,V tion had been pronounced and the family, TROOPS TO CHECK REBELLION THE MILLER PRE member* of the President Roosevelt and others who had gather- DEAID ANDRUIN IN •V A. BUtHPIELO, CLAIMS EX-PRESIDENT J. the ” DEATH grave, leaving ed about the were •V;. Depredations of Rfevolntionisls Cause' cemetery. Great Alarm in Northern miller, • south oakst Passes Away Suddenly at His Services Were Simple. Grover Cleveland Mexico. PATH Of TORNADO Many of the personal friends of the Princeton Home—End of Notable Career— dead statesman lingered about the spot which was to mark his last rest- El Paso, Tex., June 30. Fifteen Seven Killed in Storm Which NEWS Of THE WEEK IN EPITOMI Sorrow Is Universal. ing place, and each in turn was per- hundred troops have arrived in Tor- mitted to cast a shovelful of earth into reon to protect that city from the Wrecked Village of Clinton, revolutionists, and Inportiol Events at Home and o« the grave. pected attack by Funeral Services Are Marked by Simplicity, Without Agreeably to the wishes of Mrs. the Americans are preparing to send Minnesota. Foreifn Shores Briefly Cleveland, the services, both at the their families to the states for safety, Told. Eulogy or Sermon—President and Other Dis- house and at the cemetery, were of according to reports brought here last the simplest character. An invoca- night. Personal. tinguished Men Attend. tion, Scriptural reading, a brief prayer it is reported that the revolutionists SOUTH DAKOTA TOWN IN RUINS and the reading Words- the village of Matamo- The Louisiana legislature adopted of William have attacked worth's poem, “Character of the Hap- fifteen miles from resolutions of regret over the death of ras, Coahuila, about J., Grover election, py Warrior,” the have occupied that town. Graceville, Minn., 30. Seven Grover Cleveland. Princeton, N. June 25. torial as indicative of the constituted services Torreon, and June Cleveland, twice president of the probability of his carrying New York at the house, while the reading of the Official advices relative to sending William Whiteway, former pre- dead, eleven badly injured and sixty Sir United States, died at 8:40 o’clock and of attracting the independent burial service at* the grave was brief troops to Torreon say that with the mier Newfoundland, died at St. more or less Injured and a property of yesterday morning at his home, "West vote, secured him the Democrat :c and impressive. forces stationed there the town is aged Johns, eighty-one. ‘ loss of at least $H. >.ooo Is the record Land,” in this quiet college town, nomination for the presidency in 1884. Distinguished Men Present. now impregnable.” r Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., son of the he since his retire- the election the popular of a tornado w’hich wrecked the vil- where had lived In November Although the funeral was of a strict- Alarm at Chihuahua. president, was given his bachelor’s as the nation’s chief executive, vote for Mr. Cleveland was there is lage Saturday evening. ment east 4,911,- ly private nature, those in attendance At Chihuahua considerable of Clinton degree after three years of study, hav- twelve years ago. as against Mr. guards aimost 017. 4,848,334 cast for numbered many distinguished citi- alarm among the citizens and The storm covered an area of 30f> Ing taken extra courses. When death came, which was •Hid- through the Blaine. zens, including President Roosevelt. are continually passing yards wide and four miles and W. B. Leeds, an American financier, den, there were in the death cham- many extra police Cleveland’s first administration was Gov Fort of New Jersey, Gov. Hughes streets. A great a tour along the path of the stoim suddenly at the Hits hotel in Pa- ber Mrs. Cleveland, I)r. Joseph D. jails of Chi- fled marked by general prosperity; by the of New York, Gov. Hoke Smith of have been sworn in Both yesterday showed desolation as com- ris. at one time orominently Bryant New York, Mr. Cleveland’s He was of admission of four new states (Wash- Georgia, former members of President huahua are protected by reinforced plete as it is possible to picture. with the Rock Island inter* family physician and personal friend; on Identified ington, Montana, North Dakota and Cleveland’s cabinet, officials of the guards, and troops are stationed People who have experienced other sets. George It, Ixx-kwood of New Yo>k Dr. South Dakota) to the Union, and by Equitable Life Assurance society, the roofs of public buildings. tornadoes say that this left the most and Dr. John M. Carnoehan of Prince- President Eliot, at the commence- a freer use of the veto power than members of the Princeton university Two hundred men of the Kighteenth complete ruin in its wake of any in ton. ment exercises at Harvard unlveraity, had generally been exercised by other faculty and friends and neighbors. battalion. Mexican infantry, arrived their experience. The marvel Is that An official statement, given out sud dis- announced that the degree of doctor presidents. On the meeting of con- Mr. Cleveland was buried with all last night In Juarez and will be so few were killed and that the list of signed by the three physicians, give of laws had been conferred upon gress, In December, 1887, he devoted the simplicity and privacy that he tributed in the vicinity of that town. injured isn’t longer. University heart trouble, superinduced by stom- make an aggre- President Van Hlae of the his annual message mainly to the ad- himself might have wished, as a pri- These reinforcements Havoc Is Complete. ach and kidney ailments of long stand- of Wisconsin. vocacy of a reduction in tariff duties vate citizen rather tl>«ri as the former gate of 500 soldiers stationed in Ju- ing, as the cause of death. Coming to the village of Clinton the Dr. Ezra Bralnerd, for twenty-five in order to prevent the further ir- chief executive of the nation. There arez. Death Is Unexpected. real havoc is seen. All the southwest years president of Middlebury college crease of the surplus in the United was nothing that savored of the offi- Railroads Suffer Heavily. While Mr. Cleveland had been In corner of the town is absolutely clean- at Middlebury, Vt., has retired from States treasury. This message occa- cial. and the military element was in- Information brought here last night poor health for the last two years and ed out. Thirty-three houses were Ihe presidency and his successor, sioned a prolonged discussion of the jected solely as a measure of precau- by passengers on the incoming Mexi- had lost a hundred pounds in weight, completely destroyed and twenty-five Rev. Dr. Thomas of Orange, principles of protection and in protecting President Roose- John M. fuming i tion , train that all bridges his death came unexpectedly. can Central is practically ruined. N. J., has been inducted into the of- the issue in the national political cam- Veit. approaches to Torreon on every The news of Mr Cleveland’s death and A most serious problem presents fice. paign in 1888, when Mr. Cleveland road the Mexican have came as a sudden shock to the peo- President Offers Sympathy. except Central itself to the people of Clinton. About was renominated by the Democrats burned. The International line William F. Traffley, once manager ple of Princeton, as it did to the peo- The president arrived at 4:38 p. m been 200 have to be cared for. The medical manager and Benjamin Harrison was chosen of on which is located of the Baltimore team, and ple of Ihe rest of the world. and was met at the station by Gov. out Torreon, aid Is sufficient, as the doctors fiom as the Republican candidate. Al- Matamoras, reported U> be of the Des Moines team in 1886. when It was not until late in the day Fort. The president. Gov. Fort and the town of Graceville and Ortonville have been made a record of twenty- though the former received a popular in the hands of revolutionists, has suf- they world’s that messages of condolence began to 1 Secretary l.oeh were driven at once in constant attendance for over twen- majority larger than he had in 1884 heavily, and the & Pa- five games won in succession, died at come in from all parts of the world !to Westland. Upon his arrival at the fered Coahuila ty-lour hours. They have every case the latter had the greater number of cific railway is entirely tied up as the Des Moines of tuberculosis, aged for- to Mrs. Cleveland. One of the first house the president went to Mrs. handled in the best shape, lfut all electoral votes, and accordingly on depredations by ty-eight years. was from Mr. Hoosevelt. | Cleveland, offering his sympathy and result of committed the clothing and property of those March 4, 1889, Mr. Cleveland left revolutionists. After an illness of several weeks So suddenly did Mr. Cleveland’s expiessing keen regret at Mr. Cleve- whose homes are ruined are trone, and Washington and removed to New There is a general movement of village is so small ih. Charles B. Jefferson, the former the- death occur that not one of his four land’s death the rest of the t York to engage in the practice of law. troops from Mexico City to the north, able give it dp. atrical manager and eldest son of the children were at home. The children The president tlum returned to the it is not to sufficient ¦ ivf 1 Continued Same Policy.
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