O C V ΓΡΑΦΕΙ ΤΗΝ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ Bringing the news ΤΟΥ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΣΜΟΥ to generations of ΑΠΟ ΤΟ 1915 The National Herald Greek Americans A WEEKLY GREEK AMERICAN PUBLICATION c v www.thenationalherald.com VOL. 10, ISSUE 515 August 25, 2007 $1.00 GREECE: 1.75 EURO Karamanlis Christodoulos in Good Opting for Pre-Op Condition for Elections in Liver Transplant Surgery Three Weeks By Theodore Kalmoukos More examinations on the ailing Special to The National Herald Greek prelate are expected to con- tinue in the coming days, in keeping Prime Minister Sets BOSTON, Mass. – Doctors at the with standard procedures at Ameri- University of Miami/Jackson can hospitals prior to even the most September 16 Election Memorial Medical Center have minor operations. found Archbishop Christodoulos of Christodoulos, 68, arrived at Mi- Date, 6 Months Early Athens & All Greece in very good ami International Airport in Florida condition, based on extensive test- at 2:30 PM last Saturday afternoon, By Nicholas Paphitis ing the Archbishop has undergone, August 18, aboard the Prime Minis- Associated Press so far. ter Costas Karamanlis’ government Sources told The National Her- jet, as Orthodox faithful in Greece ATHENS (AP) – Prime Minister ald that the much-revered head of and abroad anxiously await and Costas Karamanlis called for elec- the Church of Greece underwent pray for the successful treatment of tions on September 16, asking vot- highly specialized examinations on his condition. ers for a fresh mandate for reform his heart and liver, which indicate Internationally renowned Greek six months before his conservative that he is in very good pre-opera- American surgeon Andreas Tzakis government's four-year term was tional condition which, in turn, will perform the liver transplant the scheduled to end. means that his body can accept a Archbishop needs to ensure his re- Costas Karamanlis made the an- liver transplant at any moment at covery. Dr. Tzakis, a pioneering nouncement during a televised ad- this time. physician and researcher in the field dress last Friday, August 17, after a This development further boost- who performs some 200 transplants meeting with Hellenic Republic ed the Archbishop’s optimism and each year, has saved thousands of President Karolos Papoulias, who morale, sources said, because test lives, including several Greek Amer- approved his request for the Hel- results involved the most crucial icans. lenic Parliament to be dissolved. part of pre-operational testing, Archbishop Christodoulos came The prime minister said he checking to see if his body would be from Greece carrying an amulet, a wanted to reform the economy, ed- in a strong enough to accept a trans- small cross made from a piece of the ucation and the judiciary. plantation of a vital organ. actual Cross upon which Christ was "This requires a strong parlia- AP/PETROS GIANNAKOURIS Immediately after the positive crucified. The amulet was given to mentary majority. I visited the pres- Back in action on his own turf results from tests, Christodoulos the Archbishop personally by Mr. ident and handed him a letter, in was officially placed on the trans- Karamanlis, who visited which I request the dissolution of Vasilis Spanoulis of Greece tries to score as Matteo Soragna, left, and Massimo Bulleri of Italy try to stop plant waiting list, which means that Christodoulos at his home last Fri- Parliament and the holding of elec- him during the Acropolis Basketball Tournament in Athens’ Olympic Stadium this past Tuesday, August 21. a new liver may be found for him at day, August 17, and wished him “a tions on September 16. Above all, The Houston Rockets traded Spanoulis, who had limited NBA action, to the San Antonio Spurs this past Ju- any time from any part of the Unit- safe trip and healthy return.” we have a duty to advance at a ly. The Spurs released him from his contract so he could play for Pan-Atheniakos, which is reportedly of- ed States, since there is a nation- The Archbishop and his en- steadier pace and seek progress for fering him a multi-million-dollar contract. wide network in place to locate all on the basis of fiscal stability," transplantable organs. Continued on page 5 Karamanlis said. "I firmly believe the citizenry de- sires continuation of the changes and reforms, with new momentum and new speed," he told the last Acoustics Can Prevent Bridge Collapses Cabinet meeting of his govern- ment, adding that it was a national By Dimitri Soultogiannis evolve in myriad research labs and “It’s like going to the doctor,” Dr. necessity, and his obligation, to Special to the National Herald universities. Vahaviolos said in an effort to ex- seek a renewal of the people's man- Several vendors – to include the plain what his company does in lay- date. WASHINGTON, D.C. – Even as in- Physical Acoustics Corporation in man’s terms. Opinion polls have shown a vestigators continue to work to re- Princeton, New Jersey and Pure “When you are in pain and you drop in the Karamanlis' conserva- cover victims and pinpoint the Technologies LTD in Calgary, Alber- go to the doctor, the first thing any tive New Democracy party's lead cause of this month’s catastrophic ta – already offer intricate portable doctor will do is examine the pa- over the Pan-Hellenic Socialist collapse of the Interstate 35W systems using sensors which can tient and locate the source of pain; Movement (PASOK), the socialist bridge over the Mississippi River in “hear” cracking in bridge cables or then he tries to cure it. And that’s main opposition. The lead has Minneapolis, one subject getting steel components so that engineers what we do at Mistras Group when ranged from 0.4 to one percentage more immediate attention is the can better assess structural condi- it comes to examining the condi- point in June – down from four per- availability of systems which can tions. tion of any bridge in the country,” centage points just after the 2004 help highway officials better judge Founder & Chairman/CEO of he said. elections, and about two points the health of the nation's bridges. PAC and the MISTRAS Group Sote- Since most of the bridges in the earlier this year. Sensor technology to monitor rios Vahaviolos told the National Unites States are aging, Dr. Vahavi- Critics have attributed the de- the structural integrity – steel and Herald that his company has made olos said, the demand for nonde- cline to a bond-trading scandal and concrete health – of highway major strides toward the comple- structive testing (NDT) and inspec- public anger over the Government's bridges already exists, and has tion of its digital wireless-sensor tion goes up. “The human eye is AP/PETROS GIANNAKOURIS response to a wave of forest fires been in use in many parts of the technology system which assists simply not enough anymore. We Archbishop Christodoulos of Athens & All Greece waves from an aircraft this summer. country, while new and improved Bridge Operators in preventing prior to departing for the U.S. from Elefsis military airport, southwest of Analysts said a second term monitoring systems continue to bridge failures. Continued on page 2 Athens last Saturday, August 18. He is in Miami for a liver transplant. would allow the Government to re- form the pension system; engage in more privatization; and improve the country's competitiveness. Culture Minister George Voul- garakis said drawn-out speculation Christos Gage Controls the Life of Superheroes Rep. Bilirakis on when elections would be held had "harmed the country and the By Mark Frangos tures of Spider Man, Batman, the the very beginning and never were labeled a comic writer, a TV Makes Good economy." Special to the National Herald Incredible Hulk and the X-Men, stopped. I still write screenplays, writer or a movie writer, and it was The conservatives are expected among others. Chris Gage has but comics are very close to my rare to do other things. But now NEW YORK – A great number of quickly risen up the ranks as one of heart. I didn’t want to be somebody you see people going back and On Promise, Continued on page 5 Hellenes around the world have the go to writers for both Marvel who came in from Hollywood and forth. As a creative person, this Nicholas Gage’s books somewhere and DC Comics. did a miniseries or two, but I want- works out best because you can on their bookshelf. It stands to rea- He didn’t start off writing ed to be a regular comic book come up with an idea and decide if Shaves Head son, considering that at on point, comics. Along with his wife Ruth, writer.” it’s better as a movie, TV show, “Eleni” was the second bestselling who he met in film school and mar- His first comic book was a series comic, novel or something else.” WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congress- book in Greece after the Bible. ried in 2001, Christos also wrote about a minor character for DC Christos and his two sisters man Gus Bilirakis (R-Florida) kept Community’s What many Greek Americans may many screenplays, including for the Comics named Deadshot. Since spent their early years in Neo Psy- his promise to shave his head for not know is that many of their chil- television shows, “Law & Order: then, Christos has written for all his chico, just outside Athens, where the American Cancer Society’s Reaction to the dren are reading the work of Mr. SVU” and “Numbers” and a movie, favorite characters. He continues to the family lived from 1977 to 1982. Southeast Hillsborough Unit last Gage’s son every month.
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