\lVESTERN A USTR.ALIA. [Published by Authority.] This Gazette is published for' Police information only, and the Police tlwoughout the Colony a~'e instructed to make themselves thoroughly acquainted with the contents. GEO. PHILLIPS, Commissioner of Police. No. 5.J WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3. [1 897. Stealing in Dwellings, from the curb chain, with plain square gold locket, with har Person, &C. across top and diamond set in face close to bar.­ Alf2389, 28th J anuary, 1897. Vide Police Gazette, 1897, page 24, A1/230L Yo?·k.-The chest of tea described in above re­ F/'emantle.-On the 26th ult., from a room in the ference, the property of the Railway Department, has "Federal" Hotel,-gent's gold open-faced Geneva been found, Dut stolen. watch, gold dial, slightly ol'llamented, Roman figures, sunk seconds, steel hands, second hand missing, Vide Police Gazette, 1897, page 24, A1/2302. engine turned case, worn very smooth, key winding, has a gilt ring at the stem, the property of Frank B~tnbury.-The saws described in above reference, the property of O. L. Hastie, have been recovered by William Bl'addon.-Alj2428, 28th January, 1897. Sergt. W. H. Osborn in possession of S. Oonliffe (vide Apprehensions). B~tnbm·y.-On the 30th ult., from the person of Samuel Gleeson,-silver hunting Waltham watch, No. 4654112, dent on outside of back case, steel Vide Police Gazette, 1897, page 31, A1/2364. hands, sunk second hands and silver chain, twisted Bunbu?·y.- The bed clothing described in above liuks, with brass metal compass and silver heart­ reference, the property of W. H. Armitage, has been shaped locket attached.--·Alj2423, 2nd February, recovered l;>y Sergt. W. H. Osborn in possession of 1897. S. Oonliffe (vide Apprehensions). Pe?ih.-On the 27th ult., from owner's dwelling, Viele Police Gazette, 1897, page 30, A1/233L Adelaide Terrace,-l gold necklet, broad band, con­ Pe?·t7~.-The saddle described in above reference, nected by small chain, top and bottom, also has cross the property of A. Hawkins, has been recovered by chain, 1 gold oval shaped locket, with small row of Det. S. Condon, and traced to the possession of a pearls round face, 1 broad silver Maltese cross, 1 man who gave the name of Samuel Smith, Broome very hea.vy silver bracelet, with rose leaves chased, Road, Subiaco, described as follows : -Medium build, one leaf missing, 1 gold bracelet, set with an height 5ft. 9 or lOin., age about 25 years, light hair, amethyst, 1 silver chain necklet, composed of bracelet long face, high cheek bones, slight moustache only, links with small connecting link and 7 sovereigns, rather sallow complexion, wearing grey tweed coat, the property of GeOl'ge Parker.-Alj2381, 28th brown trousers resembling moleskins, light coloured January, 1897. wide-awake hat. P e1·f,h.-On the night of the 29th ult., from a bed­ Pe?·th.-On the 27th ult., from owner's dwelling, room in the" Shamrock" Hotel,-l gent's large Lake and Roe Streets,-silver open-faced English diamond ring, round pattern, set with 1 pure white lever watch, by Benson, has also the name of a flawless diamond in raised claw setting, stamped watchmaker of North Shields, England, engraved on S. D. & Co., a,nd engraved inside" From Viney to inside of dome, steel face, gold figures and hands, no Rhys," and one lady's dress ring, set with 5 diamonds second hands, and gold Albert chain of small square in a row in deep gipsy setting, the property of Harry links with gold-mounted greenstone pendant, the C. Rhys-Jones.-Alj2391, 29th January, 1897. property of J . T. Garland.-Alj2380, 27th January, 1897. GemZclton-.On the 21st ult.,-cheque on W.A. Bank, Geraldton, drawn by W. H . Attwood, pa,yable Pe?ih.-On the 28th ult., from the person of G. A. to Wallace & Goner, dated 21-1-97, amount £7 12s., Villiers,-18ct. gold hunting repeating chronograph, the property of W. H . Attwooc1. - Al/2375, 1st No. 27809, patented April, 1882, and double gold February, 1897. 36 Espemnce-On the 2nd ult., from the mail bag PRISCILLA FAITH RAwsoN, at Wagin, on the 24th between Grass Patch and Esperance, - order ult., by P.C. W. J. Nicholls; wilful murder of her (O.P.S.O.) on Director Public Works, Perth, dated father, Alfred Rawson. Committed for trial. 13-1-97, payable to C. B. Rooke, signed Fredk. Saunders, and countersigned C. W. H. Saunders, ROBERT ARTHUR, alias HARPER, at Kalgoorlie, on amount £17 Is., the property of the Postal Depart­ the 23rd ult., by P.C. J . McDonald; assault and ment.-Al/2419, 1st February, 18!17. robbery. Committed for trial. Admitted to hail. Bunbm·y.-On or about the 29th ult., from Gor­ JOHN McDERMOTT, at Kalgoorlie, on the 23rd ult., don's Hotel,-brass mounted fishing reel with silk by P.C. R. McLaughlin; tendering counterfeit coin. line, 13s. in silver, and 2 boxes of chocolates, the Committed for trial. property of C. Dimant.--A1/2422, 2nd F ebruary, ALEXANDER SVENSON, at Kalgoorlie, on the 20th 1897. ult., by P.C. J. Daly; larceny. Discharged under PB1·th.--On the 30th ult., from a bedroom in the the First Offenders Act. Property recovered. "Metropole" hotel,-l plaid sac coat, 1 light JOHN CASHIIUN, at Geraldton, on the 25th ult., by Beaufort coat and pair of trousers, slate-coloured P.C. G . Gal1non; larceny. Committed for trial. sac coat and vest, light check coat and trousers, 1 plain lio-ht tweed coat and trousers, 1 dress sui.t and WILLIAM THOMAS ALLEN, at Lawler's, on the 14th several ~o l oured shirts, marked 417 on inside of back, inst., by P.C. John Sellenger; disorderly conduct and all the trousers buttous marked" James Coultas," resii5ting Police. 2 months h.1. the property of E. G. Hare.-A1/2409, 30th January, 1897. BERNARD MICRAEL, at Albany, on the 13th ult., by Det. T. Short, on provisional warrant; larceny as Coolga1·die.-On the 29th uit., from owner's a bailee in Victoria. Remanded to Victoria in cus­ dweiling,-l new "Model B" Singer bicycle, No. tody of Victorian Police Constable Allan. -25-1-97. 119829, low framed and gear cased, cork handles with bone tips, the property of Edwin Muntz.­ GEORGE LERTORA and V. GOFFI, at Fremantle, on A1/2426, 2nd February, 1897. the 22nd ult., by W.P.C. Rogers, on warrants; de­ serting the barque" Antoinetta." 4 weeks h.1. each. Perth.-On 1.he 1st inst., from the premises of Messrs. Crosse & Hardy, St. George's Terrace, 1 GEORGE WElT, RICHARD TRELEANEN, ANDREW Singer bicycle, No. 99640, plain pneumatic tires, FALK, JAMES DRAKE, WILL lAM ARMOUR, and JOHN large patches on both, pin holding, one crank broken SlVIlTH, at Fremantle, on the 23rd ult., by W.P.Cs. short off, lamp bracket let in and soldered, rubber W. Hopkins a,nd T. Rogers, on warrants; refusing pedals, T saddle pillar, the property of W. J. Cohn. duty on board the ship "Newsboy." Drake dis­ ·-Al/2427, 2nd February, 18$)7. charged. Others 4 weeks h.1. each. F1·emantle.--Between the 10th ult. and 2nd inst., HENRY WARD, at Fremantle, on the 23rd ult., oy from owner's shop, High Street, - 6 14ct. gold Perth police, on warrant; deserting the ship" River hunting Geneva watches, Nos. 146073, 146074, Nith." Brought up at Fremantle, on the 25th ult. 146075, 146076, 146077, 146078, gold dials, steel 10 weeks h.1. hands, stem-winding, the property of Frederick Wheeler.- Al/2435, 2nd February, 1897. JOHN SEED, at Fremantle, on the 25th nIt., b\' P.C. F. Reading, on warrant; harbouring a deserting seaman. Fined £5. Apprehensions. Vicle Police Ga.ette, 1897, page 15, W. ~~, CHARLES HART alias WATSON, at Fremantle, on FREDERICK HENRY NELsON, at Coolgardie, on the the 28th ult., by Sergt. T. Houlahan; idle ancl 18th ult., by P.C. W. A . M. Maitland. Brought up disorderly. 21 days h.1. at Fremantle on the 29th ult. Remanded. GEORGE PHILLIPS and JOHN DAVEY, at Fre­ Vide Police Ga.ette, 1897, page 15, W .•'". mantle, on the 29th uIt., by W.P.C. T. Rogers; GERALD ASCIONE, at Albany, on the 28th ult., by embezzling stores on board the s.s. "Bullarra." Det. T. Short. Discharged. General warrant issued. 6 weeks h.1. each. Vide Police Ga.ette, 1897, page 3. HERMAN SCHULTZE, at Fremantle, on the 29th JAM.ES JOHN FORD, brought up at Yalgoo on the ult., by W .P.C. W. Hopkins, on warrant; refusing 18th ult. Discharged. duty on board the ship" Antares." 4 weeks h.l. HENRY ANDERSON, at Yalgoo, on the 20th Novem­ JOHN GORMBY, at }l'remantIe, on the 29th ult., ber last, by P.C. F. R. Fox; attempt to commit by W.P.C. J . Browning, on warrant; refusing duty suicide. Committed for trial. on board the ship" SiIverhowe." 2 weeks h.l. JONATHAN BRowN, at Southern Cross, on the 23rd WILLIAM RICHlE, at Fremantle on the 29th ult., ult., by P .C. R. H. Goodridge; idle and disorderly. by W.P.C. T. Rogers; refusing duty on hoard the 3 weeks h.1. ship" Silverhowe." 2 weeks h.l. JAMES COONEY, at Geraldton, on the 19th ult., by Vide Police Ga.ette, 1897, page 3I. W.P.C. F. Podesta; refusing duty on board the PETER NELSON, brought up at Frema.ntIe on the barque" Jessie Osborne." 12 weeks h.1. 22nd ult. Discharged. Vide Police Ga.ette, 1897, page 3. SUSAN CARTWRIGHT, at Perth, on the 26th ult., by DAvID JOHNSON, brought up at Cue on the 21st P.C.
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