did I hereby appoint the Honorable STEVEN M. money to keep him in office, and let’s have. So I will continue to come to the PALAZZO to act as Speaker pro tempore on borrow the money from the Chinese floor at least once a week, several this day. that we’re spending—because that’s the times a month, and talk about the fact JOHN A. BOEHNER, way it’s happening—to keep Karzai in of buying this book for every Member Speaker of the House of Representatives. office. Seventy-two percent of the of Congress, which is called, ‘‘Funding f American people have agreed with the Enemy: How U.S. Taxpayers Bank- MORNING-HOUR DEBATE most of us in the House—not all—that roll the Taliban.’’ it’s time to bring our troops home. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- When I listen to our debates on the There is not one thing that we’re going ant to the order of the House of Janu- floor—sometimes part of them, some- to accomplish over there. times not—talking about cutting Fed- ary 17, 2012, the Chair will now recog- Mr. Speaker, when I saw the national nize Members from lists submitted by eral programs for those people who security agreement that the Secretary need them the most—but yet we will the majority and minority leaders for of State and this administration have morning-hour debate. find the $8 billion a month to send to signed with Afghanistan, what we’re Karzai—and when we keep sending our The Chair will alternate recognition talking about is, after 2014, we will between the parties, with each party soldiers, marines, sailors, and airmen continue to have a military presence of over there so they can be shot and limited to 1 hour and each Member anywhere from 25,000 to 30,000. We are killed and have their feet blown away, other than the majority and minority spending approximately $4 billion a it is time for this Congress to wake up. leaders and the minority whip limited month—that’s probably a lowball fig- When we debate the appropriations bill to 5 minutes each, but in no event shall ure, Mr. Speaker—but $4 billion a for the Department of Defense, I hope debate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. month for 10 years. That adds up to we will be permitted to bring amend- f about $480 billion in addition to what ments one after another to the floor, AFGHANISTAN we’ve already spent, which is over $1 trillion, in Afghanistan and in Iraq. asking Members of Congress to bring The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The poor American people are paying our troops home. Chair recognizes the gentleman from the taxes and are getting their pro- Mr. Speaker, with that, I will ask North Carolina (Mr. JONES) for 5 min- grams cut for children, for schools, for God to please bless our men and women utes. senior citizens, for health programs. in uniform. Mr. JONES. Mr. Speaker, like all of Yet we in Congress continue to fund I will ask God to please, in his loving my colleagues, I went home to my dis- the war in Afghanistan. arms, hold the families who have lost trict as the other Members went to Mr. Speaker, this book is an eye- children in Afghanistan and Iraq. their districts. I live in eastern North opener to the fact that the Taliban is I will ask God to please bless the Carolina. As do a lot of people, I love the biggest recipient of our taxpayers’ House and Senate that we will do what my district, and I’m getting the same money, going to pay to kill American is right in the eyes of God for God’s message: Why are you still in Afghani- kids. I’m going to keep bringing this to people today and God’s people tomor- stan? Why don’t you Members of Con- the floor until I finish the book, and row. gress vote to bring our troops home? I’m about halfway through. I will ask God to please bless Presi- Why are you spending the money we Its summary says: dent Obama that he will do what is don’t have, and young men and women This is the first book to detail the toxic right in the eyes of God for God’s peo- are getting killed? embrace of American policymakers and ca- ple today and God’s people tomorrow. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H4687 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:56 Jul 11, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JY7.000 H10JYPT1 pwalker on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H4688 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 10, 2012 I will close by asking three times: commodity prices fall over the course Actually, there are two critical dif- God, please, God, please, God, please of the next decade significantly, all of ferences. First, as a fine—as a pen- continue to bless America. the purported savings would disappear alty—the burden of proof is on the gov- f under this enhanced shallow-loss provi- ernment to prove that you ran that red sion. light. As a tax, the burden of proof is PATH TO THE 2012 FARM BILL There are unwise reductions in the on you to show that you did not run it. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The conservation and energy titles. In fact, Anyone who has ever undergone an IRS Chair recognizes the gentleman from there’s no funding whatsoever in the audit knows exactly what I mean. This Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 min- energy title in the House bill, unlike, decision fundamentally alters the most utes. at least, the Senate bill with $800 mil- cherished principle of our justice sys- Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, lion. But more significant is a reduc- tem, the presumption of innocence. this week, the House Agriculture Com- tion in the conservation stewardship There is a second even more chilling mittee will consider not just the farm program. It would limit the enrollment difference between a penalty and a tax. bill, but also one of the most important to 9 million acres, as opposed to the Under our Constitution, no penalty can pieces of health legislation, environ- current 12.8 million acres that are be assessed without due process. You mental legislation, and vital economic available. This is despite the fact that cannot be punished until you have had development for rural America. It currently with a 30 percent higher your day in court. But to challenge a should be on the radar screen of every acreage level, 50 percent of the farmers tax, you must first pay that tax before Member of Congress, whether one rep- who want to take advantage of this to you can seek redress through the resents rural or urban districts. All of protect the land and promote habitat court. You are punished first and then our constituents benefit from a vibrant for wildlife and water quality are tried. This is the madness of Lewis agricultural sector. turned away. Carroll’s Red Queen brought to life: The House is looking at its own legis- Another provision that looks like an Sentence first—verdict afterwards. lation. The Senate has passed a bill. I improvement is actually a problem. It must say, the Senate bill was a start. increases the EQIP program, the Envi- Under this decision, Americans may There are some provisions in it which I ronmental Quality Incentives Program. now be coerced under the threat of the think are worthy of support, but it It increases the limitation by $450,000, seizure of their property to take any falls short in overall reform. There is a 150 percent increase. What this does action the Federal Government decrees no reason in an era of great concern is open the floodgates for very large, without any constitutional constraint, about reducing Federal deficit spend- confined animal feedlots that are going enforceable in a manner that denies ing, about improving nutrition and to end up swallowing most of this both presumption of innocence and due strengthening rural America that we money and not making it available for process of law.
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