MULTIMODAL TRANSPORTATION BOARD October 27, 2020 - 7:00 p.m. Held via Webex event Ellicott City MD 21043 ****************************************************************************** AGENDA Regular monthly meeting 1) Approval of Agenda for Meeting – Chairperson Schoen 2) Approval of September 29, 2020 Meeting Minutes – Chairperson Schoen 3) Public Comment – General Topics (Participants that have signed up in advance will have 3 minutes each to address the MTB) 4) New Business/Ongoing Business i. Introduction to DPW Director, Tom Meunier, PE ii. Pedestrian Crossings in Howard County – Inventory by type and list of known requests – Kris Jagarapu, PE and Chris Eatough iii. MTA Statewide Transit Plan – Jaime McKay, Maryland Transit Administration, Office of Planning and Capital Programming iv. Revised Resolution on MTA Service Reductions/Suspensions Effective November 2nd – Bruce Gartner 5) Office of Transportation Updates i. Complete Streets Update to County Council – November 9, 2020 ii. Transportation Town Hall – November 18, 2020 – 6:00pm iii. E-Scooter Sharing Permit Award – Mid December (Mid-March Operational Start) 6) Future Meeting Items i. Complete Streets Implementation Updates- Ongoing ii. FY 22 CIP Development iii. Studies of Regional Transit Authority for Baltimore Region iv. Update on Statewide Transit Innovation Grant Projects (Mobile Payments and Bus 7) Adjournment 8) Next Meeting – December 8, 2020 – 7:00pm Item 2 - Minutes MULTIMODAL TRANSPORTATION BOARD MINUTES September 29,2020 7:00pm Members Present: Ted Cochran Staff: Bruce Gartner, Executive Secretary Larry Schoen Jason Quan, Office of Transportation Monica Simon Brian Muldoon, Office of Transportation Shariar Etemadi Kimberly Woods, Office of Transportation David Drasin David Cookson, Office of Transportation David Zinner Molly Nur, Office of Transportation Allison Calkins, Office of Transportation Members Alice Giles Members Cindy Burch Excused: of the Terri Hansen Public: 1. Approval of Agenda for Meeting The draft agenda for the meeting was approved by members without modification. 2. Review of unofficial minutes from August 25,2020 David Zinner motioned to approve the minutes, Monica Simon seconded the motion. The motion to approve the minutes carried. 3. Public Comment There were no public comments. 4. Follow up on Strategic Roadway Safety Plan Comments David Cookson and Cindy Burch (BMC Staff) provided a brief follow up on the Howard County Strategic Roadway Safety Plan (SRSP) Mr. Cookson announced the plan is completed and a press release is planned for October. Mr. Cookson stated OOT is coordinating an October event with BMC ‘s traffic safety ambassador program. The ambassadors are characters dressed in white with lighted billboards who will walk along roads to promote road safety, specifically driver awareness. OOT has also reached out to the Howard County Police Department to coordinate participation; they have not responded. Ms. Burch summarized her conversation with David Zinner about the SRSP. Page 1 of 5 For distracted driving, the statewide SHSP plan is being updated, and will provide an opportunity for input on changes to how state legislation or BMC will be involved in those statewide conversations and raise the issue of distracted driving laws and enforcement (one area mentioned by David Zinner). In response to other comments from Mr. Zinner, Ms. Burch stated that the Department of Aging is involved in different sections of the plan David Zinner also raised two specific points. Mr. Zinner suggested putting rumble strips into the design manual and mandatory retrofitting of automated sensor technology for those who had been convicted of distracted driving and caused injury. Ms. Burch and Mr. Cookson stated that these ideas could be considered as part of the Design Manual update or the state legislative process. Mr. Schoen questioned whether signal phasing was included in the plan. Mr. Cookson stated the SRSP focuses on strategies for actions and coordination, not specific engineering solutions. The MTB members agreed to wait until the SRSP is finalized before issuing a motion to support it. 5. Approval of Complete Streets Community Engagement Plan Chris Eatough gave a brief update on the Complete Streets Community Engagement Plan (CEP). The CSIT community engagement effort for the CEP has been extensive. Last week the CSIT hosted two “Draft Complete Streets Community Engagement Plan Workshops”. The workshops were advertised extensively. There were two separate times available for the workshops to accommodate everyone’s availability. The video and presentation are available online for anyone to view. The CSIT is trying various methods to reach people for their input, which is what the plan is all about. The goal of this plan is to be more inclusive and more diverse to interaction with the public regarding transportation projects. A copy of the draft was provided to the members prior to the meeting. Chris Eatough asked whether the plan looks like it will be effective in helping the County be more inclusive and diverse with public interaction. Ted Cochran stated that he believes it will be. Ted thought that the workshops hosted by the CSIT had on the engagement plan were well done. David Zinner suggested that an executive summary of the draft with big print be provided to let people ease their way into the document. Chris Eatough told David that the document is more for project managers, so that they have all the tools at hand to do community engagement. The CSIT will have a shorter document that will be public focused and will summarize the plan and operate like an executive summary. Larry Schoen questioned the disposition of adding the new language. Bruce answered by telling Larry that that will be worked on offline. Larry will see it as part of the Complete Streets Implementation Team, then the plan will be forwarded to Council in the 12-month report. County Staff from OOT, DPW and DPZ will probably do an in person briefing to Council on November 9th if requested. Page 2 of 5 Sharier motioned to support the Community Engagement Plan Draft, David Zinner seconded the motion. The motion to support carried. 6. New Business/Ongoing Business i. MDOT Draft CTP- Bruce Gartner Bruce Gartner announced that on September 1st MDOT announced their six-year plan. The plan includes capital program reductions to a lot of system preservation. There are significant transit reductions that were put in place to help balance the financial plan. The Baltimore Region and Baltimore MTA were hit with a lot of the reductions. While there are reductions to commuter rail, and commuter buses, serving the DC area, MDOT hasn’t proposed any reductions to the system serving the Washington suburbs. The apparent lack of equity between the two metropolitan areas in the State with respect to transit funding decisions is a concern to many of the jurisdictions in the region. There have been discussions with other Baltimore Metropolitan Council Members who all still have questions about the impact will be on the six-year plan. Some of the MDOT Consolidated Transportation Program Reductions include: • $150 million cuts to MTA on tops of last year’s $303 million reduction to the 6- year CTP will further impact the failing transit network in the Baltimore Region. • Cuts to system preservation budgets for all MDOT modes has a longer-term fiscal impact on our transportation network. • Reductions to SHA’s $7.6 billion program account for almost half ($909 million) of the total reductions which is similar to their relative share of the total program. • Reductions to MTA’s $2.69 billion program account for 8 percent of the capital reductions which is less than their 17.7 percent share of the total program. • WMATA has not been impacted by any capital reductions despite representing 17.7 of the MDOT capital program. ii. MDOT-MTA Proposed Service Reductions-Bruce Gartner Bruce Gartner went over some the County’s concerns with the reductions in the region and the potential disproportionate impact it would have on those without access to vehicles. The 2 biggest concerns for Howard County: the elimination of the 150 route, and when they reduce Camden line trains, the ability to bring them back in if and when ridership increase. • MTA-#150 Express Bus eliminated from Columbia to Harbor East via Ellicott City. The 150services five trips per day in each direction. Only reverse commute options (2 trips) from Baltimore City. • Three MARC Camden Line Trips Cut. Trains 844 and 848 from Union Station. Train 855 to Union Station. Impact on TOD at Dorsey, Savage and Laurel Park. Page 3 of 5 The MTA has reduced local grant funding by about 20% and plans on doing that for FY 21 and FY 22 at a minimum. The CARES Act Funding will remediate the impact for the 2 fiscal years but starts becoming problematic in FY 23. David Drasin questioned why MDOT would eliminate the 150 Route instead of suspending it until revenue flows back in. Bruce Gartner answered by telling David that the MDOT financial plan is bad right now and that they can’t afford to commit to do anything. Which doesn’t mean that they wouldn’t bring the Express Routes back at a later time. Bruce Gartner indicated that the MTA and Howard County plan to move forward with evaluating corridors referenced in the Central Regional Transit Plan. There are two high priority corridors in Howard County. 1. The East/West Connection to Baltimore City (US 40 Corridor) 2. The North/South Connections to Montgomery County and DC Metro Area (US 29 Corridor) MDOT and BMC have funds available to study one of these two corridors (most likely the US 40 Corridor). The County Executive also has stressed the need for safety improvements on US 1 and continued grant funding for additional bike and pedestrian routes within Howard County. The US Safety Plan improvements are estimated to cost $3 million to construct.
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