ROMANIAN ARCHIVES OF MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY Founded by PROFESSOR ION CANTACUZINO in 1928 VOLUME 73 - Issue 3-4 July - December 2014 Published quarterly by CANTACUZINO INSTITUTE BUCHAREST TOTAL PUBLISHING HOUSE Editor-in-Chief: Maria Damian (Cantacuzino NIRDMI, Bucharest, Romania) ROMANIAN ARCHIVES OF Deputy Editor: Aurora Sălăgeanu (Cantacuzino NIRDMI, Bucharest, Romania) MICROBIOLOGY Editorial Board: AND Viorel Alexandrescu (Cantacuzino NIRDMI, Bucharest, Romania) Gabriela Anton (Şt. S. Nicolau Virology Institute, Bucharest, Romania) IMMUNOLOGY Antonios Antoniadis (Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Greece) Daniela Bădescu (Cantacuzino NIRDMI, Bucharest, Romania) Print ISSN 1222-3891 Adrian Băncescu (Carol Davila UMPh, Bucharest, Romania) INDEXED IN MEDLINE Gabriela Băncescu (Carol Davila UMPh, Bucharest, Romania) Coralia Bleotu (University of Bucharest, Faculty of Biology, Romania) Jean-MarcCavaillon (Pasteur Institute, Paris, France) Ana Călugăru (Cantacuzino NIRDMI, Bucharest, Romania) Cornelia Ceianu (Cantacuzino NIRDMI, Bucharest, Romania) Carmen Chifiriuc (Cantacuzino NIRDMI, Bucharest, Romania) Radu Cojocaru (Ministry of Health, National Center of Public Health, Republic of Moldova) Nicolae Corcionivoschi (National Children Research Centre, Dublin, Republic of Ireland) Irina Codiţă (Cantacuzino NIRDMI, Bucharest, Romania) Lidia Cremer (Cantacuzino NIRDMI, Bucharest, Romania) Ionica Deliu (University of Piteşti, Romania) Adina Daniela Iancu (Cantacuzino NIRDMI, Bucharest, Romania) Angel Galabov (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria) Steliana Huhulescu (Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety, Vienna, Austria) Luminiţa Smaranda Iancu (G r. T. Popa UMPh, Iaşi, Romania) Gabriel Ionescu (Cantacuzino NIRDMI, Bucharest, Romania) Anca Israil (Cantacuzino NIRDMI, Bucharest, Romania) Veronica Lazăr (University of Bucharest, Faculty of Biology, Bucharest, Romania) Emilia Lupulescu (Cantacuzino NIRDMI, Bucharest, Romania) Gina Manda (Victor Babeş NIRD, Bucharest, Romania) Grigore Mihăescu (University of Bucharest, Faculty of Biology, Bucharest, Romania) Roxana Moldovan (Victor Babeş UMPh, Timişoara, Romania) Geza Molnar (Ministry of Health, Bucharest, Romania) Alexandra Maria Năşcuţiu (Cantacuzino NIRDMI, Bucharest, Romania) Monica Neagu (Victor Babeş NIRD, Bucharest, Romania) Marian Neguţ (Carol Davila UMPh., Bucharest, Romania) Maria Nica (Carol Davila UMPh, Bucharest, Romania) Norica Nichita (Institute of Biochemistry, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania) Adrian Onu (Cantacuzino NIRDMI, Bucharest, Romania) Marina Pană (Cantacuzino NIRDMI, Bucharest, Romania) Hervé Pelloux (Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, Grenoble, France) Mircea Ioan Popa (Carol Davila UMPh, Bucharest, Romania) Graţiela Pîrcălăbioru (University College Dublin, Republic of Ireland) Cristina Purcărea (Institute of Biology, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania) Alexandru Rafila (Carol Davila UMPh, Bucharest, Romania) Anca Roşeanu (Institute of Biochemistry, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania) Lila Shundi (Institute of Public Health, Tirana, Albania) Constantin Spânu (National Public Health Center, Chişinău, Republic of Moldova) Demetrios Spandidos (Medical School, University of Crete, Greece) Crina Stăvaru (Cantacuzino NIRDMI, Bucharest, Romania) Dan Steriu (Carol Davila UMPh, Bucharest, Romania) Cătălina-Suzana Stîngu (University of Medicine, Leipzig, Germany) Edit Székely (UMPh Târgu-Mureş, Romania) Subscription orders: Radu Iulian Tănasă (Cantacuzino NIRDMI, Bucharest, Romania) Orders can be placed directly Galina Tseneva (Pasteur Institute, Sankt Petersburg, Russia) with the publisher: Vasilica Ungureanu (Cantacuzino NIRDMI, Bucharest, Romania) „Cantacuzino“ National Codruţa-Romaniţa Usein (Cantacuzino NIRDMI, Bucharest, Romania) Institute of Research-Development Alexandru Filip Vladimirescu (Cantacuzino NIRDMI, Bucharest, Romania) Hans Wolf (Regensburg University, Germany) for Microbiology and Immunology Imola Zigoneanu (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA) C.P. 1-525, Splaiul Independentei 103, 050096, Bucureºti, România Editorial Team: Felicia RAPILAT , Monica TRăISTARU Fax: (40.21)306.93.07 TOTAL PUBLISHING HOUSE E-mail: [email protected] www.roami.ro Copyright © 2014 CANTACUZINO INSTITUTE B ucharest ROMANIAN ARCHIVES OF MICROBIOlOgy AND IMMUNOlOgy CONTENTS MICROBIOlOgy 65 IS THERE A DIFFERENCE IN THE INCIDENCE OF HELICOBACTER PYLORI INFECTION IN PATIENTS WITH SOME CHRONIC DISEASES? Cristian Adrian Constantinescu, Elena Mihaela Constantinescu 69 SERUM ALPHA FETOPROTEIN, A SURROGATE MARKER FOR LIVER DISEASE PROGRESSION IN CHRONIC HEPATITIS C Camelia Sultana, Claudia Diþã, Alina Botescu, Camelia grancea, Simona Ruþã 74 MOlECUlAR CHARACTERIZATION OF STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS STRAINS ISOlATED FROM INFECTIVE ENDOCARDITIS Mihaela Oprea, David Sebastian Patriche, Monica Str ãuþ, Felicia Antohe 84 MICRORNA BIOgENESIS AND ITS ROlE IN HIV-1 INFECTION Adelina Roşca, gabriela Anton, Simona Ruþã IMMUNOlOgy 92 MECHANISMS OF THROMBOSIS IN SySTEMIC lUPUS ERyTHEMATOSUS Adriana Metoni, Cristina Mambet, laura g. Necula, Ioana M. Aldea, Ana I. Neagu, lilia Matei, Denisa Dragu, Coralia Bleotu, Daniela A. Ion, Carmen C. Diaconu REVIEW 99 ROMANIAN SCIENTISTS IN THE NOMINATION DATABASE FOR THE NOBEl PRIZE IN PHySIOlOgy OR MEDICINE, 1901-1951 Costin Cernescu 105 ROlE OF SALmOnELLA SEROlOgy A CENTURy AFTER THE WIDAl ERA Alexandra-Maria Nãşcuþiu 119 SUBJECT INDEX 121 AUTHOR INDEX VOlUME 73 ISSUE 3- 4 JUly - DECEMBER 2014 63 INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS Aims and Scope Manuscripts should be divided into the following sections and order: Romanian Archives of microbiology and Immunoloy , an international Title page, Abstract and key words, Introduction, Materials and Me thods, journal dedicated to original research work, publishes papers focusing Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, References, Tables, Figure leg - on various aspects of microbiology and immunology. Romanian Ar chives ends and Figures. of microbiology and Immunology is indexed in MEDlINE. The frequency 1. Title page contains: title of the paper not longer than 80-100 charac - of the Journal is currently four issues per year. ters, including spaces and punctuation; full name of the authors and their affiliation; the author responsible for correspondence will be Categories of manuscripts marked by an asterisk, and his full address telephone/fax numbers, and Full-length articles are full-length descriptions of original research (up to e-mail address will be indicated. 10 printed pages). 2. Abstract must not exceed 250 words and should reflect the content Reviews are comprehensive appraisals of research in a field of current of the study. Following the abstract, a list of 3-10 keywords is essential interest. All reviews are subject to the normal review process (up to 12 for indexing purposes. printed pages). Rapid Communications are brief, definitive reports of highly significant 3. Introduction containing a description of the problem under investiga - and timely findings in the field (up to 5 printed pages). tion and a brief survey of the existing literature on the subject. 4. Materials and Methods provide sufficient detail to allow the work to Submission of manuscripts be reproduced. Manuscripts and all attached files (tables and illustrations) should be sub - 5. Results. Results should be clear and concise. mitted in electronic form to the Editorial Office, e-mail address: 6. Discussion that enriches but does not repeat Section 3 or 5. [email protected] or by regular mail (address: Redactia Revistei 7. Acknowledgements (if applicable) containing acknowledgement of Romanian Archives of Microbiology and Immunology, Spl. Indepen den - technical help and of financial material support. tei 103, sector 5, 050096, Bucuresti, Romania) on compact disk, pre - 8. References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which ferrably accompanied by three copies of the manuscript, including tables they are first mentioned in the text. Identify references in text, tables, and figures, printed on one side of A4 paper format, double-spaced, with and legends by Arabic numerals in square brackets (e.g. [1], [2-6], etc.). 2.5 margins. Please note the following examples: The preferred software is Microsoft Word. In order to speed up the Journals: process of review, manuscripts should be prepared very carefully. Allain F, Vanpouille C, Carpentier M, Slomianny MC, Durieux S, Spik G. Interaction with glycosaminoglycans is required for cy clophilin B Cover letter to trigger integrin-mediated adhesion of peripheral blood T lympho - Each manuscript submitted to the Romanian Archives of Microbiology cytes to extracellular matrix. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2002. 99 : 2714- and Immunology must be accompanied by a Cover letter including an 2719. explicit statement by the corresponding author that: Books: • the manuscript represents an original work, has not been previously Theofilopoulos AN. Immune complexes in autoimmunity. In: Bona CA, published, and has not been submitted simultaneously for publication Siminovitch KA, Zanetti M, Theofilopoulos AN (Eds.) The Mole cular elsewhere. Pathology of Autoimmune Diseases. Harwood Academic Pu blishers, • the manuscript, as submitted, has been reviewed and approved by all Switzerland 1993, pp 229-244. named authors and that all authors concur with the submission and are 9. Tables with suitable captions at the top and numbered with Arabic responsible for its content. numerals should be collected at the end of the text on separate sheets • the Cover letter
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