THE DIAPASON JUNE 2021 First United Methodist Church Lubbock, Texas Cover feature on pages 22–24 PHILLIP TRUCKENBROD CONCERT ARTISTS ŚĂƌůĞƐDŝůůĞƌWƌĞƐŝĚĞŶƚ WŚŝůůŝƉdƌƵĐŬĞŶďƌŽĚ&ŽƵŶĚĞƌ THE DIAPASON Editor’s Notebook Scranton Gillette Communications One Hundred Twelfth Year: No. 6, Digital edition promotion Whole No. 1339 As a reminder, through the end of June, those buying a new JUNE 2021 or renewal one-year subscription receive a free one-year digital Established in 1909 subscription for a friend. This offer is valid when purchasing a Stephen Schnurr ISSN 0012-2378 print or digital subscription; the free subscription is digital only 847/954-7989; [email protected] and is intended for a new subscriber. For information and to www.TheDiapason.com An International Monthly Devoted to the Organ, subscribe: toll free, 877/501-7540; local, 847/763-4933; for new the Harpsichord, Carillon, and Church Music subscriptions: https://sgc.dragonforms.com/DPP_newfriend; will be published in the May 2022 issue. Further details will for renewals: https://sgc.dragonforms.com/DPP_renewfriend. appear in Editor’s Notebook in an upcoming issue. In the CONTENTS meantime, direct questions to Stephen Schnurr, Editorial FEATURES Calendar of events Director: [email protected]. Memories of Charles Hendrickson The Calendar section of this issue is the largest listing of by David Engen 14 events in over a year, an encouraging example of a gradual In this issue Exploring the unknown of BWV 565, return of the arts in daily life. Next month’s issue will include a David Engen offers remembrances of Minnesota organ- Part 1 summer carillon concert calendar. builder Charles Hendrickson, who died December 17, 2020, by Michael Gailit 18 If you will be hosting summer organ and carillon recitals at the age of 85. Hendrickson and his firm built over 100 NEWS & DEPARTMENTS and choral events at your church, university, or other venue, instruments by the time of his retirement. Michael Gailit Editor’s Notebook 3 be sure to let me know. It would be a pleasure to announce as explores the musical motives of J. S. Bach’s Toccata in D Here & There 3 many events as possible, in the print issue and at the website. Minor, BWV 565i, the first installment of his series. John Appointments 6 Bishop, in “In the Wind . .,” explores the importance of π in Carillon Profile by Kimberly Schafer 10 The Gruenstein Award is returning! the world of organbuilding. In the wind . by John Bishop 12 The second Gruenstein Award, a biennial competition Our cover feature this month spotlights the new Orgues honoring S. E. Gruenstein, founder and first editor of The Létourneau Opus 135 in First United Methodist Church of Lub- REVIEWS Book Reviews 11 Diapason, will recognize the scholarly work of a young author bock, Texas, a four-manual, 75-rank organ, the first completed New Recordings 25 who has not reached their 35th birthday as of January 31, 2022. under the direction of Dudley Oakes. “New Organs” features Submissions of article-length essays will be accepted from Juget-Sinclair’s Opus 51, built for Christ Church, Episcopal, NEW ORGANS 20 September 1 through January 31, 2022, and the winning article Pelham, New York, a two-manual, 33-stop instrument. Q CALENDAR 27 ORGAN RECITALS 29 Here & There CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 30 Correction announces summer organ recitals, Sun- In “Ernest M. Skinner in Chicago: days at 3:30 p.m.: June 13, Brent Nolte; The first contracts,” April 2021, pages July 18, James Brian Smith; August 8, THE 14–20, the article by Stephen Schnurr Stephen Price. The cathedral houses a DIAPASON erroneously states that Mary Baker Eddy four-manual, 70-rank organ built in 2010 JUNE 2021 was present at the 1893 World’s Fair in by Noack Organ Company, Opus 152. For Chicago. Rather, a paper on Christian information: cathedralsjworkman.org. Science by Mrs. Eddy was read at the World Parliament of Religions during the exposition by Judge Septimus J. Hanna, editor of The Christian Science Journal, on September 22, 1893. Mrs. Eddy did visit Chicago in 1884 and 1888. The author regrets the error. Christ Church, Michigan City, Indiana, First United Methodist Church Roosevelt organ Lubbock, Texas Cover feature on pages 22–24 Events Derek Nickels; 6/23, Matt Gerhard; COVER 6/30, Carey Scheck; Orgues Létourneau, St-Hyacinthe, Québec, July 7, Kent Jager; 7/14, Carol Garrett; Canada; First United Methodist Church, 7/21, Mark Sudeith; 7/28, Bill Halliar; Lubbock, Texas 22 August 4, Lee Meyer; 8/11, George Karst; 8/18, Oliver Rzycki. Roosevelt Opus 506 Editorial Director STEPHEN SCHNURR is an instrument of three manuals, 28 and Publisher [email protected] ranks. For information: 847/954-7989 [email protected]. President RICK SCHWER [email protected] 847/391-1048 St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Greenville, Editor-at-Large ANDREW SCHAEFFER North Carolina, C. B. Fisk Opus 126 [email protected] St. Paul Catholic Cathedral, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Beckerath organ Sales Director JEROME BUTERA East Carolina Musical Arts Educa- [email protected] 608/634-6253 tion Foundation announces its summer St. Paul Catholic Cathedral, Pitts- Circulation/ concert series, originally planned for burgh, Pennsylvania, announces organ Subscriptions THE DIAPASON 2020 in honor of the 15th anniversary of recitals featuring the cathedral’s 1962 P.O. Box 300 Lincolnshire, IL. 60069-0300 the installation of the Perkins and Wells Beckerath organ (four manuals, 67 stops, [email protected] Memorial Organ, C. B. Fisk, Inc., Opus 97 ranks), Sundays at 3:30 p.m.: June 13, Toll-Free: 877/501-7540 126, at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Don Fellows; July 11, Alan Lewis; 7/18, Local: 847/763-4933 Greenville, North Carolina. Events are Larry Allen; 7/25, Mark Anderson with Designer KELLI DIRKS Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.: June 2, Kris Charlene Canty, soprano; [email protected] Rizzotto; 6/9, Pei-Yi Ho; 6/16, Filippa August 1, Russell Weismann; 8/8, John Duke; 6/23, Mark Pacoe; 6/30, Garret Paul Cappa; 8/15, Christine Clewell; Contributing Editors LARRY PALMER Harpsichord Law. For information: opus126.com. 8/22, Jillian Gardner; September 19, Kenneth Danchik. For information: BRIAN SWAGER The Roosevelt Organ Summer Cathedral of St. Joseph the Workman, stpaulpgh.org. Carillon Recital Series announces recitals for La Crosse, Wisconsin, Noack organ JOHN BISHOP 2021, hosted by Christ Church, Michi- The Centralia Carillon, Centralia, In the wind . gan City, Indiana, Wednesdays at 12:15 The Cathedral of St. Joseph the Illinois, announces its 2021 summer p.m.: June 9, Stephen Schnurr; 6/16, Workman, La Crosse, Wisconsin, ³ page 4 GAVIN BLACK On Teaching THE DIAPASON (ISSN 0012-2378) is published monthly by Scranton Gillette Routine items for publication must be received six weeks in advance of the month of Reviewers Stephen Schnurr Communications, Inc., 3030 W. Salt Creek Lane, Suite 201, Arlington Heights, Illinois issue. For advertising copy, the closing date is the 1st. Prospective contributors of articles John L. Speller 60005-5025. Phone 847/954-7989. Fax 847/390-0408. E-mail: [email protected]. should request a style sheet. Unsolicited reviews cannot be accepted. Subscriptions: 1 yr. $45; 2 yr. $83; 3 yr. $115 (United States and U.S. Possessions). Copyright ©2021. Printed in the U.S.A. Canada and Mexico: 1 yr. $45 + $11 shipping; 2 yr. $83 + $16 shipping; 3 yr. $115 + $19 No portion of the contents of this issue may be reproduced in any form without the shipping. Other foreign subscriptions: 1 yr. $45 + $31 shipping; 2 yr. $83 + $42 shipping; specific written permission of the Editor, except that libraries are authorized to make 3 yr. $115 + $50 shipping. Digital subscription (no print copy): 1 yr. $35. Student (digital photocopies of the material contained herein for the purpose of course reserve reading only): $20. Single copies $6 (U.S.A.); $8 (foreign). at the rate of one copy for every fifteen students. Such copies may be reused for other Periodical postage paid at Pontiac, Illinois, and at additional mailing offices. courses or for the same course offered subsequently. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE DIAPASON, P.O. Box 300, Lincolnshire, IL. THE DIAPASON accepts no responsibility or liability for the 60069-0300. validity of information supplied by contributors, vendors, This journal is indexed in the The Music Index, and abstracted in RILM Abstracts. advertisers or advertising agencies. WWW.THEDIAPASON.COM THE DIAPASON Q JUNE 2021 Q 3 Here & There ³ page 3 area who would benefit from having available for viewing at www.trinitybythe- recital series: June 4, Steven Ball; 6/12, the instrument in their home, thus cove.com; click on “Concerts.” Kaskaskia College Choir, Lynda Mar- beginning the Spreckels Organ Society’s shall, conductor; 6/19, Lynnli Wang; Organ Loaner Program. 6/26, Karel Keldermans; The instrument was matched with July 3, Elijah Buerk, carillon, with 17-year-old Declan Bohley, a high Caden Cole, tenor; 7/10, Wylie Craw- school senior from Escondido studying ford; 7/17, Roy Kroezen. For informa- organ, piano, and music in general. He tion: centraliacarillon.org. has been studying organ for six years and piano for twelve, and the loaner instrument in his home has inspired him Benjamin Teague Competitions to explore the organ in ways he has not The Guild of Carillonneurs in been able to before. Llandaff Cathedral with David Geoffrey North America announces the results Bohley will begin college this fall, and Thomas and presently studies with Jer- of its 2021 Franco Composition Com- while he is not planning on pursuing a emiah Stephenson in All Saints’ Church, petition. With a record 58 submissions, degree in organ performance, he intends Margaret Street, London. Teague is the the following prizes are awarded: Geert to apply what he has learned as an organ- dean of the Guild of St.
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