'Evening In City' Sets University of Chicago Laboratory High School Scene For Junior Prom A romantic "Evening in the City" awaits juniors 9 p. rn. -midnight Satur­ day, May 22, when the Junior Prom takes place at the Quadrangle Club, 1155 East Fifty-fifth street. Decorations for the prom, social highlight of the junior 'year, are expected to evoke tile atmosphere of a dazzling and ID memorable night on the town, according to Susan Williams, junior vice president and prom chairman . any other junior teacher is welcome Music will be provided by the Vib- to drop in duriqg the prom," Susan ratones. Entertainrnentalsowillin- said. Senior Play Opens Tonight; elude candid slide s of junior activ­ Dress for the prom is semiformal: ities , music by Trurnpeteer Randy s uits and ties for boys and party Sandke and a skit, Susan explained. dresses and heels for girls. Corn - Signups have been going slowly rnittee chairmen are as follows: Effects Wil I Sharpen Action since Apr. 29, first day they were bids, Debbie Forman , Claudia Bad­ By JEFF the production w.ill employ accepted ,and Susan urges junior boys er STERN slides to and Arny Lifton; decorations, enhance the show's sets and in some "to sign up their dates with either Joanna Breslin Intriguing special effects will be used to accentuate the real-unreal quality and Debbie Zisook; cases transfer action to Chicago Chris Goetz or myself as soon as publicity, Elaine of Thornton Wilder's "The Skin of Our Teeth," this year's senior play Kwan and Sally from the original New Jersey to clar.­ possible." Ballis; entertainment which opens 8 p. m. tonight at the Law School auditorium, ll21 East , Joe Kenig and ify dialogue. Refreshments at the prom will be Laura Rosenblum; refreshments, Sixtieth street. A repeat performance will be given tomorrow night. Slides will include Robie House, in horsd'ouvres , ponchandsheet cake, Susan Denis and Linda Lewis. Mr. David Kieserman, director of the play and drama teacher here, said Susan said. Invited chaperones are reality Frank Lloyd Wright's famous Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Pearson and home built at the turn of the century Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hindman, "but in far-advanced architectural style but in the play home ofMr. and Mrs. George Antrobus, two of the main characters. Slides of Atlantic City, setting "WELL, HOW'S the whole crooked of Act Two and only pa:i:t of - the play not transferred family," says Steve Sultan, left, to Chicago, were secured "by Mr. Kieserrnan. asGeorge.Antrobus, aftera hardday He said he wrote to the mayor of At­ at the office in an opening scene from lantic City, his home town, and the "The Skin Of Our Teeth", senior play mayor referred the letter to the which opens tonightat the Law school Chamber of Commerce. Its staff auditorium (photos by Paul Stamler sent the slides free,_Mr. Kieserman from top). Reactingwithvaryingde­ explained. grees of apprehension and pride are, Effects also will include a weather from left, LuviaMcGehe~ as Sabina, signal on stage and extensive sound Carlin Meyer as a mammoth, Danny effects. Nathan as Henry Antrobus, Emily The auditorium, which actually is Meltonas George's wife Maggie, Jill not a theatre, iack,s a backstage Gardner as Gladys and Nicki Lash as area, so characters will enter and a dinosaur (everyone will be cos­ exit through tumed tonight). the audience, Mr. Kie­ serrnan said. Tickets, available from cast mem­ bers, are free for U-High students, SABINA CALLS for more wood as Admission for the public is $1. 50 for the Ice Age fast approaches the Antr<r adults and 75 cents for students and bus home, where refugees shiver and children. sing to keep warm. From left, Luvia, Contrast between the real and un­ John Levi as Moses, Kennette Bene­ real worlds is the central theme of dict as a muse sister, David Epstein Wilder's play, a Broadway hit of the 1940 's. Mr. Kie serman (I as Horner the Poet, Kathie Booth as said that the another muse, David Light as the play is about "the utter wickedness doctor and Don McElroy as the pro­ and stupidity of man. The play's fessor. Practicing the beginning of conflict is between the world of ap­ the Bible and multiplication tables are pearance (the make-believe world), Jill, Emily, Steve and Danny. and the world of indisputable facts. What we see is civilization starting (continued on page 3, column 2) FROZEN IN POSITION, the cast present~ a tableaux near the end of the second act. From left, Polly Heekin, Joan Meltzer, Vicki Schnadig Policemen Find and Dushanka Vesselinovich as con­ vention girls, DonMcElroyasa con­ 'Teeth' Biting ventioneer, Allyson Conn as the for­ "Surround Law school; Report sus­ tune teller, John Levi as a conven­ picious looking person with carbine tioneer, Luvia, Sandy Buckles as a and men wearing Nazi soldier uni­ cowentiongirl, Emily, Steve, Danny, forms have entered building." Jill, HelenAdarns and Kathy Booth as Police radio message, or one like convention girls and David Light and it, Friday, Apr. 30, resulted in Jack Gregg as conventioneers. three squad cars surrounding the Law school, where police officers rushed inside to find Senior Play Stern Wins Area Adviser David Kieserrnan holding a harmless gun for use Red Cross Office in "The Skin Of Our Teeth", and by his side, in Junior Jeff Stern, who was instru­ soldier garb, Steve Sultan and Dan­ mental in forming U-High's High ny Nathan. They were preparing School Red Cross chapter this year, for a dress rehersal in the Law has received one of the Mid-Ameri­ school audi.toriurn, where the play ca chapter'shighesthonors by being opens tonight. elected vice president of the High The officers, on their way out, Mr. School Red Cross Council. Jeff had Kieserrnan reports, could be heard to campaign and make speeches to muttering, "Crazy Lab School peo­ win the office, Red Cross Director ple" as Vicki Schnadig waltzed by William]. Flynnsentaletter of con­ with another prop, an enormous gratulations to the school and Jeff's beach umbrella. parents. ~students Use Machines Today To Elect Off ice rs : Council Candidates Boast Strong Acti·vities I < ~ Backgrounds, Government Experiences :>< < By JEFF STERN 0 ELLEN BEIGLER, sophomore, Voting machines will be used for the first time by U-Highers today as they served two years as a Student Coun - elect Student Council and Student Union officers. The machines, being pro­ cil representative and as a member vided by the Board of Election Commissioners of the City of Chicago and of its Election and Interschool Re­ 0 which wili be placed on the second floor on the ne-w building, also will be lations League committees. She ~ used for class officers' elections on May 28. An employee of the city will was chairman of refreshments com­ f-< supervise the use of the machines As a junior she has chaired the mittee for a sophomore class par­ w and explain the procedure for voting constitution committee of the Stu- ty and has served on TAC two years. 0 to students. Balloting will take place dent Council and has served on a today from 8 a.rn. to 3:30 p.m., ~ number of other Council committees. I according to Elections Committee Julie has been active three years in Treasurer Chairman Ted Becker. Because e­ the French club and has been vice TED BECKER, junior, has been ac­ lection machines will be in use, re­ presidentofher temple youth group. tive in Student Council three years, ---- sults of the contests will be made BOB SILVERMAN, junior, has ser­ serving this year as chairman of the available almost immediately, Ted ved on Student Council three years. elections committee. He has been :aid. He was a delegate to the IASC con - a delegate to three CDSC conventions Photo by Stamler Candidates for Student Council of­ vention and has been a discussion and also to an lASC convention. "DON'T FORGET TO VOTE TODAY," reminds Elections Chairman Ted fice were introduced to U-High stu­ leader at the CDSC Workshop. He MIKE FOGEL, sophomore, has Becker, center, who places his ballot in the traditional box which this year dents at the annual election assem­ has been a CDSC delegate and has been on Student Council two years is being supplanted by voting machines. Student Council candidates and the bly Wednesday in Mandel hall, as worked for two yearson the Bazaar­ and has worked on the Interschool· offices they seek, from left, are: Linda Carlson, secretary; Bob Silverman, follows: nival steeringcommitteehereat U­ Relations League and the lunchroom vice president; Ted, treasurer; Lee Turkevich, treasurer; Mike Fogel, High. This year Bob was cochair­ committee. Mike has also played treasurer; and Julie Dorfman, vice president. Missing from the photo is President man of the Bazaarnival. frosh-soph soccer two years and run Charley Moore, president. CHARLES MOORE, junior, has track. been active in Student Council three Secretary LEE TURKEVICH, sophomore,has years, serving two years as a repre­ LINDA CARLSON, junior, has been been a member of Student Council Union Victors Will Engineer sentative from his homeroom and on Student Council two years and has two years and served on the council treasurer and member of the Exec­ served on its school affiliations at the International School of Geneva, School's Social Life Next Year utive board in his junior year. Char­ committee. She was on the Student which he previously attended. He Victors in today's race for Student Union offices (less of a race than in ley is president of the treasurers' Union during her freshman year and was a U-High representative to the previous years because, as in the Student Council race also covered on this council, composed of treasurers has also been on the fund drive com - IASC ·executive board meeting this page, many candidates are unopposed) will plan social life at U-High next from all interest groups.
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