VOCATION DAY SCHEDUIED MARCH 31 75,000 Lbs. of Relief Supplies Sent 42 Religious Communities Represented In Archdiocese of Denver to Take Part Bt Rev. R. E. Kekeisen u far from keeping pace with fort oo the part of alt the reli­ MaJo HaU, will be utilized fully will have its own classroom Because the Denver A id id io ecclesiastical expansion. gious comnunicies of the arch­ for the day's events. space in which to set up an ex- cese had less than 2$ candidates diocese, as well as secular priests, All tbe reiigious communities, hibic, complete with pictures for the sisterhood in the past Vocation Dag to interest good Catholic youth both men's and women’s, o f the sod literature, desaibing its own year— a sbornge of 220 by na­ Program in God's work. The 29 class­ archdiocese will be "on display" form of community life and tional standards— it is hoped Vocation Day activities will rooms of Cathedral Grade and at tbe Cathedral Schools on.Lae- Church work. Interested yewth that this year's Vocation Day, take the form of a gigantic ef­ High Schools, as well as Oscar taie Sunday, Each coogregatioa (T un to Paget — C o b m n l ) Laecare Sunday, March 31, will be blessed with eminent success. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulatiom The observance, to be held at Contenta Copyriabt by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1967—Permission to Reproduce, Except oo $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 Cathedral Grade a n d High Articlea Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue Sdiools fr<»n 2 CO 6 p.m. March 31, was annoaoced by the Rev. Per Month C B. Woodrich, atchdiocesan di­ rector of vocations. The arch­ diocese-wide event, expected to DENVBtOtriKXIC For Schools draw 3,000 persoiis, 'including' parents a n d vocation-minded An sTcrafc of more than $100,000 s month bss been youngsters, is the yeari^major maintained o n paymeals to bid for workers for Christ. the Arthhuhop't iligh Srbools 45 Vocations Fond daring ihe fint 11 moitlhi of the payment period. Among Bogs REGISIER Tolsl colleclions to Frfa. I Thirty young men entered St. VOL. Lll. No. 26. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1957 DENVER, COLORADO were SI.106.049.70. Tbe 30- Thomas' Seminary, Denver, the monlh payment period began past September, Father Wood- OB M ar^ I I , 1956. and Janu­ ary, 1957, was the lllh monih rich retted . There was a total in (he period. of 43 male vocations, the re­ Hungarian Olympic Star, Hero Tolsl pledget to the High mainder going to religious con­ Schoolt Fnnd smouni h> $3.- *oa>« of tbe 93 biles o f elotbing cent de Paul Salvage Bureau; Thomaa Griffin, gregations outside the trchdio- 363,307.19. In order lo aeri in S p e w T in g bedding that ire being sent president of the execntive committee of the this pirdge figsre the preseni, from the Archdioceie of Denver to the poor of salvage bureau; Archbishop Urban J. Vehr; and ces& The national "vocation rale of psymenlt muti eon- the Orient, Middle E u t. and Africa, art, left Walter Pytlieski, treasurer of the executive average," the director pobted Of Uprising, Settles in Denver tinoe during Ihe next 19 committee of the salvage bureau. to right, Leo Keleber, manager o f tbe St. Vin- out, is eight sisterhood vocations months of the payment period. Seventy-five thousand coilected nationally in the revolution in Hungary last for every vocation to the priest­ All prrtoDs who made pledget fail, according to the Very are nrged to keep rvgnJsr and pounds o f clothing, ehoes, U. S. Bishops' Thanlcsgiving hood. This means that Denver Clothing Collection of 1956. Rev. Monsignor Elmer J. With Family; Aided by Parish prompt in making their pay- and bedding were scheduled Members of the S t Vin­ Kolka, director of the arch- should have at lease 240 nun- menlt. The campaign for lands to leave Denver Feb. 7 for cent de Paul Society in the diocesan clothing drive. aspirants; there were actually By Fbank McCaxthy -i- J- for hiirii tehool eonstruction San Francisco, where the archdiocese headed ^ e cloth­ Free transportation of the <«ily a score. Frank Barvik, Hungarian national cyclist, cham­ can be a auccets only If all of material will beproceaeed for the money which has been ing collection. material is being provided by This siruarion is partkuiarly Olympic Star shipment to victims o f wsr Some of the 1 o e a 11 y pion, who represented Hungary in the 1948 arid 1952 pledged it paid, and other disasters in Asia, donated items were retained the Colorado Motor Carriers' lamentable, Father Woodrich de­ International Olympics, escaped with his family from Etsential cnntiraclion al the Middle East, and Africa. here to care for the 126 Association through the In­ clared, in view o f the magnifi- behind the Iron Curtain at the time of the Hungarian Catholic bifli schools ihroagh- The Denver archdiocesan Hungarian refugees who terstate Motor Lines, Navajo cent work being done by the uprising. He arrived in Denver Friday, Feb. 1. oat the Dearer area is depend­ Freight Lines, and Ringsby shipmentipment isu psrt ofoi 16,000,-lo.uuv.- hsve corns to the archdiocese 42 reiigious communities diat During the fighting Frank ent upon the payment of 000 pounds of such goods since the abortive anti-Red Truck Lines. pledget lo the High Scboalt operate in the archdiocese. There drove a taxi through the streets Sponloneoui Reaction o f Budapest. The back seat of Fond. New additbini are being are 14 communities of men and his cab was filled with home­ Tbe uprising o f the Hungar­ built jatt Sl quickly as the 28 of women concerned with made “ Molotov Cocktails” hid­ ian people was a spontaneous money becomes available. reaction. It was a rebellion o l Wrote Mass Honoring St. Dominic every phase of a growing den beneath-comitaDn. As they Pertont who have not made all the people against the Com­ pledget are nrged lo send iheir Church’s apostolaie. shot past the Russian tanka his companion would tost tha crude munist controlled government contributions to Archbishop CatboUt D tfttlofy figures, of Hungary, a revolt of a Urban J, Vehr, Box 1620, Ft. Carson Private Musicol Composer proud nation who could not too, the young priest reported, Suturdiiy, Birrik's toblU Denver 1. IT TAKES ALL KINDS of THEN, HE WAS GRANTED and Catholic choral groups all take any more o f the Commu­ point up a seemingly losing bat « i l firl D o r o lh v nist regime. Before the upris­ people to mske up the U. S. scholarship by the French over Uie country. •irpiiBvt fo is f over Lo Army. government for s year of study tie. In 1933, 290 priests and ing the people were working 16 Archbishop's Rufl Me|«i whero thoj aro and 18 hours a day to obtain Tike ths case of Pvt, Rich­ at the Paris Conservatory. The FELCIANO’S MASS WAS 1,262 nuns were listed for the tempo rarilj h o u • • d. Sb« sung in 1968 by the Dominican money for food and clothing. ard Felciano, a basic combat following year he was awarded archdiocese. The year 1956, itartod to e r f mod »aid, Appointments trainee in the Tank Company of an additional scholarship by the Choristers .of San Francisco, in They were not paid enough to rather than showing an urgently “ Mor« bomb*, Mama?** feed their familiea. People were Fort Carson's 60th Infantry Institute of International Edu- 1864, by the Chancel Choir of taid Mrs. Barvik. **No Sunday, Feb. 10—St. Vincent de Regiment. He boaets an im­ eetioa, thus enabling him to tbe National Presbyterian needed inaease, saw only 270 starving in the streets. Only iBore bombs." those who joined tbe Commu­ Paul's, Confirmation. 4 p.m. pressive set o f credentials as a spend a second year in Paris. Church of Washington, D.C., priests and 1,003 nuns in North­ Monday, Feb. 11—Loyola, Con­ and in 1966 by the choir of the nist Party were allowed to musical composer, organist, and During his stay in Europe, ern Colorado. And this in the bonbi. At intderail tb«y firmation, 7:30 p.m. vocalist. Baltimore, Md., Episcopal Ca- change jobe. Wages were set by ha obtained two diplomas from face of the archdiocese's unbe­ parked while the ^ a p U in the the government. Wednesday, Feb. 13 —■ Sl In 1953, he received bis mas­ the Paris Conservatory, atudiad tiiedral. atreeta ruahed to nia car to ob> Thomas University Club, an­ Laat yea r, his M sss w_ss lievable growth in physical fa- Frank’s parish church, St. ter's degree in music at Mills French language end French tain bomba. Children eii;ht and niversary dinner College in Oakland, Calif., civilization at the University of praised by no less no authority dlities— new churches and Dominic's in the Peat tecUoo Thursday, Feb. 14— SL John’s, nine paara old were lu in f tbe of Budapest, had long been whara he studied under tiie f t - Paris, and made many trips to than ^ u l Hume, noted Amer­ sdioola. Personnel, in a word, bomba on tanka. Hungarian refugee Confimation, 7:30 p.m. mons Frendi composer, Darius the famous monastery o f Mles- ican author and music critic, commendeered by the Commu Olympic Star Frank Bar- Tuesday. Feb.-- • 26—a- I t •Wal- Milhand. in his book entitled C a lio U e nists.
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