ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATISM Vol. 50, No. 9, September 2004, pp 2974–2984 DOI 10.1002/art.20485 © 2004, American College of Rheumatology A Double-Blind, Multicenter Trial Comparing Duloxetine With Placebo in the Treatment of Fibromyalgia Patients With or Without Major Depressive Disorder Lesley M. Arnold,1 Yili Lu,2 Leslie J. Crofford,3 Madelaine Wohlreich,2 Michael J. Detke,4 Smriti Iyengar,2 and David J. Goldstein,5 for the Duloxetine Fibromyalgia Trial Group Objective. To assess the efficacy and safety of Impression of Severity (CGI-Severity) scale, Patient duloxetine, a serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake Global Impression of Improvement (PGI-Improvement) inhibitor, in subjects with primary fibromyalgia, with or scale, Brief Pain Inventory (short form), Medical Out- without current major depressive disorder. comes Study Short Form 36, Quality of Life in Depres- Methods. This study was a randomized, double- sion Scale, and Sheehan Disability Scale. blind, placebo-controlled trial conducted in 18 outpa- Results. Compared with placebo-treated subjects, tient research centers in the US. A total of 207 subjects duloxetine-treated subjects improved significantly more on the FIQ total score, with a treatment (0.027 ؍ meeting the American College of Rheumatology criteria (P ,for primary fibromyalgia were enrolled (89% female, difference of ؊5.53 (95% confidence interval ؊10.43 white, mean age 49 years, 38% with current major ؊0.63), but not significantly more on the FIQ pain score 87% ,Compared with placebo-treated subjects .(0.130 ؍ depressive disorder). After single-blind placebo treat- (P ment for 1 week, subjects were randomly assigned to duloxetine-treated subjects had significantly greater or (104 ؍ receive duloxetine 60 mg twice a day (n reductions in Brief Pain Inventory average pain severity for 12 weeks. Co–primary outcome (103 ؍ placebo (n -Brief Pain Inventory average inter ,(0.008 ؍ score (P measures were the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire number of tender ,(0.004 ؍ ference from pain score (P (FIQ) total score (score range 0–80, with 0 indicating no ,(0.048 ؍ and FIQ stiffness score (P ,(0.002 ؍ points (P impact) and FIQ pain score (score range 0–10). Second- and had significantly greater improvement in mean ary outcome measures included mean tender point pain CGI-Severity ,(0.002 ؍ tender point pain threshold (P threshold, number of tender points, FIQ fatigue, tired- and several ,(0.033 ؍ PGI-Improvement (P ,(0.048 ؍ P) ness on awakening, and stiffness scores, Clinical Global quality-of-life measures. Duloxetine treatment im- Supported by Eli Lilly and Company. proved fibromyalgia symptoms and pain severity re- 1Lesley M. Arnold, MD: University of Cincinnati College of gardless of baseline status of major depressive disorder. ؍ Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio; 2Yili Lu, PhD, Madelaine Wohlreich, Compared with placebo-treated female subjects (n ؍ ,MD, Smriti Iyengar, PhD: Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis Indiana; 3Leslie J. Crofford, MD: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; 92), duloxetine-treated female subjects (n 92) dem- 4Michael J. Detke, MD, PhD: Indiana University Medical School and onstrated significantly greater improvement on most Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, Indiana, McLean Hospital, efficacy measures, while duloxetine-treated male sub- ؍ -Belmont, Massachusetts, and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mas sachusetts; 5David J. Goldstein, MD, PhD: Indiana University Medical jects (n 12) failed to improve significantly on any School and PRN Consulting, Indianapolis, Indiana. efficacy measure. The treatment effect on significant Drs. Crofford and Arnold have received consulting fees or pain reduction in female subjects was independent of honoraria in the last 2 years from Eli Lilly and Company (Dr. Crawford Ͻ$10,000, Dr. Arnold Ͼ$10,000). In addition to the authors the effect on mood or anxiety. Duloxetine was safely employed by Eli Lilly and Company listed above, Dr. Goldstein’s wife administered and well tolerated. is employed by Eli Lilly and Company. Conclusion. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Lesley M. In this randomized, controlled, 12- Arnold, MD, University of Cincinnati Medical Arts Building, Suite week trial (with a 1-week placebo lead-in phase), dulox- 8200, 222 Piedmont Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45219. E-mail: etine was an effective and safe treatment for many of the [email protected]. Submitted for publication July 11, 2003; accepted in revised symptoms associated with fibromyalgia in subjects with form May 26, 2004. or without major depressive disorder, particularly for 2974 DULOXETINE VERSUS PLACEBO IN FIBROMYALGIA 2975 women, who had significant improvement across most persistent and neuropathic pain and found to be effec- outcome measures. tive in reducing pain-related behaviors at doses that did not cause neuromuscular dysfunction (19–21). In these Fibromyalgia is a chronic musculoskeletal pain animal models, duloxetine was more potent than ven- disorder of unknown etiology, characterized by wide- lafaxine, amitriptyline, or desipramine and more effec- spread pain and muscle tenderness, and often accompa- tive than the SSRI paroxetine and the selective NE nied by fatigue, sleep disturbance, and depressed mood inhibitor thionisoxetine in reducing persistent pain- (1,2). Fibromyalgia occurs in ϳ2% of the general pop- related behaviors in animals (20). The findings from ulation in the US and is more common in women than in these preclinical studies suggested that duloxetine might men (3.4% of women and 0.5% of men) (3). There are be an effective treatment for some forms of persistent few reported effective treatments and no Food and Drug pain in humans. Administration–approved treatments for fibromyalgia, Abnormalities in 5-HT and NE neurotransmis- which is associated with substantial morbidity and dis- sion are also involved in the pathophysiology of major ability. depressive disorder, which is frequently comorbid with The pathophysiology of fibromyalgia is unknown, fibromyalgia (1). Patients with major depressive disorder but abnormalities in central monoaminergic neurotrans- commonly present with painful physical symptoms, such mission might play a role. There is evidence of dysfunc- as headache, back pain, stomach aches, and poorly tion in both serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine [5-HT]) localized musculoskeletal pain, although it is not known and norepinephrine (NE) systems in patients with fibro- whether major depressive disorder is associated with myalgia (4–7). Both 5-HT and NE have also been altered pain processing or whether the pain associated implicated in the mediation of endogenous analgesic with major depressive disorder has an etiology similar to mechanisms via the descending inhibitory pain pathways that of pain in fibromyalgia (22–24). Duloxetine has in the brain and spinal cord (8–10). Dysfunction of been shown to be a safe, tolerable, and effective antide- 5-HT– and NE-mediated descending pain-inhibitory pressant at doses of 60–120 mg/day (25–27). In a previ- pathways is a potential mechanism for the pain experi- ous trial, duloxetine also significantly reduced painful enced by patients with fibromyalgia. Antidepressants physical symptoms associated with major depressive that increase 5-HT– and NE-mediated neurotransmis- disorder (28). sion are commonly used to treat fibromyalgia and other Based on the evidence from preclinical and clin- chronic pain conditions (11). Prior treatment studies ical studies of duloxetine showing potential efficacy in with antidepressant medications suggested that inhibi- tion of both the 5-HT and NE reuptake transporters was the treatment of persistent pain symptoms and the more effective in treating fibromyalgia than inhibition of painful physical symptoms associated with depression, either transporter alone (11,12). Two recent meta-ana- we hypothesized that duloxetine would be safe and lyses of trials of tricyclic medications that inhibit both efficacious in reducing pain severity and the impact of 5-HT and NE reuptake found a consistent, moderate fibromyalgia in patients with or without current major efficacy for these agents (13,14). However, many pa- depressive disorder. To test this hypothesis on behalf of tients with fibromyalgia cannot tolerate the sedative and the Duloxetine Fibromyalgia Trial Group (see Appendix other adverse effects associated with tricyclic agents. As A), we conducted a randomized, placebo-controlled, an alternative to tricyclic agents, selective serotonin double-blind, parallel-group study to assess the safety reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), which are likely to be better and efficacy of duloxetine, titrated to 60 mg twice a day, tolerated, have had mixed results in treatment studies of in 207 outpatients meeting the American College of fibromyalgia (12,15–18). Rheumatology (ACR) criteria for fibromyalgia (2) with Duloxetine hydrochloride is a potent 5-HT and or without current major depressive disorder. The dose NE reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) that is relatively evenly of 120 mg/day was selected based on results of a previous balanced with similar affinity for both 5-HT and NE clinical trial of fibromyalgia suggesting that patients reuptake inhibition. Duloxetine lacks significant affinity might respond better to higher doses of antidepressants ␣ for muscarinic, histamine 1, 1-adrenergic, dopamine, (16). This is one of the largest clinical trials ever 5-HT1A, 5-HT1B, 5-HT1D, 5-HT2A, 5-HT2C, and opi- conducted for the treatment of fibromyalgia, and, to our oid receptors. Because of the proposed role of 5-HT
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