BRITISH CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS A.-PURE CHEMISTRY JANUARY, 1936. General, Physical, and Inorganic Chemistry. Intensity of the hydrogen a- and (i-lines as the low- and high-pressure absorption bands of 0 2 determined by the frequency of the electrical at XX 2400—2800 A. are compared and discussed. field in electrodeless discharge. 0 . St u h l m a n , H. J. E. jun., and M. S. M cCa y (Physical Rev., 1934, [ii], Far ultra-violet absorption spectrum of 45, 750— 751; cf. A., 1935, 799). L. S. T. oxygen. W. C. P rice and G. Collins (Physical Rev., 1935, [ii], 48, 714— 719).—The speotrum was Striation of the positive column in the glow photographed under high dispersion in the region discharge of hydrogen. H. H. P a u l (Z. Physik, 1300— 650 A., and frequencies of the vibrational 1935, 97, 330— 354).— Probe measurements in the progressions are tabulated. The bands are explained positive column suggest that striations are duo to as going to the various excited states of 0 2+ as limits. an electric double laj-er formed by positive and Results support Mulliken’s assignment of the visible negative ions; this explains the increasing diffi­ 0 2+ bands to the transition 42g~ -> 4n u. The distances culty of obtaining striations with increasing purity of these states of 0 2+ from the ground state of 0 2 of H, A.B.D.C. are 18-2 and 16-1 volts. N. M. B. Reproducibility of the relative energy dis­ Influence of an electric field on the absorption tribution of the continuous H 2 spectrum emitted spectrum of sodium. N. T. Ze and W. W. Po by a hydrogen discharge tube. V. E. Gonsalves (Compt. rend., 1935, 201, 716— 718).—The no. of (Phvsica, 1935, 2, 1003— 1015).—The H discharge members of the principal series observed decreases tube may be used as an ultra-violet standard. The with increasing field strength. Certain of the for­ intensity of the total emission between 1850 and 3200 bidden >S—D and S—S transitions were observed. A. is const, between 3-0 and 3-4 mm. if the current H. J. E. is const. The relative energy distribution is inde­ Nuclear moment of aluminium. F. W. B r o w n pendent of the current between 150 and 250 m. amp. and R. K. Cook (Physical Rev., 1934, [ii], 45, 731).— if the pressure is const., and does not change in the A tentative val. of 4-8 for the g(I) factor has been region 1— 3-5 mm. for currents between 150 and 250 calc. L. S. T. m. amp. T. G. P. New absorption spectrum of diatomic sulphur Nuclear moments of lithium, potassium, and vapour in the Schumann region. K . W ie l a n d , sodium. M. Fox and I. I. R a b i (Physical Rev., W. M e h r li, and E. M iesc h er (Helv. phys. Acta, 1935, [ii], 48, 746—751).—The at. beam method 1934, 7, 843— 849; Chem. Zentr., 1935, i, 1978).— of “ zero moments ” gave, for the hyperfine structure Data are given for two band systems between 1600 separations of the normal 2Si state of Li, K, and Na, and 1870 A., both originating from the S2 mol. the vals. 0-0268±0-0003, 0-0154±0-0002, and The heat of dissociation of S2 in the 3£ state is 1-68 0-0596^0-0006 cm.-1, respectively. The calc, nuclear volts. J. S. A. magneticmoments are Li7 3-20, K39 0-397, and Na23 2 -08 Deep terms in the isoelectronic sequence VI nuclear magnetons. The nuclear spin was 3/2 for L i; to Cu vii. P. G. K r u g e r and (Miss) H. T. Gilr o y a higher resolution arrangement gave an upper limit (Phvsical Rev., 1935, [ii], 48, 720— 721; cf. A., of 5/2 for the spin of the K 41 nucleus, and 2/2, or 1932, 208).—The 3d= «£5/2 and 3d44p«P« terms of this greater, for LiG, the magnetic moment of the nucleus sequence have been identified by the use of const, being of the order of that of the deuteron. second differences in the radiated frequencies from N. M. B. terms involving an electron transition to the ground Vacuum arc spectra of rubidium and lithium. state. _ N. M . B. S. D a tta and P. G. B ose (Z. Phvsik, 1935, 97 , 321— 329). ' A. B. D. C. New terms in the spectrum of Fe II. J. C. D o bb ie (Proc. Roy. Soc., 1935, A, 151, 703— 726).— Rotation structure of the b'x band system of An analysis of the spectrum of Fe II between ¿327 the nitrogen molecule in the Schumann region. and 9000 A. has resulted in the discovery of numerous V. M. T schulanovski (Compt. rend. Acad. Sci. new terms, many of which belong to the doublet U.R.S.S., 1935, 3, 155— 156; cf. A., 1934, 575, system; >900 lines, not previously classified, have 935).—A preliminary report of new data. J. W . S. been accounted for by the new terms. A fairly Ultra-violet absorption spectrum of oxygen. close approximation to Russell-Saunders coupling L. H erm an and (Mm e .) R. H er m an (Compt. rend., is found in the spectrum. The separations between 1935, 201, 714—716; cf. A., 1934, 828).— Data for the terms of higher and lower multiplicity derived 1 2 BRITISH CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS. A. from the same parent terms are nearly all large and positive ions is a negligible factor in producing compared with the intervals between the levels of luminosity. L. S. T. these terms. L. L. B. Intensification by drying of Hg lines in a Absolnte intensity of the zinc resonance line mercury-hydrogen discharge. H. B e c k (Z. 2139 Â. and life of 2lP i state of zinc. W. Bil- Physik, 1935, 97, 382— 389).—Protons are most likely LETER (Hclv. phys. Acta, 1934, 7, 841— 842 ; Chem. the source of increased intensity of the Hg lines on Zentr., 1935, i, 1979— 1980).— The abs. intensity drying of the Hg-H2 mixture. A. B. D. C. is calc. as/(2139) = 1-17, and the life of the 21jP1 state Determination of the absorption coefficient, as l-78xl0~9 sec. J. S. A. Ii (x0), of the mercury resonance line, 2536-5 À., Ionisation potentials of Ge v, As vi, Se vu, by the resonance scattering method. G. P. B a l in (Physikal. Z. Sovietunion, 1935, 8, 93— 99).— Sb vi, and Te v u . P. G. K r u g e r and W. E. Shoupp (Physical Rev., 1934, [ii], 45, 759).—Radiations The theory of the method of Goos and Meyer (A., represented by d10bS0— 3P1°, 1P1°, 3D1° have 1926, 334) for determining absorption coeffs. by been found in the above. Term vais, of the d10 1S0 resonance scattering is discussed and extended. terms are given and ionisation potentials are 93, If the density of the saturated vapour used is not 127, 166, 107, and 137 volts, respectively. L. S. T. too great, the vais, of K (Xq) are in good agreement witli those obtained by other methods. A. J. M. Influence of pressure on the discharge radi­ Paschen-Back effect with Bellevue electro­ ation of cadmium vapour. V. A. F a b r ik a n t and magnet supplied with supplementary coils. P. A. S. K a n e l (Compt. rend. Acad. Sci., U.R.S.S., Ja c q u in o t and T. B e llin g (Compt. rend., 1935, 1935, 3, 257—258).— Preliminary notice. W. R. A. 201, 778—779).—The effect has been studied with Hyperfine structure and the gross structure the Hg lines 5789— 5790 and 5770 Â., and a field of analysis of the spectrum of doubly-ionised anti­ 65,800 gauss. Displacements and doubling agree mony. J. S. B a d a m i (Nature, 1935, 136, 836). with theory. R. S. B. L. S. T. o Line absorption of thallium doublet = 3519-29 Ultra-violet fluorescence spectra of iodine Â. during thermal excitation of the metastable vapour. F . D tjschinsky and P. P r in g sh e im 62P3/2 level. F. M ü ller (Helv. phys. Acta, 1934, 7, (Pliysica, 1935, 2, 923—932).—The fluorescence 813— 840 ; Chem. Zentr., 1935, i, 1979).—Determin­ bands at 3400 Â. (Oldenberg, A., 1924, ii, 579) ation of the line absorption as a function of the T1 occurring in I vapour in presence of N2 have been pressure confirms the application of the Maxwell- studied. I in presence of He gives a different spectru m Boltzmann partition law to metastable states. in the same region, which is also obtained with N2 J. S. A. at higher temp. The bands may also be obtained Term values in the spectrum of lead v. as a sensitised fluorescence in presence of Hg, accom­ G. K. S ciioepfle (Physical Rev., 1934, [ii], 45, panied by H gl bands. Modification of the usual 747).— 65 terms, involving approx. 200 lines, have now energy level system of I is necessary if the bands been established. L. S. T. are to be explained by transference. The 4400 Â. band of Hgl has been investigated. T. G. P. Absorption spectrum of lead vapour in the Schum ann region. N. V. K r e m e n e v s k i (Compt. Hyperfine structure and nuclear magnetic rend.
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