The magazine of the Founders’ Region • Potomac, Porsche Club of America • December 2011 der Vorgänger 7VYZJOL*HYZ5VY[O(TLYPJH0UJ6MMLY]HSPK[VH[WHY[PJPWH[PUNKLHSLYZVUS` 5V[ZVSK^P[OHU`V[OLYZWLJPHSZVYVMMLYZ4\Z[ILWYLZLU[H[[PTLVM^YP[LÌ\W7VYZJOL6,TLYJOHUKPZLVUS` 7KUO cY_\ VS]^ KXN MROMU S^ ^aSMO >P[O[OLZLHZVUMHZ[HWWYVHJOPUNJVUZPKLYZ\YWYPZPUN[OVZLVU`V\YNPM[SPZ[^P[OHWLYMLJ[OVSPKH` NPM[MYVTV\Y7VYZJOL+LZPNU+YP]LYqZ:LSLJ[PVUSPMLZ[`SLP[LTZVY[OL;LX\PWTLU[]LOPJSL HJJLZZVYPLZSPUL5L^[OPZZLHZVUPZV\Y :HSaILYNJVSSLJ[PVU^OPJO[HRLZP[qZPUZWPYH[PVUMYVT V\Y\UYLSLU[PUNWHZZPVUMVYZWVY[ZJHYZ>L[OPUR`V\^PSSHNYLL[OH[^Lq]LNV[ZVTL[OPUNMVYL]LY`VUL (UK^OPSL`V\qYLOLYLWPJR\WHSP[[SLZVTL[OPUNMVY`V\YZLSM(M[LYHSS`V\q]LILLUNVVK[OPZ`LHY >PZOPUN`V\[OL]LY`ILZ[[OPZOVSPKH`ZLHZVU ]K`SXQ] YX >O[_SZWOX^ KXN :Y\]MRO .\S`O\v] =OVOM^SYX S^OW] :Y\]MRO YP +\VSXQ^YX :Y\]MRO YP >c]YX] -Y\XO\ +\VSXQ^YX @+ @SOXXK @+ ! 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""# " # " aaa\YMU`SVVOZY\]MRONOKVO\MYW aaa]SV`O\]Z\SXQZY\]MRONOKVO\MYW 2• der Vorgänger • December 2011 www.pcapotomac.org 6HUYLQJ3&$3RWRPDF PHPEHUVVLQFH &KDUOLH0XUSK\ 2PDU+LOPL5HQRZQHG3RUVFKHVHUYLFH 6SULQJ+LOO5RDG0F/HDQ9$3ULVWLQHSUHRZQHGYHKLFOHV )URP0RWRUVSRUWVDQG3HUIRUPDQFH7XQLQJWR6FKHGXOHG6HUYLFH (OLWH7HFKQLFLDQV3HWHU$\OHVWRFN5RJHU.LSHU&UDLJ:LOOLDPV$UWLVW.LWEXUHH )XOO\HTXLSSHGDQGH[SHULHQFHGZLWK3RUVFKHIURPYLQWDJHWRFXUUHQWPRGHOV ZZZLQWHUVSRUWSRUVFKHFRP LQWHUVSRUW#YDFR[PDLOFRP 3RUVFKH%0: WHOID[ 0HUFHGHV$XGL der Vorgänger • December 2011 • 3 der Vorgänger Table of contents Editor: Miscellaneous ramblings 5 President’s column 6 Potomac contact information 7 2011 calendar of Potomac events 8 Anniversaries, new members 8 A new 912 registery 9 Nominations for 2012 club officers 10 Drive ’n Dine sees the fall foliage 11 An open-lift day for Porsche owners 12 At Speed Motorsports’ open-house 13 Multi-event Oktoberfest in Lovettsville 30 Photo by Sid Imtiaz A Driver Education event in the snow 14 –15 Something you often Readers and their cars 31 A Porsche nut goes to Rennsport 16 –23 don’t see at Summit Point: Turn 5—and, in How Cayman R compares to Lotus 24 –25 Cover photo: To say that Potomac member fact, the entire race Interested in a Virginia PCA license plate? 26 Mike Smalley is a certified nut about all track— covered in things Porsche is an understatement. snow. Although the Sat - An index of DIY articles, 2008 –2011 27 That’s his leg on the cover, and that’s a urday event was snowed out, the track How to fix water-intrusion problems 28 REAL tattoo. How avid a lover of Porsches are you? was in use on Sunday PCA Membership form 29 of the October event. 4• der Vorgänger • December 2011 www.pcapotomac.org Editor’s column der Vorgänger Miscellaneous ramblings The monthly magazine of the Founders’ Region, Potomac, Potomac President Dick Seltzer on the next page gives Porsche Club of America. well deserved credit to all the volunteers who make our December 2011, Volume 57, No. 11 club function, but he overlooks—due to modesty, I’m sure—all the hours that he and club officers and others der Vorgänger is the official magazine of the Founders’ put into their responsibilities. Region, Potomac, Porsche Club of America, Inc. A DE event, for example, doesn’t just happen by a http://www.pcapotomac.org. Contributions for der bunch of Potomac members and others showing up at Vorgänger should be sent to editor Richard Curtis at the track. There are countless hours if not days of prepa - least six weeks preceding the month of publication, ration involved before the gates open. And when they do preferably via e-mail to [email protected]. open, there are even more hours of work—often hard, Publisher: Tony Kelly wet, hot or cold hours—be done over the ensuing days. 6726 Lucy Lane Next time you bump into club officer candidates and McLean, Va. 22101 [email protected] in some cases, present officers, Dick, Jody Lagioia, Evan Close, Gary Brindle, John Eberhardt and all the event Editor, designer: Richard Curtis chairs and other volunteers noted by name on Page 7, 6032 Makely Drive give them your thanks for a job well done. Thanking them Fairfax Station, Va. 22039 for those countless hours of labor is something we can’t 703-239-1678 [email protected] do often enough. • • • Contributing photographers: John Bailey, Michael Mike Smalley turned out to be one of the first mem - Madrid, Ken Marks, Tony Pagonis, Willy Straubhaar. bers of Potomac I met when I joined PCA more than Contributing writers: Tuffy von Briesen, Gary seven years ago. He struck me then as now as a most avid Brindle, Sydney Butler, Andy Clements, John Eber - Porsche lover, and not just because of the Porsche crest hardt, Rich Franco, Margaret Kauffman, Tony Kelly, tattooed on his calf (see cover photo) or his interesting John Magistro, Tony Pagonis, Starla Phelps and Steve garage and collection of super-nice cars. That tattoo is im - Vetter, Mia Walsh. pressive, though, all by itself. Mike has been to all but the first Rennsport Reunion, Proofreader: George Soodoo that every-three-year gathering of Porsche race cars, race car drivers and devoted Porsche gearheads. Now, he’s Questions about display advertising rates and place - added Rennsport IV in California to his bucket list and ment in der Vorgänger , please contact Tony Kelly at [email protected] volunteered to take notes and photographs and write about his experiences beginning on Page 15. I commend der Vorgänger (ISSN 0199-0667) is published monthly his article to your reading pleasure. except in January by the Founders’ Region, Potomac, • • • Porsche Club of America at 16726 Lucy Lane, A most pleasant and rewarding surprise was the McLean Va. 22101. Subscription is limited to mem - thoughtfulness of several Potomac members in attendance bers of the Founders’ Region, Potomac, Porsche Club at the late October DE. As you probably know by now, it of America. Annual PCA dues are $42 (includes $18 snowed out the Saturday event. Many of us, ah, less stal - for derVorgänger subscription). Periodicals postage wart DE participants stayed home that Saturday, sleeping pending at McLean, Va. and at additional mailing of - late and warm in our beds, fully aware there wouldn’t be fices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to der Vorgänger , 6726 Lucy Lane, McLean, Va. 22101. any track action that day. Statements appearing in der Vorgänger are those of the However, John Eberhardt, Mia Walsh, Sid Imtiaz contributing authors and do not constitute the opin - and several others not only put on their snow faces and ions or policy of the Founders’ Region, Potomac, showed up, they recorded the snow in words and pho - Porsche Club of America, its board of directors or the tographs on pages 14 –15 for der Vorgänger and without editors of the magazine. The Founders’ Region, Po - even being asked . With apologies to poets Robert Frost and tomac, Porsche Club of America neither endorses any Clement Clarke Moore, Eberhardt did faithfully capture advertisement nor warrants any product or services in his poem the color and action of a snowy day. they may provide. Potomac Region reserves the right • • • to cancel advertisements at any time, for any reason, Another volunteer worth thanking: anks, too, to Ed in its sole discretion. For information regarding com - mercial advertising and rates, contact the publisher Hahn for volunteering to write a comparison between his listed above. Lotus Elise and his recently acquired Cayman R on pages 24 –25. der Vorgänger needs more contributes from Letters to the editor are welcome but should be Porsche owners like Ed Hahn . Feel free to contribute your brief and may be edited for length. Please note if own Porsche-related experiences. the letter or e-mail is submitted as a letter to the • • • editor; please include a contact phone number for 2011 has been a terrific and rewarding year for The verification. Founders’ Region, Potomac and for der Vorgänger . Thanks to all. —Richard Curtis [email protected] der Vorgänger •December 2011 • 5 The president’s page Thanks to the many volunteers who make Potomac happen Well, we did it! You may recall in my October column I mentioned about dedication! See related story, Pages 14 –15. that we added over 100 new members to PCA Potomac in the past year. As you may know, there are PCA license plates available in Maryland In September, we added another 35 members for a total number of pri - and just recently in the District of Columbia (thanks to the efforts of Po - mary Potomac members of 2,283. tomac member Howard Hill who has volunteered to try to get Virginia This means that PCA Potomac now is the largest PCA PCA license plates. region in the United States. Yes, indeed, we finally beat To get Virginia PCA plates, we need 450 pre-paid ap - the Northern New Jersey Region by 68 primary mem - plicants. As of early November, we have nearly 200, so we bers. NNJR had been the largest U.S. region for a num - need 250 more. If you live in Virginia and want to have ber of years. Congratulations, PCA Potomac! PCA license plates for your Porsche or any other vehi - The club’s many volunteers make PCA Potomac suc - cle—think tow vehicle), please send an email to Howard. cessful. If were not for them, there would not be the over Over the winter Howard will send you an application 100 “events” in a given year where you can meet fellow form and instructions. ([email protected]). See Porsche enthusiasts and admire each other’s cars.
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