NEWS BROADCASTS ~L..-T_RAN_N_E_~_W_eo_AN_R_~_A_1 ~~¥~NJ~~ I~ CBK DAILY • I WATROUS Trans·Canada Nelwork: (Trans-Canada Network) 8:00,9:00 a.m. 1:00,6:30, 540 Kes. 9:00 p.m. 12 Midnight 1"1 Be PROGRAM eBe Dominion Nelwork: Prairie Region 10:00 p.m. .... SCHEDULE Transmitter Times given in this Schedule are Central Daylight DATE OF ISSUE, MAY 26, 1945 PRAIRIE REGION Wuk of June 3rd, 1945 612 Telephone Bldg., Winnipeg, Canada CBC Winnipeg Launching Ambitious New Music-Drama Series "Once Upon a Time," by Ray Darby, I Three Masqueteers Scheduled on Trans-Canada June 3rd Esse Ljungh Will Produce Thirteen Dramatic Fantasias, With Original Music by Roy Locksley, as Summer Feature From Winnipeg "ONE of our biggest undertakings, which will strain our musical and dramatic resources to the limit," is Esse Ljungh's comment on his new series, "Once Upon a Time," beginning on CBC's Trans­ Canada network Sunday, June 3, at 5:00 p.m. from Winnipeg, Ljungh, as Prairie Region drama producer; Roy Locksley, as con­ ductor; and Ray Darby, as author, are combining their talents in this ambitious series, which will run for thirteen summer weeks. They will use large dramatic casts, a concert orchestra specializing in novel effects, and male and mixed choruses. Original Work Author, conductor, and producer June 3, is a repeat of Darby's suc­ are aiming at originality in all phases cessful play "Peter and the Bugs," of this work. The stories are original done on CBC's Trans-Canada net­ products of Darby's pen, Locksley is work on Christmas Day, 1944. The writing original music for them, and success of this program led author the production methods and eff~cts and producer to plan a complete Ljungh will Uie are new and striking. series along similar lines. "Peter The opening program, Sunday, Continued on page 4 The three men chiefly responsible for CBC's new Trans-Canada network Beetle Spider summer series Of drama-fantasies. "Once Upon A Time" (beginning Sunday, June 3, at 5:00 p.m.) are here, as our whimsical artist has caught them. Left to right: Roy LOCKSLEY, conductor; ESSE LJUNGH, producer; and RAY DARBY, author. While the quaint figures of Darby's fancy float about in the pictorial stratosphere, Locksley wields his baton, Ljungh consults his stOPwatch, and Darby shoulders a mighty pen. Veteran Winnipeg far cry from Shakespeare's tragic hero. He plays the Spider, a whim­ Actors in Drama­ sical personage with a hear~ of gold Fantasy Opener and a tendency to humorous quirks of character. In the opening play of Ray Darby's new fantastic drama series "Once George Secord, who will play the Upon A Time" (CBC Trans-Canada Beetle in "Peter Smith," wishes he Network, Sunday, June 3rd, 5:00 had a dollar for every time he ·has p.m.) two veterans actors of Winni­ said "Aha! me proud beauty!" on the peg will add another odd touch to repertory stage. George has played their long records of varying roles. stock in a hundred towns and cities George Waight, stalwart Winnipeg of Canada and the United States. He banker, athlete, and painter of is the dean of Winnipeg's radio-act­ charming water colours, made his ing fraternity, and is heard from most remarkable Winnipeg hit in a cac Winnipeg in the Thursday command performance of "Othello" dramas, the Farm Broadcast, and before the Earl and Countess of Bess­ many other programs. In Ray Darby's new fantasia series The wise and ~enerable beetle of Ray borough. George was known as a Darby's "Peter Smith and the BUgs," "Once Upon A Time" (Trans-Canada "natural" Othello. His massive phy­ sique, and swarthily-handsome fea­ which will open the new drama-fan­ network, Sundays, 5: 00 p.m.) GEORCE Stifle Them! I hope none of you tures made the role inevitably his tasy series "Once Upon A Time" on mothers or fathers have movie am­ WAIGHT, veteran CBe actor, will play when John Craig produced the play Sunday, June 3 (Trans-Canada net­ bitions for your children. If you with a Winnipeg cast in the far-off work, 5:00 p.1n'> will be played by the important role of the Spider in have, I'd advise you to stifle them. I thirties. His role in the repeat of George Secord, Winnipeg actor of "Peter Smith and the Bugs," sched­ mean the movie ambitions, not the "Peter Smith and the Bugs," first 1n children.-Frank Morriss, on CSC, many roles and seasons. uled to open the series on June 3. the "Once Upon A Time" series, is a April 19. Page 2 eBe PROGRAM SCHEDULE Prairie Region "Captain Happy" CONTRASTS IN RHYTHM (7:30 p.m) IIII__S_U_ND_A_Y,_Ju_ne_3r_d,_194_5__1111 (Dominion) Paul Scherman will be the guest All times given are Central Daylight; lOT Mountain Time deduct one hour, violinist with Lou Snider and or­ STATION CBK, WATROUS TRANS-CANADA chestra tonight. He will play the 10:00 CBC NEWS (2 Mins.) (Programs 0/ the Trans-Canada net­ John Green melody, "Body and work oOered to Prairie Region net­ Soul." The orchestra will play "Let's 10:02 NEIGHBORLY NEWS FROM works or stations, not carried on Face the Music and Dance," and THE PRAIRIES <13 Mins.) CBK) "Russian Lullaby," by Irving Berlin; 10:15 THE PRAIRIE GARDENER "Hungarian Dance No.5," by Jo­ (15 Mins.) 9: 00 a.m. CBC NEWS (Central stations) (5 Afins.> hannes Brahms, "Basin Street 10:30 LA VIE DES QUATRES Blues," by Spencer WUliams, and 9:45 a.m. MUSICAL PROGRAM (15 Mins.) Recorded, (15 Mins,) "Broadway Rhythm." by Nacio Brown. Pat. Berry, vocalist, will sing 10:45 CAUSERIE DE L'HEURE 10:30 a.m. MUSIC BY MOZART Mins,) DOMINICALE (15 Recorded. (30 Mins,) "I Should Care," from Paul Weston's "Thrill of a Romance," and "Let's II :00 BBC NEWS (15 Mins.) 11:00 p.m. BBC NEWS REEL Take the Long Way Home," by (15 Mins,) 11:15 CANADIAN YARNS Harold Arlen. (IS Mins,) 11:15 TALK BY RALPH WIGHT­ II :30 NBC CONCERT ORCHESTRA MAN (15 Mins,) (29 MinsJ SUNDAY EVENING RECITAL 11:59 DOMINION OBSERVATORY DOMINION (9:00 p.m.) OFFICIAL TIME SIGNAL (Programs 0/ the Dominion network (Dominion) (1 .Min.> offered to Prairie Region networks or Tonight's recitalist is Arthur Ben­ 12:00 MUSICAL PROGRAM stations. not carried on CBK) jamin, Vancouver pianist, formerly Recorded. (15 Mins.) 5:00 SUMMER HOUR (30 Min,.) The only shipmaster in the Mari­ of London and Australia. 12:15 JUST MARY <15 Mins.) 7:00 SONGS OF THE VOLGA times who has built a shipyard, C01t­ structed a steel ship and sailed 12:30 CHAMBER MUSIC (30 Mins.) it away, will tell Canadian li.$teners THE CHORISTERS (10:00 p.m.) (30 Mins.) 7:30 CONTRASTS IN RHYTHM stories oj the sea in the June broad­ Tonight·s program is as follows: 1 :00 CBC NEWS (4 Mins.) (30 Mins,) casts oj "Canadian Yarns." He is "Then Round About the St.arry 8:00 RADIO READERS' DIGEST 1:04 WASHINGTON COMMENT­ CAPTAIN H. G. EDWARDS oj Campbell­ Throne" (HandeD; "Oft. in the Stilly (30 Min,.) ARY (11 Mins.> ton, N.B., who will be heard first on Night" (a.n. W. H. Anderson); 1:15 TO BE ANNOUNCED 8:30 STAR THEATRE (30 Mins.) Sunday, June 3, at 11 :15 a.m. and "Dashing Away" (Old English); "0 (15 Mins.) 9:00 SUNDAY EVENING 12:15 a.m. Eastern and Midwestern Gentle Moon" (Martin) ; "Open Thy 1 :30 RELIGIOUS PERIOD RECITAL (30 Mins.) sections oj the CBC Trans-Canada Gates" (Harrison); "0 Be Joyful in (30 Mins.) 9:30 LATIN AMERICAN network. the Lord" (GretchaninotO. The choir 2:00 NEWYORK PHILHARMONIC SERENADE (30 Mins.> of mixed voices is directed by W. H. SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 10:00 CBC NEWS AND COMMENT­ Anderson, of Winnipeg. (90 Mins.) ARY (15 Mins,) phries; and cello. Deszo Mahalek. 3:30 CHURCH OF THE AIR 10:30 WINNIPEG PRESENTS Also on the broadcast will be Haydn's (30 Mins.) (30 Mins,) Divertimento. MUSIC FROM THE PACIFIC (10:30 p.m.) 4:00 CBC NEWS (3 Mins.) WASHINGTON COMMENTARY Orchestra under Percy Harvey, 4:03 CONCERT CORNER with vocalists Ann Watt and Arthur Recorded. (27 Mins.) (1 :04 p.m.) Ross-Jones. Ann Watt has chosen The speaker today is Charles 4:30 LET'S PLAY DUETS CANADIAN YARNS (11 :15 a.m.­ "Allah's Holiday" and "A Heart Michie, Washington. correspondent (30 Mins.) 12:15 a.m.) That's Free." Arthur Ross-Jones of­ for an American weekly paper. 5:00 ONCE UPON A TIME Captain R. G. Edwards oC Camp­ fers "I Heard A Forest Praying." (30 Min".> bellton, N.B., "Captain Happy." to On the orchestral side there are: 5:30 JOHN FISHER REPORTS many MariUmers, will tell adven­ RELIGIOUS PERIOD (1 :30 p.m.) "Let's Face the Music and Dance," (15 Mins.) ture tales of forty years at sea during Lt.-Col. Rufus Spooner of the Sal­ "Love Waltz," "There's a Lull In My Life"; and "Two Hearts in Three 5:45 BBC NEWS AND COMMENT­ th.e four Sundays of June. His open­ vation Army, Toronto, is today's ARY (15 Mins.) ing yarn is entitled "Captain Swan­ speaker. Quarter Time." 6:00 SERENADE FOR STRINGS son's Last Voyage," and oth.ers are (30 Mins,) "Burnsie," "The Captain's Cat," and WINNIPEG PRESENTS CHURCH OF THE AIR (3:30 p.m.) 6:30 JOHNNY HOME (30 Mins.) "The Iron-Bound Chest." Born in (10:30 p.m.) Bombay, Captain Edwards spent.
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