3466 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. APRIL 2, Trade of Bradford, Pa., asking for favorable action on House bills A joint resolution (S. R.103) directing the Secretary of War to Nos. 838, 4566, and 5560, to provide 1-cent lettm· postage per half submit estimates of cost of fm·ther imp1·ovement of Providence ounce, and to amend the postal laws relating to second-class and River and Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island. free matter-to the Committee on the Post-Offiee and Post-Roads. PETITIOXS AND MEJIORIALS. By Mr. TRELOAR: PapeTs to accompany bill granting a pen­ The VICE-PRESIDENT presented a petition of the Association sion to Emily Hutchins-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. of Railway Superintendents of Bridges, of Concord, N.H., pray­ By Mr. TYLER (by request): Petition of citizens of Newport ing that a liberal appropriation be made for the continuance of News, Va., asking for the removal of the statue of Pere Marquette the investigation and tests of timber under the direction of the from Statuary Hall-to the Committee on the Librru:l. Department of Agriculture; which was referred to the Committee ByMr. WALKERof Massachusetts: Resolutionso the Nuttall on Agricultm·e and Forestry. Ornithological Club of Cambridge, Mass., favoring the creation of 1t!r. LODGE presented a petition of the Carters Ink Company, the office of director-in-chief of scientific divisions in the Depart­ of Boston, Mass., praying for the enactment of le,.islation provid­ ment of Agriculture-to the Com..."'llittee on Agriculture. ing 1-cant letter postage per half ounce, and a!so to amend the ByM1·. WANGER: PetitionofPomonaGrange,No.22 Patrons postal laws relative to second-class and free mail matter; which of Husbandry, of Bucks and Philadelphia counties, Pa., favoring was referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and Po t-Road . the passage of Honse bill No. 2626, for the protection of agricultu­ He also presented a me.morial of Commander Post, No. 12, De­ ral staples by an export bounty in ordertoequalizethe benefits and partment of Massachusetts, Grand Army of the Republic, remon­ burdens of the protective system-to the Committee on Ways and sti·ating against the exces ive rates of pensions created by special lli~. - legislation to widows of officers, anc1 praying for the adoption of a By Mr. WHEELER: Letter of Frank P. Blair, of Chicago, Ill., uniform system of pensions to be granted to the widows of de­ to accompany House bill No. 7351, concerning the retirement of ceased soldiers: which was referred to the Committee on Pensions. B. F. Handforth-to the Committee on Militru~y Affairs. Heal o pTesented a petition of the Nuttall Ornithological Club Also, petition of theNationalAssociationof Agricultural Imple­ of Cambridge, Mass., praying for the creation of the office of di­ ment and Vehicle Manufacturers, of Chicago, ill., in favor of uni­ rector in chief of the scientific division in the Department of Agri­ form freight classification throughout the United States-to the culture; which was referred to the CommitteeonAgricultureand Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Forestry. Also, petition of the estate of Elizabeth Dillard! of Jackson He also presented a petition of the Massachusetts State Board of County, Ala., praying reference of heT war claim to the Court of Trade, of Boston, Mass., and a petition of the Commt;Jrcial Club Claims-to the Committee on War Claims. of Boston, Mass., praying for the maintenance of the gold stand­ ard; which was referred to the Committee on Finance. Mr. SHERMAN presented a petition of the Drill Press and SENATE. Milling Machine Union, No. 6505, American Federation of Labor, of Toledo, Ohio, praying for the free and unlimited coinage of THURSDAY, Apn'Z 2, 1896. silver; which was ordered to lie on the table. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. H. MILBURN, D. D. He atso presented a petition of the Chamber of Commerce of The See1·etary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's pro­ Cincinnati, Ohio, praying for the establishment of a department ceedings, when, on motion of Mr. HoAR, and by nnanimou.c; con­ of commerce and manufactures; which was refeiTed to the Com­ mittee on Commerce. sent, the further reading was dispensed with. Mr. BACON pl'esented a petition of sundry citizens of Hart ADJOUR.t~MENT TO MONDAY. Count-y, Ga., praying foT the enactment of legislation prohibiting Mr. HOAR. I move that when the Senate adjourn to-day it the licensing of distilleries by the Government in States and coun­ adjourn to meet on Monday next. · ties where the liquor traffic is prohibited; which was referred to The motion was agreed to. the Committee on the Judiciary. CREDENTIALS. Mr. TURPIE presented a petition of sundl·y citizens of North Indianapolis, Ind., praying fortheenactmentof legislation giving Mr. G-ORMAN presented the credentials of George L. Welling­ to second-class mail matter, such as religious tracts, full advan­ ton, chosen by the legislature of the State of Maryland a Senator tage of the act of July 16, 1894; which was referred to the Com- from that State for the term commencing March 4, 1897; which mittee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads. · were read, and ordered to be placed on file. He also presented a petition of Bimetallic Union No. 599, of EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATION. Rockfield, Ind., praying for the adoption of an amendment to the The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ Constitution of the United States, relative to the election of United tion from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a letter from States Senators by a direct vote of the people; which was ordered the delegates of the Oklahoma Sac and Fox tribes of Indians, to lie on the table. .. wherein they disclaim having withdrawn their protest to the Mr. VILAS pxesented a petition of the State Epworth League, finding against their braneh of the tribe or of their intention to of Madison, Wis., praying for the repeal of theninety-daydivorce do so, anu requesting that Congress be informed of the facts, and law of Oklahoma Territory and other laws of the Territories; asserting that a mistake had been made by the Department in this which was referred to the Committee on Territories. respect; which, with the ac¥ompanying paper, was referred to the He also presented sundry petitions of the State Epworth League, Committee on Indian Affairs, and ordered to be printed. of :Madison, Wis., praying for the enactment of a Sunday-rest MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. law fo1· the District of Columbia; which were referred to the Com­ mittee on the District of Columbia. A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. W. J. He also presented a petition of the State Epworth League, of BROWNING, its Chief Clerk, announced that the House had passed :Madison, Wis., pTaying for the enactment of legislation raising the following bills; in which it requested the concunence of the the age of consent in the District of Columbia and all the TeiTi­ Senate: tories; which was referred to the Committee on the District of A bill (H. R. 2410) to amend an act increasing the pension of Columbia. Marcus D. Box; He also presented a petition of the State Epworth League, of A bill (H. R. 5127) for the relief of Abraham 0. Waucop; and Madison, Wis., praying for the enactment of legislation providing A bill (H. R. 5736) to authorize the Light-House Board to pro­ for the enforcement of the child-labor law and for compulsory ceed with the construction of a light-house and fog signal on North education; which was referred to the Committee on Education Manitou Island, Lake Michigan. and Labor. ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED. He also presented a petition of the State Epworth League, of The message also announced that the Speaker of the House ha-d Madison, Wis., praying for the appointment of an impartial com­ signed the following enrolled bills and joint resolutions; and they mission to investigate the labor problem; which was refexred to were thereupon signed by the Vice-President: the Committee on Education and Labo1'. A bill (H. R. 711) to increase the pension of Uzziel B. Church; He also presented a petition of the State Epworth League, of A bill (H. R. 1244) to confirm certain cash entries of offered Madison, Wis., praying for the enactment of legislation to substi­ lands; tute voluntary arbitration for railroad strikes; which was referred A bill (H. R. 5914) to amend an act to authorize the Interoceanic to the Committee on Education and Labor. Railway Company to construct and operate railway, telegraph, Mr. CAMERON presented sundry petitions of citizens of Penn­ and telephone lines through the Indian TeiTitory; sylvania, praying for the adoption of the proposed religious A joint resolution (H. Res. 24) providing for immediate destruc­ amendment to the Constitution of the United States; which were tion of income-tax returns, etc.; referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. A joint resolution (S. R. 99) authorizing the immediate use of a He also presented a petition of Washington Camp, No. 597, portion of the unexpended balance of appropriations heretofore -Patriotic Order Sons of America, of Rehrersburg, Pa., anu a peti­ made for construction of canal and locks at the Cascades of the tion of sundry citizens of Pennsylvania, praying for the passage Columbia River in construction of protecting walls necessary to of the so-called Stone immigration bill; which were referred to the opening of said canal and locks to navigation; and the Committee on Immigration. 1896. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 3467 Be also presented a petition, in the form of resolutions adopted Mr.
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