8998 ·coNGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE NOVEMBER 19 PUBUC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS By Mr. DOUGLAS: adorns the pathway of our time. But H. R . 6062. A bill granting an increase of chiefly are we bound to praise Thee for Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public pension to Emma Grace Bence; t,o the Com­ bills and resolutions were introduced and mittee on Invalid Pensions. Him whose homeless feet have pressed severally referred as follows: By Mr. HARRIS of Arkansas: our path of pain, whose hands have borne H. R. 6063. A bill for the relief of the the burden of our sorrow, that we might !By Mr. COCHRAN: Clark County Lumber Co.; to the Committee learn to help each other in every dark­ H. R. 6049. A bill to exempt from State and on Claims. local taxes the sale, purchase, storage, use, or ened hour of life. By Mr. HARRIS of Virginia: Teach us, Thou Cause of· Causes, to consumption of tangible personal property H. R. 6064. A bill for the relief of Linda for use in performing defense contracts; to Wright Ward; to the Committee on Claims. thank Thee when Thy hand bestows, to the Committee on Ways and Means. By Mr. SULLIVAN: bless Thee when Thy love withdraws, and, By Mr. CRAVENS: H. R. 6065. A bill for the relief of Michael though at last our lives may seem to end H. R. 6050. ·A bill to amend paragrt>.phs 1 J. Bates; to the Committee on Naval Affairs. with dreamed of joys that still are only and 2 of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief dreams, with hopes deferred, and bless­ Act of 1940; to the Committee on Military ings seen for others though not on us Affairs. PETITIONS, ETC. By Mr. CULKIN: bestowed, make us content to know that H. R. 6051. A bill to enable dairy farmers in Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions if our souls but dwell in faith's.untroubled certain drought areas ·to maintain their pro­ and papers were laid on the Clerk's realm we shall one day wake to thank duction of milk needed for defense purposes; desk and referred as follows: Thee for the rapture of that radiant to the Committee on Agriculture. 2055. By Mr. CULKIN: Resolution of the morn when from every shadow of our By Mr. GOSSETT: Drought Committee of the Northern New doubt or disappointment we shall find H. R. 6052. A bill to return certain retired York Counties, urging the New York State release, and sorrow and sighing shall flee emergency officers to the rolls, with pay; to Farm Bureau Federation, the State defense away. the Committee on Military Affairs. committee and the depart.w.ent of agricul­ By Mr. KEFAUVER: ture and markets to go on record favoring In the Master's name, we ask it. H. R. 6053. A bill to amend section 2800 of the Fulmer bill for relief of the northern Amen. the Internal Revenue Code; to the Committee New York dairymen; to the Committee on THE JOURNAL on Ways and Means. · Agriculture. On request of Mr. McKELLAR, and by By MI. PLAUCHE: 2056. Also, resolution of the Cloth Window H. R. 6054. A bill providing a franking Shade Workers Union, No. 20684, Oswego, unanimous consent, the reading of the privilege to soldiers, sailors, and marines dur­ N. Y ., protesting against any and all taxes Journal of the proceedings of Monday, P1g existence of the unlimited national emer­ on their wages by the United States Govern­ November 17, 1941, was dispensed with, gency; to the Committee on the Post Oftlce ment; to the Committee on Ways and Means. and the Journal was approved. and Post Roads. 2057. By Mr. KRAMER: Petition of the MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT­ By Mr. REECE of Tennessee: Associated Farmers of Kings County, Han­ APPROVAL OF A BILL H. R. 6055. A bill to amend section 2800 of ford, Calif., demanding that Congress remove the Internal Revenue Code; to the Commit­ the cause of much of the trouble between Messages in writing from the President tee on Ways and Means. employer and employee by the immediate of the United States were communicated ,ay Mr. WADSWORTH: repeal of the Wagner· Act; to the Committee to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his H. R. 6056. A bill to regulate in the United on Labor. secretaries, who aJso announced that on States Court of Claims suits for payment for 2058. Also, petition of the Democratic the use of inventions by or for the Govern­ Youth Federation of California, urging that November 15, 1941, the President had ment; to the Committee on the Judiciary. lend-lease aid be given nations fighting Hit­ approved and signed the act <S. 633) to By Mr. WHELCHEL: ler; Congress declare war on Germany; and amend the Criminal Code in respect to H. R. 6057. A bill to proclaim as treason American armed forces in collaboration with fires· on the public domain or Indian during the existing emergency, all strikes Great Britain open a weste'rn front immedi­ lands or on certain lands owned or leased impeding the progress of national defense; ately; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. by, or under the partial, concurrent, or to the Committee on the Judiciary. 2059. By Mr. MACIE.TEWSKI: Petition of exclusive jurisdiction of the United By Mr. WORLEY: the La Grange Cooperative Club, of La Grange, States. H. R. 6058. A bill relating to the use and TIL, concerning strikes in defense plants; to operation by the United States of certain the Committee on Labor. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE plants in the interest of the national de­ 2060. By t.he SPEAKER: Petition of the A message from the House of Repre­ fense; to the Committee on Military At!airs. Lakewood Exempt Firemen's Association and sentatives, by Mr. Swanson, one of its By Mr. LELAND M. FORD: fire company No. 1, Lakewood, N. J., petition­ H. R. 6059. A bill for the admission to citi­ ing con:;ideration of their resolution with clerks, announced that the House had zenship of aliens who came into this country reference to House bill 1410; to the Com­ agreed to the amendments of the Senate prior to February 5, 1917; to the Committee mittee on Ways and Means. to the bill <H. R. 4795) to amend the on Immigration and Naturalization. 2061. Also. petition of the General Welfare Hawaiian Homes Commission Act of 1920, l3y Mr. KEOGH: Center, No. 1, San Jose, Calif., petitioning as amended, by amending sections H. R. 6060. A bill to amend section 28 of consideration of their resolution with refer­ 203 (4), 208 (3), 209, 213, 215, 220, and the Judicial Code; to' the Committee on the ence to House bill 1410; to the Committee 222 thereof, and by adding thereto a new Judiciary. on Ways and Means. section to be numbered section 225, all By Mr. SMITH of Virginia: 2062. Also, petition of the American Flag relating to the powers, duties, and func­ H. R. 6066. A bill to diminish the causes of Council, No. 28, Daughters of America, Had­ labor disputes in the performance of na­ denfield, N. J., petitioning consideration of tions of the Hawaiian Homes Com­ tional-defense contracts; to the Committee their resolution with reference to House bill mission. on th:e Judiciary. 1410; to the Committee on Ways and Means. The message also announced that the By Mr. WICKERSHAM: 2063. Also, petition of the Shelton Grange, House bad passed a bill <H. R. 5833) to H. J. Res. 247. Joint resolution providing Shelton, Wash., petitioning consideration of extend the time during which orders and antistrike legislation in defense industries; their resolution with reference to House bill marketing agreements under the Agri­ to the Committee on Labor. 1410; to the Committee on Ways and Means. cultural Adjustment Act, as amended, By Mr. SCHULTE: H. Res. 345. Resolution to investigate the may be applicable to hops, in which it re­ effects of the increased cost of living upon quested the concurrence of the Senate. aged persons and those receiving benefits SENATE The message further announced that from State and Federal relief agencies; to the House had agreed to a concurrent the Committee on Rules. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1941 resolution <H. Con. Res. 56), in which it requested the concurrence of the Senate, The Chaplain, Rev. Z~Barney T. Phil­ as follows: PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS lips, D. D., offered the follo":Ving prayer: Resolved by the House of Representatives Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private We thank Thee, Father of heaven and (the Senate concurring), That there be earth, in whose loving care we are, that printed 10,000 additional copies of each of bills and resolutions were introduced and the reports submitted to the House during severally referred as follows~ Thou hast blessed us not only with free­ the current Congress by the Select Commit­ By Mr. DIMOND: dom and prosperity, with the gleam of tee to Investigate National Defense Migra­ H. R. 6061. A bill for the relief of Mr. and day and the stars of night, but also with tion, of which 9,000 copies shall be for the Mrs. Werner M. Bertelson and Ellen W. the flowers of youth, the fruitage Qf our use of said committee and 1,000 copies for Sessions; to the Committee on Claims. riper years, and with every blessing that the use of the House document room. 1941 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 8999 ENROLLED BILLS SIQNED By Mr. TYDINGS: · Resolved, ,.,hat we, the Wood County Board, ·Petitions of .sundry citizens of the State of go on record as soliciting the United States The message also announced that the Maryland praying for the enactment of the Government to give manufacturers of farm Speaker had affixed his signature to the bill (S.
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