$2.00 OCTOBER 1977 ecor1tn VOLUME 8- NUMBER 5 engineer producer /1)/fr V70( y1, X ,0 vie xv1ef.0.0- rnr M CO 0 sO n-nm cD 4, M Ln G f N.) CO J.frative CO 4,e 114 veJ C-) re. 4, /71 94:60Vvr- 301t1 tk) Vivela FirstMaison Two Maisonyears the ago, Rouge reputationRougeHelios For ofMobile, their supplied who excellencewhich the arenew has Mobile console itssuccessfulproudstudio,to throughoutsince for studio Maison the Thecompletion. andcontinue Europe.established theirRouge a new offer again now 32 their Of custom-builtconsoleis, associationchose -channel,to 24thelikeall withHelios controlparticular the congratulationsthis note -trackhighestHelios Allisonwith upon eightare:all console ofcontrolling has consoles, the programmer,separate specifications. built-in andchannels many The engineer. a Studio mastersunder special Dolbynoise cards wiredtoVCA features. withreductionthegroup all latest interface Distributed controlsin reach throughout the Accept our United 7037 States Laurelinvitation by- Canyon to Blvd., contactus North and Hollywood,discuss Californiayour 91605studio/ needs. 982-6200 Here's how useful adistortion analyzer canbe Msrnf "Obit pc.. 41e7*1-S- No manual nulling controls required (the 1710A is al- Intermodulation Distortion Analyzer optionally available. Oscillator distortion is typ- ter** or dB raw ways in auto -null, reaches a null in less than 5 seconds). ically .001%. beams geseator sigial at ±1 dB Vernier adds fine 17,0A .. TOR TIllf,1 P./WA4A...1E7NT 5,V4 tEN1 load edb Ike posit of a level control. bairn. Internal oscillator adjust- able from +26 dBm to -89.9 dBm in 0.1 dB steps. Selectable 11 dB per oc- tave bass reject bum and tai tretbeby seise. \ Turn off oscillator for quick S/N measurement. Fast peoliollon operabon 4111 Tuning indicators help Ids goo set leed. oeuvre measure distortion of an volbge or pow ben ma - external source. sere &brim -1 1 1 Simultaneously select oscil- Mee:AP! nrazt 1 'ewer lator and analyzer frequency fres 10 Hz to 110 with fast -to -use pushbut- jd tons. 10 Hz to 110 kHz. 100 Balanced Ispot e e15 \to 15 Balanced and floating 1502 or 6002 Generator output. Vier input signal on a scope. Automatic Set Level is op- View distortion products on Measure distortion down to .002%, voltage or S/N ratios tionally available. a scope. with 100 dB dynamic range. Two of the above features are so outstandingly balanced, unbalanced, off -ground or whatever. valuable that we especially invite your attention That's because the signal source output circuit is to them. fully isolated and balanced. One is the fast, easy measuring you get with There is no output transformer to introduce noise pushbutton -selected distortion -measuring circuits or distortion. (signal source and measuring circuits are simul- Besides these outstanding conveniences, you taneously selected with the same pushbuttons). can have the Sound Tech 1710A with an option that Pushbuttons make it so simple to measure quickly enables you to measure intermodulation distortion. and to repeat measurements. Call Mike Hogue/Larry Maguire to get full infor- Secondly, you can drive virtually any type of mation on an instrument recognized everywhere circuit from the signal source output - whether as the standard of the audio field. ® SOUND TECHNOLOGY 1400 DELL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 378-6540 for additional information circle number 2 R-e/p 3 THE SIERRA AUDIO MONITOR The world standard in high power, low distor- tion and flat response monitor loudspeakers is now available separately and from stock. Al- though they can be finished in oiled walnut or oak for use in your home, office, or car, their primary application is as flushed -in control room monitor systems. In unfinished cabinets the price is only $1650 each. And, you don't have to buy four. We can supply not only the power amplifiers and ' octave voicing filters to feed them but also a design for a control room to build around them. "Studio Design' is probably the most misused phrase in the studio supply business today. At Sierra, we have a few good people who would like to set you straight. Too many studios are just a collection of equip- rnent-and let's face it-anyone can buy the gear; what we sell is the expertise in its interface. $1650. SIERRA STUDIO DESIGN AND CONSULTATION Studio design and consultation is Sierra's most distinguished product. Although we specialize in complete turnkey studio complexes. you may not be aware that we can also provide consulta- sieRRa tion in any area of studio operations, including site selection, acoustic design, business opera- tion, equipment selection, and cash flow studies. We can spend only a day: or complete a full study awn of your operation. Our staff is composed of some 621 South Glenwood Place of the industry's most knowledgeable profession- als and they can be yours simply by calling... Burbank California91506 Phone (213) 843-8115 Telex 69 11 38 We won't promise the World, but we will deliver what we promise! OCTOBER 1977 0? ECORDINIO VOLUME 8 - NUMBER 5 engineer/producer - the magazine toexclusively serve the - CONTENTS - Recording Studio market . all those whose work involves the recording of commercially marketable sound. - the magazine produced torelate . production- Recording ART to Recording SCIENCE Producer/Engineer PHIL RAMONE to Recording EQUIPMENT. Bob Banks and Paul Laurence page 20 location recording- A MODIFIED 'MS' RECORDING TECHNIQUE Leon E. Weed page 44 Editor/Publisher . MARTINGALLAY maintenance- Associate Editor . GARY KLEINMAN ZEN AND THE ART OF Consulting Editor PETER BUTT TAPE DECK MAINTENANCE Assistant Editor . O. KEITH LARKIN Peter Butt page 50 Business Manager V. L. GAFFNEY signal processing Circulation Manager . TRICI VENOLA - WHERE, OH WHERE DID MY PRESENCE GO? (What every engineer should know about noise reduction.) William H. Hall page 68 construction project- CAN YOU USE A BUDGET CLIC-TRAC? "RECORDING engineer/producer"is pub- page 72 lished six times a year by RECORDING & Lewis Mark BROADCASTING PUBLICATIONS, 1850 concert sound WhitleyAvenue,Hollywood,California - 90028, and is sent to qualified recipients in IN SEARCH OF THE LOST CORD! the United States. One year (six issues) sub- (The state of the wireless microphone art.) scriptions for other than qualified individ- Chris Roe page 76 uals or companies may be purchased at the following rates: departments United States (surface mail) . $9.00 United States (air mail) . .$17.00 cover: another of 10 Letters and Late News Foreign (surface mail) . $9.50 TRICI VENOLA'S "Room Equalization" - Woody Smith TRAPing EMT's" - Michael Fraser Foreign (air mail) . $19.00 acrylic originals. 82 New Products 102 Classified =2== O THIS ISSUE OF R-e/p IS SPONSORED BY THE FOLLOWING LIST OF ADVERTISERS A&R Record Mfg 102 Harrison Systems 106-107 Shure Brothers 108 RECORDING engineer/producer is not Abadon/Sun, Inc 47 Image Formations 103 Sierra Audio 4-5 inovonics 63 Soundcraft 61 responsiblefor any claim made by any Accurate Sound 93 Allison Research 19 ivle Electronics 67 Soundcraftsmen 85 person based on the publication by RE- 3 Altec 55 K&L Pro Audio 94 Sound Technology CORDING engineer/producer of material Ampex 8-9 Kendon Recorders 105 Sound Workshop 12,45,83 submitted for publication. Audio & Design Recording .. 98 Rus Lang 78 Special Touch 68 7,86 Materialappearing in RECORDING Audio Concepts 11 Lexicon 30 Spectra Sonlcs engineer/producer may not be reproduced Audio Consultants 16 MCI 25 Sphere Electronics 97 without written permission of the publisher. Audio Distributors 78 MRL 48 Stanton Magnetics 72 Audio industries Corp 14 McIntosh Laboratories 95 Stevens Electronics 100 Audio Marketing 39,41 MicMix 32,105 Studer Revox America 51 da. Auditronics 73 Nashville Studio Systems... 89 Studio Supply Co. 79 Auratone 10 Rupert Neve, Inc 69 Sugarloaf View 23 104 BTX, Inc 90 Orban/Parasound 65 Symetrlx Rudy Bruer 50 Panasonic/Technics 53 Tangent Systems 84 Cetec 40 Peavey Electronics 27 TAPCO 77 Commco 102 OCA 101 TEAC/Tascam 87 76 Community Light & Sound ..81 Quad Eight 21 Telex Controlled Circulation Postage 42-43 Criteria Recording .. 35,36,37,38 Quantum Audio 74 3-M Magnetic Tape paid at 71,88 Crown, int'l . 31 Ramko Research 82 Unl-Sync Los Angeles, California dbx, Inc. 13 Recording Supply Co. 104 UREI 15,103 56-57 El -Tech 49 Rothchild instruments 99 Westlake Audio 34 Postmaster: Send form 3579 for Everything Audio 2 S.A.E 75 White instrument address correction to: Express Sound 29 Scully/Dictaphone 33 Windt Audio Engineering 104 Forsythe Audio 96 Yamaha International 59 RECORDING engineer/producer P.O. Box 2449 Hollywood, California 90028 (213) 467-1111 for additional information circle number 31111100 R-e/p 6 The Only Clean One! SPECTRA SONICS audio control consolesare the cleanest in the world. That fact, of course, is well known. How much cleaner, For example, for comparable output levels at1 kHz., however, is not so well known because of the current SPECTRA SONICS consoles now have 71/2 times less practice of some manufacturers to obscure, or even not distortion than Neve, and 10 times less distortion than MCI. specify complete system distortion performance. No direct comparison is possible with manufacturers, such For well in excess of 10 years, SPECTRA SONICS has led as Harrison, who do not publish system performance the industry, world-wide, in distortion performance and has specifications??? specified and guaranteed system distortion parameters. Ask the man who owns one about distortion and other SPECTRA SONICS consoles are not just a "little bit" lower system performance parameters. in distortion than the rest . typically over seven times Note: All distortion data taken from manufacturer's published specifications. Additional less distortion! distortion introduced by automation not included. If it isn't SPECTRA SONICS it isn't "state of the art"! Dealer inquiries invited.
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